Is anyone surprised? Ukraine invaded

Started by T00ts, January 24, 2022, 01:31:11 PM

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Quote from: Thomas on February 26, 2022, 01:24:34 PMWhy am i not surprised you come on here to defend starmer?
Don't be daft. You know how much I loathe Starmer. Butr I am here to defend the truth as I see it.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


I just wonder how the Russian soldiers really feel. How committed are they to the invasion?


Quote from: Borchester on February 26, 2022, 07:30:07 PM
Don't worry on it Tommy. And the way Putin is carrying on, the Ukraine won't exist much longer.

We could really do with some input from our Military Correspondent, assuming he can extract his head from Motor Porn Weekly long enough. The Russians lost 70,000 men when they stormed Berlin. What makes them think that things will be different when the attack Kyiv?
Well the Ukrainians are giving a good account of themselves,perhaps some in Russia might decide he's made a grave error and replace him,wouldn't be the first time. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Barry on February 26, 2022, 08:43:51 PM
I'm not a mod any more. You can post what you like, where you like as far as I'm concerned, but I'm pleased you've taken what I said on board. This Ukraine thread really is topic of the month.
Sorry I bored you with Covid. Maybe we can all let it go now a bit.
Meanwhile, I hear protestors in Iran are backing the Ukraine, which is much to the Ayatollah's chagrin as they are backing Putin 100%.
Which, kind of suggests - they are both in an axis of evil.
ok no worries barry . Sorry if i appeared a bit short with you . just couldnt let starmers hypocrisy go , the man makes me utterly sick and his false posturing .

QuoteThis Ukraine thread really is topic of the month.
Fully agree, by and large an interesting topic. Who was it that said a week is a long time in politics? Last week we were bored of pretty much little happening  , and now this.

The lefties wont be happy its taken the heat off boris.


QuoteMeanwhile, I hear protestors in Iran are backing the Ukraine, which is much to the Ayatollah's chagrin as they are backing Putin 100%.

Which, kind of suggests - they are both in an axis of evil.
ok interesting didint know that barry.

I see trump and his supporters are having a field day with biden and the democrats , macron in trouble too with his domestic audience with putin humiliating him , and all round fun and games across europe and the uk as politicans of all colours run a mile to dissassociate themselves with putin and russian money over ukraine.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 26, 2022, 03:08:45 PM
By the way barry , while i take on board your comment and have rectified it by starting a thread to further debate the issue , i do feel starmers hypocrisy on democracy with reference to ukraine warranted mentioning in the thread.

Thats the second time over the years you have pulled me up over "my obssessions" , first regarding scottish independence , and now labour bad.

We all have our pet obsessions we feel strongly about. You are no different , while im not claiming you are taking threads off topic , you have bored us all to tears as well with your pet obsession over the last two years regarding covid.

I take on board your comment , i will strive to remain on topic , but i will talk about labour or scottish independence as i see fit when i feel a thread warrants it without you constantly telling me off for doing so.
I'm not a mod any more. You can post what you like, where you like as far as I'm concerned, but I'm pleased you've taken what I said on board. This Ukraine thread really is topic of the month.
Sorry I bored you with Covid. Maybe we can all let it go now a bit.
Meanwhile, I hear protestors in Iran are backing the Ukraine, which is much to the Ayatollah's chagrin as they are backing Putin 100%.
Which, kind of suggests - they are both in an axis of evil.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Groo on February 26, 2022, 08:16:57 PM
Here a link to the story in 2018


How about a link to the actual story to prove the photo's you are putting up. All you are doing is showing someone's tweet, which shows no links. the link above shows the building in the gas explosion is a DIFFERENT building.

Again, searching the internet for the 2018 story, not a conspiracy theorists tweet, I cannot see the Ukrainian building or a photo of the teacher.
More than happy to post a link for you. ?First of all , retract your false claims about me that you cannot prove.? Regarding my alleged support of russia subjugating ukraine , a lie by you , and my apparent claim ukraine doesnt exist , another lie from you?

Over to you .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Here a link to the story in 2018


How about a link to the actual story to prove the photo's you are putting up. All you are doing is showing someone's tweet, which shows no links. the link above shows the building in the gas explosion is a DIFFERENT building.

Again, searching the internet for the 2018 story, not a conspiracy theorists tweet, I cannot see the Ukrainian building or a photo of the teacher.


Quote from: Groo on February 26, 2022, 07:46:39 PM

I also pointed out that you posted the false statement from a conspiracy site that the teacher Olena Kurilo who was photographed, blood stained, outside her Chuguev apartment building was someone photographed outside a building in Magnitogorsk that had a gas explosion in 2018, a simple internet search showed it was a totally different building and no searches of that event could I find Olena Kurilo.

and another outright falsehood yet again.

heres what i posted groo ...

It was a link lifted from twitter earlier today where someone made the claim the guardian newspaper had taken a picture of a woman from a gas explosion in 2018 and put it in a story under the headline putin invades.

Which conspiracy site are you talking about? Twitter? The person in question who posted this on twitter isnt claiming putin hasnt invaded , he is merely pointing out the guardian is using an old picture for some strange reason.

Dont shoot the messenge groo simply because you have an  axe to grind with me for previously tweaking your nose on this forum for your absurd nonsensical posts .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Groo on February 26, 2022, 07:46:39 PM
You keep asking for a quote, I never quoted you, my comment  referred to the general leaning of your posts. I also highlighted the fact that you STARTED a thread to show Russia's propaganda position that Ukraine doesn't exist. You started that thread for a reason I suppose, you never argued against it. I posted a Ukrainian persons twitter response.

I also pointed out that you posted the false statement from a conspiracy site that the teacher Olena Kurilo who was photographed, blood stained, outside her Chuguev apartment building was someone photographed outside a building in Magnitogorsk that had a gas explosion in 2018, a simple internet search showed it was a totally different building and no searches of that event could I find Olena Kurilo.

If your against what is happening and critical of Russia's actions I'd apologize but you posts don't convey that position.

May i respectfully say once again please stop misrepresenting me.

You entered this thread guns blazing attacking me , and didnt like it when i returned fire.

Your first misrepresentation of my position was when you said this.
Really surprised by the hypocritical Thomas, so full of desire for Scotland to be independent outside the control of what he sees as a foreign Country (the union of course originating from a Scottish King) yes so supportive of another territory being subjugated by a foreign Country. Even so much as starting a thread denying their right for self determination.

I asked you numerous times to use the quote tags and quote me anywhere on this forum where i have said i support russia subjugating ukraine , and you have failed to do so every time.

Heres the next time you misrepresented me...
QuoteAs for you supporting the Russian position, I believe I mentioned the other thread you started to highlight the Russian position and the fact that the Ukraine doesn't exist.
I havent once on any thread claimed ukraine doesnt exist , and i have once again asked you to provide evidence by quoting me , and yet again you have failed to do so.

Stop misrepresenting my position and making things up.

Having made a complete fool of yourself ( not for the first time) making things up you can't back up , you are now reduced to talking about "the general leaning of my posts" and your warped interpretation of what i am saying.

As ever why am i not surprised groo.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 26, 2022, 04:14:15 PM
poor auld groo. Makes his once per 6 monthly visit to the forum , lobs a hand grenade into a thread ,fails to detonate and then runs off.:D

You keep asking for a quote, I never quoted you, my comment  referred to the general leaning of your posts. I also highlighted the fact that you STARTED a thread to show Russia's propaganda position that Ukraine doesn't exist. You started that thread for a reason I suppose, you never argued against it. I posted a Ukrainian persons twitter response.

I also pointed out that you posted the false statement from a conspiracy site that the teacher Olena Kurilo who was photographed, blood stained, outside her Chuguev apartment building was someone photographed outside a building in Magnitogorsk that had a gas explosion in 2018, a simple internet search showed it was a totally different building and no searches of that event could I find Olena Kurilo.

If your against what is happening and critical of Russia's actions I'd apologize but you posts don't convey that position.


Quote from: Borchester on February 26, 2022, 07:30:07 PM
Don't worry on it Tommy. And the way Putin is carrying on, the Ukraine won't exist much longer.

We could really do with some input from our Military Correspondent, assuming he can extract his head from Motor Porn Weekly long enough. The Russians lost 70,000 men when they stormed Berlin. What makes them think that things will be different when the attack Kyiv?
Cheers borkie.


What was it they lost in world war 2 ? 16 million in total? I think ukraine is in a spot of bother myself.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Boycey has a number of times in recent weeks called out Frances Macron as a beacon of light among the western worlds political elite , but as events have shown over recent days with russia and ukraine , his political opponents in France, and the media inside and out are turning on him and exposing his flaws and weaknesses.

Interesting to see if he gets re elected at easter.

How Macron and the west failed to deter Putin on Ukraine

Russian leader's intransigence meant talks in Moscow were a high-risk strategy, say diplomats

There were always two big problems with Europe's latest diplomatic attempts to deter Russia's President Vladimir Putin from seeking to crush Ukraine and bring it back into Moscow's sphere of influence. The first, diplomats say, was the unrealistic hope of French president Emmanuel Macron — who became the west's chief negotiator in the final days before Putin raised the stakes by recognising two breakaway "republics" in eastern Ukraine — that he could persuade him to "de-escalate" by offering talks about Russia's strategic concerns.

Macron, who negotiated with Putin for nearly six hours at the Kremlin two weeks ago and wrested from him last weekend an agreement in principle to have a summit with US president Joe Biden, has been criticised as naive for thinking he had any influence over the Russian leader, and opportunistic for trying to use the international stage to help his chances of winning re-election in April. Kaja Kallas, prime minister of Estonia, a Baltic state bordering Russia and previously in the Soviet Union, recently suggested Macron did not grasp that Putin faced none of the pressures from the public felt by democratic leaders. She told the Financial Times she felt "there is a strong wish to be the hero who solves this case, but I don't think it's solvable like that.

Foreign policy analysts agree that Macron, hyperactive in foreign policy since he took office in 2017, has been overconfident about his powers of persuasion and afflicted by romantic notions of France's historic relations with Russia
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 26, 2022, 06:40:36 PM
The mods deleted my earlier replies to this misrepresentation of me , but again i ask you to stop misrepresenting my position and post proof of your claims about me. I havent once claimed ukraine doesnt exist.

Don't worry on it Tommy. And the way Putin is carrying on, the Ukraine won't exist much longer.

We could really do with some input from our Military Correspondent, assuming he can extract his head from Motor Porn Weekly long enough. The Russians lost 70,000 men when they stormed Berlin. What makes them think that things will be different when the attack Kyiv?
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Thomas on February 26, 2022, 05:41:31 PM
i dont know why. I think it fairly accurate .
We have clashed numerous time on numerous topics , especailly but not exclusively scot indy . This is a fairly new version of this forum you infrequently posted on the old one too.

No one cares what an ex pat prefers , or wether you agree with an annual vote or not.  No one is asking for an annual vote either , for the record , the last approaching 7 years ago .

I have made my point on what im saying , you on the other hand were supposed to be searching for one of my posts where you falsely allege i support russian subjugation of another country?

Hows that going groo , or should we as i said earlier dismiss your empty claims as yet more false assertions by you ?
i havent claimed you do. Another false assertion.
No one is claiming they do?

So after the personal attack and woefull bluster of your earlier posts ,where you tried and failed to misrepresent me , you are now climbing down and trying to be reasonable after being shown to be talking guff from afar?

I can  see why you are an infrequent poster. Another one who likes to dish it but can't take it in the debating arena.

Get yer facts right mate before ye start posting .

I'll bow to your memory of our past encounters on the previous incarnations of this forum, I honestly don't recall numerous interactions between us.

As for you supporting the Russian position, I believe I mentioned the other thread you started to highlight the Russian position and the fact that the Ukraine doesn't exist. A thread you appear to be agreeing with them.


Quote from: cromwell on February 26, 2022, 05:00:52 PM
Wallace is an idiot spouting what he did,Biden another idiot which I've said before but you won't acknowledge and now you'll say I'm only saying that because you pulled me up and I'm being a hypocrite again......what's the point?.....more like what's your point.

Im not going searching as I've said because that's pointless,quite happy to debate but if it just results in a lot of hypocrite jibes can't be bothered.
Truth hurts cromwell.

Wallace isnt an idiot. He is just the usual fantasist brit nat who thinks the uk should send in another charge of the light brigade.  Stuck in the days of empire .

Thats the problem though , as the article lays bare , when push come to shove , Europe without the yanks is completely impotent to act militarily.

All we are hearing is about empty sanctions , boris refusing to use any more vodka at any forthcoming parties , keir starmer hand wringing about democracy in other peoples countries , just not his own , and how we might award dynamo kiev the european cup to piss putin off.

Like i said , the end product of yet another american proxy war with russia , ending with the usual predictable results.  Accompanied with the usual virtue signalling and delusions of grandeur.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!