Breaking. Met Police launches investigation into Downing Street parties,

Started by papasmurf, January 25, 2022, 10:21:31 AM

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In terms of the topic, what are we to make of the delay to the Sue Grays report? Apparently it has to do with prejudice. Is that even possible with penalty notices? There is talk there maybe criminality in this story that goes beyond a fine. That concealment is involved. I don't know what to make of this but given the rhetoric from the MET has changed since Tuesday and that the Sue Gray report is being asked to detract key information from it, you have to ask why handing out fines seems to be taking so long to do and what is in the report that would insite prejudice?


Quote from: cromwell on January 28, 2022, 02:40:23 PM
Well why are we importing food from the eu then,farmers should be encouraged to grow for the home market.

Because the internal market isn't there. We import specific produce that grows well in warmer climate such as grapes, strawberries, oranges, tomatoes and export those in colder climates such as carrots, lettuce, broccoli. Meat we could in theory be self sufficient on but then we need more workers (we lost EU workers) to work in slaughter houses. Over Christmas perfectly good chichens were killed off because there wasn't the workers to prep them for supermarkets.


Quote from: B0ycey on January 28, 2022, 02:15:51 PM
We aren't in the Single market. Nor are we in the Customs union. It does however seem we want to trade with the EU without tariffs and red tape as that goes with the Leavers rhetoric of being able to make our own trade deals.

Besides, it was the great deal maker Johnson who signed off the oven ready deal, not any remainer. Clearly no deal could be made to keep you happy. So I can only assume you wanted North Korean trade deals. But in any case it seems trade with the EU is reduced in any case and has yet to recover to pre pandemic levels and is frankly unable to recover. Businesses have been told to make the shortfall in the international market which is fine in some sectors but others, mainly in agriculture and Fishing are unable to do that and now farmers and fishermen alike have seen the light that they were lied to even if you are unable to see that.
Well why are we importing food from the eu then,farmers should be encouraged to grow for the home market. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: johnofgwent on January 28, 2022, 10:05:55 AM

Well, it was Cameron who said if we were gount to leave the EU we had to leave the single market too, because to leave one while trying to stay in the other was nonsensical, and I thought what a splendid fellow he can see exactly the way forward and I voted leave happy that Cameron understood what to do when he was told the same

How was into know he was a whining shitty remoaner just as you are.

At least he had the common sense to see his future was bleak and f**k off to make money elsewhere.
We aren't in the Single market. Nor are we in the Customs union. It does however seem we want to trade with the EU without tariffs and red tape as that goes with the Leavers rhetoric of being able to make our own trade deals.

Besides, it was the great deal maker Johnson who signed off the oven ready deal, not any remainer. Clearly no deal could be made to keep you happy. So I can only assume you wanted North Korean trade deals. But in any case it seems trade with the EU is reduced in any case and has yet to recover to pre pandemic levels and is frankly unable to recover. Businesses have been told to make the shortfall in the international market which is fine in some sectors but others, mainly in agriculture and Fishing are unable to do that and now farmers and fishermen alike have seen the light that they were lied to even if you are unable to see that.


Anyway, let me tell you how this will end up, just like all the other investigations into the establishment, going nowhere. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: B0ycey on January 26, 2022, 10:33:21 AM
Perhaps that was your point but my point was that if the UK wants the benefits of being in the EU market and to retain as much of our international markets as possible along with the jobs and the sectors that rely on that market, then a degree of alignment is needed. You think that is EU membership through the backdoor. Perhaps you should ask Switzerland, Norway and Turkey on that. I am just trying to explain how international agreements work in practice. We were never going to "break free" in the way the Brexiteers sold the lie to us given economic prosperity relies on on cooperation. I would suggest you read up on Libertarianism if you want the mechanics of a free market. Perhaps Road to Selfdom on central planning and why bigger markets with less red tape increase economic prosperity. The fish thread is basically why Frost gave in. We may have the fish, but we don't have the market. And that is the invisible hand in motion. And that is laymen in saying, no we aren't going back into the EU. But at the same time we still have to work with the EU due to economic need unless you want North Korean trade arrangements.

Well, it was Cameron who said if we were gount to leave the EU we had to leave the single market too, because to leave one while trying to stay in the other was nonsensical, and I thought what a splendid fellow he can see exactly the way forward and I voted leave happy that Cameron understood what to do when he was told the same 

How was into know he was a whining shitty remoaner just as you are.

At least he had the common sense to see his future was bleak and F@@@ off to make money elsewhere.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: B0ycey on January 26, 2022, 10:33:21 AM
Perhaps that was your point but my point was that if the UK wants the benefits of being in the EU market and to retain as much of our international markets as possible along with the jobs and the sectors that rely on that market, then a degree of alignment is needed. You think that is EU membership through the backdoor. Perhaps you should ask Switzerland, Norway and Turkey on that. I am just trying to explain how international agreements work in practice. We were never going to "break free" in the way the Brexiteers sold the lie to us given economic prosperity relies on on cooperation. I would suggest you read up on Libertarianism if you want the mechanics of a free market. Perhaps Road to Selfdom on central planning and why bigger markets with less red tape increase economic prosperity. The fish thread is basically why Frost gave in. We may have the fish, but we don't have the market. And that is the invisible hand in motion. And that is laymen in saying, no we aren't going back into the EU. But at the same time we still have to work with the EU due to economic need unless you want North Korean trade arrangements.

For the record boycey , i enjoy you posting on here , and of course you are a balance against the pro brexit majority on here , but you need to up your game and come out with "new " arguments if you are going to be taken seriously.

I think most folk know how the eu works by now. After discussing the ins and outs of eu membership for over 7 years , i think many of us could become fackin negotiators due to the amount of time and reading up of the various intracacies of brexit over that timescale.

We all know to access the single market there is a trade  off needed in terms of giving up a certain amount of sovereignty , and its that trade off that the english public will not agree to.

You need to stop regurgitating the arguments of the last 7 years as though each time you repeat remainer tropes  , you are offering up something new. Its been rejected at the ballot box time and again , brexiters have won every election since the initial 2015 GE when cameron offered up a brexit ref and milliband and labour shat themselves and refused .

Starmer and his labour clowns need to be honest with the public , tell people they are going to align the uk with the eu if they get back in , and if you win the next GE as you seem to think going by recent polls , then brexiters can have no complaints if labour get in and tie the uk back in.

If the public , as i suspect reject labour due to starmers anti brexit baggage , then you similarly can have no complaints , and need to stop going on about "what we need to do" and accept brexit , the good bad and indifferent.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Barry on January 25, 2022, 12:51:10 PM
I'm so surprised more politicians have not died of Covid, with all this misbehaviour going on.

Given the bullshit Ferguson was spouting was supposed to be gospel, I am quite surprised as well. 
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Barry on January 25, 2022, 12:51:10 PM
I'm so surprised more politicians have not died of Covid, with all this misbehaviour going on.
Did anyone else see what you did there? :D


Quote from: cromwell on January 26, 2022, 05:58:14 PM
Unicorns? spare us that load of cobblers,you'll mention spitfires next remain haven't progressed if you're still relying on that crap.
We now have Brexit so the proof is in the results. We have people moan we are still half in the EU on here and all I will say on that is we made an oven ready deal which is now signed off and that is just the way it is forever now. If we are still moaning that things are still not right I can only simple state the obvious. Why did you believe the lie to begin with?


Quote from: B0ycey on January 26, 2022, 08:32:41 AM
My post wasn't really aimed at you Thomas, but what you wrote. The leave campaign was based on lies and unicorns. There is a number of reasons why people voted leave and not all of them are compatible. Most of the reasons even rely on decisions the EU make.  The whole BS that we could have our cake and eat it was just that. BS. So we aren't half in or half out. We made a deal that was mutually beneficial. And that is what being sovereign means. Compromise to excess other global markets. Was people expecting something different? Well if they did then they are gullible. The fishing thread just highlights what a clusterfuck it was. We sell our fish to the EU and people were just expecting that would continue as if we were in the free market without the French boats. If that isn't unicorns and cake eating, nothing is.
Unicorns? spare us that load of cobblers,you'll mention spitfires next remain haven't progressed if you're still relying on that crap. and affordable,not that hard is it?



Quote from: johnofgwent on January 26, 2022, 11:13:32 AM

And I wonder who took those photos, from where, and who sent them to Sue Gray.

The answers to those might say a lot, which is why we will never know.
Security cameras inside 10 Downing Street?
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on January 25, 2022, 06:17:38 PM
More evidence has surfaced this evening.  (Sky News.)

Boris Johnson: Sue Gray has received photos of parties in Downing Street which show the PM next to wine bottles, Sky News understands
The latest revelation comes shortly after a government source said senior civil servant Ms Gray's report into parties in Downing Street and Whitehall that may have broken COVID rules could be published as soon as tomorrow.

And I wonder who took those photos, from where, and who sent them to Sue Gray.

The answers to those might say a lot, which is why we will never know.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Sheepy on January 26, 2022, 11:00:22 AM
Now, now, no need to be nasty, the EU market is still a scam and with the German economy on the brink covered by covid things are not so rosy in the EU market garden.

This. So happy to be out.