New Party - True and Fair

Started by T00ts, January 13, 2022, 10:19:06 PM

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Quote from: B0ycey on January 16, 2022, 11:04:01 AM
I'm telling you its out of date because it is. But to be frank I don't need to convince you because the May election will do that for me. Let's see what happens to the Lib Dems then and then we can discuss this further.
The average polling for the liberals during the course of this parliamentary term has been around 9 %.

You are misreading the polls  and concentrating on a few outliers and misunderstanding the events in north shropshire.

We hear this every single election from the loony left , mysterious remain majority who are going to come out and overturn brexit but never appear .Mind when jo swinson was talking about being prime minister and the liberals the party of remain in 2019 and all the other delusions of grandeur people like you were no doubt believing until the snp took her seat and floored her on her arse?

The achillies heel of the so called brit left every single election...misreading the polling data , misunderstanding the public mood , wishfull thinking and delusions of grandeur.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Barry on January 16, 2022, 10:56:36 AM
Have you checked the spending on the NHS in the last couple of years?
katy balls claimed in the spectator that the combined uk nhs systems are the second highest funded in the entire world  , and of course the labour run welsh nhs system is the worst performing nhs in the uk.

Boycey is simply rehashin tired old remain bleats about the 350 million. The money being thrown at the nhs is eyewatering , all for a service that is getting poorer. What was it over £ 6 billion the uk government spent on free lateral flow tests from memoery alone?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 16, 2022, 10:54:42 AM
stop telling porkies and being obtuse boycey. You originally claimed my link was from 2019 , as you clearly couldnt read , then you over judged liberal predicted seats massivley , now you claim my link from 2 fackin weeks ago is out of date.

Within any reasonable margin two weeks isnt out of date for a poll , and similarly no can't on this earth thinks the liberals are going to win 38 seats in any general election in the near future.

I'm telling you its out of date because it is. But to be frank I don't need to convince you because the May election will do that for me. Let's see what happens to the Lib Dems then and then we can discuss this further.


Quote from: johnofgwent on January 16, 2022, 10:56:08 AM

Starmer has seen how independence for Wales is coming back to haunt me for my ancestors failure to drive the cottage burners into the sea when we had the chance in 600AD and hopes a restored lib dem core will be the means Wales will stay a Labour Fiefdom for eternity as no Welshman us ever going Ng to let thatchers ghost control the reins in the principality ever again
i wouldnt be so sure about wales staying a labour fiefdom for eternity . Im old enough to remember them weighing the labour vote in glesga when they said the same thing about the donkeys with red rosettes.

I bow to your superior knowledge of your own country of course , ut its interesting loking between the lines and seeing the massive cracks open up in the labour parties same old strategy of hoping everyone else does the heavy lifting for them and they somehow fall into power at westmisnter.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sheepy on January 16, 2022, 10:58:35 AM
Yeah so don't think for a minute you can help cover them up, because we are not having it.
Who says I want to cover them up? I would rather expose them.


Quote from: Barry on January 16, 2022, 10:56:36 AM
Have you checked the spending on the NHS in the last couple of years?
Is it 350mn extra a week?


Quote from: B0ycey on January 16, 2022, 10:54:18 AMIf we are being f**ked over it is because the lies have caught up
Yeah so don't think for a minute you can help cover them up, because we are not having it. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: B0ycey on January 16, 2022, 10:54:18 AM
If we are ruled by the EU, ask yourself why that is. We are out of the EU, have no veto, no single market free access, no rebate and [highlight]the NHS still doesn't have its £350mn[/highlight]. Why is that? Because Brexit was never about sovereignty. It was about handing sovereignty back. All deals are set by the largest party. If we are being f**ked over it is because the lies have caught up.
Have you checked the spending on the NHS in the last couple of years?
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: B0ycey on January 16, 2022, 10:54:18 AM
If we are ruled by the EU, ask yourself why that is. We are out of the EU, have no veto, no single market free access, no rebate and the NHS still doesn't have its £350mn. Why is that? Because Brexit was never about sovereignty. It was about handing sovereignty back. All deals are set by the largest party. If we are being f**ked over it is because the lies have caught up.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 16, 2022, 10:42:46 AM
im wondering that as well john.pretty powerfull stuff whatever it is.

What im interested in as well is the fact many of these lefties now accept labour wont form a majority government , and are hinging their hopes on a bojo resignation and a lib lab coalition.

The original Welsh model. After the disaster in 2003? when labour parachuted a woman into Nye Bevan and Michael Foots parliamentary seat for the assembly and threw out a staunch labour man, Labour lost the seat in the assembly, and because the MP was the AM, they lost the seat in London too.

The sight of Labour losing the safest seat in Wales was a sight to behold.

In the aftermath Rhodri Morgan had no choice but to allow himself to be bedded by Mike German an upstart who hated marriage in all its institution and citizen building form .... It wasnt until Clegg sunk the party that Labour had to turn to the cottage burners and reservoir bombers for propping up in their plot to undermine society ....

Starmer has seen how independence for Wales is coming back to haunt me for my ancestors failure to drive the cottage burners into the sea when we had the chance in 600AD and hopes a restored lib dem core will be the means Wales will stay a Labour Fiefdom for eternity as no Welshman us ever going Ng to let thatchers ghost control the reins in the principality ever again 
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: B0ycey on January 16, 2022, 10:44:38 AM
Your link is out of date. A lot has happened since December.
stop telling porkies and being obtuse boycey. You originally claimed my link was from 2019 , as you clearly couldnt read , then you over judged liberal predicted seats massivley , now you claim my link from 2 fackin weeks ago is out of date.

Within any reasonable margin two weeks isnt out of date for a poll , and similarly no cant on this earth thinks the liberals are going to win 38 seats in any general election in the near future.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sheepy on January 16, 2022, 10:43:54 AM
It is all dreamed up fallacy, we are still ruled via the EU and everyone knows it, the Conservatives have two years left to change it, or by then if they don't somebody will pop up just like before and the Westminster party won't know what has hit them, in the meantime they can think it is business as usual all they like. Party their time away at their own peril.

If we are ruled by the EU, ask yourself why that is. We are out of the EU, have no veto, no single market free access, no rebate and the NHS still doesn't have its £350mn. Why is that? Because Brexit was never about sovereignty. It was about handing sovereignty back. All deals are set by the largest party. If we are being fucked over it is because the lies have caught up.


Quote from: B0ycey on January 16, 2022, 10:43:00 AM
Sure. And that is why I am here to point out any Brexit fuckups there are and showcase just what a clusterfuck Brexit really was so if another vote was ever to take place, people might think differently. The irony is Covid partying may well take Johnson down. But without Covid he would already be out. Brexit is already a mess and simple little things like the Irish border can only be solved with EU cooperation because BoJo didn't even understand what his deal even meant.
I seem to understand your fellow englishmen better than you and your fellow remoaners do. They voted out as they dont want ruled by a foreign elite in another country.

As for the irish border , i think we have discussed ad nauseum many english just want to see the back of northern ireland. Sadly for remainers like you , it hasnt worked out to be the achillies heel remaoners hoped it would.

You like many of your ilk simply dont understand national pride , patriotism and the willingness to stand up for a countrys freedom rather than have rules and policies foisted on england by those outside.

Northern ireland was a cancer that should never have been allowed to be created 100 years ago , but thats all history now. The clear direction is the ever shrinking unionist demographic , and the eventuality of northern ireland becoming part of the republic  in the near future.

Why should any englishman seriously think about giving up control of his country to keep 6 counties as part of the uk when anyone with an inch of knowledge can see the writing on the wall.?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: johnofgwent on January 16, 2022, 10:39:02 AM
Er ... I'm not sure what you've been smoking but the Lub Dems were never anything other than the party of Remain and now Rejoin and they are roughly as popular as a dose of the clap as a result.

Yes they occasionally make inroads at a by election when the population wish to smack the sitting MPs leader about the head or balls with a cricket bat, but that's about it and even they know it.

And you can blame Clegg.

Oh I know (we've gone over this too many times) Clegg could be exonorated as having little choice for his actions, but as Jeremy Vine pointed out in the weeks after the 2010 election Clegg COULD have opted to prop up Brown in which case we'd all have identity cards and be good little Europeans...

Who am I f**king kidding. Vines projection showed Brown had a majority of TWO and then only if the provisional IRA MPs - who never took their Westminster seats in principle - could be persuaded so swear an oath to the woman they hated more than most English hate Hitler and TAKE those seats so as to f**k with Cameron.

With Salmand stating categorically the  SNP MPs had no interest in a formal coalition and would only support him on an issue by issue basis and only then if every issue was rigged in the Snp's favour, a Brown/Clegg/Salmand/McGuinness' coalition would have lasted a fortnight at most, the resulting vote of no confidence would have shown a Tory win of 2019 proportions and the country would have been spared the zombification of Clegg's fixed term parliament act

And of course with such a massive majority Cameron would have royally f**ked us and we'd be propping up the Europeans forever

No. I don't know what you've been smoking, but I want some

John, my post to you was merely saying that the Lib Dems are the party of remain and electoral reform and as such Miller should join them than start a new party. Your response to me is actually backing everything I said to you. The whole Lib Dem discussion with Thomas might have confused you somewhat. But in any case I stand by Tories votes moving to Lib Dems given that is what the polling shows.


Quote from: Thomas on January 16, 2022, 10:38:54 AM

boycey , you are embarressing yourself mate.

the link i gave you showed labour on predicted 308 seats , and liberals 11. 326 is needed for a majority. you do the maths mate.
Your link is out of date. A lot has happened since December.