Is anyone surprised? Ukraine invaded

Started by T00ts, January 24, 2022, 01:31:11 PM

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Quote from: Groo on February 26, 2022, 04:59:22 PM

I'm not sure what your writing about honestly. My background you have correct, the rest has me head scratching.

i dont know why. I think it fairly accurate .

QuoteYes, I'm an infrequent poster, living away from the UK, UK politics are of interest but doesn't really effect me much any more.

Regarding clashing many times, I've only made 42 posts on this forum (this will be 43), of those I responded twice (before this thread), those were both in a thread about the Falklands of which I have interest in (again in this you appeared to want people to be absorbed into a foreign Country against their free will). I can't talk about the old forums as I can't search them, but I was just an allusive poster there.
We have clashed numerous time on numerous topics , especailly but not exclusively scot indy . This is a fairly new version of this forum you infrequently posted on the old one too.

QuoteRegarding Scotland, I would prefer Scotland to remain part of the UK, but I don't live there and don't live in the UK. I would support from afar the people's decision, whichever way they voted. I don't agree with an annual vote until you win though.

No one cares what an ex pat prefers , or wether you agree with an annual vote or not.  No one is asking for an annual vote either , for the record , the last approaching 7 years ago .

QuoteYou have a lot of posts in this thread, not one as far as I could see criticizing Putin's actions or any support for those innocent people losing their lives, all posts appear to be looking for ways to criticize England or the US.

I have made my point on what im saying , you on the other hand were supposed to be searching for one of my posts where you falsely allege i support russian subjugation of another country?

Hows that going groo , or should we as i said earlier dismiss your empty claims as yet more false assertions by you ?

QuoteOn that note I don't support all US or UK actions, the Middle East in particular has been destroyed by their combined actions.
i havent claimed you do. Another false assertion.

I've always been taught, two wrongs don't make a right.
No one is claiming they do?

So after the personal attack and woefull bluster of your earlier posts ,where you tried and failed to misrepresent me , you are now climbing down and trying to be reasonable after being shown to be talking guff from afar?

I can  see why you are an infrequent poster. Another one who likes to dish it but cant take it in the debating arena.

Get yer facts right mate before ye start posting .

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


The US and UK plus the EU had plenty of time to step back and listen to the Russians gripes and do something about it, they didn't instead they invited his invasion as they did the Russians ill-fated Afghanistan party, instead they invited it and then just like Afghanistan armed the opposition with every weapon they could think of, with more to come, if they were waiting for the Ukrainians reaction, they got the one required. As John was saying Vlad sees it his way, the US and the others see it as opportunity. There is no going back for Vlad, he has to take Ukraine. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on February 26, 2022, 04:48:14 PM
Cromwell , i calmly sitting here. pointing out your hypocrisy on putin and america , and laughing at groos latest posts.:)

Anyway  ,moving on , what are the west going to do now? I suppose it depends on sleepy joes next move .

I thought this another good article regarding europes various armies ....

Putin's invasion has exposed the frailty of Europe's armies

Putin's forces are currently steamrolling Ukraine's defences, with Russian troops circling the capital and invading from the south and east of the country. Meanwhile European leaders, neutered by their military weakness, have been unable to do little more than offer pointless sanctions and statements of solidarity.

As Russian troops streamed across the border, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen condemned the 'unprecedented military aggression.' When the Kremlin moved to recognise the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts as independent states, the response in Brussels was to pass a fresh package of sanctions.

This was repeated in London, with Boris Johnson telling our 'Ukrainian friends' that 'we are with you and we are on your side' as his government passed Britain's 'most punishing sanctions to inflict maximum and lasting pain on Russia.' In Washington, where the Biden administration is grappling with America's retreat from the global stage, the White House signed a raft of sanctions to maximise on 'long-term impact.'
In reality, not much can be done to maximise Ukraine's short-term military response because European armies are a shadow of their former selves.

In unguarded comments to British troops, Wallace boasted that his old regiment the Scots Guards had 'kicked the backside' of Tsar Nicholas I in 1853, adding: 'we can always do it again.'

Except they cannot. In 2021, the Scots Guards were the most critically undermanned unit in the British Army, barely able to fill half their ranks. An internal report found that Britain's infantry as a whole needed 14,984 soldiers, but only 11,301 were ready for deployment. The government responded to this problem by slashing the size of the infantry and the army in general in last year's defence review

Wallace is an idiot spouting what he did,Biden another idiot which I've said before but you won't acknowledge and now you'll say I'm only saying that because you pulled me up and I'm being a hypocrite again......what's the point?.....more like what's your point.

Im not going searching as I've said because that's pointless,quite happy to debate but if it just results in a lot of hypocrite jibes can't be bothered. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on February 26, 2022, 04:24:06 PM
I dont know who you are reffering to as an intelligent knowledgable poster , but it certainly isnt groo , the welsh brit nat living in canada .( from memory)

I take it you dont approve of me having a go back at someone who is deliberately misrepresenting me , and coincidentally has clashed with me many a time over his dissaproval of my scot indy support?

I have the right to defend my self.

Groo talks cac at the best of times. I can't even be arsed going back over his historical posts , he can't even get his attack on me regarding the union correct , talking about james the 6th monarchial union and not even realising snp policy is to maintain the monarchial union.

Fack they are all coming out the woodwork to attack me yesterday and today arent they simply for me going off message regarding putin? :D

Fackin good  i must be doing something right.

I'm not sure what your writing about honestly. My background you have correct, the rest has me head scratching.

Yes, I'm an infrequent poster, living away from the UK, UK politics are of interest but doesn't really effect me much any more.

Regarding clashing many times, I've only made 42 posts on this forum (this will be 43), of those I responded twice (before this thread), those were both in a thread about the Falklands of which I have interest in (again in this you appeared to want people to be absorbed into a foreign Country against their free will). I can't talk about the old forums as I can't search them, but I was just an allusive poster there.

Regarding Scotland, I would prefer Scotland to remain part of the UK, but I don't live there and don't live in the UK. I would support from afar the people's decision, whichever way they voted. I don't agree with an annual vote until you win though.

You have a lot of posts in this thread, not one as far as I could see criticizing Putin's actions or any support for those innocent people losing their lives, all posts appear to be looking for ways to criticize England or the US.

On that note I don't support all US or UK actions, the Middle East in particular has been destroyed by their combined actions.

I've always been taught, two wrongs don't make a right.


Quote from: cromwell on February 26, 2022, 04:43:11 PM
I told you before I haven't fallen out with anybody and hypocrisy is in the eye  of the beholder,better still have a good memory.  :P

Scottish Indy ? What are you on about.

No secret agenda don't be a conspiracy theorist.

Anyway don't burst a blood vessel
Cromwell , i calmly sitting here. pointing out your hypocrisy on putin and america , and laughing at groos latest posts.:)

Anyway  ,moving on , what are the west going to do now? I suppose it depends on sleepy joes next move .

I thought this another good article regarding europes various armies ....

Putin's invasion has exposed the frailty of Europe's armies

Putin's forces are currently steamrolling Ukraine's defences, with Russian troops circling the capital and invading from the south and east of the country. Meanwhile European leaders, neutered by their military weakness, have been unable to do little more than offer pointless sanctions and statements of solidarity.

As Russian troops streamed across the border, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen condemned the 'unprecedented military aggression.' When the Kremlin moved to recognise the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts as independent states, the response in Brussels was to pass a fresh package of sanctions.

This was repeated in London, with Boris Johnson telling our 'Ukrainian friends' that 'we are with you and we are on your side' as his government passed Britain's 'most punishing sanctions to inflict maximum and lasting pain on Russia.' In Washington, where the Biden administration is grappling with America's retreat from the global stage, the White House signed a raft of sanctions to maximise on 'long-term impact.'
In reality, not much can be done to maximise Ukraine's short-term military response because European armies are a shadow of their former selves.

In unguarded comments to British troops, Wallace boasted that his old regiment the Scots Guards had 'kicked the backside' of Tsar Nicholas I in 1853, adding: 'we can always do it again.'

Except they cannot. In 2021, the Scots Guards were the most critically undermanned unit in the British Army, barely able to fill half their ranks. An internal report found that Britain's infantry as a whole needed 14,984 soldiers, but only 11,301 were ready for deployment. The government responded to this problem by slashing the size of the infantry and the army in general in last year's defence review

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 26, 2022, 04:32:48 PM
Stand fully behind all i have said.


What do you mean? My politics on scottish indy is a secret that you have outed or something?

Im on here to debate. We can hold differences of opinion , or point out "hypocrisy" without falling out or there being some fackin secret agenda.

I told you before I haven't fallen out with anybody and hypocrisy is in the eye  of the beholder,better still have a good memory.  :P

Scottish Indy ? What are you on about.

No secret agenda don't be a conspiracy theorist.

Anyway don't burst a blood vessel and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on February 26, 2022, 04:28:29 PM
Haven't you? try using the search facility.

And whataboutery? Yeah the shut down any counter way.

I'm not much bothered as your MO is well known on here.
Stand fully behind all i have said.

QuoteI'm not much bothered as your MO is well known on here.

What do you mean? My politics on scottish indy is a secret that you have outed or something?

Im on here to debate. We can hold differences of opinion , or point out "hypocrisy" without falling out or there being some fackin secret agenda.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 26, 2022, 04:18:25 PM
Not sure what your latest bit of whatboutery is all about cromwell , but i am not now , in the past of ever have been or will be on the same political side as you , and i have never claimed to be.

Now and again our agendas coincide , but thats about it.

Like i say , plenty hand wringing from you about who your media tell you are the bad men , but silence on certain other nations activities.

I havent read one facking comment from you about sleepy joe the irish republican  for example , and his views on blighty , but plenty to say on putin . Just asking for a wee bit of balance.
Haven't you? try using the search facility.

And whataboutery? Yeah the shut down any counter way.

I'm not much bothered as your MO is well known on here. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on February 26, 2022, 04:17:46 PM
Yeah an intelligent,knowledgeable poster.......wonder why.
I dont know who you are reffering to as an intelligent knowledgable poster , but it certainly isnt groo , the welsh brit nat living in canada .( from memory)

I take it you dont approve of me having a go back at someone who is deliberately misrepresenting me , and coincidentally has clashed with me many a time over his dissaproval of my scot indy support?

I have the right to defend my self.

Groo talks cac at the best of times. I can't even be arsed going back over his historical posts , he can't even get his attack on me regarding the union correct , talking about james the 6th monarchial union and not even realising snp policy is to maintain the monarchial union.

Fack they are all coming out the woodwork to attack me yesterday and today arent they simply for me going off message regarding putin? :D

Fackin good  i must be doing something right.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on February 26, 2022, 04:09:18 PM
And there we are silence from you less than two years ago you saying brexiteers were ruining the vision of the founding fathers of the eu,cooperation security and all that,stopping wars.
Not sure what your latest bit of whatboutery is all about cromwell , but i am not now , in the past of ever have been or will be on the same political side as you , and i have never claimed to be.

Now and again our agendas coincide , but thats about it.

Like i say , plenty hand wringing from you about who your media tell you are the bad men , but silence on certain other nations activities.

I havent read one facking comment from you about sleepy joe the irish republican  for example , and his views on blighty , but plenty to say on putin . Just asking for a wee bit of balance.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 26, 2022, 04:14:15 PM
poor auld groo. Makes his once per 6 monthly visit to the forum , lobs a hand grenade into a thread ,fails to detonate and then runs off.:D
Yeah an intelligent,knowledgeable poster.......wonder why. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Groo on February 26, 2022, 04:03:09 PM
I'm leaving, taking my kids to school, hope thats OK with you
poor auld groo. Makes his once per 6 monthly visit to the forum , lobs a hand grenade into a thread ,fails to detonate and then runs off.:D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 26, 2022, 01:45:07 PM
I fully stand by my comments to you cromwell .Your silence on American foreign policy is deafening.

As long as people like you continue to ignore the activities of certain "countries" , while condemning similar activites of other countries , the cycle of global hypocrisy and accompanying violence will continue.

In the years sampan has posted on here for example , i regualrly see you argue the toss with him and put forth a pre scripted british media pro western slant , While ignoring many of the often valid points sampan makes. I dont always agree with sampan , but often he offers a refreshing view that isnt plucked like yours from the british media who appear to do often for your thinking for you.

Not a peep from you regarding this ukraine affair on the wider picture regarding the broken promises of NATO expansion into eastern europe , the 2014 US backed coup d`etat  in Ukraine, and the fact as i said yet again this is merely one more american proxy war with russia  with the yanks arming and funding the ukrainians which is largely what much of this is about.

This has been going on now for 8 years , and Putin appears to be at the end of his tether now with the yanks war games.

Do you actually believe the nonsense the americans are your (britains) friends?

Uk government policy now , largely since the suez crises in the fifties , has been to hang on to the americans coat tails to protect britians interests overseas , that the uk is currently largely incapable of doing since they lost their status as a world power through the end of their empire. Washingtons bum boy. The yanks say jump , you say how high.

That in effect is the "special relationship " summed up.

Silence  from you on american threats regarding the northern irish protocol , but quick to run in and blame the EU. EVeryone appears to know apart from you jhonson clearly had every intention of shafting the EU over the protocol until the yanks went in and warned him from doing so , humiliating the UK once more , and interfereing in uk domestic issues and the integrity of our "state".

Silence from you of the fact when the IRA detonated their bomb in your very own city , it was done off the back of yank money. Had putin funded the IRA as america did , you would be the first to shout out.

Not a peep out your beloved uk media of the yanks bombing fack out of somalia merely two days ago , but they can tell us the movement of every russian troop in ukraine.

I can't think of any war or flashpoint around the globe in my entire life the yanks havent been directly or indirectly involved in , including in your own backyard in northern ireland , possibly with the exception of the falklands conflict.

.......but putins bad you tell us.>:(
And there we are silence from you less than two years ago you saying brexiteers were ruining the vision of the founding fathers of the eu,cooperation security and all that,stopping wars. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on February 26, 2022, 03:56:51 PM
Come on groo ! Are you still there?

I appreciate you and many others on here are very uncomfortable about the wests hypocrisy on ukraine , not to mention oligarch billions swirling around london and linking the westminster elite to putin ,or the two main british parties knee deep in russian sleaze , but that doesnt mean you have to misrepresent me because i have upset you by pointing it out.

I'm leaving, taking my kids to school, hope thats OK with you


Quote from: Thomas on February 26, 2022, 02:56:26 PM
What was it boycey , cromwell and others like srb from memory were saying about the dangers of the nasty internet and fake news being spread to brainwash us?:D

It seems the guardian newspaper

and others have been presenting events from previous years and and even other geographical locations as current coverage from Ukraine. #fakenews #warpropaganda

Thank christ for the truthfullness of the uk media to keep us all on the straight and narrow and out of the hands of the nasty interwebby.:D

Actually your link is fake,the 2018 explosion was in the middle of a building, not the end.

Link Here