Why those parties have made me angry

Started by Barry, January 11, 2022, 03:48:53 PM

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I get why people are angry about it, not me personally because I told them straight, I wasn't falling for it all, I am still more bothered that they never actually meant to do a thing they said they would. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!



These scandals have made everyone angry @Barry. And that includes the Tories. The truth is those who make the rules should have actually gone way and beyond them to make sure they were above board. After watching Johnson at PMQs, it is clear he knows the Sue Gray report is going to be damning and he will no doubt resign once it has been published.


Quote from: Borchester on January 12, 2022, 12:14:50 PM

Most folk ignored the Peking Pox restrictions and weren't bothered when the Tories did the same. 
Utter rubbish. You obviously didn't drive on empty roads in town or on empty motorways. They were empty because Lockdown 1 was the first and most severe measure, most people were willing to try 3 weeks of "Stay home, protect the NHS, save lives" to "flatten the curve".

† The end is nigh †


Quote from: srb7677 on January 11, 2022, 10:20:26 PM
What utterly stinks in the minds of the public - the thing people hate the most - is this sense that there is one rule for them and a different one for the rest of us.

No it doesn't.

Most folk ignored the Peking Pox restrictions and weren't bothered when the Tories did the same. What bothered the left was that at bottom, it really doesn't like the idea of people having fun. A mug of organic non alcoholic nettle beer once in a while, but no more than that.

Boris is under the cosh because of the half arsed way in which he handled the Owen Paterson affair, not because a few civil servants got together under the mistletoe and had a cheerful grope. Bojo is losing his grip and it is time he spent time talking bollocks at dinner dates rather than trudging around Westminster and putting his foot in it.

So, time for another PM. Someone who is pro Brexit and well, that will do.
Algerie Francais !


I've heard a far fetched theory that Boris was about to remove all restrictions relating to the CV19 and that would upset the EU, the WEF and the Blair Institute. So put Gove in quick and keep locked down?

The real Tories in the party are absolutely sick of making excuses for BJ, I hear.
† The end is nigh †


What utterly stinks in the minds of the public - the thing people hate the most - is this sense that there is one rule for them and a different one for the rest of us. And that Allegra Stratton woman - and Johnson himself - frequently came across as laughing at us. We don't like being laughed at by people who stopped us from saying goodbye to loved ones, whilst ignoring all the restrictions themselves. It shows utter contempt for us.

And what kind of fools do they or their defenders take us for? Many of these parties - because there appear to have been many - actually took place in 10 Downing Street. The one with 100 invitees took place in the Downing St garden. There will be CCTV footage of this because the garden is overlooked by such cameras. Indeed, albeit with identities hidden, some filmed imagery of this party has already been aired on TV. Johnson himself is refusing to say he was present but refusing to deny it too. I certainly know of no other person anywhere who can credibly claim to have been unaware of parties taking place in their own home and their own back garden.

Fact is he knows he is lying. We know he is lying, and he knows we know he is lying. The rot in this case starts at the very top. This guy will drag the Tories down with him. Nothing less than his departure can even begin to undo the reputational damage he has done to them. All those of his MPs with an ounce of integrity, and who also want their party to be a successful and popular party of government, need to get rid. Or they will all risk becoming tarred with the same brush. Once public perception shifts, it is very difficult to shift it back. Nothing less than the departure of Boris can hope to begin to change public perceptions now.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Good old on January 11, 2022, 08:36:22 PM
At the moment. Boris, is not unlike a guy being interrogated by the police, every time he is asked if he attended said party, he answers no comment. Maybe he got so pissed he can't remember.
No he's worse he laughs whilst doing it.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?

Good old

At the moment. Boris, is not unlike a guy being interrogated by the police, every time he is asked if he attended said party, he answers no comment. Maybe he got so pissed he can't remember.


Quote from: Barry on January 11, 2022, 07:47:40 PM
It wouldn't be so bad if they could admit the truth now, but instead they come out with this sort of utter cadswallop:
You are too polite Baz,citing an ongoing investigation and bloody trees falling only underlines their contempt.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


It wouldn't be so bad if they could admit the truth now, but instead they come out with this sort of utter cadswallop:
† The end is nigh †

Good old

 One reason for the Tories getting into the mess they are in now, has been their obsession with being in power, at all or any cost. It plays a big part in why they have an unsuitable PM.  Boris,s failings were commonly known , people that knew him well were queuing up to warn of the very traits he has exhibited . But he is a vote winner was the call ,we must big him up to win this Brexit election. Even when streets ahead he and they still attacked the opposition ,as if that was more important than actually getting their own problems right. And we now know that they and he were so inept , its clear it was important to constantly attack the opposition as only if they could rubbish them would people keep going with them.
Well the shit is hitting the fan. The worst thing that anyone can do now including Tories, is not clean up their act. I'm sure Mr Gove, is ready , willing ,and able. A snake but a clever snake, and probably the most capable.


Quote from: Good old on January 11, 2022, 05:08:00 PM
Do you mean there should be no outcry ? These people are beyond contempt, if they did in fact attend this get together. And beyond that it's beyond contempt for a PMs main assistant to call for such a get together , in particular because it would have been completely within range of the PMs knowledge.
This is not a case of hard luck, for the PM and his government it's a simple case of a severe lack of common decency , and respect for the people that trusted him to form a government.
If we as a nation are no longer prepared to call this type of unforgivable behaviour , what it is , and remove the offenders then any remaining integrity remaining in our politics has been removed , opening the door to any tyrant .tyranny, that a future individual or party can think up. It's been said here , we know what we get with Tories. But do you ? Did you know you were voting for a government , that partied whilst the nation suffered from ill health, bereavement, and now the sheer contempt of its rulers.
Yes it's a highly dangerous situation, all the more reason why they ,this government should never have gone there, only sheer  arrogance can explain their actions.
The country is in one hell of a mess, which will not be easy to fix, no matter who try's to fix it . But ignore this example of arrogant contempt and the future of our politics parliamentary or otherwise is bleak to say the least. Don't forget this sort of open contempt could be in the hands of any future executive, and would be if ignored now.
To both those statements in bold and starting with the second you don't need to cite the future we've had it already with Slur Tony and regards the first surely they are beyond  contempt but then you airily dismiss that against Slur Tone.

Boris should do the decent thing and sod off,I witnessed the ramblings of Mr wiggy Fabricant today trying to justify why it was no big deal, it was and is a big deal because people were sanctioned by the same law they broke and all such sanctions should now be overturned.

There are those who carried on their work and obeyed the rules and they or a loved one paid the ultimate price and died alone,

If the law and democracy is to mean anything and the idea we are all equal before the law then those who hold high office should if anything practice high standards of personal behaviour,nobody ever resigns these days,they should and Boris and the others who showed such contempt too be barred from any honours which though are already contaminated and of low worth.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: T00ts on January 11, 2022, 06:36:55 PM
Maybe. I reckon we have it in us to hang on. We are British, have a stiff upper lip and queuing is a national pastime. We'll be fine.
That isn't what the Conservatives are telling me, they want him and his useless advisor ejected from N0.10 like yesterday.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


I have to say I am totally shocked.

Why on earth didn't somebody warn you what Boris Johnson and his friends were like?