EU report claims Brits 'didn't know what they were doing' when voting for Brexit

Started by Thomas, February 18, 2022, 11:25:59 AM

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Quote from: cromwell on February 19, 2022, 10:56:33 AM
Yes you are missing.......a lot,we were slowly and surely being subsumed by stealth in to a political union.

Along the way we were promised referenda by people like Bliar to see if we happy with this but they lied and backtracked and carried on regardless.

When Cameron fearful of ukip finally called a referendum and we voted our way out and he ran away.
cromwell you old russian bot you. Gerry says mr putin forced you to vote brexit , so he could break up the holy EU empire. How do you feel being a stooge for the kremlin and not knowing your own mind?

I tell you cromwell , there are some facking nutjobs on this forum . so there is.

Never a dull moment with  the loonies on the left and europhiles .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on February 20, 2022, 07:47:00 PM

The Russians have wanted the breakup of the EU or at least instability. UKIP helped make that happen, r.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on February 20, 2022, 07:47:00 PM
I never said the Russians paid for anything, you said that. Is that what you believe happened, or did Aaron Banks use his own money ?

explain what you meant then.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 19, 2022, 12:04:50 PM
Job done for the russians?

What  is that supposed to mean?

You arent yet again dragging up the old it was the russaians that got trump elected and brexit done guff?:D

Honestly gerry stope it . You remoaners are getting more hysterical as the years go by. Is there something in the air at the minute?

What is it? Not enough hearts and minds sufficiently won?

Fackin howling. honestly.
I never said the Russians paid for anything, you said that. Is that what you believe happened, or did Aaron Banks use his own money ?

The Russians have wanted the breakup of the EU or at least instability. UKIP helped make that happen, I'm sure that put a smile on Putin's face, maybe he did pay, maybe he didn't. It doesn't really matter now, The UK is out and won't be coming back for a very long time, if ever.


Quote from: GerryT on February 19, 2022, 11:39:16 AM

It wasnt Cameron that r as n away, it was the king of UKIP, he vanished as soon as he won. Job done for the Russians, he wasn't hanging about for the sinking ship
Job done for the russians?

What  is that supposed to mean?

You arent yet again dragging up the old it was the russaians that got trump elected and brexit done guff?:D

Honestly gerry stope it . You remoaners are getting more hysterical as the years go by. Is there something in the air at the minute?

What is it? Not enough hearts and minds sufficiently won?

Fackin howling. honestly.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Barry on February 19, 2022, 10:49:05 AM
The lessons need to be learnt by the EU commissioners. The UK was the first to leave the EU. It surely will not be the last.
If they reform, having learnt lessons, they may be able to keep the countries which are currently showing signs of dissent. If they could revert to being a friendly trading bloc, they might survive, otherwise the individual politics of member states will eventually cause further instability and fragmentation.
Political unity for nearly half a billion people is a big ask. One of the big reasons we left.
They are a friendly trading block. It was the UK that had the problem, it wanted to rule, not share decision making, a foreign concept, one it couldn't square with it's over inflated option of its importance.
So tell me what lessons should the EU learn ?
By the way, you can elect your commissioner if you want


Quote from: cromwell on February 19, 2022, 10:56:33 AM
Yes you are missing.......a lot,we were slowly and surely being subsumed by stealth in to a political union.

Along the way we were promised referenda by people like Bliar to see if we happy with this but they lied and backtracked and carried on regardless.

When Cameron fearful of ukip finally called a referendum and we voted our way out and he ran away.

The new trade deals the UK has signed are political unions, you seem to have successive leaders that lie. Just like your current leader who cant seem to say one honest thing. Maybe you need a new voting g system or elect people on manifestos that promise to tell the truth.

It wasnt Cameron that r as n away, it was the king of UKIP, he vanished as soon as he won. Job done for the Russians, he wasn't hanging about for the sinking ship


Quote from: GerryT on February 19, 2022, 10:44:21 AM
So you kept voting in governments that kept signing treaties. So the majority got what they wanted, at the time. Or am I missing something.
Yes you are missing.......a lot,we were slowly and surely being subsumed by stealth in to a political union.

Along the way we were promised referenda by people like Bliar to see if we happy with this but they lied and backtracked and carried on regardless.

When Cameron fearful of ukip finally called a referendum and we voted our way out and he ran away. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: GerryT on February 19, 2022, 10:40:46 AM
Thanks Pappy, I'll read at some point.  Looks like a detailed summary and lessons learnt.
The lessons need to be learnt by the EU commissioners. The UK was the first to leave the EU. It surely will not be the last.
If they reform, having learnt lessons, they may be able to keep the countries which are currently showing signs of dissent. If they could revert to being a friendly trading bloc, they might survive, otherwise the individual politics of member states will eventually cause further instability and fragmentation.
Political unity for nearly half a billion people is a big ask. One of the big reasons we left.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: cromwell on February 19, 2022, 10:40:16 AM
No we were tasked by them but then they had the first referendum in which I and a lot of others voted to stay in the common market.

What we didn't vote for was the signing of various treaties and agreements where we were slowly assimilated in to a the ideal of a European state without being consulted.
So you kept voting in governments that kept signing treaties. So the majority got what they wanted, at the time. Or am I missing something.


Quote from: papasmurf on February 18, 2022, 04:37:26 PM

The withdrawing Member State
16.  Believes, nevertheless, that the withdrawal process was characterised, on the part of the UK, by protracted uncertainty from the outset, until the end of the negotiations, which was reflected among others in the gap of time between the referendum and withdrawal notification under Article 50 TEU; believes that this uncertainty impacted citizens and economic operators, in particular those on the island of Ireland; considers that raising the spectre of a no-deal withdrawal endangered the prospects of an orderly withdrawal;
17.  Considers, in this regard, that the political and economic consequences of the decision to leave the Union are significant; believes that these were not genuinely and fully assessed by the UK prior to its decision to withdraw, which resulted in a lack of preparation for the procedure; believes that British citizens had scant knowledge about the European Union and were not adequately informed about the far-reaching consequences of the decision to leave the Union;
18.  Is of the view that the provisions of Article 50 TEU on the notification and extension of the period under Article 50(3) TEU have been handled in a sufficiently flexible manner to respond to the political vacillations and inconsistencies of successive UK governments, while preserving the integrity of the withdrawal process and upholding the legal order of the Union;
19.  Recalls that the decision to withdraw is the sovereign right of a Member State and that the Union is obliged to acknowledge the intention of that state; highlights that Article 50 TEU does not specify and therefore places no constraints on the form of the notification of the intention to withdraw; believes in this context that when a Member State does not respect EU law and/or expresses its intention to refuse to apply the Treaties or recognise the jurisdiction of the CJEU and respect its judgments, this represents a clear rejection of the obligations linked to EU membership;
20.  Points out that withdrawal from the European Union is by nature a complex process and that the political choices of the withdrawing Member State regarding its future relations with the Union can add to such complexity;
Thanks Pappy, I'll read at some point.  Looks like a detailed summary and lessons learnt.


Quote from: GerryT on February 19, 2022, 10:30:34 AM
You prob didn't

When you say they didn't ask, I take it you refer to your leaders in the UK. The people you elect.
No we were tasked by them but then they had the first referendum in which I and a lot of others voted to stay in the common market.

What we didn't vote for was the signing of various treaties and agreements where we were slowly assimilated in to a the ideal of a European state without being consulted. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Streetwalker on February 18, 2022, 04:58:40 PM
I wonder if there is a report anywhere that says we didn't know what we were doing when we joined ?  Not that they asked anyone of course

You prob didn't

When you say they didn't ask, I take it you refer to your leaders in the UK. The people you elect.


Quote from: HDQQ on February 18, 2022, 11:58:04 PM
During the referendum campaign, whenever they did a voxpops street session, there was always some clueless member of the public who said 'I don't feel I know enough to make up my mind'.  Usually they went on to say that they were going to vote one way or the other anyway, despite their confessed ignorance!  Given the very close result, it didn't need all that many people of that type to sway things one way or another. I reckon Boris Johnson's purely coincidental conversion from remainer to Brexiter influenced enough people to produce the tiny majority for 'leave'.

Also a lot of people thought 'remain' would walk it, so they used their vote to protest against Cameron by voting leave. Some people actually confessed they's done this in interviews.

Anyway, something interesting I discovered today is that Britain is still officially entitled to fly the European flag - the blue one with the circle of yellow stars. It is technically the flag of the Council of Europe, to which we still belong, and is also the flag for the whole of Europe. The EU doesn't have an official flag but it uses the European flag.

As you very well know Johnson was YOUR biggest ally and the vote went the way it did in spite of him.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


During the referendum campaign, whenever they did a voxpops street session, there was always some clueless member of the public who said 'I don't feel I know enough to make up my mind'.  Usually they went on to say that they were going to vote one way or the other anyway, despite their confessed ignorance!  Given the very close result, it didn't need all that many people of that type to sway things one way or another. I reckon Boris Johnson's purely coincidental conversion from remainer to Brexiter influenced enough people to produce the tiny majority for 'leave'.

Also a lot of people thought 'remain' would walk it, so they used their vote to protest against Cameron by voting leave. Some people actually confessed they's done this in interviews.

Anyway, something interesting I discovered today is that Britain is still officially entitled to fly the European flag - the blue one with the circle of yellow stars. It is technically the flag of the Council of Europe, to which we still belong, and is also the flag for the whole of Europe. The EU doesn't have an official flag but it uses the European flag.
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!