EU report claims Brits 'didn't know what they were doing' when voting for Brexit

Started by Thomas, February 18, 2022, 11:25:59 AM

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Quote from: GerryT on February 21, 2022, 05:36:30 PM

The first step was to win the vote. That was the start, the next part was to shape the type of brexit, as that def wasn't done before the vote, nobody had a clue what brexit really meant, Farage could have stuck around to follow through on his convictions. Then there was the job of making the plan happen, lots of work, no sight of Farage, he knew the impossible was facing him and he scarpered.

Sorry Gerry but you have that completely wrong . Farage led UKIP pressured the Conservatives into giving us the vote and that was about as far as it went .
The establishment gave the leave campaign to the Johnson led group not the Farage led one . 
Farage and UKIP had a plan , it was to leave the EU on our terms by repealing  the communities act not falling into the traps of article 50 .

The thinking being that outside the EU the UK would have a stronger hand in negotiating any deals . They were probably right . 

But of course Farage was never in power or position to do this ,we had to rely on the conservatives to honour the vote  and get the job done which they have failed miserably in doing .

As Thomas said it was job done on the 24th June 2016  but dont be surprised if he makes a comeback if this rabble of a government can't get their act together 


Quote from: Thomas on February 21, 2022, 04:25:54 PMthats got to be the biggest pishiest interpretation to date from you.

Cameron resigning was a great result for brexiters?

The tories then coronated may , a well know remainer , and we then had approx three years of remain anti democratic shenanigans in parliament trying to overturn democracy , before the uk public patience snapped and johnson finally picked up the baton and enacted the ref result years later.
Because he was an ardent Remainer. What the party did after he left is not his doing, the people voted for brexit and that was the opportunity to place a leader that would get on with it.
In fairness to may she did try, but the weight of unrealistic expectations, unicorns, sunny uplands and 'they need us more that we need them', was too heavy a weight to carry. Tell me, has Johnson delivered anything more substantial than what May was offering, did her proposals act as a catalyst to break the UK into pieces.

Quote from: Thomas on February 21, 2022, 04:25:54 PMHow did farage run away?

You will need to elaborate further on your blind hatred of the man , but from what i saw , his job was done. He didnt run away , he won his prize and retired triumphantly.
The first step was to win the vote. That was the start, the next part was to shape the type of brexit, as that def wasn't done before the vote, nobody had a clue what brexit really meant, Farage could have stuck around to follow through on his convictions. Then there was the job of making the plan happen, lots of work, no sight of Farage, he knew the impossible was facing him and he scarpered. 

Quote from: Thomas on February 21, 2022, 04:25:54 PMI wish salmond had lost elections but won our referendum instead in 2014 , and similarly "run away" as you put it.

You arent very good at spin gerry , and certainly arent no machiavellian poster are you?

2022 , you still dont understand brexit , and try but fail to rewrite history to suit your warped view and bitter salty remain tears . Let it go mate , you will make yersell ill.
You're right I don't, and neither do you. Nobody does, it's a rudderless ship going down rapids in the dark. It's plotting its own course, without a plan. That's brexit. Make it up as you go is the plan.

Quote from: Thomas on February 21, 2022, 04:25:54 PMMichelle o neil will be first minsiter , mary lou taoiseach , ireland united and you will still be crying over past events. Bit like blairs legacy , you will be left behind defending ashes.
Michelle most likely will win, but Mary won't get that job. Sinn Fein's policies don't add up, any debates show them to be economically devoid, which will be their downfall. The one promise they are making to young people, on affordable housing is winning people over as they try get onto the property ladder, but it won't be enough.


Quote from: GerryT on February 20, 2022, 07:47:00 PMI never said the Russians paid for anything, you said that. Is that what you believe happened, or did Aaron Banks use his own money ?

That's what I said. And I'll repeat it, show me where I said the Russians paid for brexit, as you suggest I did. You can't help but make up stuff and argue it, your the biggest strawman I've ever come across. I asked you a question, I wasn't making a statement.

Quote from: Thomas on February 21, 2022, 07:43:00 AM
Well you know more about "english " politics than me gerald. Im sure i know that name though , is that no the guy who forced a remain journalist carole cadwalladr to  apologise for lying about him over brexit and the famous russian bogeyman?  :D

How many more beatings can you remongers take gerald? I tell you , your brexit bitterness is like a large boil full of puss .

Carole Cadwalladr has already admitted that her claims that Arron Banks was in the pay of the Russians were untrue and apologised to him for making them, as well as giving an undertaking not to repeat the claims. She is still defending the defamation case, and raising crowd funding for her defence, on novel grounds. Her last line of defence hinges on the idea that she was a responsible journalist, working in the public interest and made an honest mistake. Responsible journalists of course do everything they can to ensure the accuracy of their stories. At the start of her cross examination the Court learnt, in the most graphic way possible, that accuracy is not a strong point with Carole

Her cross examination was extraordinary, rambling, at one point she claimed that the libel she has already admitted to be untrue, and for which she has apologised, was true. She told the judge at one point, of a perfectly fair line of questioning, "I think this line of questioning is deliberate to shame and humiliate me. Part of that effort to shame and humiliate me is to do with me being a woman". That's the same line she takes when anyone challenges the accuracy of her journalism.

Yo make a good point about Cadwalladr, but how much did Banks have to pay in fines for his illegal activities with Vote Leave, not really an honest individual, and there could well be truth behind what was said.  This puts a different slant on things. Mybe the man that attacks an investigative journalist personally, as he himself put it, to "..attempt to stymie her investigative journalism about him and make other investigative journalists wary about pursuing theirs".  Like I said, 

But again, I never claimed Russian money paid for brexit. Try keep up


Quote from: GerryT on February 21, 2022, 04:16:51 PM
Very articulate...ramblings there JOG.
Cameron was a very strong advocate for remaining in the EU, he lost and felt he couldn't in all honesty lead the country down a path of destruction and against his core beliefs. So he fell on his sword and stood aside to let the party select someone to carry out the brexit wish. This was a great result for Brexiters as Cameron could have stayed in power and did a "Johnson" and lied and cheated and delivered a BRINO. What would you have said if Cameron had threatened to step down if people didn't vote to remain, that would have been beyond stupid.

The man that ran away, Farage, the winner, stepped down as soon as he won. Who does that, tell the people to follow him in exiting the EU and and soon as they say yes, he's off. Nearly as bad as Johnson, who was very pro EU and the UK remining, that is until leave won and he quickly changed horses. 

Cameron stood by his convictions, Farage ran away and Johnson blew in the wind.
thats got to be the biggest pishiest interpretation to date from you.

Cameron resigning was a great result for brexiters?

The tories then coronated may , a well know remainer , and we then had approx three years of remain anti democratic shenanigans in parliament trying to overturn democracy , before the uk public patience snapped and johnson finally picked up the baton and enacted the ref result years later.

How did farage run away?

You will need to elaborate further on your blind hatred of the man , but from what i saw , his job was done. He didnt run away , he won his prize and retired triumphantly.

I wish salmond had lost elections but won our referendum instead in 2014 , and similarly "run away" as you put it.

You arent very good at spin gerry , and certainly arent no machiavellian poster are you?

2022 , you still dont understand brexit , and try but fail to rewrite history to suit your warped view and bitter salty remain tears . Let it go mate , you will make yersell ill.

Michelle o neil will be first minsiter , mary lou taoiseach , ireland united and you will still be crying over past events. Bit like blairs legacy , you will be left behind defending ashes.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: johnofgwent on February 20, 2022, 09:51:58 PM
Barry, Toots: look away: you won't like what's coming

Jesus f**king Christ on a f**king uniycle Gerry do do think I was born yesterday ?

In the years when Clegg still sat on Cameron's lap in number 10, after a rather splendid pub lunch with an old friend I had not seen for a decade, I fired up the car and pointed it towards the A46 and home.

Between turning right onto the road from Bathampton and joining the dual carriageway uphill stretch, Cameron had delivered his promise that if the next election delivered a majority conservative government, he would deliver a simple in/out referendum on our continuing membership of the EU in which he would fight with every ounce of his strength and his whole body and soul to persuade the people of the argument to remain.

After we called his bluff and threw the link b dems into the gutter, he promised more than once that on the very day after the vote, he would be on a train to Brussels to deliver the verdict of the British people

On the day of the referendum I sat up all night, riveted by the results as they came in. And at 6:03 Dimbleby was forced, with a face that had swallowed  a pint of pureed lemons, to declare that Britain was leaving the European Union.

Farage, who had been interviewed at 22:30 and declared that while his supporters had put up a hell of a fight, it seemed to him from exit polls they had lost by the narrowest of margins and the fight was over, was wearing a rather different expression.

And as I threw two cups of coffee down my throat and a bucket of water over my head to serve as a shower, I dived into my car and set off up the M4 and up the A449 to run TfL's latest campaign ...

As I turned up the slip lane onto the A449 Cameron the lying shitbag came on to say that he had d coded, despite his promise to take the decision if the people directly to Europe, he had reflected on this and decided he was not, in fact, going to do this and was instead going to offer her s resignation as prime minister.

Lorries and cars pulled over on the inside lane. Drivers (myself included) got out and f**king cheered.

Of course, the remoaner scum like you then soenykt years trying to derail the will of the people.

And spread a web of lies

But I have the MP3 recordings of both statements.

Your lies cannot prevail against the truth.

So f**k off
Very articulate...ramblings there JOG.
Cameron was a very strong advocate for remaining in the EU, he lost and felt he couldn't in all honesty lead the country down a path of destruction and against his core beliefs. So he fell on his sword and stood aside to let the party select someone to carry out the brexit wish. This was a great result for Brexiters as Cameron could have stayed in power and did a "Johnson" and lied and cheated and delivered a BRINO. What would you have said if Cameron had threatened to step down if people didn't vote to remain, that would have been beyond stupid.

The man that ran away, Farage, the winner, stepped down as soon as he won. Who does that, tell the people to follow him in exiting the EU and and soon as they say yes, he's off. Nearly as bad as Johnson, who was very pro EU and the UK remining, that is until leave won and he quickly changed horses. 

Cameron stood by his convictions, Farage ran away and Johnson blew in the wind.


Quote from: GerryT on February 21, 2022, 03:55:29 PM
I never said that, again you fail to have the very basic's of understanding. Try not to misquote what I post.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on February 21, 2022, 03:51:49 PM
If you read the second part of my post you will see what I meant.
so my original reply which you then started throwing diversions at , was clearly relevant.

if you want to play your usual word salad , you crack on gerry.

No cant gives a fack about your russian bogey man stories , boris is still in power despite remainers telling us ( probably for two years now) he will be gone tomorrow , brexit is still in place  , and your political world a mess.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 20, 2022, 09:01:27 PM
@ sampan.


check this thread out. It was the russians that did brexit apparently.
I never said that, again you fail to have the very basic's of understanding. Try not to misquote what I post.



Quote from: GerryT on February 19, 2022, 10:44:21 AM
So you kept voting in governments that kept signing treaties. So the majority got what they wanted, at the time. Or am I missing something.
Yes you are missing that there wasn't a party to vote for that would stop signing treaties . Like now most people vote for the best deal on the table not that they are particularly aligned with Tory thinking 

When we did eventually get one enough people did vote for them to force the change that led to leaving the EU 


Quote from: GerryT on February 20, 2022, 07:47:00 PM
or did Aaron Banks use his own money ?

Well you know more about "english " politics than me gerald. Im sure i know that name though , is that no the guy who forced a remain journalist carole cadwalladr to  apologise for lying about him over brexit and the famous russian bogeyman?  :D

How many more beatings can you remongers take gerald? I tell you , your brexit bitterness is like a large boil full of puss .

Carole Cadwalladr has already admitted that her claims that Arron Banks was in the pay of the Russians were untrue and apologised to him for making them, as well as giving an undertaking not to repeat the claims. She is still defending the defamation case, and raising crowd funding for her defence, on novel grounds. Her last line of defence hinges on the idea that she was a responsible journalist, working in the public interest and made an honest mistake. Responsible journalists of course do everything they can to ensure the accuracy of their stories. At the start of her cross examination the Court learnt, in the most graphic way possible, that accuracy is not a strong point with Carole

Her cross examination was extraordinary, rambling, at one point she claimed that the libel she has already admitted to be untrue, and for which she has apologised, was true. She told the judge at one point, of a perfectly fair line of questioning, "I think this line of questioning is deliberate to shame and humiliate me. Part of that effort to shame and humiliate me is to do with me being a woman". That's the same line she takes when anyone challenges the accuracy of her journalism.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on February 19, 2022, 11:39:16 AM

It wasnt Cameron that r as n away,

Barry, Toots: look away: you won't like what's coming

Jesus f**king Christ on a f**king uniycle Gerry do do think I was born yesterday ?

In the years when Clegg still sat on Cameron's lap in number 10, after a rather splendid pub lunch with an old friend I had not seen for a decade, I fired up the car and pointed it towards the A46 and home.

Between turning right onto the road from Bathampton and joining the dual carriageway uphill stretch, Cameron had delivered his promise that if the next election delivered a majority conservative government, he would deliver a simple in/out referendum on our continuing membership of the EU in which he would fight with every ounce of his strength and his whole body and soul to persuade the people of the argument to remain.

After we called his bluff and threw the link b dems into the gutter, he promised more than once that on the very day after the vote, he would be on a train to Brussels to deliver the verdict of the British people

On the day of the referendum I sat up all night, riveted by the results as they came in. And at 6:03 Dimbleby was forced, with a face that had swallowed  a pint of pureed lemons, to declare that Britain was leaving the European Union.

Farage, who had been interviewed at 22:30 and declared that while his supporters had put up a hell of a fight, it seemed to him from exit polls they had lost by the narrowest of margins and the fight was over, was wearing a rather different expression.

And as I threw two cups of coffee down my throat and a bucket of water over my head to serve as a shower, I dived into my car and set off up the M4 and up the A449 to run TfL's latest campaign ...

As I turned up the slip lane onto the A449 Cameron the lying shitbag came on to say that he had d coded, despite his promise to take the decision if the people directly to Europe, he had reflected on this and decided he was not, in fact, going to do this and was instead going to offer her s resignation as prime minister.

Lorries and cars pulled over on the inside lane. Drivers (myself included) got out and f**king cheered.

Of course, the remoaner scum like you then soenykt years trying to derail the will of the people.

And spread a web of lies

But I have the MP3 recordings of both statements.

Your lies cannot prevail against the truth.

So f**k off

<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


If in doubt blame the Russians, everybody who disagrees is in fact a Russian.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


@ sampan.


check this thread out. It was the russians that did brexit apparently.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on February 20, 2022, 07:47:00 PM

The Russians have wanted the breakup of the EU or at least instability. UKIP helped make that happen, I'm sure that put a smile on Putin's face
bump . This is a keeper.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!