Re: Winston Churchill and crossing the house degenerating to crossing your legs

Started by morayloon, January 21, 2022, 12:00:07 AM

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Quote from: Thomas on January 22, 2022, 07:43:32 PM
cromwell , culture to you mancs is something that grows on your outside toilet seats.;D
And bog seats are an unknown to you lot.

Butt Kick and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on January 22, 2022, 07:38:14 PM
Well bugger me it's last word Wullie
Wouldn't say fluently but I have lived and worked there and on occasion rescued a hapless Gerry who unusually couldn't speak a word of English and was exasperated by an equally hapless english travel official who could hardly speak his native language never mind German.

Still I guess my grasp of the German language beats the pidgin english you spout on here. :P

  Oh I dunno it's better than someone who makes Rab C Nesbitt look coherent and intelligent. :P
cromwell , culture to you mancs is something that grows on your outside toilet seats.;D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 22, 2022, 06:30:43 PM

Drogheda , aftermath of dunbar , dundee. What  is it with places beginning with "d" (deutchsland" ) and cromwell ?

Well bugger me it's last word Wullie

QuoteHe even speaks the fackin language fluently ?

Wouldn't say fluently but I have lived and worked there and on occasion rescued a hapless Gerry who unusually couldn't speak a word of English and was exasperated by an equally hapless english travel official who could hardly speak his native language never mind German.

Still I guess my grasp of the German language beats the pidgin english you spout on here. :P

QuoteI tell you if theres anything worse than a welshman its a germanic manc liberal going by the username of englands adolf hitler.

Oh I dunno it's better than someone who makes Rab C Nesbitt look coherent and intelligent. :P and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: DeppityDawg on January 22, 2022, 07:19:00 PM
Aye. Tbf, I'm not one to fawn over historical figures like Churchill, because in the end we all know its likely that had it not been for a few fortuitous events and the deaths of tens of thousands of scummy working class soldiers, he would have been remembered for very different reasons than for smoking fat cigars and a house of commons speech or three. The truth is, he was a highly privileged, public school educated, eloquent drunk who filled a void in British politics at a critical moment.
exactly deppity , well said.
Like you, I voted remain, but my fight isn't really with the tories, no matter how much I dislike or detest them, its with the anti-democratic elements of the liberal left who want to decide what is best for us - I'll vote for my own future thanks, and if I win or lose I'll respect the result, because without that freedom of speech and democracy mean absolutely feck all. We've argued that for the best part of 5 years on hers, yet still the Gerry T type characters don't get it
You get it. I get it , so do many others , you do have to wonder why the likes of "gerry " and of course , others  , javert , quack etc dont?

I do agree with gerry on one thing though. We will be arguing about brexit forevermore. he , and his ilk will never accept it. What i mean by that is they cant accept the "dim witted" public holding a different view to themselves , nor take democracy going against them.

It really is laughable watching grown men throwing rattles right out of prams repeatedly.
Nevertheless, I'm sceptical of all this "woke" bashing of historical figures like Churchill, who faced different problems in different times to ours, and it all falls into the virtue signalling bracket to me.
so am i . As you well know , theres nothing "woke" about me. I hold views against churchill that long predate the latest in thing from the student book of playground politics.

I couldnt give a fack if he was a racist , or held misogynistic views , or glugged copious amounts of brandy , or said a bad word.

QuoteThe Churchill story is neither all good, nor all bad either.
like every figure in history its very similar.
And when people start rewriting history to one side or the other, you have to wonder what their motives are. In 99 cases out of a 100, its purely politically motivated.
i know what you are saying but to be fair history is often being re written by the victors the moment an event has happened.

In the modern world though definetly , im sure you have been reading a few of the posts and links on the bbc thread where some of this is being talked about.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 22, 2022, 06:30:43 PM

Drogheda , aftermath of dunbar , dundee. What  is it with places beginning with "d" (deutchsland" ) and cromwell ?

He even speaks the fackin language fluently ?

I tell you if theres anything worse than a welshman its a germanic manc liberal going by the username of englands adolf hitler.

Aye. Tbf, I'm not one to fawn over historical figures like Churchill, because in the end we all know its likely that had it not been for a few fortuitous events and the deaths of tens of thousands of scummy working class soldiers, he would have been remembered for very different reasons than for smoking fat cigars and a house of commons speech or three. The truth is, he was a highly privileged, public school educated, eloquent drunk who filled a void in British politics at a critical moment. I guess you could say the same about Boris Johnson, whose hero he was, just without the opportunity for greatness. Just that Churchill faced down real evil cnuts with a gin and tonic or 5 in his hand, while Johnson just faced down a few globalist liberals and at best only managed only a no score draw, then later partied in the no10 garden and lied about it. Like you, I voted remain, but my fight isn't really with the tories, no matter how much I dislike or detest them, its with the anti-democratic elements of the liberal left who want to decide what is best for us - I'll vote for my own future thanks, and if I win or lose I'll respect the result, because without that freedom of speech and democracy mean absolutely feck all. We've argued that for the best part of 5 years on hers, yet still the Gerry T type characters don't get it

Nevertheless, I'm sceptical of all this "woke" bashing of historical figures like Churchill, who faced different problems in different times to ours, and it all falls into the virtue signalling bracket to me. We are comparing apples with Mangos. Historical figures are just that. Historical. Different times, and different places. The Churchill story is neither all good, nor all bad either. That tends to be the case with most people and most stories in my experience. And when people start rewriting history to one side or the other, you have to wonder what their motives are. In 99 cases out of a 100, its purely politically motivated.


Quote from: DeppityDawg on January 22, 2022, 06:15:51 PM
I like it. Mind you, I think Deppity Dawgs worse excesses extended to a Musk rat, a mole and a watermelon patch. Not really on the same page as Drogheda :D

Anyway, Rob Roy is not just attacking ye, ya sassenach. Its all of us Germans that could swim ;D
anyway i dont know deppity.

A few years back as moray could tell you , one scottish tory politician in the north east of scotland suggested using unemployed mancs to pick fruit and veg in the fields once the eastern europeans had left the vineyards and farms of angus.

Cautiously , a local farmer remarked that he didnt think flooding the north east of scotland with welfare recipients from manchester would be  the boon to the local economy the good politician thought.

Aside from the fact most were lazy , had never worked a fackin day in their lives , and crime could very well go through the roof and emulate manchester itself , most mancs had never seen a piece of fruit and veg never mind adequately pick them in the field doing a days paid work.

Needless to say the idea was dropped .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: DeppityDawg on January 22, 2022, 06:15:51 PM
I like it. Mind you, I think Deppity Dawgs worse excesses extended to a Musk rat, a mole and a watermelon patch. Not really on the same page as Drogheda :D

Anyway, Rob Roy is not just attacking ye, ya sassenach. Its all of us Germans that could swim ;D

Drogheda , aftermath of dunbar , dundee. What  is it with places beginning with "d" (deutchsland" ) and cromwell ?

He even speaks the fackin language fluently ?

I tell you if theres anything worse than a welshman its a germanic manc liberal going by the username of englands adolf hitler.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on January 22, 2022, 05:40:29 PM
And you can Feck off as well. :P Had enough of caledonian can't I make more work splitting threads and mentioning I hate your username too.


I like it. Mind you, I think Deppity Dawgs worse excesses extended to a Musk rat, a mole and a watermelon patch. Not really on the same page as Drogheda :D

Anyway, Rob Roy is not just attacking ye, ya sassenach. Its all of us Germans that could swim ;D


Quote from: DeppityDawg on January 22, 2022, 04:12:20 PM
I think there has always (and now 'wink wink') been plenty of unknowns regarding the Royals

Regarding Hitler and the Germans, I don't think he was either a military genius or lucky. In modern warfare, an army needs above all else 2 particular things. Good staff officers, and good NCOs. Your army won't fight effectively without either, and the Germans had both, and very high quality too. A professional officer class and a military tradition second to none. Both things were eroded as the war progressed, but the German Army of 1939 was probably better prepared and suited to fight the kind of conflict that WW2 bought in. I think where Hitler failed was in believing his own hype, and in recklessly taking on too many objectives at the same time

As for an invasion, I don't think any of his officers would have seriously supported an invasion, and I don't think he did either. It couldn't really have been considered as anything more than a threat to make the British pack in. One thing Churchill was even if you don't like him, was a former First Sea Lord. He knew the value of a maritime tradition and a navy 10 times larger than Hitlers. He could say what he liked, because he knew the Germans wouldn't come

For ordinary Germans, I served there for many years and I have a lot of respect for them. Being a kraut who could swin doesn't bother me. Like I've said to Cromwell before, moral sensibilities don't trouble me much either. I'll stand next to the man whose earned my respect, and I his. Politics never ever came into it.
And you can Feck off as well. :P Had enough of caledonian can't I make more work splitting threads and mentioning I hate your username too.

Nazi and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on January 22, 2022, 02:02:11 PMwithout a doubt. Tim bouveries book i mentioned a few times earlier in the thread talks incessantly of the cozy relationship many in the british elite had with the germans , the willingness to turn a blind eye to things they new were happening to the jews , and much anti semitism itself within the ranks of the brit elite. Wasnt edward 8th always regarded as a nazi sympathiser himself?

maybe thats it , that hitler didnt want to waste time money and loss of life with an elite he felt he could come to terms with . My old paternal grandad as you know was slaughtered at st valery along with many other highlander scots regiments ( argyle and sutherland highlanders) as the rearguard protecting the evacuation at dunkirk. My maternal grandad served around the mediterranean and survived the war , and used to always take me down the library to research and read all about the third reich and much of the war events , and he said the same thing about the german elite admiring the british empire.

As we know , its alleged thats where hitler got the idea of the concentration camp from , the british concentration camps of the boer war decades earlier. ..and of course the germans and english had long recognised their shared ancestry and origins , the english being merely germans who could swim or use boats centuries ago .

It must have been sorely tempting to try  the invasion ?

I think there has always (and now 'wink wink') been plenty of unknowns regarding the Royals

Regarding Hitler and the Germans, I don't think he was either a military genius or lucky. In modern warfare, an army needs above all else 2 particular things. Good staff officers, and good NCOs. Your army won't fight effectively without either, and the Germans had both, and very high quality too. A professional officer class and a military tradition second to none. Both things were eroded as the war progressed, but the German Army of 1939 was probably better prepared and suited to fight the kind of conflict that WW2 bought in. I think where Hitler failed was in believing his own hype, and in recklessly taking on too many objectives at the same time

As for an invasion, I don't think any of his officers would have seriously supported an invasion, and I don't think he did either. It couldn't really have been considered as anything more than a threat to make the British pack in. One thing Churchill was even if you don't like him, was a former First Sea Lord. He knew the value of a maritime tradition and a navy 10 times larger than Hitlers. He could say what he liked, because he knew the Germans wouldn't come

For ordinary Germans, I served there for many years and I have a lot of respect for them. Being a kraut who could swin doesn't bother me. Like I've said to Cromwell before, moral sensibilities don't trouble me much either. I'll stand next to the man whose earned my respect, and I his. Politics never ever came into it.


It should be pointed out that upon losing his seat in Dundee, Churchill was alleged to have declared that he hoped to see grass grow in the streets of Dundee, which effectively made him a Green. In so far as I or anyone else can understand Scottish politics, the Greens are either allies, or at least in sympathy with the SNP. So what poor old Winnie has done wrong I do not know.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: cromwell on January 22, 2022, 02:25:58 PM
Navel ho ho but I dn't think the opun was intended..................and we can always rely on you to want the last word. Union Flag

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 22, 2022, 02:16:24 PM

At the least hint of criticism of the empire or its leading figures , we can always rely on you to steam in and defend the navel gazing.
Navel ho ho but I dn't think the opun was intended..................and we can always rely on you to want the last word. Union Flag and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on January 22, 2022, 02:13:51 PM
And I'm astounded after all these years you think I actually give a feck either way. :P Union Flag

At the least hint of criticism of the empire or its leading figures , we can always rely on you to steam in and defend the navel gazing.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 22, 2022, 02:06:40 PM

Well i have decided to hold morays hauns today .

I'm sure he's delighted.

QuoteYou seem to constantly add two and two and get five.
Nah Thomas you're confusing me with Diane Abbott.......and yourself  :P

QuoteIm just astounded after all the years we have known each other on these forums you actully think im a supporter of cromwell or churchill.?

And I'm astounded after all these years you think I actually give a feck either way. :P Union Flag and affordable,not that hard is it?