Why those parties have made me angry

Started by Barry, January 11, 2022, 03:48:53 PM

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Speaking more generally, the anger I am hearing, even from lifelong Tory supporters, is palpable and genuine. I have known nothing like it since the expenses scandal. But whereas the expenses scandal tended to generate anger and disdain towards politicians in general - of all parties - this time the anger is entirely focussed upon Boris Johnson and those around him.

The danger here to the Tory party is clear. What they have to do about it - whatever their current public statements - is also clear. They are in absolute certainty throwing away the next election if they don't do it. They need to replace Jiohnson and surely most of them know it. Their mailbags from their own supporters must be telling them so. 
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Good old on January 12, 2022, 07:07:39 PMIt would appear that there is not only one rule for the government and another for the people on covid, but one for the Tories, and another for the Labour Party , on any number of issues.
The police are investigating this more due to the public anger than any chance of conviction. If anything BoJo will get a £60 fine if he is unlucky and I suspect the police will just conclude  there is unsuffient evidence to even give that as BoJo will just argue this was a work meeting and not a party. We all know this was a party, but under the wording and spin, that will be the argument and the police won't take this too far as the punishment is a fine. Besides, Cummings was let off for driving with impaired vision and frankly that was even worse.

But in any case, BoJo isn't getting off scott free. Ross is handing in his letter of no confidence and I suspect Johnson is on borrowed time as I doubt he is the only one. As long as Johnson resigns that is what really matters for everyone.

Good old

It's not as if he hasn't got any other problems . One Mr T Blair, was obliged to under go a police interview on this one issue. 
And yet not a bleep for Boris. It would seem he now admits to having broken the law on covid restrictions, how long will it be before he gets his embarrassing interview.
It would appear that there is not only one rule for the government and another for the people on covid, but one for the Tories, and another for the Labour Party , on any number of issues.



Quote from: Borchester on January 12, 2022, 12:14:50 PM
No it doesn't.

Most folk ignored the Peking Pox restrictions and weren't bothered when the Tories did the same. What bothered the left was that at bottom, it really doesn't like the idea of people having fun. A mug of organic non alcoholic nettle beer once in a while, but no more than that.

Boris is under the cosh because of the half arsed way in which he handled the Owen Paterson affair, not because a few civil servants got together under the mistletoe and had a cheerful grope. Bojo is losing his grip and it is time he spent time talking bollocks at dinner dates rather than trudging around Westminster and putting his foot in it.

So, time for another PM. Someone who is pro Brexit and well, that will do.
In essence you are tempted to give Boris a free pass on his blatant rule-breaking because you and most of your mates were doing the same thing, and imagine in that that you are typical of everyone else.

But there is a massive difference between you and Boris. You yourself were not making the rules for everyone else to abide by as you ignored them. And the empty roads and closure of most businesses are testament to the way the majority followed the rules. I myself took a financial hit on a three month lockdown, and could only speak to my mum on the phone or through a closed kitchen window.

She was trapped in her bungalow, relying upon me and my brother to do her shopping for her. As a then 75 year old with a heart condition and COPD, the original and more dangerous covid variants would almost certainly have killed her if she had caught it at the time. My niece, who works in a hospital in Norwich did catch the damned thing but luckiliy recovered, having relative youth on her side. But she saw countless people dying without any loved ones allowed to be present. And we now know that Bozo was hosting bring a bottle parties at the time!!!

These clowns were laughing at us all. Fecking laughing at us all. Boris will never be forgiven for that, and will lose the Tories the next election if he does not go. And the longer he stays the greater the danger of the rest of his party being seen as guilty by association. They risk being contaminated with his stench themselves.

His MPs are not stupid, whatever they might say publicly. They can see that the writing is on the wall. His days as PM are numbered. He needs to be replaced as soon as possible and certainly well before the next election. Otherwise when that election comes Starmer will replace him as PM.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on January 12, 2022, 04:03:37 PM
Well most of the party in parliament are now solid Brexiteers, and most of the membership are too. I cannot see them voting for anyone thought to be some sort of Rejoiner.
Well, I certainly doubt that, but this will be number three for thinking they can manipulate the electorate and do as they wish.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: T00ts on January 12, 2022, 04:52:51 PM
I would agree with you on the matter of Hunt I was just thinking out loud that he has played his position rather well since he lost. Truss??? Groomed?? I also expected BJ to go last year but Covid and I suspect Carrie, rather got in the way.
That is the way I see things. I suspect without Covid, Johnson would have already left office. We may never know. But I will say Hunt is a fringe MP today simply because he is a liability and not because he is playing any cards well. He isn't going to be PM and a good job too. He is rubbish.


Quote from: B0ycey on January 12, 2022, 04:36:55 PM

Hunt isn't going to be PM T00ts. Can you imagine the NHSs reaction, you know the guys we clapped for, if he turned up at number 10. You might as well keep Johnson in his post given he is that popular in health.

The best candidates for the Tories were purged by Johnson a few years back for being Remainers. The Tories are now the loony party. But it is clear that Johnson is conditioning Truss for the position in ant case. Why else would he give a previous Remainer the role of Brexit minister to sort out the Irish protocol who had zero experience? So she can sort out the UKs direction for her premiership when she assumes office. Johnson was always going to step down I think before the next election cycle regardless of the scandals. This scandal has brought that date forward that's all. And Truss was always his preferred choice to take over. Sunak might put his name in the hat as well. But my guess is he will make a deal to remain chancellor. Truss won't be challenged when Johnson resigns for leadership. Mark my words and you read it here first.
I would agree with you on the matter of Hunt I was just thinking out loud that he has played his position rather well since he lost. Truss??? Groomed?? I also expected BJ to go last year but Covid and I suspect Carrie, rather got in the way. 


Quote from: T00ts on January 12, 2022, 04:23:52 PM
I doubt there is any chance of rejoining the EU whoever gets to replace BJ. Equally though I can't see anyone rushing to grab the poison chalice that BJ has made whatever their EU policy.

I admit that although I didn't want Hunt before Brexit I have thought he has conducted himself pretty well since. I like that he questions the NHS pretty strongly and he has a clean cut quality that I think could lead to Statesmanship given the right situation. I'm just not sure who his real supporters/advisors are. Rishi is just too much of a wheeler dealer. It wasn't missed today that he was not sitting next to BJ. Truss? Again not for me.

Hunt isn't going to be PM T00ts. Can you imagine the NHSs reaction, you know the guys we clapped for, if he turned up at number 10. You might as well keep Johnson in his post given he is that popular in health.

The best candidates for the Tories were purged by Johnson a few years back for being Remainers. The Tories are now the loony party. But it is clear that Johnson is conditioning Truss for the position in ant case. Why else would he give a previous Remainer the role of Brexit minister to sort out the Irish protocol who had zero experience? So she can sort out the UKs direction for her premiership when she assumes office. Johnson was always going to step down I think before the next election cycle regardless of the scandals. This scandal has brought that date forward that's all. And Truss was always his preferred choice to take over. Sunak might put his name in the hat as well. But my guess is he will make a deal to remain chancellor. Truss won't be challenged when Johnson resigns for leadership. Mark my words and you read it here first.


Quote from: T00ts on January 12, 2022, 04:23:52 PM
I doubt there is any chance of rejoining the EU whoever gets to replace BJ. Equally though I can't see anyone rushing to grab the poison chalice that BJ has made whatever their EU policy.

I admit that although I didn't want Hunt before Brexit I have thought he has conducted himself pretty well since. I like that he questions the NHS pretty strongly and he has a clean cut quality that I think could lead to Statesmanship given the right situation. I'm just not sure who his real supporters/advisors are. Rishi is just too much of a wheeler dealer. It wasn't missed today that he was not sitting next to BJ. Truss? Again not for me.

I did read today that many of Cummings loyal advisers are quietly ensconced in the Treasury and Cummings favours Rishi. More reason to avoid.

If you are member of the party, don't you get a vote then? 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


I doubt there is any chance of rejoining the EU whoever gets to replace BJ. Equally though I can't see anyone rushing to grab the poison chalice that BJ has made whatever their EU policy. 

I admit that although I didn't want Hunt before Brexit I have thought he has conducted himself pretty well since. I like that he questions the NHS pretty strongly and he has a clean cut quality that I think could lead to Statesmanship given the right situation. I'm just not sure who his real supporters/advisors are. Rishi is just too much of a wheeler dealer. It wasn't missed today that he was not sitting next to BJ. Truss? Again not for me.

I did read today that many of Cummings loyal advisers are quietly ensconced in the Treasury and Cummings favours Rishi. More reason to avoid.

Good old

Quote from: srb7677 on January 12, 2022, 04:03:37 PM
Well most of the party in parliament are now solid Brexiteers, and most of the membership are too. I cannot see them voting for anyone thought to be some sort of Rejoiner.
And because of that they will cling to merely trying to stay in power, no matter what, this old place might never be the same again. And most of them couldn't give a monkeys.


Quote from: Barry on January 12, 2022, 04:01:16 PM
He has as much integrity as Silvio Berlusconi and his bunga bunga parties.
Boris manages the almost impossible. He makes even Blair look comparably more honest in comparison, lol

And that's not good.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Barry on January 12, 2022, 03:57:25 PM
His replacement could be someone who re-joins the EU in all but name and reduces freedoms for no real reason. That's why.
Every cloud. Although his replacement is either Truss or Sunak, both seem hell bent on Brexit. 


Quote from: Barry on January 12, 2022, 03:57:25 PM
His replacement could be someone who re-joins the EU in all but name and reduces freedoms for no real reason. That's why.
Well most of the party in parliament are now solid Brexiteers, and most of the membership are too. I cannot see them voting for anyone thought to be some sort of Rejoiner.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: T00ts on January 12, 2022, 03:51:09 PM
I thought you were mad as a hatter for how he has dealt with C19, and even with Brexit I am not sure that he has really come up trumps. I still can't find a replacement among those with a profile, perhaps the future PM is still to come to the fore, but we need some gravitas and statesmanship whoever it is. I just hope that BJ hasn't fatally damaged Conservatism because Labour will be the mistake.
Well your parliamentary party will narrow it down to a choice of two, and the entire membership then will decide which one. They need to choose wisely. I think relatively few of the front bench have any gravitas at all, and some like Patel would probably be way too controversial. But if the choice is a good one the person chosen could well grow into the role as Major did for a time. I think the new leader must draw a clear line over all issues relating to integrity and try and lead an honest and wholly non-corrupt government to restore public confidence. A zero tolerance stance towards any dubious shenanigans will have to be part of it I think. The one area where the Tories truly are holed below the waterline at the moment is on the issue of integrity, honesty, and corruption. If those on the bridge want to prevent theor ship from sinking, this is what most badly needs repairing right now. Above all else they need an honest leader who is not a well known cad.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.