The days of state-run TV are over': Dorries clobbers the BBC with a £2bil cut .

Started by Thomas, January 16, 2022, 11:27:15 AM

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Quote from: Good old on January 16, 2022, 07:45:05 PM
Could be couldn't it.;D
to be fair , im well aware of the restrictions and straightjacket of devolution. Im not a devolutionist , but an independist.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old


Quote from: Good old on January 16, 2022, 07:39:00 PM
The devolved governments can only work within the overall national budget for health care, that automatically means they are restricted by U.K. policy.
so what are you saying good old.......independence is the answer? :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 16, 2022, 07:20:30 PM

You really do struggle badly dont you with devolution and terminology good old. There hasnt been what could possibly consitute a uk nhs for 23 years now. Im assuming you mean a comparison of the english nhs between 1999 to 2010 , and the english nhs post 2010?

I will leave you to pop out the stats for your own country , and convince your own countrymen of the merit of labour muppets being back in charge of it.

All i can do is compare scotland nhs with the one labour currently run , and the comparison is f**king shocking.
Its not , and hasnt been since 1997. A quarter of a century ago.

Meanwhile  from what john of gwent tells me tory run englands nhs is better performing than labour run wales nhs. All you can do is clutch at straws and waffle on about  events more than two decades ago , in a world that is completely gone.

The devolved governments can only work within the overall national budget for health care, that automatically means they are restricted by U.K. policy. And maybe this gives a clue as to how easily any control you appear to have can be swept aside.
Boris, seems to think a pound spent in Croydon, is better spent than a pound in Strathclyde, not much doubt who's money he thinks you spend up there in Scotland.


Quote from: Good old on January 16, 2022, 06:58:51 PM
I notice you don't dare compare the performance of the NHS, prior to Tory rule for the U.K.

You really do struggle badly dont you with devolution and terminology good old. There hasnt been what could possibly consitute a uk nhs for 23 years now. Im assuming you mean a comparison of the english nhs between 1999 to 2010 , and the english nhs post 2010?

I will leave you to pop out the stats for your own country , and convince your own countrymen of the merit of labour muppets being back in charge of it.

All i can do is compare scotland nhs with the one labour currently run , and the comparison is fucking shocking.

QuoteThe first and foremost problem for the NHS throughout the U.K. is it is in the hands of a Tory government.
Its not , and hasnt been since 1997. A quarter of a century ago.

Meanwhile  from what john of gwent tells me tory run englands nhs is better performing than labour run wales nhs. All you can do is clutch at straws and waffle on about  events more than two decades ago , in a world that is completely gone.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 16, 2022, 05:08:45 PM
Labour have run the Welsh Government ever since devolution 20 years ago – despite being proportionally elected, the current administration has 12 Labour ministers and deputies out of 14 – and without exception the Assembly in Cardiff has delivered worse (often spectacularly worse) results than its SNP-run counterpart since 2007.
The equivalent Welsh measure for operations cancelled for non-clinical reasons (what Scottish Labour describe as because "hospitals couldn't cope") is 75,000 in two years. That's 37,500 a year, compared to the Scottish figure of 8,311.
And if we adjust those numbers pro-rata to account for Wales being a significantly smaller country than Scotland (with just 58% of the population), we get these figures:
Scotland: 8,311
Wales: 64,113
The Welsh figures under Labour are a breathtaking 771% worse than Scotland's. We're going to say that again in case you think it's a typo:
Seven hundred and seventy-one percent.
There's a reason the Scottish public don't trust Labour to run their public services, even when they're imperfect. And everyone except Scottish Labour knows what it is.

I notice you don't dare compare the performance of the NHS, prior to Tory rule for the U.K. Now who was in power? Oh! It was Labour,. Now if that  don't take the biscuit.  What could  the Scots be thinking . The first and foremost problem for the NHS throughout the U.K. is it is in the hands of a Tory government.


Quote from: Good old on January 16, 2022, 04:07:47 PM
Next the NHS. We have seen nothing yet for parties. Rupert rules.

The point is the BBC is a propaganda machine, bloated by tax collected revenue (brown threw his mobile phone across the room in apoplexy when the EU finally forced him to reclassify the fee as a tax) and free to use it to spread wokery at will.

I welcome the death of the licence fee. I feel a BBC forced to SELL its wares to the public will have to cut back hugely on its agenda that no man shall be shown wanting a relationship with a woman of the same colour, that half the planet is gay or bisexual, and that the green agenda is the only one acceptable.

And if they DO find enough schmucks willing to PAY for them to continue painting a picture of the united kingdom that perverted, then frankly I won't give a f**k because it won't be MY money paying it.

ACTUALLY it isn't now, we turned off the day my daughter moved out taking her TV licence with her. I can't say I've missed anything but then I have prime in my own name, Netflix in hers and precious little time to waste watching their woke shite anyway.

As for the NHS, in Wales under Fuckhead the control freak, and 21 years of Labour fuckwittery before him, WELSH queues, failures and deaths through lack of a service have always been at, or above, the crisis level the English find themselves in now. 

No Welsh hospital, No Welsh GP, no Welsh dentist (there aren't any, and haven't been since their dust up with Maggie T in which they f**ked off to Denplan 30 years ago), has EVER been in a position where they were in a better place than England's worst. 

Half of our trusts have spent d cad s in special measures

People die untreated of cancer, stroke, and a dozen other things. People go blind of diseases channel 4 adverts pk and with you for £2 a month to fix for good in African shitholes. Wales us WORSE than a third d world country and largely b cause Labour want to fill it with third world freeloaders.

FACT: under a privatised NHS I would be far better treated because the bank that employs me will rip the money off your every cashless society enforced card payment to f**king well make sure I am better treated.

And given the attitude of the labour party you worship towards ordinary people on the street, f**k it that's fine by me. Because it's the game they've played for decades to keep their political elite at the expense of their voters and the bigger schmucks that gives be them money from their wage packets

<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Good old on January 16, 2022, 04:48:38 PM
Yes , it failed which doesn't bode well for it working across the whole NHS. Borkies figure may be correct , if you could say how many tax payers actually pay significant tax, and how many children infirm , and pensioners ,are actually supported by that figure after paying no tax at all , it might reflect its real relevance.
As far as what it costs, yes it's expensive, but just twelve years ago it rated as one of the best health care systems in the world ,some international opinions said it was the best. Not any more under Tories. The NHS nationally is on its arse, Wales. Struggles, nowhere is getting anywhere near the levels that were in place when Labour left power. The whole system has suffered from under funding, and it shows.
It is a simple fact, unless you get a grip on it and get it run properly you will lose it. Using it constantly as a political football just won't do. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Labour have run the Welsh Government ever since devolution 20 years ago – despite being proportionally elected, the current administration has 12 Labour ministers and deputies out of 14 – and without exception the Assembly in Cardiff has delivered worse (often spectacularly worse) results than its SNP-run counterpart since 2007.
The equivalent Welsh measure for operations cancelled for non-clinical reasons (what Scottish Labour describe as because "hospitals couldn't cope") is 75,000 in two years. That's 37,500 a year, compared to the Scottish figure of 8,311.
And if we adjust those numbers pro-rata to account for Wales being a significantly smaller country than Scotland (with just 58% of the population), we get these figures:
Scotland: 8,311
Wales: 64,113
The Welsh figures under Labour are a breathtaking 771% worse than Scotland's. We're going to say that again in case you think it's a typo:
Seven hundred and seventy-one percent.
There's a reason the Scottish public don't trust Labour to run their public services, even when they're imperfect. And everyone except Scottish Labour knows what it is.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on January 16, 2022, 04:48:38 PM

As far as what it costs, yes it's expensive, but just twelve years ago it rated as one of the best health care systems in the world ,some international opinions said it was the best. Not any more under Tories.
so you keep saying but nhs wales  , which is as  you know labour run , has the worst performances among the uk health systems. We have discussed it many a time.

Welsh NHS records worst performance figures ever as fears over patient safety intensify

we have been comparing like for like figures with scotlands nhs and wales labour run nhs over the last 5 years and more and its sobering figures...

The number of non-clinical cancellations in Wales over the last two years is 75,000 – almost FIVE TIMES as many as Scotland despite a far smaller population. Per capita it's more than EIGHT TIMES worse.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 16, 2022, 04:25:32 PM
Labours privatisation of hinchingbrooke failed. Quite clearly its a massive problem.
its not free just now. Old borkie said we pay around £1600 a year per individual taxpayer to fund it. The problem is the labour parties ideology , which is often a laughable joke , shouts down anyone trying to repair a clearly damaged and broken system.
second highest funded health system in the world , and in the bottom half in terms of performance of the top 36 OECD countries. I beg to differ.

.well there you go. Im suitably lectured by your vast knowledge on the subject , and will crwal away to lick my wounds with my tail between my legs.

Labour run wales nhs of course has the worst performing nhs in the uk .:)

Yes , it failed which doesn't bode well for it working across the whole NHS. Borkies figure may be correct , if you could say how many tax payers actually pay significant tax, and how many children infirm , and pensioners ,are actually supported by that figure after paying no tax at all , it might reflect its real relevance.
As far as what it costs, yes it's expensive, but just twelve years ago it rated as one of the best health care systems in the world ,some international opinions said it was the best. Not any more under Tories. The NHS nationally is on its arse, Wales. Struggles, nowhere is getting anywhere near the levels that were in place when Labour left power. The whole system has suffered from under funding, and it shows.


Quote from: Good old on January 16, 2022, 04:19:23 PM
Who owns it , who runs it is not . The actual problem
Labours privatisation of hinchingbrooke failed. Quite clearly its a massive problem.

QuoteThe actual problem, it's making sure it remains as free as it is now.
its not free just now. Old borkie said we pay around £1600 a year per individual taxpayer to fund it. The problem is the labour parties ideology , which is often a laughable joke , shouts down anyone trying to repair a clearly damaged and broken system.

QuoteAnd most of all actually is any good.
second highest funded health system in the world , and in the bottom half in terms of performance of the top 36 OECD countries. I beg to differ.

QuoteThere is a vast difference between a limited use of private companies, and turning the whole operation over to private interests. But you would not know that as you don't know the difference between ,a year or two, and a life time
.well there you go. Im suitably lectured by your vast knowledge on the subject , and will crawl away to lick my wounds with my tail between my legs.

Labour run wales nhs of course has the worst performing nhs in the uk .:)
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 16, 2022, 04:12:43 PM
your party  new labour privatised the first hospital in the uk .

Bleating now about the tories flogging off the nhs is laughable when we all know labour planned to privatise as much as possible had they been left in charge 2010 onwards.

Despite Andy Burnham's repeated attempts to distance himself from the hospital, he made the decision to put the contract out to tender to private companies when he became Health Secretary in 2009. Circle themselves say "it was clear by the end of 2009 that Hinchingbrooke would be run by a private company". Hinchingbrooke hospital was privatised by Labour...

Who owns it , who runs it is not . The actual problem, it's making sure it remains as free as it is now. And most of all actually is any good. There is a vast difference between a limited use of private companies, and turning the whole operation over to private interests. But you would not know that as you don't know the difference between ,a year or two, and a life time.