The days of state-run TV are over': Dorries clobbers the BBC with a £2bil cut .

Started by Thomas, January 16, 2022, 11:27:15 AM

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Quote from: Good old on January 16, 2022, 04:07:47 PM
Next the NHS. We have seen nothing yet for parties. Rupert rules.
The bbc has a rapidly falling audience , is becoming increasingly irrelevant , and youngsters dont watch it , consuming films etc on ipads or watching netflix.

Its increasingly going to be harder each year to recover any tv licence money from more and more households that arent renewing them , and the arugment is now the relevance of the bbc and state run tv in the modern world.

You can bleat on about nasty tories and privatisation all you want , but clearly this is a massive vote winner , and yet another argument where the so called left and new labour supporters like yersell will be on the wrong side of public opinion.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on January 16, 2022, 04:07:47 PM
Next the NHS. We have seen nothing yet for parties. Rupert rules.
your party  new labour privatised the first hospital in the uk .

Bleating now about the tories flogging off the nhs is laughable when we all know labour planned to privatise as much as possible had they been left in charge 2010 onwards.

Despite Andy Burnham's repeated attempts to distance himself from the hospital, he made the decision to put the contract out to tender to private companies when he became Health Secretary in 2009. Circle themselves say "it was clear by the end of 2009 that Hinchingbrooke would be run by a private company". Hinchingbrooke hospital was privatised by Labour...

Labour Shadow Secretary of State for Health Andy Burnham rushed to blame the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government for appointing Circle, as if everyone had already forgotten the previous Labour government's role. Although the coalition government awarded the 10-year Hinchingbrooke contract in November 2011, after it came to power, it was the Labour government and Burnham as health secretary that judged the hospital to be "failing" and who signed off on the decision to appoint a private contractor in 2009.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: B0ycey on January 16, 2022, 03:30:34 PMBut the idea of partizan news in the manner we see in the US doesn't give me delight either.
It annoys me that when it comes to news to find out what is happening in Britain I have to watch foreign news TV  channels. ALL the British news TV channels are in my opinion rubbish. (With the news papers even worse.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


I suspect this is just BoJo flexing given he hasn't like the news this week from the BBC. Not that I support the licence fee. But the idea of partizan news in the manner we see in the US doesn't give me delight either.


Quote from: cromwell on January 16, 2022, 01:02:08 PM
Oh well I'm cancelling my netflix and wouldn't give a brass farthing to Murdoch if I can help it,might go down the road of an iptv provider for footie and films.
good for you , thats what its all about freedom of choice rather than being forced to pay for an outdated organisation many dont agree with.

Time the bbc stood on its own two feet and competed  commercially rather than having taxpayer handouts propping it up all the time.

As i said , its days are numbered. The elite in westminster were happy to prop it up when it was of use , and now they , like many of us , see the writing on the wall.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on January 16, 2022, 01:02:08 PM
Oh well I'm cancelling my netflix and wouldn't give a brass farthing to Murdoch if I can help it,might go down the road of an iptv provider for footie and films.
I just did a total retune on my motorised satellite receiver, (some foreign channels are moving satellites.) and I found enough new free channels for me not to bother with the BBC.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


I've not had a licence for about 6 months now. Netflix has been great, especially when the grandkids come round.
I'm quite an expert on Octonauts, Paw Patrol and Grizzly and the lemmings. ;D
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Thomas on January 16, 2022, 12:57:50 PM
couldnt honestly care less cromwell. They are an irrelevance as i have said in the modern age. You cannot justify chrging people for a serrvice they dont use , and the days of the bbc being the only game in town is long gone.

Imaprtiality , good bad content and all the rest are side issues , the main issue is the fast and continual decline in viewers and the bbc relevance in the modern world.
Oh well I'm cancelling my netflix and wouldn't give a brass farthing to Murdoch if I can help it,might go down the road of an iptv provider for footie and films. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on January 16, 2022, 12:54:06 PM
Not a total defence,and me a Luddite.....cheeky sod :P

I accept the Beeb has to change but they aren't all bad really and yeah some of the good will go too which is sad really.
couldnt honestly care less cromwell. They are an irrelevance as i have said in the modern age. You cannot justify chrging people for a serrvice they dont use , and the days of the bbc being the only game in town is long gone.

Imaprtiality , good bad content and all the rest are side issues , the main issue is the fast and continual decline in viewers and the bbc relevance in the modern world.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 16, 2022, 12:41:30 PM
i knew you would be the first to pop on this thread to defend the bbc.:D

You know my position , no broadcaster is impartial and any who claim to be impartial are talking guff.

We are talking about the licence fee though. Impartiality or lack of isnt the reason why many are calling for it to end as we have dicsussed before. 1.7 million failed to renew thier licence last year , 1.5 million the year before , audience massivly shrinking by around 4 % every year on average.

Times up for auntie , the modern world beckons , and one way or the other the bbc will be forced to change. The luddites can squeal all day long , the world changes wether we like it or not.
Not a total defence,and me a Luddite.....cheeky sod :P

I accept the Beeb has to change but they aren't all bad really and yeah some of the good will go too which is sad really. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on January 16, 2022, 12:25:47 PM
Interesting link from the mail there Thomas it shows Peston who hasn't worked for the Beeb for years he's on ITV where Bradby rather than reading the news spits his venom.

Being a state broadcaster doesn't nor shouldn't oblige you to not criticise the govt of the day.

The Beeb has many faults but if you look at ITV,Murdoch and others we have even less redress from their shortcomings.

Try complaining to ITV about falsehoods,I have but they aren't interested in putting them right because whoever be it state or commercial they have a duty to present facts.
i knew you would be the first to pop on this thread to defend the bbc.:D

You know my position , no broadcaster is impartial and any who claim to be impartial are talking guff.

We are talking about the licence fee though. Impartiality or lack of isnt the reason why many are calling for it to end as we have dicsussed before. 1.7 million failed to renew thier licence last year , 1.5 million the year before , audience massivly shrinking by around 4 % every year on average.

Times up for auntie , the modern world beckons , and one way or the other the bbc will be forced to change. The luddites can squeal all day long , the world changes wether we like it or not.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 16, 2022, 11:27:15 AM
The days of state-run TV are over': Nadine Dorries clobbers the BBC with a £2billion funding cut

Interesting link from the mail there Thomas it shows Peston who hasn't worked for the Beeb for years he's on ITV where Bradby rather than reading the news spits his venom.

Being a state broadcaster doesn't nor shouldn't oblige you to not criticise the govt of the day.

The Beeb has many faults but if you look at ITV,Murdoch and others we have even less redress from their shortcomings.

Try complaining to ITV about falsehoods,I have but they aren't interested in putting them right because whoever be it state or commercial they have a duty to present facts. and affordable,not that hard is it?


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!