The EU SNP and much else

Started by Sheepy, February 05, 2022, 04:44:05 PM

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Quote from: Sheepy on February 06, 2022, 05:48:35 PM
I suspect you might be right more of you remainers move to Scotland the better, it just makes it their problem.
A pro communist anti democrat? No thanks sheepwash , you keep them. We have enough loony left whingers here as it is.

Dont be too sure about scotland rejoining the EU.  Other scenarios are being offered up for example ALBA are suggesting EFTA , and a third of the snps own voters dont want scotland back in the EU.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: B0ycey on February 06, 2022, 05:44:01 PMI suspect Scotland would rejoin before the UK in any case.
I suspect you might be right more of you remainers move to Scotland the better, it just makes it their problem. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: B0ycey on February 06, 2022, 05:44:01 PM
Starmer isn't going to make the UK rejoin @Thomas.
I have addressed this extremely poor point now many times. He doesnt have to officially rejoin , he can go ahead and tie the uk back into the EU behind closed doors which he will do .

The fact neither keir starmer , who as we all know is an out and out europhile , the labour party , and people like yourself cannot be honest about starmers clear intentions shows how dishonest you remain and fearfull of the people rejecting a rejoin party once again.

Its as if you and your ilk have learned nothing from 2019.

I predict once again starmers dishonest pro eu intentions and and anti democratic remain baggage will destry any chance labour have of winning the next election.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Starmer isn't going to make the UK rejoin @Thomas. I suspect Scotland would rejoin before the UK in any case. But my response to Cromwell wasn't about convincing anyone but merely addressing key point he addressed. There is a lot of people who see Brexit for what it is now and sometimes I don't know what they were expecting beforehand anyway. This is Brexit and Frost wouldn't give up anything he could get away with. I don't know what Cromwell voted Brexit for, my guess is he wanted sovereignty and to hell with trade. I don't know. But whatever. In terms of trade Brexit is a disaster and if I only showcase that and it is understood, then well at this moment in time I guess that is all I can explain to a Brexiteers.


Quote from: B0ycey on February 06, 2022, 04:29:49 PM
Well, then I will just repeat what I have told you already. Mays deal wasn't part of the customs Union and didn't stop us doing trade deals... and we still have the same standards as the EU today anyway. What was feared was the US wouldn't be able to sell us their drugged up meat until we could set our own standards if we aligned our standards with the EU. And today under Biden, he has given us the big FU until we can sort out the border issues, making us pay tariffs on steal when the EU don't need to and we have made one trade deal from scratch since our exit with the Aussies. Oh how wonderful Brexit has been with our amazing amazing deals. Thank god we didn't have the backstop. LLLOOOOLLL!
boycey , i keep telling you rather than regurgitating previous brexit arguments that people rejected time and again , or playing semantics while trying to make a poor attempt at sophistry , why dont you accept you lost , and then move on by attempting something productive like getting your mate starmer into power to get the uk back into your beloved EU?

Standing stamping your feet time and again and demanding people agree with arguments they have consistently disagreed with does nothing for remainers except make you look like children throwing temper tantrums about not getting your own way.

Its two years to the next general election , and its your big chance to help get labour elected to take the uk back in . Surely that what you should be aiming for ?

Honesty is the best policy.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 06, 2022, 04:21:24 PM
We arent in a customs union with the EU , can do our own deals , and we arent subject to theresa mays terrible backstop where we had to beg an eu commitee ( sorry joint commitee) for permission to leave.

Well, then I will just repeat what I have told you already. Mays deal wasn't part of the customs Union and didn't stop us doing trade deals... and we still have the same standards as the EU today anyway. What was feared was the US wouldn't be able to sell us their drugged up meat until we could set our own standards if we aligned our standards with the EU. And today under Biden, he has given us the big FU until we can sort out the border issues, making us pay tariffs on steal when the EU don't need to and we have made one trade deal from scratch since our exit with the Aussies. Oh how wonderful Brexit has been with our amazing amazing deals. Thank god we didn't have the backstop. LLLOOOOLLL!


Quote from: B0ycey on February 06, 2022, 04:19:12 PMBut that doesn't mean it isn't Johnsons deal without the red tape and border issues. It was also up to Brexiteers to push through Brexit. And in the end they just backed Mays deal with Johnsons signature anyway. Massive massive LOL!!!!
We arent in a customs union with the EU , can do our own deals , and we arent subject to theresa mays terrible backstop where we had to beg an eu commitee ( sorry joint commitee) for permission to leave.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 06, 2022, 04:15:54 PM
it was rejected by all and sundry , and would still be rejected today.

What part of the word "no" do you not understand?
I don't care that is was rejected. But that doesn't mean it isn't Johnsons deal without the red tape and border issues. It was also up to Brexiteers to push through Brexit. And in the end they just backed Mays deal with Johnsons signature anyway. Massive massive LOL!!!!


Quote from: B0ycey on February 06, 2022, 04:14:50 PM
I have already told you we had to keep the same standard Thomas until arrangements could be made to replace it
it was rejected by all and sundry , and would still be rejected today.

What part of the word "no" do you not understand?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 06, 2022, 04:08:38 PM
boycey , im not going to keep arguing with you telling fibs.

Under the deal, the whole of the UK would remain in a "single customs territory" – seen as a temporary customs union – with the EU until at least July 1, 2020. This could be extended or terminated, but only by mutual agreement. Tariff arrangements would be the same as now.

  • This infuriated many Brexiteers as it would prevent the UK from applying trade deals with other countries if tariffs are removed.

I have already told you we had to keep the same standard Thomas until arrangements could be made to replace it. There was talk of bringing in electronic tracking which wouldn't have taken that long to sort out. Read better next time. But I have also pointed out that at this moment in time of writing we STILL have the same standards as the EU given we haven't changed the law (it was transferred across). So given that, why are people complaining about something that is still occurring? Mays deal would no doubt have been over by now. Johnsons still needs compromise and friendship by the EU. How ironic.


May tried and failed to kick the brexit can down the road with her backstop deal , which infuriated many people as it hamstrung the uk and kept us tied to many eu rules and regulations , which as many said at the time were against the spirit of leaving the EU which the uk voted for in 2016.

Your argument now , February 2022 , is leavers didnt listen to you remainers the first 5 hundred times , so now we must all listen to you this time regarding the same tripe that was rejected time and again , both in parliament , and outside at the ballot box..

The uk has left , woe betide any party trying to tie the uk into the EU by the back door.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: B0ycey on February 06, 2022, 04:03:15 PM
Mays deal wasn't part of the custom Union @Thomas. The UK was free to do what it wanted in terms of trade.
boycey , im not going to keep arguing with you telling fibs.

Under the deal, the whole of the UK would remain in a "single customs territory" – seen as a temporary customs union – with the EU until at least July 1, 2020. This could be extended or terminated, but only by mutual agreement. Tariff arrangements would be the same as now.

  • This infuriated many Brexiteers as it would prevent the UK from applying trade deals with other countries if tariffs are removed.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Mays deal wasn't part of the custom Union @Thomas. The UK was free to do what it wanted in terms of trade. The point of it was that we would keep the same standards until arrangements could be brought forward to replace it. There was talk of electronic tracking. And today we still have the same standards as the EU so all the hissy fits have turned out to be completely moot right now.

As for being rejected by both remain and leave, sure, why would Remain back any shitty deal. Anything other that complete access to the single market would do. Many would have been happy with the customs Union. But given Mays deal wasn't the customs Union (so you were wrong) they voted against it. But it wasn't up to remain to push through Brexit anyway. It was up to Leave to push through Brexit. And the only reason I bring up Mays deal now was not to say it was a good deal or that it had my support. I bring it up because Mays deal is Johnsons deal but without the red tape and border issues. So it is actually better than Johnsons deal. And was a deal that could have been up and running for five years now without any of the issues we have today nor the Westminster ping pong.


Why Theresa May's Brexit Deal Is Terrible For The U.K.

The U.K.'s Prime Minister, Theresa May, has succeeded in what she set out to do. She has brought the country together. Politicians of all colors, along with their supporters, are at last in full agreement. They are united in their hatred of Mrs. May's Brexit deal. And with reason. It is a terrible deal.

Criticism of the deal has centered on the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement, and in particular on the proposed "backstop" to ensure that Northern Ireland's border with Ireland remains open after Brexit. Arlene Foster, the leader of Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), called for Mrs. May to "bin the backstop." But what is this backstop, and why does the EU think it is necessary?

After Brexit, the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland will become an international border, rather than an intra-EU border as at present. In the absence of a trade agreement, both the EU and the U.K. would be obliged to apply the WTO's "Most Favored Nation" (MFN) rules on that border. This would mean tariffs and regulatory checks on a border which is politically highly sensitive, because of its long history of conflict, and economically extremely important to the economies of Northern Ireland and its southern neighbour.

It is an appalling deal. It merely buys time at the cost of a considerably weaker negotiating position for the U.K. But the EU has already said it will not renegotiate it. If this deal fails, then the options are still no-deal Brexit, or no Brexit. The Government has no mandate for either, and nor does either option command a majority in Parliament. All roads seem now to lead to either a General Election, or a second referendum.

Yet another synopsis of theresa mays terrible brexit deal that was consistently rejected by all and sundry.

A quick google will give you numerous articles saying similar .

I cant actually believe this has been brought back up as something worthwhile raking over for the millionth time. It was a bad deal then ,and remains a bad deal now , and universally rejected and theresa may herself humiliated.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: B0ycey on February 06, 2022, 12:39:51 PM

As for BoJos and Mays deal, they are similar in everything except in checks and red tape. Under Mays deal we would have aligned with the EU standards until we had an alternative system which was suppose to be electronic checks very much like how you would track your post. But the fear was the EU would drag their feet. Well evidently they wouldn't given they aren't now. They have no obligation to sort out BoJos mess given BoJo signed up to the mess to begin with. Clearly he didn't understand what he agreed to and the EU just want to move on. So whilst we STILL have aligned EU standards, where nobody seems any of the wiser, you have to ask where would we be had Brexiteers just backed Mays deal. My guess, we wouldn't be talking about Brexit actually.
What utter rubbish.

You surely arent trying to drag up theresa mays lamentable "brexit deal" rejected by both remain and leave , voted down three times including one of the worst defeats in parliamentary history of a sitting pm?

We did all this to death , and opinions are even more polarised now than what they were back then.

The customs union issue of the uk remaining inside was a non starter. It was mocked relentlessly, even arch europhile like blair said he couldnt see any point in the uk remaining inside "a" or "the" customs union as it took away the uks ability to deo trade deals which was the only point of brexit as far as blair saw according to that worthy.

You just constantly trot out empty tropes and worthless rhetoric again and again boycey.

Theresa mays deal was rejected time and gain , the uk didnt like it , the people didnt like it , and from memory all political parties didnt like it including the tories who eventually ousted her.

Its pointless bringing it back up as though there are some new and fresh revelations to rake over to overturn peoples views on brexit.

Get yer pal starmer elected in two years time , and he can tie the uk back into the EU. Going over old ground and arguing the same thing time and again does nothing .

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!