Breaking. Met Police launches investigation into Downing Street parties,

Started by papasmurf, January 25, 2022, 10:21:31 AM

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Quote from: Good old on January 30, 2022, 10:03:10 AM
 it's so bloody obvious, it would have been on the table immediately .
I think toots and others have already addressed this by specualting different reasons further back on the thread why this hasnt been touted before now.

Obviously we have to try and keep your hopes up , and wouldnt want them getting dashed to quickly , but i suspect rather than the sue gray report , you should focus on johnson remaining in power for the time being , and your best bet to get shot of him in my opinion will be the may elections , if the tories do badly .

Im sure someone as long in the tooth as you should know by now fine well that johnson isnt going anywhere over "partygate".
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: cromwell on January 29, 2022, 06:19:48 PM
Well I'm no lawyer but it's there in black and white in the act as published online.

So it would seem . Yet not a single mention in the main stream media, not a single mention ,in the house. Not a single mention that Sue Grey, is getting paid for F all . Not a single mention the police could save their depleted budget the cost of having to try and save this excuse for a leader. Do you really think you are part of a select few to have seen that document ,  if it would make any difference , the whole bloody world would be crowing about it if it was ever a get out, it's so bloody obvious, it would have been on the table immediately . 


Quote from: cromwell on January 29, 2022, 06:19:48 PM
Well I'm no lawyer but it's there in black and white in the act as published online.
I think you have just upset good olds saturday night cromwell. :D

here is the clown branch manager new labour have in position in scotland cromwell.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on January 29, 2022, 05:58:42 PM
More out of date tripe, So the Sun had the arse ache because he was working for a law firm that was on their dubious case. Nothing illegal nothing that everyone could know about ,did and do know about. Just more anti Starmer , anti Labour crap, poured out by a scum bag rag . With a personal axe to grind . Your working hard ,just not that well.
out of date tripe?


Ask your mate gerry , brexit and starmers anti brexit baggae will never be out of date tripe. It will follow him to the ends of the earth and all through his political career , and we all know it.

Every election , starmers anti brexit baggage will be cast up for the voters  , with predictable consequences.

Starmer's Shambolic CPS

Sir Keir Starmer and the Jimmy Savile scandal – what was Labour leader's involvement as head of Public Prosecutions?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on January 29, 2022, 05:52:33 PM
Do you really think if Boris,s defence was that simple , this whole saga would have got anywhere near this far.
Do you not think the attorney general and the whole Whitehall legal set up would not have pulled this out of the hat weeks ago.  And saved the country from this farce. And the Met ,  what are they looking for evidence for, if it's not needed.?
Boris,s critics don't stop at Starmer, or haven't you noticed. Kier, didn't lob the grenade, Boris, and his crew did. Kier, like millions of others calls him and them to account.
Well I'm no lawyer but it's there in black and white in the act as published online. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Good old on January 29, 2022, 05:52:33 PM
Do you really think if Boris,s defence was that simple , this whole saga would have got anywhere near this far.
Do you not think the attorney general and the whole Whitehall legal set up would not have pulled this out of the hat weeks ago.  And saved the country from this farce.
Boris,s critics don't stop at Starmer, or haven't you noticed. Kier, didn't lob the grenade, Boris, and his crew did. Kier, like millions of others calls him and them to account.
Keir starmer couldnt hold a wet fart to account.

His time as labour and opposition leader has been characterised by a complete failure to hold the tories and johnson to account, and has been criticised by his own side for being nothing more than an anonymous nodding dog in the commons.

On top of that , you told us abour were getting a whizz kidd lawyer in as leader , yet his reputation , such as it is , is littered with failure in his time in the legal profession and as head of the english CPS. That beofre we even talk about his limp wristed political career so far.

As i tell you every time good old, dont shoot the messenger beacuse you dont like the message. Im sitting here with the popcorn watching events unfold , and i really will howl if boris not only survives  , but goes on to annihialte labour at election time.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 29, 2022, 04:48:06 PM
could cause a bit of a meltdown among the labour luvvies.

If true , as folk are saying what exactly are the polis investigating?

Poor auld keir goal in front of him and blazes over the bar yet again.

With enemies like keir who needs friends.?:D

Labour shadow Brexit secretary Keir Starmer pockets £125,000 from law firm derailing Britain's EU exit

More out of date tripe, So the Sun had the arse ache because he was working for a law firm that was on their dubious case. Nothing illegal nothing that everyone could know about ,did and do know about. Just more anti Starmer , anti Labour crap, poured out by a scum bag rag . With a personal axe to grind . Your working hard ,just not that well.

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 29, 2022, 05:05:19 PM

poor auld sir keir. Lobs a hand grenade and it bounces off boris and lands in the labour party.

Good old will be crushed if boris whips that exemption out and remains in office. He was thinking there labour were doing so well lol.

Do you really think if Boris,s defence was that simple , this whole saga would have got anywhere near this far.
Do you not think the attorney general and the whole Whitehall legal set up would not have pulled this out of the hat weeks ago.  And saved the country from this farce. And the Met ,  what are they looking for evidence for, if it's not needed.?
Boris,s critics don't stop at Starmer, or haven't you noticed. Kier, didn't lob the grenade, Boris, and his crew did. Kier, like millions of others calls him and them to account.


A quick Google turns up lots of references to this back before Christmas so there is definitely a point here that some are stating. Is Starmer being given enough rope to hang himself? Why involve the police if they have exemption? Doesn't anyone in Whitehall know this?


It would be interesting wouldn't it if this were known all along and is being used to flush enemies out of the woodwork? eg It is commonly thought that the original photo of the 'garden party' was taken from the Treasury which overlooks it. Rishi by all accounts has already put together his Party Leadership campaign and sounded out supporters, among others also sounding the water.

Or is this where Cummings' campaign - for all his reported genius - has come unstuck? I would so love it to be true but if it is then it still begs the question why let it go so far?


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts on January 29, 2022, 05:03:01 PM
Dancing Dancing Dancing Dancing I do hope this is true. A virtual black eye for poor lawyer Starmer, but if it is why hasn't it come out as the defense? After all it would make sense and would be essential if suddenly someone had attacked us or something critical during lockdown.
I fear the Civil Servants are the real enemy.

poor auld sir keir. Lobs a hand grenade and it bounces off boris and lands in the labour party.

Good old will be crushed if boris whips that exemption out and remains in office. He was thinking there labour were doing so well lol.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on January 29, 2022, 04:56:05 PM
Well every chance it could be,when I was involved with stuff like the offices shops and railway premises act and a lot of other associated legislation none of it applied to Crown property.
im howling cromwell. Prepare for incoming wailing from remoaners and labour. That keir starmer and his party cant even throw shit properly never mind get it to stick. :D

have you ever seen anyone so eager to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory as keir starmer?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on January 29, 2022, 04:56:05 PM
Well every chance it could be,when I was involved with stuff like the offices shops and railway premises act and a lot of other associated legislation none of it applied to Crown property.
Dancing Dancing Dancing Dancing I do hope this is true. A virtual black eye for poor lawyer Starmer, but if it is why hasn't it come out as the defense? After all it would make sense and would be essential if suddenly someone had attacked us or something critical during lockdown.

Quote from: Thomas on January 29, 2022, 05:01:07 PM
its gets better. I was reading there , the civil service unions are calling for names to be redacted in the sue gray report , while labour are demanding they are published to avoid any cover up.

Could hopefully put the unions into even more conflict with starmer and the blairites :D

Civil service unions call for names to be REDACTED from Sue Gray's Partygate report over claims government employees will be 'hung out to dry' as critics fear No10 'cover-up'

I fear the Civil Servants are the real enemy.


Quote from: cromwell on January 29, 2022, 04:43:22 PM
Good Find
its gets better. I was reading there , the civil service unions are calling for names to be redacted in the sue gray report , while labour are demanding they are published to avoid any cover up.

Could hopefully put the unions into even more conflict with starmer and the blairites :D

Civil service unions call for names to be REDACTED from Sue Gray's Partygate report over claims government employees will be 'hung out to dry' as critics fear No10 'cover-up'

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!