Cost of energy and the cost of living crisis.

Started by papasmurf, February 04, 2022, 08:24:25 AM

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Quote from: T00ts on February 04, 2022, 10:28:54 PM
What a load of rubbish. This Forum is a lefty forum. Those of us rare gems who are Conservatives have to dig our way through all the lefty rubbish to even get a breath of air. Labour landed on Blair for no other reason than they were unelectable. The New Way little Bambi performed all the way to the No 10 front door and then proceeded like a chameleon simply to stay there. His big error was to believe his own PR. The Hof C applauded as he left he thought it was in his honour. In fact it was relief on all sides. Brown was a loser who simply continued to lose.
Blair was neither left or right he adopted whichever colour would keep him there long enough to feather his own post politics nest. Prove otherwise!
Corbyn and his cohorts killed Labour back to where they were before Blair yanked them kicking and screaming to win an election. Politicians of all colours have lost their ability to impress the electorate. Opposition is a joke. Hold the Government to account? They don't even know what it means. Both sides lost it when they couldn't accept and act on the Brexit vote.  The people spoke not once but repeatedly yet the debacle under Bercow showed us what a shower they all were.
Boris was a last hope. Far from perfect, he was the maverick to fight the EU or so we hoped. But the back room treachery with Corbyn and Sturgeon and yes Blair sidling up the EU trying to stab us in the back we were betrayed many times. In the end Boris simply got out or we never would. I am sure he knew it was an ongoing story.
To bring this epistle back to the point of this thread. We have been betrayed over power for years. Once it started it has been ignored since as part of EU so it would never be a problem. Yet those of us interested have been saying for years that we were too dependent on foreign power/ownership. Politicians thought it didn't matter, just as they thought Putin was nicely in his box. Just as they thought China was manageable. Just as they thought  no-one would be worse than Trump. Just as they thought that herd immunity would be the best way forward 2 years ago.
What's missing? A very large dose of common sense all round.
The trouble is with the Westminster party is that they thrive on confusion and now it is all coming back on them. They tell everybody one thing and do something completely different while spreading confusion as a cover with plenty of lies in the mix.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on February 04, 2022, 03:55:28 PM
You are full of it.

You insinuated further up the thread the uk doesnt export ( presumably you meant gas , but as ever you were being vague to leave yourself a get out clause) then when pushed , you are now trying to move the goalposts to make out you meant the uk government  doesnt export , as gas isnt nationalised . We all know gas isnt nationalised , but the "we " that was being talked about earlier obviously meant the "uk ".

Honestly boycey , i wish you would stop being so fackin disingenuous all the time. You destroy your own credibility , and if you carry on you will end up a figure of ridicule like pappysmurf.

take some advice , stope it.
It is painful watching it, imagine trying to educate him and Smurphy. That is why I couldn't listen to it all any longer. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: B0ycey on February 04, 2022, 09:52:34 PM
Only been in here a short time and I know Pappy sees like everyone else that Blair f**ked up big time over Iraq. Blair is a slur on here and as of yet I haven't seen anyone defend the guy. He was a free market Tory who privatised every single golden goose and continued Thatchers legacy. That is Tory territory make no mistake, not Old Labour. And Brown sold the f**king gold off. And don't get me started on bailing out the banks. All these things are Tory BS. And this forum is full of Tories. So Smurfy is right in showcasing every single thing the Tories do and saying they are shits because they are. The Tories have been in power for over 40 years and now the house of cards have fallen down nobody wants to take the blame it seems.
What a load of rubbish. This Forum is a lefty forum. Those of us rare gems who are Conservatives have to dig our way through all the lefty rubbish to even get a breath of air. Labour landed on Blair for no other reason than they were unelectable. The New Way little Bambi performed all the way to the No 10 front door and then proceeded like a chameleon simply to stay there. His big error was to believe his own PR. The Hof C applauded as he left he thought it was in his honour. In fact it was relief on all sides. Brown was a loser who simply continued to lose. 
Blair was neither left or right he adopted whichever colour would keep him there long enough to feather his own post politics nest. Prove otherwise!
Corbyn and his cohorts killed Labour back to where they were before Blair yanked them kicking and screaming to win an election. Politicians of all colours have lost their ability to impress the electorate. Opposition is a joke. Hold the Government to account? They don't even know what it means. Both sides lost it when they couldn't accept and act on the Brexit vote.  The people spoke not once but repeatedly yet the debacle under Bercow showed us what a shower they all were. 
Boris was a last hope. Far from perfect, he was the maverick to fight the EU or so we hoped. But the back room treachery with Corbyn and Sturgeon and yes Blair sidling up the EU trying to stab us in the back we were betrayed many times. In the end Boris simply got out or we never would. I am sure he knew it was an ongoing story. 
To bring this epistle back to the point of this thread. We have been betrayed over power for years. Once it started it has been ignored since as part of EU so it would never be a problem. Yet those of us interested have been saying for years that we were too dependent on foreign power/ownership. Politicians thought it didn't matter, just as they thought Putin was nicely in his box. Just as they thought China was manageable. Just as they thought  no-one would be worse than Trump. Just as they thought that herd immunity would be the best way forward 2 years ago.
What's missing? A very large dose of common sense all round.


Quote from: cromwell on February 04, 2022, 09:42:45 PM
I'm doubting nothing,if you asked Smurfy the same question he would.
Only been in here a short time and I know Pappy sees like everyone else that Blair f**ked up big time over Iraq. Blair is a slur on here and as of yet I haven't seen anyone defend the guy. He was a free market Tory who privatised every single golden goose and continued Thatchers legacy. That is Tory territory make no mistake, not Old Labour. And Brown sold the f**king gold off. And don't get me started on bailing out the banks. All these things are Tory BS. And this forum is full of Tories. So Smurfy is right in showcasing every single thing the Tories do and saying they are shits because they are. The Tories have been in power for over 40 years and now the house of cards have fallen down nobody wants to take the blame it seems.


Quote from: B0ycey on February 04, 2022, 09:30:03 PM
Papasmurf speaks the truth though Cromwell. The Tories have been in power since 79. Blair was a Tory. And so was his prodigy Brown. If you doubt that ask Maggie.
I'm doubting nothing,if you asked Smurfy the same question he would. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on February 04, 2022, 09:23:04 PM
I suspect you'd like "I told you the tories were bastards" on yours whether they were at fault for your end or not. :-\
Papasmurf speaks the truth though Cromwell. The Tories have been in power since 79. Blair was a Tory. And so was his prodigy Brown. If you doubt that ask Maggie.


The problem you have Smurfy is your hatred of the tories is all consuming leaving you blind to the faults of others.

Spike Milligan iirc wanted "I told you I was ill" engraved on his headstone,I suspect you'd like "I told you the tories were bastards" on yours whether they were at fault for your end or not. :-\ and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: papasmurf on February 04, 2022, 11:06:52 AM
Obviously you are unaware of the damage fracking does and the aftermath of the costs of clean ups being put on tax payers.
You are clearly unaware that HB is a p!ss taker. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Thomas on February 04, 2022, 07:43:24 PM
bollocks pappy.

It is not bollocks it is well documented fact. That the truth hurts you is you problem.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on February 04, 2022, 04:58:38 PM
 The gas storage went down on the Tory watch, and their twiddling their thumbs for years has left  base load electricity generation  relying on what little atomic power generation is left
bollocks pappy.

As usual you have your anti tory blinkers on .

underinvestment on uk gas storage has been a problem going back to the days of the thatcher and major governments. Labour had thirteen years to deal with it , and decided to rely on gas on demand through the likes of the bacton zeebrugge interconnector rather than invest in costly storage facilities , which the tory government from 2010 continued.

the blame lies equally with both main parties.

people like professor john underhill at herriot watt have been warning uk governments for years about reserves declining , lack of storge and volatility of being exposed to markets to the detriment of uk consumers.

its pathetic you blame the tories as ever , while ignoring 13 years of new labour contributing to the problem.

Hey ho.

The head of Italy's largest gas distribution company has urged the UK to "rethink and reverse" its decision to operate its network with minimal storage capacity, warning it risks creating shortages and price spikes across the whole European continent.

lets be clear if new labours keir starmer gets in , they wont fix the underlying problems , merely tinker at the edges as ever .

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on February 04, 2022, 05:28:39 PM
God bless you Pappy.

You are, as always, right.

Had you not mentioned it none of us would have known that gas prices were rising.

Shortage of gas caused by the Tories ain't it guv, or maybe just me or maybe vlad or maybe or maybe. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Borchester on February 04, 2022, 05:28:39 PM

Had you not mentioned it none of us would have known that gas prices were rising.
Anyone who did not know about rising gas prices must have been out of communication with the world for the last two years.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on February 04, 2022, 04:58:38 PM
If I had not started the thread there would be no debate.  The gas storage went down on the Tory watch, and their twiddling their thumbs for years has left  base load electricity generation  relying on what little atomic power generation is left and now very expensive gas turbine generation. The situation is precarious to say the least.

God bless you Pappy.

You are, as always, right.

Had you not mentioned it none of us would have known that gas prices were rising.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester on February 04, 2022, 04:21:11 PM

Other than the obvious point that it is all the fault of the Tories, have you anything else to add to the debate?
If I had not started the thread there would be no debate.  The gas storage went down on the Tory watch, and their twiddling their thumbs for years has left  base load electricity generation  relying on what little atomic power generation is left and now very expensive gas turbine generation. The situation is precarious to say the least.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on February 04, 2022, 04:02:26 PM
If you kept up with current affairs you would not need to keep asking stupid questions.  It is you who is ignorant and ******* annoying.

Does the UK face a gas shortage?

The government says the UK's energy bill crisis is due to high global gas prices, not security of supply.
It says the UK has a "diverse and secure" range of suppliers.
However, that could change quite rapidly if Russian gas becomes scarce, causing a knock-on effect as other countries scrabble for alternative supplies.
Demand for gas is rising across Europe and some fear the UK could be physically - and perhaps politically - at the back of the queue.
What's more, the UK has scant storage facilities. It's been increasingly operating a "just-in-time model", which means it's more affected by short-term price fluctuations in the wholesale gas market.

Funny you should post that Pappy, because according to the Guardian,

"After a fourfold surge in energy market prices across Europe, households will pay an average of 54% more for energy this year than in 2020, according to Bank of America. The bank warned that the biggest increases would be felt by Italy and the UK.

So despite turning most of the country into a giant gasometer, the Italians are still sort of the stuff.

Other than the obvious point that it is all the fault of the Tories, have you anything else to add to the debate?
Algerie Francais !