So much for Brexit

Started by Borchester, January 02, 2020, 01:08:28 PM

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Quote from: Thomas post_id=12255 time=1578257361 user_id=58
We remainers?

Hang on , first of all i was on these forums cheering you on to crush the anglo remainers.

Secondly what are you talking about stuffed?

We won in scotland , and we have won every referendum and election since the 2015 GE including the brexit referendum.

Your hero is giving you a BRINO , and not only that , you are standing there cheering him on doing it because you are lapping up the tory propaganda.

if boris told you the moon was blue you would believe him.

Dont believe me fine , im a patient man , i am more than happy to wait till december and hear your latest excuse. Whose fault will it be then?

You are going to be a feckin laughing stock of this entire planet. Its the fact you are sleepwalking into it that astounds me

This is what I'm on at the moment, Thomas, just mellow and won't be wound up.  :lol:">

Yep, remainers were well and truly stuffed. Looks like we are leaving Tommy!
† The end is nigh †


QuoteJohnson has either conned Farage or is heading for the cliff

QuoteThere is not a single serious trade negotiator who believes that Johnson can deliver what he has promised by the end of 2020. Most doubt that it would be possible to reach agreement in anything less than five years, more probably between seven and 10. A comprehensive free trade deal would then have to be approved by 28 national parliaments, including his own.

Farage may live in fantasy land as far as the benefits of Brexit are concerned, but as a political operator he is a hard-nosed realist. His description of the Johnson deal with Brussels as a "travesty" and a "betrayal" of Brexit came from his head as well as his heart.
[/b]"> ... the-cliff/">

Tory strategy continues of the last few years of can kicking and offering jam tommorrow.

As the article says , he has either conned brexiters big time or is indeed heading for the cliff edge no deal brexit. We wont have to wait till december becasue apparently we wil know by july which is the last date from memory the eu will offer another transition period extension.

We will see,  but after the amount of tory egg barry has had over his face regarding brexit , i wouldnt count my tory chickens just yet over brexit.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Barry post_id=12251 time=1578256837 user_id=51
No one is biting,Thomas. You can't wind us up, you remainers have been stuffed, well and truly, at the last election. We've waited this long, we'll wait a bit longer.

We remainers?

Hang on , first of all i was on these forums cheering you on to crush the anglo remainers.

Secondly what are you talking about stuffed?

We won in scotland , and we have won every referendum and election since the 2015 GE including the brexit referendum.

Your hero is giving you a BRINO , and not only that , you are standing there cheering him on doing it because you are lapping up the tory propaganda.

if boris told you the moon was blue you would believe him.

Dont believe me fine , im a patient man , i am more than happy to wait till december and hear your latest excuse. Whose fault will it be then?

You are going to be a feckin laughing stock of this entire planet. Its the fact you are sleepwalking into it that astounds me
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=12246 time=1578256425 user_id=58
Well stevlin perhaps you can give me an honest answer.

I have been asking now for days about the pending BRINO we are to receive at the end of the month.

What do you think of the fact the uk government is paying £8.9 billion pounds over the next 12 months or so , accepting all the rules and ecj as well as continuing with FOM , during this new "extension " period the tories have us in?

Yep i know they are calling it a transitional period , but we were told and im sure you agree once article 50 ended , which should have ended last march as we know , but officially ends 31/1/2020 , all eu treaties ceased to apply. Yet that is emphatically not the case.

I cant believe one single person so far on this forum hasnt made a single fuss about what is happening at the end of this month.

We are going to be a rule taker bill payer without a say.

# edit to add, further , ahh i hear you say , but its only till the end of the year.

Various brexit blogs , even the torygraph were reporting yesterday that the uk government is dropping any resistance to further extensions as they are saying we wont conclude a trade deal in 12 months with the eu , so we could potentially move from never ending extension to never ending transitions.

All the while taking rules and paying fees to what is essentially a trade block everyone told me they wanted to leave as the price it charged was too high in fees and rules?

No one is biting,Thomas. You can't wind us up, you remainers have been stuffed, well and truly, at the last election. We've waited this long, we'll wait a bit longer.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Stevlin post_id=12239 time=1578254872 user_id=66
Indeed they do......which is extremely fortunate... if the result of the democratic Brexit referendum has any hope of being implemented!

Well stevlin perhaps you can give me an honest answer.

I have been asking now for days about the pending BRINO we are to receive at the end of the month.

What do you think of the fact the uk government is paying £8.9 billion pounds over the next 12 months or so , accepting all the rules and ecj as well as continuing with FOM , during this new "extension " period the tories have us in?

Yep i know they are calling it a transitional period , but we were told and im sure you agree once article 50 ended , which should have ended last march as we know , but officially ends 31/1/2020 , all eu treaties ceased to apply. Yet that is emphatically not the case.

I cant believe one single person so far on this forum hasnt made a single fuss about what is happening at the end of this month.

We are going to be a rule taker bill payer without a say.

# edit to add, further , ahh i hear you say , but its only till the end of the year.

Various brexit blogs , even the torygraph were reporting yesterday that the uk government is dropping any resistance to further extensions as they are saying we wont conclude a trade deal in 12 months with the eu , so we could potentially move from never ending extension to never ending transitions.

All the while taking rules and paying fees to what is essentially a trade block everyone told me they wanted to leave as the price it charged was too high in fees and rules?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=12021 time=1578131754 user_id=58

They own brexit from now on completely.

Indeed they do......which is extremely fortunate... if the result of the democratic Brexit referendum has any hope of being implemented!


Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=11981 time=1578081177 user_id=53
Indeed ,I think we all know that when the talking starts on our future relationship with the EU we will be returning to the old arguments of sovereignty, 0pen borders and payments to the EU .

Johnson does now find himself with the  unexpected (thanks to the remoaners ) freedom to more or less do as he pleases so I guess he has run out of excuses if he doesn't deliver .

Without a doubt streetwalker.

The tories i think are on their last legs over brexit. If they fail to deliver , and attempt to dish up BRINO as though thats the settled will of what people in england and wales voted for , then they are going to get crushed in my opinion.

Thats why its important to highlight this myth the uk is leaving the eu at the end of the month. Its not.

.....and im sure there are plenty standing in the background just waiting to highlight the tories duplicity if they try and sell voters some pig in a poke.

As far as i can see nothing has changed except the tories can no longer blame a remainer parliament for their failure to enact brexit over the last 4 years.

They own brexit from now on completely.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=11885 time=1577995258 user_id=58
No wonder farage is slinking about in the background refusing to go quietly. I bet he smells a rat too.

Indeed ,I think we all know that when the talking starts on our future relationship with the EU we will be returning to the old arguments of sovereignty, 0pen borders and payments to the EU .

Johnson does now find himself with the  unexpected (thanks to the remoaners ) freedom to more or less do as he pleases so I guess he has run out of excuses if he doesn't deliver .


Quote from: Borchester post_id=11881 time=1577994398 user_id=62
If I ever said that I must of had my fingers crossed. I think that both Boris and Little Nick are, like all successful anythings, a lot more cautious than they appear.

The EU will stand four square against the UK right up until it starts to effect the interests of their member states whereupon cracks will start to appear in its previously united front and quiet deals will be struck.

pleaasseezz borkie i cannae take much more of these secret tory conspiracy theories.

You know as well as i and most other mere mortals , the eu have the single market integrity to think about , and if the english get a good deal , the whole pack of cards will collapse as everyone will want the same good deal.

English exceptionalism . Nothin more.

You are going to  be made into an object lesson in my opinion.

QuoteMeanwhile Wee Krankie will jump and down and demand Indy2 and be damn glad that she can't get it

says who?

So far the uk government and their tory media supporters have been portraying indyref2 as some sort of devolved/reserved issue that the uk government will withhold.

It goes way beyond devolution and into the constitutional integrity of the disunited kingdom i think you will find borkie.

QuoteSo I expect Ms Sturgeon to wait until the UK is out of the EU

So you have said borkie , but lets be honest , the question isnt wether wee Nick is going to wait till the uk is out , but wether the tories will actually take the uk out.

Another year , another tory can kicking session over the eu exit.

QuoteIt could be that by that time there could be a reaction against both Boris and Wee Krankie with the Tories sweeping to power in Scotland and the Lib Dems winning in the rest of the UK.


aye ok borkie i`ll crack the jokes.

Is this your "scorched earth"  hope? taking the snp down wae the tories? :lol:

Borkie , the bottom line is the tories have made an absolute cant of you all yet again. No wonder farage is slinking about in the background refusing to go quietly. I bet he smells a rat too.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=11873 time=1577991880 user_id=58
Well borkie you keep telling me wee krankie is being much too cautious , but from where im sitting it looks like its bojo.

If I ever said that I must of had my fingers crossed. I think that both Boris and Little Nick are, like all successful anythings, a lot more cautious than they appear.

The EU will stand four square against the UK right up until it starts to effect the interests of their member states whereupon cracks will start to appear in its previously united front and quiet deals will be struck. During all this Boris will rage up and down and wave his hands in the air and do zilch because he realises that such matters are best left in the care of time. However, we will ultimately leave the EU because Boris has twigged that if we don't then he will soon leave number 10.

Meanwhile Wee Krankie will jump and down and demand Indy2 and be damn glad that she can't get it because if she did she might not win the referendum and although most folk are given three chances the Scots take their politics seriously and might just say well hen, you have had your chance and screwed up on it so we would rather have the space than your company.

So I expect Ms Sturgeon to wait until the UK is out of the EU. By that time it will be easier to make a deal with Boris and she will have had the chance to rally extra support.

Of course, this is all supposition. It could be that by that time there could be a reaction against both Boris and Wee Krankie with the Tories sweeping to power in Scotland and the Lib Dems winning in the rest of the UK. The Limp Dicks would then re apply to join the EU and discover that as a result of its internal contradictions it had fallen apart.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester post_id=11869 time=1577990793 user_id=62
That is the Roma Tommy. They will eat anything.

The Germans are kicking up a fuss because the Albanian judges won't pay tax on their bribes and until they do Albania is still on the waiting list

Well borkie you keep telling me wee krankie is being much too cautious , but from where im sitting it looks like its bojo.

You told me for the last year or two you didnt care what happened where , as long as patriotic englishmen got england out the eu , stopped brussells making your laws and took back sovereignty of your country.

....and lo and behold despite all the promises , bojo has signed you up for another year of freedom of movement , ECJ jurisdiction and billions being paid to your masters in brussells.

About this section 30 , is it the monkeys in london we need to see or the organ grinders in brussells? :lol:  :hattip
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=11830 time=1577972717 user_id=58

... the albanians stop eating your swans ...

That is the Roma Tommy. They will eat anything.

The Germans are kicking up a fuss because the Albanian judges won't pay tax on their bribes and until they do Albania is still on the waiting list
Algerie Francais !

Hyperduck Quack Quack

We're still in the EU at the moment.  I don't think there will be a sudden cliff edge on January 31st - not unless the currency speculators have got something up their sleeve.  

But since nobody has demonstrated a single real benefit to us from leaving the EU and we are aware of several potential adverse effects, we're likely to see a gradual deterioration of living standards and lifestyle here.  If our economy shows poor performance compared to the EU over the coming year or two, then we could assume Brexit was a disaster.  Remainers like me will blame the Brexiters, while Brexiters will probably blame the EU for doing better than us.  Meanwhile the government will probably attempt to conceal any widening gap in economic performance between UK and EU.


Quote from: Borchester post_id=11841 time=1577975363 user_id=62
£32.8 over 45 years works out at about £800 millions a year which if one factors in inflation, will be worth sod all by 2064.

Say what you like, that Boris bloke is a canny haggler.

May did that negotiation and the estimate at the time was 39b, but seen as the UK refuses to leave that's been chipped away and the estimate is down at the 33b mark. Johnson did nothing, zilch, zero regarding the financial settlement. I fixed you last sentence.

Say what you like, that May is a canny haggler.


LOL - Borchester your wish is granted.

Corbyn has tabled an amendment to the EU bill to extend the transition til 2023 if an agreement is not reached by June 2020. So not satisfied with rushing it through a year he wants it shortened to 6 months. Bless him - we might miss him!">//

I like the Daily Fail they always have their finger on the panic button. I thought it wouldn't be long. It begs the question of how much support he will muster. The SNP needless to say + Green + odds and ends but I wonder how much loyalty will shine through on the opposition benches and for that matter how much on the Gov benches. Will cracks show once more?