EU report claims Brits 'didn't know what they were doing' when voting for Brexit

Started by Thomas, February 18, 2022, 11:25:59 AM

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Quote from: Thomas on February 23, 2022, 07:52:55 PM
Done it may a time , so have many others over the last seven years, people like you arent listening ,so as i said yesterday , we can't find anymore ways to re argue what has already been re argued over many years.

I tell you what though gerry , i have to hand it to you you have changed my mind. I have went from a lukewarm remainer , to brexiter , having listened to your incessant drivel and endless screaming about how democracy went against you . Thank fack the uk is out the eu.
Well, if you say so. Don't let any facts get in the way of your opinion.
Would you stop, your a thoroughbred brexiter.


Quote from: GerryT on February 23, 2022, 07:11:13 PM
You'll now go and back up that with some solid examples...lots of claims, about 5, for you to backup.

Done it may a time , so have many others over the last seven years, people like you arent listening ,so as i said yesterday , we cant find anymore ways to re argue what has already been re argued over many years.

I tell you what though gerry , i have to hand it to you you have changed my mind. I have went from a lukewarm remainer , to brexiter , having listened to your incessant drivel and endless screaming about how democracy went against you . Thank fack the uk is out the eu.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on February 23, 2022, 06:58:16 PM

Whats the link got to do with cromwell said that he didnt know anyone who voted to leave off the back of what was said on a bus?

You claimed the key was what was said on the bus was a lie but us idiotic plebs believed it ( we didnt) and cromwell rubbished it by saying cobblers , and in reply you start quoting him a full fact link on membership fee?:D

Gerry you are too busy screaming you arent even picking up the nuance of the debate , or what is being said to you.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Streetwalker on February 22, 2022, 07:54:35 PMI think the better way for a smooth transition would have been to walk away but keep all EU law on the books . It would have been a good starting point for an open free trade deal and  having alignment would have speeded up the process . We could ditch the rules and regs  we didn't want  as we went along (day one leave the SM and CU ) streamlining the agreement to be ratified when everything was agreed .
But .....thats assuming the EU would play ball which given the way they operate is probably a bit far fetched .

Best just to leave and trade with the rest of the world and pretend they are not there ....Unless they ask nicely 
Well, you sort of did, leave with current laws in place, or aligned as you say.

But that's not the issue. Art 50 terminated all current agreements between the EU and the UK. That was a unilateral decision by the UK and once triggered it was unlikely to be stopped.
The next thing was to agree a new deal, but how integrated, the closest would have been agreeing most everything but that would be like having membership. The other end of the scale would be to commit to nothing but then trade would be severely affected. The EU offered this to the UK to show the different types of deal possible. The UK could then decide what they wanted, the closer the integration the more oversight is required. The more UK red lines then the worse the deal.

In the end it was less important how closely the UK and EU were aligned but far more important what the UK wanted the NEW arrangement to be like moving forward.


Quote from: Nick on February 22, 2022, 07:24:09 PMWe didn't have a contract with the EU, we were in a club which had rules. When you leave a club you stop paying and the rules no longer apply, especially as there are no persistent clauses. As SW has told you, it was article 50 that kept us tied to the EU by virtue of the fact we agreed to leave a certain way. That was the only contract we had.
Art50, written by an English man, IS the mechanism for leaving the EU. It is NOT a future relationship contract. Your future relationship contract, which started the day you left, is the CTA and the NI protocol within it.

A treaty is a formal binding legal agreement between sovereign countries and bound under international law, it can also be made with organisation's, business entities or individuals. Are you going to argue this ?

Each EU member state has entered a number of treaty's as part of EU membership. Thats lots of legal agreements or more commonly called contracts and they are legally binding. UNLESS there are provisions within the treaty getting out of them can't be done unilaterally unless in very specific situations. The UK had legally enforceable contract's with the EU:

  • Lisbon
  • Nice
  • Amsterdam
  • Masstrict
  • Single European act
  • Merger - Brussels
  • Rome
  • European Coal and Steel Community

Quote from: Nick on February 22, 2022, 07:24:09 PMYou don't understand that we could have just said stick your deal and walked away, removing all EU law from our law. You can deny it all you want but somethings are true whether you believe them or not.
No you couldn't and it's you that doesn't understand. Unless you were going to do a Russia and break out the troops and try bully the rest of the EU. But your not Russia.
Why don't you go off now and come back with something that didn't get dreamt up in a red top rag to show your claim that the UK could have walked away. And don't be coming back with some of those trickey Nickey ideas.


Quote from: Thomas on February 22, 2022, 07:12:56 PMyou have been wrong many times through the arguments  , people have corrected you , you have tried to shout them down , misrepresent them and use idiotically false argumetns and straw men.
You'll now go and back up that with some solid examples...lots of claims, about 5, for you to backup.

Quote from: Thomas on February 22, 2022, 07:12:56 PMLike i said , streetwalker basically summed up the situation and im happy he has more than answered you as has everyone else.
Well, there we go, once your happy.

Quote from: Thomas on February 22, 2022, 07:12:56 PMWe all knew what we were voting for , i have said many a time now over the years why i voted as i did , i knew before the votes were even cast what way streetwalker and many others on here would vote , and streetwalker and brexiters won.

So we are out , no going back in or tieing ourselves to the eu , and there you go gerry.
Thats great, nothing to say here, you and Streetwalker knew what each other was doing. What about the other millions of people, you knew what they were thinking ?

Quote from: Thomas on February 22, 2022, 07:12:56 PMYou have been on here waffling now for a number of years , and i dont really know how many times we can re argue , re invent , and re rake over the same arguments  , most of us still hold the same views ( i went from a lukewarm remainer to leave) so really its groundhog day every time you put pinky to keyboard in a huff.

You`ll make yoursell ill gerry with your obsession. 
I spend most of my time debating what others claim, just because my opinion on here is in the minority, that doesn't make your opinion a fact.


Quote from: Nick on February 23, 2022, 06:39:56 PM
No we couldn't.

We had to follow EU rules and accept any EU national.
Just wait until these 2 million Syrian migrants are entitled to EU passports and they can go where they like. They won't be coming to the U.K. thanks to Brexit.
You said self determination. You did, you either take the EU rule (which you make) or you leave and do something else. You did that, you decide. No body stopping you, self determination.
Yea, we should burn them. Funny enough when you were a EU member and they went to the UK you could have sent them back to where they came from, usually France. Now that your out you can't, France can just turn a blind eye and let them through. Just keep sending France money and they might keep patrolling their side to stop immigrants crossing to the UK.



Quote from: GerryT on February 23, 2022, 06:25:43 PM
You had 1 when in the EU
You could have done 2 when in the EU.
So you always had both of those things
No we couldn't. 

We had to follow EU rules and accept any EU national. 
Just wait until these 2 million Syrian migrants are entitled to EU passports and they can go where they like. They won't be coming to the U.K. thanks to Brexit. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.



Quote from: Nick on February 22, 2022, 10:19:12 PM
I voted based on a couple of main things.

1).  Self determination
2).  Stopping 2 million unknown Syrians from entering our country.

I'm fairly sure we have both those things.
You had 1 when in the EU
You could have done 2 when in the EU.
So you always had both of those things


Quote from: Nick on February 22, 2022, 10:14:50 PM
Just using grammar the bus couldn't have been a lie because it was a question.

Had to look, that's not a question, no question mark.  It could be construed as a statement but I would say its a rhetorical statement. It also suggest 350m a week for the NHS, but tricky Johnson said not all that was for the NHS, as it turns out it was a cost and not a cost saving, so minus money for the NHS.


Quote from: Nick on February 22, 2022, 10:14:50 PM
Just using grammar the bus couldn't have been a lie because it was a question.
We should call you tricky Nick


Quote from: cromwell on February 22, 2022, 09:42:29 PM
Absolute cobblers,your evidence for this is?  (Non existent )

I know no one who voted on the basis of the bus advert.
I voted based on a couple of main things. 

1).  Self determination
2).  Stopping 2 million unknown Syrians from entering our country. 

I'm fairly sure we have both those things. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.