The EU SNP and much else

Started by Sheepy, February 05, 2022, 04:44:05 PM

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You doubt @Thomas? We had riots over the poll tax. We had riots over coal. We had riots over Mark Duggan and we will have riots over the cost of living if the Tories can't get on top of it.


Quote from: cromwell on February 05, 2022, 06:54:34 PM
Let down? yes by the closet remainers in westminster.

We don't need an eu army,what we need is to keep Nato and more cooperation.

 Not looking good for NATO is it? The Russians want rid of it the EU wants rid of it, the Americans can only see it as its bitch and the Chinese want rid of it.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: B0ycey on February 05, 2022, 08:04:53 PM
I haven't mentioned revolution in any meaningful context Thomas. I said that the French, American, Russian and Chinese revolution came about over hardship not that I endorse such an occurrence. But that doesn't mean we might not see riots over inflation.

are you gonnae stope it boycey.:D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 05, 2022, 07:52:37 PM
fackin hell boycey , yer bottle hasnt went now has it? What about the starving masses rising up and the cost of living crises leading to revolution you were telling me about?

I tell you , you can't get a decent che guevara any where anymore.popcorn at the ready boycey. over to the brothers and sisters .

The only hardship i have heard of this week mate is the huns getting pumped at paradise , and the sassunachs getting another gubbing today by the posh edinburgh schoolboys and that funny shape baw.

Boris lives another day mate.

I haven't mentioned revolution in any meaningful context Thomas. I said that the French, American, Russian and Chinese revolution came about over hardship not that I endorse such an occurrence. But that doesn't mean we might not see riots over inflation. My point had always been that over time the UK will move towards more Socialism reforms. Attitudes and education of what Socialism is will help. And I also see what is important to the youth today. Dialectical Materialism in motion Thomas. You cannot stop that.


Quote from: B0ycey on February 05, 2022, 07:43:31 PM
Just because I admire Marx doesn't mean I want revolution Thomas. I would prefer to change things Democratically given when Marx wrote his manifesto class determined who could vote.
fackin hell boycey , yer bottle hasnt went now has it? What about the starving masses rising up and the cost of living crises leading to revolution you were telling me about?

I tell you , you cant get a decent che guevara any where anymore.
And it usually occurs over hardship. You think the Tories can ride the wave in a cost of living crisis? I don't.
popcorn at the ready boycey. over to the brothers and sisters .

The only hardship i have heard of this week mate is the huns getting pumped at paradise , and the sassunachs getting another gubbing today by the posh edinburgh schoolboys and that funny shape baw.

Boris lives another day mate.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 05, 2022, 07:35:01 PM
you just want reform? :D

Thats a bit of a climbdown boycey. Earlier on today , you were tub thumping about revolution  and the starving masses rising up to take power away from the evil tory elite !

Just because I admire Marx doesn't mean I want revolution Thomas. I would prefer to change things Democratically given when Marx wrote his manifesto class determined who could vote.

But in any case, there are numerous examples of people uniting together where change has happened politically because of it. And it usually occurs over hardship. You think the Tories can ride the wave in a cost of living crisis? I don't.


Quote from: B0ycey on February 05, 2022, 07:28:51 PM
 I just want reform.
you just want reform? :D

Thats a bit of a climbdown boycey. Earlier on today , you were tub thumping about revolution  and the starving masses rising up to take power away from the evil tory elite !

QuoteBut as I said, where I live people are very happy with the SNP.
self evidently  , they only just won an election less than  a year ago. Time will tell indeed ,though  , hopefully sturgeons day will come.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 05, 2022, 07:22:59 PM
Just more english propaganda about a one party state to be honest boycey. You need to stop regurgitating fantasy and do a bit of educating yourself mate.

We will see Thomas. But as I said, where I live people are very happy with the SNP. And a few have even said they vote for them despite wanting to stay in the Union. It seems an English man in Scotland has its perks. But I stay out of it. I just want reform.


Quote from: B0ycey on February 05, 2022, 07:07:13 PM
They work well with the Greens Thomas. But in any case, in an independent Scotland I only see SNP landslides.
The scottish greens are a bunch of complete utter fucking lunatics headed by harvey and slater the canadian. I cant believe i once lent this party one of my votes.
But in any case, in an independent Scotland I only see SNP landslides.
doubt it , the snp wont exist , they will split into various parties.

Just more english propaganda about a one party state to be honest boycey. You need to stop regurgitating fantasy and do a bit of educating yourself mate.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 05, 2022, 07:02:40 PM
unionists vote whichever party they think will keep scotland in the union. It used to be labour , was tory for along time , and now there has been a slight movement back to labour as my recent polls show.

The snp work with the greens because the scottish greens support independence .Didnt you know that? they are a seperate party from english greens.

As i said boycey , you do make me laugh with all these predictions of revolutions and socialist fantasies. Us mere mortals just want a normal country to sell our votes to the highest bidders.

We leave the tub thumping rhetoric to the brothers and sisters like yourself down the pub talking revolutions over your pints of shandy.
They work well with the Greens Thomas. But in any case, in an independent Scotland I only see SNP landslides.


Quote from: B0ycey on February 05, 2022, 06:56:21 PM
Scotland is ahead of the rest of the UK. The SNP, despite what you say, are indeed a Social Democratic party. They will move Scotland towards nationalisation and social programs and high taxation for those who can afford it and move towards a Nordic model after independence. The SNP are very Liberal in values and work well with the Greens which is why they have taken the Labour vote and the unionists are left with the Conservatives.

In terms of Westminster Labour however first need to work out who they are. That takes time Thomas. The more hardship, the more people look for alternatives. Socialism isn't a dirty word anymore. It is in vogue.
unionists vote whichever party they think will keep scotland in the union. It used to be labour , was tory for along time , and now there has been a slight movement back to labour as my recent polls show.

The snp work with the greens because the scottish greens support independence .Didnt you know that? they are a seperate party from english greens.

As i said boycey , you do make me laugh with all these predictions of revolutions and socialist fantasies. Us mere mortals just want a normal country to sell our votes to the highest bidders.

We leave the tub thumping rhetoric to the brothers and sisters like yourself down the pub talking revolutions over your pints of shandy.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on February 05, 2022, 06:54:34 PM
Let down? yes by the closet remainers in westminster.

We don't need an eu army,what we need is to keep Nato and more cooperation.
We? I can only assume you mean the UK?

Even so, I wonder how much strain NATO can take in regards to Ukraine. There is a divergence here between the UK and US and France and Germany. The EU army will happen. But the UK being part of that seems to be less likely perhaps. 


Quote from: B0ycey on February 05, 2022, 06:49:33 PMI worked in France in my teens and it was when I did I appreciated the importance of our friends over the Channel. Perhaps that is why I have always seen myself as European. But can I ask, given the way Brexit has happened, the problems with the Irish Sea border and how trade has plummeted between us and the EU, is Brexit has you hoped it would be or do you feel let down?
I think you are wasting your time boycey.

Im sure cromwell will answer your post himself , but i can tell you whatever the political differences between me and cromwell , he sees himself as a proud briton who doesnt want the uk to be in the EU in any way shape or form .

So from that point of view brexit has been a resounding success.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 05, 2022, 06:36:43 PM
im expanding on your point about starmers new labour being a means to an end , bojo in ruins and all the rest  , and im showing how scotlands obviosuly doesnt see starmer as a means to any end .

Reality versus idealistic fantasy? Member we talked about this earlier?

Sad all these little facts get inthe way of your otherwise spiffing pronouncements , but hey ho boycey. Up the revolution.
Scotland is ahead of the rest of the UK. The SNP, despite what you say, are indeed a Social Democratic party. They will move Scotland towards nationalisation and social programs and high taxation for those who can afford it and move towards a Nordic model after independence. The SNP are very Liberal in values and work well with the Greens which is why they have taken the Labour vote and the unionists are left with the Conservatives.

In terms of Westminster Labour, first they need to work out who they are. That takes time Thomas. The more hardship, the more people look for alternatives. Socialism isn't a dirty word anymore. It is in vogue.


Quote from: B0ycey on February 05, 2022, 06:49:33 PM
It should be said the idea of a European superstate isn't a certainty. But there is a lot of merit in sharing resources and not just a trade relationship. But even so, the idea of a more integrated Europe has its sceptics even on the continent. But when I discuss this, my response is always the same. As Europe and America diverge from geopolitics ambitions and China continues to grow, along with the threat of Russia, I don't see any other option for the EU but to build there own army. And the less dependence of America for security, the less influence America has on the continent. And when that happens the EU voice grows. At which point the UK really will be insignificant and then they have a choice to be Airstrip One or part of the voice in Europe.

I guess what I am saying to you is not something that will change your mind. But something I believe will happen and when it does it will have UK support at home because by then people will understand the importance of a united Europe.

As for seeing the importance of the EU and working in Germany, I can tell you aren't a lost cause. I worked in France in my teens and it was when I did I appreciated the importance of our friends over the Channel. Perhaps that is why I have always seen myself as European. But can I ask, given the way Brexit has happened, the problems with the Irish Sea border and how trade has plummeted between us and the EU, is Brexit has you hoped it would be or do you feel let down?
Let down? yes by the closet remainers in westminster.

We don't need an eu army,what we need is to keep Nato and more cooperation. and affordable,not that hard is it?