Chester become the new Gwent.

Started by johnofgwent, January 09, 2022, 09:39:00 AM

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Quote from: Streetwalker on January 09, 2022, 12:41:04 PM
The ground is owned by an English council (Chester ) and played in by an English football team ,the entrance is also in England . The Stadium is therefore  as far as Im concerned in England .

The border should be redrawn and the Welsh sent packing
I agree with you in this case , that the fact the club is english should mean despite the border running though part of the ground , common sense should prevail and chester chould come under english legislation rather than welsh.

As we know though common sense and politics dont always mix.

As far as im aware , berwick rangers , comes under scottish government covid legislation , despite being in england. According to wiki , they were also the only club in scotland that was subject to the taylor report after hillsborough , so these anomalies do happen.

Dont listen to john of gwent though about wales nicking chunks of england . He is repeating an old amiguity  repeated as fact by right wing english pressure groups regarding for example monmouthsire , that has been rubbished non stop by historians and experts.

Basically a 16th century scribe made a mistake when penning legisaltion making wales part of tudor england , regarding what is now monouthshire , and these right wing pressure gropus seized on that fact to claim monmouthsire was originally part of england prior to the local gov reforms of 1972. ( bear in mind streetwalker the whole of england and southern scotland was once part of the ancient welsh kingdoms.)

Look at the amount of welsh placenames that prevail throughout monmouthsire to the north and east of johns home town.Landevenny , caerwent , mynyddbach etc etc , never mind trawling through centuries old legisaltion from the tudor times.

What did we have welsh speaking englishmen throughout monmouthsire or sumfing? John is talking guff , and he knows he is talking guff ,but cant help repeating himself and frothing at the mouth at all these old miscarriages of justice in his head.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Barry on January 09, 2022, 10:38:46 AM
All highlighting the preposterous devolution of powers which destroys unity of the UK, all laws in England and Wales should be the same. The border, which, as you say, has been moved is a fantasy fiefdom line. The sooner devolution in Wales is rescinded, the better.
We had a referendum barry , and you need to respect the referendum , as remoaners need to respect your brexit ref. As ever , though , its one rule for you and one rule for everyone elese when it comes to your british exceptionalism.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: johnofgwent on January 09, 2022, 09:39:00 AM

Those living in sight of Chez JoG are quite familiar with being sold down the river as that good for nothing traitor and europhile Ted Heath handed chunks of England to Wales when Gwent was born in his 1970s Local Government Reforms.

Is this you yet again trotting out your empty myths once more john ?

One minute , you deny britian is a multi national state , and bemoan it was one "country " prior to tony blairs devolution , then the next you go further back nearly thirty years prior to devolution to moan that ted heath handed chunks of one country , england , to another wales , which of course didnt happen either as we have discussed many a time over your complete fabricated fantasy regarding monmouthshire.

You only need to look at the prevalence of welsh language placenames , and the history of the welsh language in gwent , to see what utter nonsense you are talking john.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


The ground is owned by an English council (Chester ) and played in by an English football team ,the entrance is also in England . The Stadium is therefore  as far as Im concerned in England . 

The border should be redrawn and the Welsh sent packing 


Quote from: Barry on January 09, 2022, 10:38:46 AM
All highlighting the preposterous devolution of powers which destroys unity of the UK, all laws in England and Wales should be the same. The border, which, as you say, has been moved is a fantasy fiefdom line. The sooner devolution in Wales is rescinded, the better.
Who caused all that then? Name escapes me  Rant

Actually read a good piece but of course it was in the mail so it's of no worth........some might say. and affordable,not that hard is it?


All highlighting the preposterous devolution of powers which destroys unity of the UK, all laws in England and Wales should be the same. The border, which, as you say, has been moved is a fantasy fiefdom line. The sooner devolution in Wales is rescinded, the better.
† The end is nigh †


Those living in sight of Chez JoG are quite familiar with being sold down the river as that good for nothing traitor and europhile Ted Heath handed chunks of England to Wales when Gwent was born in his 1970s Local Government Reforms.

It seems Chester Football club are now being screwed in the same way.

The border runs down their car park and geographically the pitch is in Wales but in all other aspects the club is English. It receives no Welsh Assembly funding to compensate it from Twatford's rantings and now the head arse hole has threatened it with financial ruin by insisting it follow his demands on no spectators at matches and brought the police in to enforce them.

The club and fans are unimpressed.

Local folklore says it is legal to kill a Welshman found inside Chesters walls but until now this has been pure Bollox. The truth is actually the reverse, and comes from a decision if the ancient English throne that those considered guilty of certain crimes against the king had an option to accept exile from the ENGLISH realm, and any who accepted that fate who attempt d to re-enter it were declar d outlaw and their heads could be taken as the wolf.

So far from it being legal to slay Welshmen with a bow and arrow, it is actually English outlaws trying it on as illegal immigrants who deserve the Hastings treatment.

But I suspect if Dickford keeps this bollocks up, things may be about to change.

Ironically the local football team here were exiled to England for bloody years after they were conned by a yank and lost their stadium. Maybe Chester should follow their example....
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>