Russian navy plans artillery exercise off Co Cork

Started by Thomas, January 22, 2022, 05:08:40 PM

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Quote from: B0ycey on January 26, 2022, 02:06:11 PM
It is called supply and demand Sheepy. Production was slowed down during covid and now everyone wants gas. Also put in that every nation also wants gas as the mediator between coal and renewables in order to achieve their climate change commitments and you can see why the market is so f**ked. My advice to the government would be to enhance gas production out of the North Sea to an absolute maximum and even consider fracking. A country who relies on outsourcing resources we have in abundance because of some green commitment they had over a decade ago is a government that isn't getting the big decisions right.

Head for the bumper book of excuses Boycey why not. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on January 26, 2022, 01:49:22 PM
Just goes to show how fragile it all is and built on sand.
It is called supply and demand Sheepy. Production was slowed down during covid and now everyone wants gas. Also put in that every nation also wants gas as the mediator between coal and renewables in order to achieve their climate change commitments and you can see why the market is so f**ked. My advice to the government would be to enhance gas production out of the North Sea to an absolute maximum and even consider fracking. A country who relies on outsourcing resources we have in abundance because of some green commitment they had over a decade ago is a government that isn't getting the big decisions right.


Quote from: B0ycey on January 26, 2022, 01:44:27 PM
Why would they. They pass on the costs to the consumer. But in any case the price cap is going up due to wholesale prices going up and sure our gas supply is safe but I guess fuel poverty will increase also. But that is for another topic. The cost of living crisis doesn't real seem applicable in a thread about Russia artillery exercises.

Just goes to show how fragile it all is and built on sand. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on January 26, 2022, 01:27:58 PM
No but commodities dealers don't give a feck either.
Why would they. They pass on the costs to the consumer. But in any case the price cap is going up due to wholesale prices going up and sure our gas supply is safe but I guess fuel poverty will increase also. But that is for another topic. The cost of living crisis doesn't real seem applicable in a thread about Russia artillery exercises.


Quote from: B0ycey on January 26, 2022, 12:27:54 PMhe UK of course doesn't rely on Russian gas.
No but commodities dealers don't give a feck either. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Irish fishermen line up to disrupt Russian navy as war fears escalate | World | News |

Dont worry , with the EU keeping out of it (so much for a shared commodity ) the Irish fishing folk are standing up to the Maritime Military Fleet of the Ruskies  and will be protecting the fishing grounds for the French to plunder in quieter times . 


Quote from: B0ycey on January 26, 2022, 12:27:54 PM
The UK of course doesn't rely on Russian gas. But sure continental Europe might. Which perhaps explains why Germany is calling for diplomacy and it should be said that it is America that is pushing this line of war right now not the EU. But nonetheless it seems we are in agreement. Russia are acting in a legal way but in a provocative way. And don't we do the same for them. But all I hear right now is an invasion is imminent and I don't think people understand that we have had seven years of this and today is no different than any other.

Well put it this way he is nobody's fool and he is a lot smarter than most in Washington and Westminster give him credit for.

Russia holds military drills before four-way Ukraine talks in Paris (
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on January 26, 2022, 11:54:24 AM
No of course he doesn't give a feck because if he did you wouldn't be suffering an inflation crisis driven by winter weather. The EU wouldn't be begging the yanks and NATO to pressure him and he wouldn't be pressuring the Ukraine. No sure he doesn't give a feck. If he cuts the gas off, you will be crying even worse.
The UK of course doesn't rely on Russian gas. But sure continental Europe might. Which perhaps explains why Germany is calling for diplomacy and it should be said that it is America that is pushing this line of war right now not the EU. But nonetheless it seems we are in agreement. Russia are acting in a legal way but in a provocative way. And don't we do the same for them. But all I hear right now is an invasion is imminent and I don't think people understand that we have had seven years of this and today is no different than any other.


Quote from: Sampanviking on January 26, 2022, 12:11:48 PM
Can I just remind people of a couple of pertinent facts

1) The Russians have made no direct threats against Ukraine - all of this pantomime is coming direct from Washington and London
2) Russia has made no threat to turn of the gas to Europe, it is the again the US that is trying to pressure Europe not to commission the Nordstream2 pipeline

In addition we now are getting a similar line of threats and innuendo from the US/UK being directed at Belarus, a country that has not threatened any other country in the last century.

Others have already spotted the fake news element of the Russian Navy exercises in respect of Ireland.

Even the Ukrainian government is starting to call the hysteria from Washington and London for what it is.
Thats right not like Vlad would instigate panic in Washington and Westminster. They wouldn't even need much help in creating it just the right nudge. Plus vlad only needs enough troops at the border to create a little panic and keep the rest just in the range of eyesight. I never underestimate Vlad because he is very good at what he does. He deserves respect for that and he is truly a Russian first. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Can I just remind people of a couple of pertinent facts

1) The Russians have made no direct threats against Ukraine - all of this pantomime is coming direct from Washington and London
2) Russia has made no threat to turn of the gas to Europe, it is the again the US that is trying to pressure Europe not to commission the Nordstream2 pipeline

In addition we now are getting a similar line of threats and innuendo from the US/UK being directed at Belarus, a country that has not threatened any other country in the last century.

Others have already spotted the fake news element of the Russian Navy exercises in respect of Ireland.

Even the Ukrainian government is starting to call the hysteria from Washington and London for what it is.


Quote from: B0ycey on January 26, 2022, 11:09:43 AM
I doubt Putin gives a f**k if nobody gives a f**k because this is more to do with pissing off NATO than pissing off Ireland and the public. The location is about as near to the UK and mainland continental Europe under the UN convention of the sea act allows and clearly is sending a message. The same with the training near the Ukraine border. Both acts are legal. And I am in the mind this has absolutely nothing to do with war in Ukraine and everything to do with Russian security. I wait for the invasion that I am told is coming but Russia claims is not and to be discussing this story next year when nothing has been forthwith.

No of course he doesn't give a feck because if he did you wouldn't be suffering an inflation crisis driven by winter weather. The EU wouldn't be begging the yanks and NATO to pressure him and he wouldn't be pressuring the Ukraine. No sure he doesn't give a feck. If he cuts the gas off, you will be crying even worse.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: johnofgwent on January 24, 2022, 08:30:09 AM
But I had not - until now - heard any reason to piss off - or piss on, for that matter, the Irish.

I don't understand why Putin would think anyone would give a f**k. It's not as if they can even made proper vodka in their moonshine stills.
I doubt Putin gives a F@@@ if nobody gives a F@@@ because this is more to do with pissing off NATO than pissing off Ireland and the public. The location is about as near to the UK and mainland continental Europe under the UN convention of the sea act allows and clearly is sending a message. The same with the training near the Ukraine border. Both acts are legal. And I am in the mind this has absolutely nothing to do with war in Ukraine and everything to do with Russian security. I wait for the invasion that I am told is coming but Russia claims is not and to be discussing this story next year when nothing has been forthwith.


Quote from: cromwell on January 24, 2022, 09:46:26 AM
Well I do recall the eu and remainers when there was all the furore about airspace,and little Leo was drawing himself up to his full five foot one joining in and telling us we wouldn't be able to fly over Ireland.

Gerry came crowing on here about that,I did remind him that the Irish govt regularly called on the assistance of the RAF when bothered by the Russians so how was that going to work out.

Gerry posted he didn't see why Ireland needed that help and why would the Russians be interested in them,

Anything to say now Gerry?

I've since looked at the map. There is a problem and it's stuff all to do with the Irish. Those who might have watched the "warship" documentary running on Mondays at 9pm might recall the hoo hah when a Russian sub gets near our internet cables.

There are shitloads right where these boats are 'exercising" and some of those craft have drone subs.

They could send us back to 1988 in seconds. Our non cable capacity is pitiful 
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: johnofgwent on January 24, 2022, 08:30:09 AM
Sorry Thomas I should have been a bit less terse.

I did actually read the bit about Russia exercising it's "powers" against non NATO states. I particularly picked up on Finland and Sweden.

But I didn't really understand what they were getting at.

I helped write an air traffic control system for Finland, I had to go to Norway - for the shortest call out ever where the clients project manager neatly kissed me on both cheeks when I realised the two day job we thought it would be, would actually take five minutes and I'd be on the next plane out so who wants the unopened bottle of Glenlivet I bought at the airport coming out - and I almost took a job in Sweden, and the thing each have in common is I was told quite sternly to stay away from the Russian border if I went aurora watching as the Russian border guards enjoy shooting people long before they cross the (quite unmarked) border and the Finnish and Norwegian armies often returned the favour....

But I had not - until now - heard any reason to piss off - or piss on, for that matter, the Irish.

I don't understand why Putin would think anyone would give a f**k. It's not as if they can even made proper vodka in their moonshine stills.
Well I do recall the eu and remainers when there was all the furore about airspace,and little Leo was drawing himself up to his full five foot one joining in and telling us we wouldn't be able to fly over Ireland.

Gerry came crowing on here about that,I did remind him that the Irish govt regularly called on the assistance of the RAF when bothered by the Russians so how was that going to work out.

Gerry posted he didn't see why Ireland needed that help and why would the Russians be interested in them,

Anything to say now Gerry? and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on January 24, 2022, 07:10:35 AM
it says this in the article john..

"Ireland is not a Nato member, so Russia is trying to exercise its powers over countries that are not members of the alliance"

Sorry Thomas I should have been a bit less terse.

I did actually read the bit about Russia exercising it's "powers" against non NATO states. I particularly picked up on Finland and Sweden.

But I didn't really understand what they were getting at.

I helped write an air traffic control system for Finland, I had to go to Norway - for the shortest call out ever where the clients project manager neatly kissed me on both cheeks when I realised the two day job we thought it would be, would actually take five minutes and I'd be on the next plane out so who wants the unopened bottle of Glenlivet I bought at the airport coming out - and I almost took a job in Sweden, and the thing each have in common is I was told quite sternly to stay away from the Russian border if I went aurora watching as the Russian border guards enjoy shooting people long before they cross the (quite unmarked) border and the Finnish and Norwegian armies often returned the favour....

But I had not - until now - heard any reason to piss off - or piss on, for that matter, the Irish.

I don't understand why Putin would think anyone would give a F@@@. It's not as if they can even made proper vodka in their moonshine stills.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>