Saving the dogs.

Started by Good old, January 26, 2022, 02:47:58 PM

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Quote from: Good old on January 29, 2022, 11:20:52 AM
How could it be hiding behind , Parliament. ? Parliament held the lawful position. You might as well say we all hide behind the law. The referendum could not be completely binary.  That's all there ever was in it.  And remainers , are not considered congenital idiots? By the Brexit movement?  Doesn't Sheep, have something to say on that.
Anyway brexit was carried, all they need to do now is justify its coming by making it benefit this country in a way  that goes way beyond satisfying a heartfelt wish.
How many times over the years have we addressed this nonsense that parliament had the lawfull position to overturn the brexit referendum?

Fack sake good old , how many time are you remoaners going to keep repeating the same guff over and over again and again?

The actions of many parliamentarians post 2016 to the 2019 clear out were a democratic disgrace.

We had your parliamentary supremacy versus the wrath of the electorate , and remind me  , who won?

The trouble with people like you is you constantly forget that little inconvenience in modern democracies that politicians can hide at times behind every trick and anti democratic nonsense they like ,but eventually you have to face the judgement of the people. That is what happened in 2019.

Cromwell has it spot on.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: cromwell on January 29, 2022, 10:56:45 AM
No they don't have referenda on everything,just important stuff like do want your laws made elsewhere.

Hiding behind the primacy of parliament to justify again and again "we lost,don't like that and will do everything in our power to  reverse or not and promote the idea those who voted that way are congenital idiots"
How could it be hiding behind , Parliament. ? Parliament held the lawful position. You might as well say we all hide behind the law. The referendum could not be completely binary.  That's all there ever was in it.  And remainers , are not considered congenital idiots? By the Brexit movement?  Doesn't Sheep, have something to say on that.
Anyway brexit was carried, all they need to do now is justify its coming by making it benefit this country in a way  that goes way beyond satisfying a heartfelt wish.


Quote from: Good old on January 29, 2022, 10:35:30 AM
Well they have got Heidi. And it is does exude a very attractive aura of a wonderland. None of which is very political. It also only has virtually the same population as London. Now if we end up devolving to the point of city states maybe we could test pure democracy there.?
No they don't have referenda on everything,just important stuff like do you want your laws made elsewhere.

Hiding behind the primacy of parliament to justify again and again "we lost,don't like that and will do everything in our power to  reverse or not and promote the idea those who voted that way are congenital idiots" and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Good old on January 29, 2022, 10:35:30 AM
Well they have got Heidi. And it is does exude a very attractive aura of a wonderland. None of which is very political. It also only has virtually the same population as London. Now if we end up devolving to the point of city states maybe we could test pure democracy there.?

Good old

Quote from: Sheepy on January 28, 2022, 09:03:44 PM
31 Reasons why Switzerland is the Happiest Country (
Well they have got Heidi. And it is does exude a very attractive aura of a wonderland. None of which is very political. It also only has virtually the same population as London. Now if we end up devolving to the point of city states maybe we could test pure democracy there.?


Quote from: Good old on January 28, 2022, 08:52:27 PM
Heard it before, Not much comparable between us and the Swiss, either in history or present. And they seem to be pretty much on their own ,on this.
+Well failure to listen may extract a price they don't want to pay which may involve the baillifs and an eviction. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Good old on January 28, 2022, 08:52:27 PM
Heard it before, Not much comparable between us and the Swiss, either in history or present. And they seem to be pretty much on their own ,on this.

31 Reasons why Switzerland is the Happiest Country (
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Good old

Quote from: cromwell on January 28, 2022, 08:37:54 PM
The Swiss don't see it that way.
Heard it before, Not much comparable between us and the Swiss, either in history or present. And they seem to be pretty much on their own ,on this.


Quote from: Good old on January 28, 2022, 08:31:36 PM
Blair and others acted within their remit as leaders of the country. It has never been the case that the people should be asked to ratify the signing of international treaty or agreement. That falls completely within the remit for Parliament and it's executive.
If you think our democracy , is a corruption of democracy of course it is . BUT  does it produce worse results than pure democracy .? I very much doubt it.
They did - and sold their souls in the process in defiance of what the country wanted. They hadn't the guts to ask us. I seem to remember Blair promising a referendum and then moved the goal posts presumably because he couldn't face us. Brown signed one sell out in secret away from public view he was so scared. The EEC was a reasonable move at the beginning except we turned our backs on the Commonwealth who had supported and supplied us before. The minute it became political it went against a lot of the electorate and it took over 40 years for us to finally have our say.


Quote from: Good old on January 28, 2022, 08:31:36 PM
Blair and others acted within their remit as leaders of the country. It has never been the case that the people should be asked to ratify the signing of international treaty or agreement. That falls completely within the remit for Parliament and it's executive.
If you think our democracy , is a corruption of democracy of course it is . BUT  does it produce worse results than pure democracy .? I very much doubt it.
The Swiss don't see it that way. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Told you, dim as they come, 2 years and we are going to slaughter the lot of you.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Good old

Quote from: cromwell on January 28, 2022, 06:12:58 PM
Not at all Bliar amongst others sold away the supposed primacy of parliament in treaty after treaty without reference to the people though Bliar offered a referendum then reneged.

So the country bit by bit was sold to brussels and Cameron fearful gave a referendum,you and parliament forget it relies on the approval of the people (or should) your and their view of what constitutes democracy is a corruption of the term.
Blair and others acted within their remit as leaders of the country. It has never been the case that the people should be asked to ratify the signing of international treaty or agreement. That falls completely within the remit for Parliament and it's executive.
If you think our democracy , is a corruption of democracy of course it is . BUT  does it produce worse results than pure democracy .? I very much doubt it.


Quote from: T00ts on January 28, 2022, 08:11:13 PM
I do wonder if you are clinging to hindsight. This is really old ground now and pretty irrelevant. Until chaos started to reign in the HofC brought on by determined remainers whose last wish was to uphold the Ref. and even less to honour/respect the voters, I think you will find that most people on the street would have accepted the vote. What then messed us up was May trying to play both sides. This again emboldened the remainers on all sides of the House. Most of those are no longer employed which speaks volumes about who is really in charge.
Nobody can be that dumb can they Toots keep repeating the same spin cycle hoping it will be different next time? Oh yes they can. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Good old on January 28, 2022, 07:53:25 PM
Cameron, had promised a referendum. He couldn't promise the result of that referendum could be thought to override the full scrutiny of Parliament. As it turned out it couldn't even override the scrutiny of his own party.
What he promised could never be binding. The fact that he said it would was just not the case.  I do think  that Cameron's, mistakes set Parliament up for a fall in the publics eyes. There own fault to a degree because he should have been stopped from making promises he couldn't keep.
I do wonder if you are clinging to hindsight. This is really old ground now and pretty irrelevant. Until chaos started to reign in the HofC brought on by determined remainers whose last wish was to uphold the Ref. and even less to honour/respect the voters, I think you will find that most people on the street would have accepted the vote. What then messed us up was May trying to play both sides. This again emboldened the remainers on all sides of the House. Most of those are no longer employed which speaks volumes about who is really in charge.

Good old

Quote from: T00ts on January 28, 2022, 06:12:08 PM
I'm not sure I can agree with that. Cameron was elected on the firm promise of a Referendum. Others before his had promised the same but he kept it once his arm was twisted. His mistake was that we would vote to stay in. Now it was promised as a binding vote, scrutiny wasn't mentioned as I remember after all as long as we did as we were told it wasn't relevant. As it happens scrutiny was designed to reverse the people's decision and those guilty felt the wrath of the electorate and lost their jobs. That's democracy in action.
Cameron, had promised a referendum. He couldn't promise the result of that referendum could be thought to override the full scrutiny of Parliament. As it turned out it couldn't even override the scrutiny of his own party.
What he promised could never be binding. The fact that he said it would was just not the case.  I do think  that Cameron's, mistakes set Parliament up for a fall in the publics eyes. There own fault to a degree because he should have been stopped from making promises he couldn't keep.