New Party - True and Fair

Started by T00ts, January 13, 2022, 10:19:06 PM

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Quote from: B0ycey on January 16, 2022, 05:38:08 PM

But in any case, the EU fleet doesn't just disappear if they can't fish in our waters. 
Many of those on the French, Normandy, Breton side of the channel will disappear.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Streetwalker on January 16, 2022, 05:32:12 PM
The point being the fish in British waters are a British commodity to do with as we please .

True but with exporting that catch to the EU is getting close to impossible due to Brexit, when previous to Brexit 95%-98% of catch was exported to the EU basically apart from a few fishermen the rest are stuffed.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Streetwalker on January 16, 2022, 05:32:12 PM
The point being the fish in British waters are a British commodity to do with as we please . If we are getting shafted then there is no point in the deal .
The Housewives of Europe will soon start moaning when there is no fish to buy .What do you think they would do then , eat snails and reptiles or ask if we wouldn't mind landing a couple of boxes of Mackerel twice a week ?  Im all for a fair deal but if it becomes one sided through tory incompetence then its not worth it .
When I say we are getting shafted, what I mean is the status quo is what replaces it. The UK market needs the EU market and that means licences back to the EU fleet. Without such a deal what happens is the UK fleet are left with the UK market that is frankly weak and then fishermen can't sell the fish they catch.

But in any case, the EU fleet doesn't just disappear if they can't fish in our waters. They just have to sail further out into the ocean. The European housewives don't lose their fish, but pay more for them. So it does make sense for the EU to make a deal with us in regards to fishing as well.


Quote from: B0ycey on January 16, 2022, 05:10:06 PM
There is no point us getting what we want first if we do not have the ability to sell what we catch. We are not a nation of fish eaters. We dock in EU ports and then sell our fish to them. There is no way the EU is going to just bend over when it comes to fish. If they would, Frost, perhaps just as mouthy on Brexit as Farage, wouldn't have just gave up the golden goose. You guys are just repeating the lie you were given by the Leave Campaign. You were told we were going to have our waters back and a total monopoly within the fish market and now you can't understand why the lie doesnt hold up when I am explaining very clearly back to you why you aren't getting what you thought you were going to get.

It doesn't matter if Farage or whoever was at the negotiation table. The result would be the same. Negotiations aren't a one sided affair. And if they are the biggest market dictates the rules. We were getting shafted and that was what happened. Wake up.
The point being the fish in British waters are a British commodity to do with as we please . If we are getting shafted then there is no point in the deal . 
The Housewives of Europe will soon start moaning when there is no fish to buy .What do you think they would do then , eat snails and reptiles or ask if we wouldn't mind landing a couple of boxes of Mackerel twice a week ?  Im all for a fair deal but if it becomes one sided through tory incompetence then its not worth it .


Quote from: Thomas on January 16, 2022, 05:03:41 PM
i mean this is just more waffle boycey. the idea the libs are going to topple anyone off the back of one single by election that you compeltly misunderstood and misread baffles me.

I will be surprised if Johnson makes it to the end of the month Thomas. I just don't see how the Sue Gray report will fall to his favor. But even so, come May, if the letters haven't been sent to the 1922 committee, if the Lib Dems do well in the locals, the letters then get send and that will defacto topple Johnson.


Quote from: B0ycey on January 16, 2022, 05:14:44 PM
Who is we? The Corbynite Marxists who you also want to disown given they are Marxists and you are not. I have never known a user so confused on what is going and why he is getting shafted in all my life.

Heard it all before boycey, typical Blairite trash talk, we just bypass it as always. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on January 16, 2022, 05:03:56 PM
Told you, as many times as you like it still doesn't make it so. You can rabbit away all you like. It won't change the facts of the matter, just like it never did with the Tories over Covid, we will catch up with you in the end.

Who is we? The Corbynite Marxists who you also want to disown given they are Marxists and you are not. I have never known a user so confused on what is going and why he is getting shafted in all my life.


Quote from: Streetwalker on January 16, 2022, 04:58:09 PM
Don't know why you keep saying Farage and Johnson when describing the  terms being made with the EU . Any agreements made with the EU  lie totally at the feet of Johnson and his conservative chums .

Had real Nationalists (not the Conservatives ) been in charge there would be no  capitulation to the EU over fishing or anything else .  Not that anyone has been against limited fishing quotas to foreign boats as long as our guys get what they want . 
There is no point us getting what we want first if we do not have the ability to sell what we catch. We are not a nation of fish eaters. We dock in EU ports and then sell our fish to them. There is no way the EU is going to just bend over when it comes to fish. If they would, Frost, perhaps just as mouthy on Brexit as Farage, wouldn't have just gave up the golden goose. You guys are just repeating the lie you were given by the Leave Campaign. You were told we were going to have our waters back and a total monopoly within the fish market and now you can't understand why the lie doesnt hold up when I am explaining very clearly back to you why you aren't getting what you thought you were going to get. 

It doesn't matter if Farage or whoever was at the negotiation table. The result would be the same. Negotiations aren't a one sided affair. And if they are the biggest market dictates the rules. We were getting shafted and that was what happened. Wake up.


Quote from: B0ycey on January 16, 2022, 04:47:34 PM
I don't really know how many times I have to repeat the same things over and over to you before the light in your brain switches on. The EU will not let the UK sell their fish into their market and dock in their ports without these licences. If you have fallen for the Leavers line that our waters were going to be all ours without restrictions and UK fleets were going to gain an monopoly in the European fish market that isn't my problem. Lord Frost would not have given anything away that he could realistically not have given away in negotiations and given we have been shafted by the deal we have signed up to and now begging to let us sell sausages to the Northern Irish, perhaps now should be the time that you just accept that Brexit was a scam and you fell into a barrel full of dicks on a womens only Friday night.

Told you, as many times as you like it still doesn't make it so. You can rabbit away all you like. It won't change the facts of the matter, just like it never did with the Tories over Covid, we will catch up with you in the end.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: B0ycey on January 16, 2022, 04:20:38 PM
I think you're confused Thomas.
Im not confused. You cant just clap your hands and demand a politican disappears because you dont like him. No one cares what you or i want.

And if that means a great Lib Dem month in May than so be it. And I suspect that is what the Lib Dems are aiming to do in any case. They don't need to do the heavy lifting for me. And they don't need to do it for Labour. They will do it for themselves
i mean this is just more waffle boycey. the idea the libs are going to topple anyone off the back of one single by election that you compeltly misunderstood and misread baffles me.


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: B0ycey on January 16, 2022, 02:16:07 PM
There is nothing to stop UK fishing fleets from docking in the UK. Absolutely nothing. The problem is we are not a nation of fish eaters. Continental Europe are. So in order to sell our fish to the continent some boats will land in the EU. And in order for the EU to accept that clearly the UK have had to hand back licences to EU vessels to fish in our waters.

Blame the Marxists as much as you like. But this has more to do with Adam Smith and the invisible hand because trade is not a zero sum game. The EU was not going to let us into their market getting nothing in return and if Farage and Johnson has sold you out it is because they shouldn't have promised full control of our waters to begin with.
Don't know why you keep saying Farage and Johnson when describing the  terms being made with the EU . Any agreements made with the EU  lie totally at the feet of Johnson and his conservative chums .

Had real Nationalists (not the Conservatives ) been in charge there would be no  capitulation to the EU over fishing or anything else .  Not that anyone has been against limited fishing quotas to foreign boats as long as our guys get what they want .  


Quote from: Sheepy on January 16, 2022, 04:35:15 PM
Exactly what I said the stocks are not there it isn't Oceans full of fish because of over fishing by the very people you think should be able to trawl UK waters. While the Dutch processing ships stand by as it is hoovered up. This is more about Macrons next bid not about fishing. Like I said in another thread you never get it, we are not kidding we will shut the place down and you with it.

I don't really know how many times I have to repeat the same things over and over to you before the light in your brain switches on. The EU will not let the UK sell their fish into their market and dock in their ports without these licences. If you have fallen for the Leavers line that our waters were going to be all ours without restrictions and UK fleets were going to gain an monopoly in the European fish market that isn't my problem. Lord Frost would not have given anything away that he could realistically not have given away in negotiations and given we have been shafted by the deal we have signed up to and now begging to let us sell sausages to the Northern Irish, perhaps now should be the time that you just accept that Brexit was a scam and you fell into a barrel full of dicks on a womens only Friday night.


Quote from: B0ycey on January 16, 2022, 04:30:09 PM
An ocean full of fish doesn't have fish? OK Sheepy. You need to think about what you are writing before you write it.

The truth is if they can't sail in UK waters, the EU fleets will sail into international waters. It may cost a little bit more in terms of expenses and time but that doesn't mean the EU negotiators are just going to let the UK into their market because of that. And why should they? Trade doesn't mean no compromise. And that is why licenses were given back to the EU. I really don't know why you are finding this difficult to understand. Perhaps it was because you were given a lie and now are doubling down rather than accepting you are gullible.

Exactly what I said the stocks are not there it isn't Oceans full of fish because of over fishing by the very people you think should be able to trawl UK waters. While the Dutch processing ships stand by as it is hoovered up. This is more about Macrons next bid not about fishing. Like I said in another thread you never get it, we are not kidding we will shut the place down and you with it. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on January 16, 2022, 04:21:01 PM
Just like that then, I don't think so as the fish stocks are not there, stop swerving and making out you have some sort of answer, you don't.
An ocean full of fish doesn't have fish? OK Sheepy. You need to think about what you are writing before you write it.

The truth is if they can't sail in UK waters, the EU fleets will sail into international waters. It may cost a little bit more in terms of expenses and time but that doesn't mean the EU negotiators are just going to let the UK into their market because of that. And why should they? Trade doesn't mean no compromise. And that is why licenses were given back to the EU. I really don't know why you are finding this difficult to understand. Perhaps it was because you were given a lie and now are doubling down rather than accepting you are gullible.


Quote from: B0ycey on January 16, 2022, 04:16:58 PM
The Med? The Atlantic? But even so, they do not have to buy from us. That was the whole point of the trade deal. Give and take. Compromise. Loss of sovereignty. Exactly how much of the Wealth of Nations are you aware of?
Just like that then, I don't think so as the fish stocks are not there, stop swerving and making out you have some sort of answer, you don't.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!