Brexit Countdown

Started by Barry, October 09, 2019, 09:25:25 PM

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There's not been a post in the Brexit forum for about 10 days so just to revive the countdown it's only 25 days away now, oh sorry that's something else!


Brexit is 62 days away, barring any more excuses. Meanwhile, the likely Tory majority is down to 22 and election guru Curtice says any more erosion of the lead could be a hung parliament.  :shock:
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Barry post_id=6497 time=1574114783 user_id=5174 days  :baah:

We have counted down so many times I'm doing it in my sleep!


Quote from: Conchúr post_id=4415 time=1573078366 user_id=83
Right, so you've picked a quote.
Well if you don't subscribe to the continuation of Project Fear, then why do you believe that Brexit is bad for the UK?...and whilst you are at it, how about providing  some support for the 'fantasies' etc.....and you don't have to quote the notorious Leave of  £350m per week quote, which everybodys now know was not a 'net' statistic.....


Quote from: Sheepy post_id=4612 time=1573148319 user_id=52
The Brexit countdown,lol.

74 days  :baah:
† The end is nigh †


Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Conchúr post_id=4422 time=1573079741 user_id=83
Well I'm not surprised you feel that way Cromwell if you find insult so easily from polite posts — or if you take the disagreement of others in itself to be an insult.I never called Toots a fantasist, nor did I call anyone an idiot or poorly educated. I said that the Leave campaign served up a fantasy. This doesn't make individual Leave voters fantasists, as they simply were inclined to believe the claims of politicians and commentator which correlated to their Eurosceptic views.  That's a fairly natural process of human nature.  I could probably offer opinions about the benefits of EU membership which you would consider misguided or a fantasy.  I don't cry about it, I don't point the finger at you and say "oh you think I'm wrong so therefore you think I'm a stupid fantasist".  

I cry about it? no not at all but have had my fill of being told what I quoted and more like enchanted forests and unicorns.

QuoteThere are plenty of Remainers out there who unfairly (and unwisely) disparage what they perceive to be the inferior intellect of Leavers.  I am not one of those people.

Then I accept that.

A democratic exercise has brought us to a stage where public discord could lead us in to very dangerous and uncharted waters aside from brexit altogether,however this is not confined to the UK and Brexit alone,the politicians operating in western democracies IMO must bear a large chunk of the blame for the situation we are in with what I believe a laissez faire attitude to the democratic process and those they suppose to represent. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell post_id=4417 time=1573078568 user_id=48
And so it starts again,you voted leave you are an idiot,fantasist,poorly educated,don't know why or what you voted for blah blah,I expected better from some posters........don't know why now.

Well I'm not surprised you feel that way Cromwell if you find insult so easily from polite posts — or if you take the disagreement of others in itself to be an insult.I never called Toots a fantasist, nor did I call anyone an idiot or poorly educated. I said that the Leave campaign served up a fantasy. This doesn't make individual Leave voters fantasists, as they simply were inclined to believe the claims of politicians and commentator which correlated to their Eurosceptic views.  That's a fairly natural process of human nature.  I could probably offer opinions about the benefits of EU membership which you would consider misguided or a fantasy.  I don't cry about it, I don't point the finger at you and say "oh you think I'm wrong so therefore you think I'm a stupid fantasist".  

There are plenty of Remainers out there who unfairly (and unwisely) disparage what they perceive to be the inferior intellect of Leavers.  I am not one of those people.


And so it starts again,you voted leave you are an idiot,fantasist,poorly educated,don't know why or what you voted for blah blah,I expected better from some posters........don't know why now. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: T00ts post_id=3506 time=1572641025 user_id=54
Luckily I don't do anger because if I did I would be furious at your post. Don't call me a fantasist .You don't know me or anything about me. From your post I could just as easily surmise that you are a brainwashed EU clone. Don't judge me and I will do the same for you.

 :thup: and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Stevlin post_id=4412 time=1573076614 user_id=66
Don't be silly - why should I have to trawl back....anybody reading your Brexit related posts will realise that what I have stated is true. It is the main armament of Remainers as you know.. the continuation of Project Fear based on supposition, NOT facts.

Your limited and unqualified reasoning on the 'effects' of Brexit, ( which has to be considered over a 'period' ), such as your recent ., other that the tripe you posted about the UK expecting the EU to come it its aid, ( without any evidence whatsoever - other than the rest of the EU would naturally MISS tariff free trade with the UK.,,, but 'Aid' fro German car makers??? They WILL certainly wish to be able to continue their level of exports to the UK.....but that is hardly UK Aid is it?

So - now illustrate those lies that were told.....and show them to be lies, NOT exaggerations....

You appear to continually forget that it is TRADE that promotes economic growth....NOT a supranational Parliament - which ios WHY t5he EU is still UNIQUE - no other trading entity is daft enough to emulate the EU.

ACTING as a formal federation of States when NOT, is absolutely well as ridiculous!1

Right, so you've picked a quote. Could you tell me where exactly in that quote is the prediction of doom?

Having an opinion that the Leave campaign lied to voters (or, to use your terminology which would make even the most slippery of barristers smirk, "exaggerated") is not a doomsday prediction.  Well, unless of course you have a remarkably low threshold in what constitutes "doomsday" — in which case you should turn your seemingly determined search for fearmongering into the mirror.

I have many criticisms of the EU.  I tutor students on EU law, on a syllabus where topics like the democratic deficit and the regulatory failings of the Eurozone are examined regularly. Not supporting Brexit does not make one invariably enamoured with the EU or numb to its weaknesses and failings.  I'd be more than happy to have balanced discussions about the whole thing but unfortunately, most Leavers on here hold views on the EU which are theatrical, unfairly vilifying, and ideologically entrenched.  Rather than balanced arguments outlining the pros and cons of membership, which I am always happy to have, it simply descends into the usual hyperbole.


86 days  :roll:
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Conchúr post_id=4409 time=1573074883 user_id=83
I see. Could you perhaps list out, say, three forecasts of "doom" I have made?

Don't be silly - why should I have to trawl back....anybody reading your Brexit related posts will realise that what I have stated is true. It is the main armament of Remainers as you know.. the continuation of Project Fear based on supposition, NOT facts.

Your limited and unqualified reasoning on the 'effects' of Brexit, ( which has to be considered over a 'period' ), such as your recent ., other that the tripe you posted about the UK expecting the EU to come it its aid, ( without any evidence whatsoever - other than the rest of the EU would naturally MISS tariff free trade with the UK.,,, but 'Aid' fro German car makers??? They WILL certainly wish to be able to continue their level of exports to the UK.....but that is hardly UK Aid is it?

So - now illustrate those lies that were told.....and show them to be lies, NOT exaggerations....

You appear to continually forget that it is TRADE that promotes economic growth....NOT a supranational Parliament - which ios WHY t5he EU is still UNIQUE - no other trading entity is daft enough to emulate the EU.

ACTING as a formal federation of States when NOT, is absolutely well as ridiculous!1


Quote from: Stevlin post_id=4407 time=1573074770 user_id=66
Can't speak for Toots, but yes, you appear to 'bought' the forecasts of the 'Remainers' hook line and sinker - WITHOUTE question. The ONLY evidence on trade induced economic growth promotion is indicated by TRADING Groups - NOT political your echoing of these forecasts of doom are NOT predicated on reality, or factual evidence, which undoubtedly suggests an element of brainwashing......unless of course you run a business, which imports/exports significantly to EU countries, then instead of brainwashing, it would be a matter of self-preservation, as such businesses are being largely subsidised by the 'contributing' members of the EU.

I see. Could you perhaps list out, say, three forecasts of "doom" I have made?


Quote from: Conchúr post_id=4016 time=1572904770 user_id=83
Do I strike either of you as brainwashed ? Why so, specifically?

Can't speak for Toots, but yes, you appear to 'bought' the forecasts of the 'Remainers' hook line and sinker - WITHOUTE question. The ONLY evidence on trade induced economic growth promotion is indicated by TRADING Groups - NOT political your echoing of these forecasts of doom are NOT predicated on reality, or factual evidence, which undoubtedly suggests an element of brainwashing......unless of course you run a business, which imports/exports significantly to EU countries, then instead of brainwashing, it would be a matter of self-preservation, as such businesses are being largely subsidised by the 'contributing' members of the EU.