Has the campaign to oust Boris Johnson collapsed?

Started by Thomas, February 20, 2022, 03:29:45 PM

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Quote from: B0ycey on February 23, 2022, 08:53:30 AM
What do you mean taken in completely? Given I am not French nor is he my leader, I am totally impartial on my view on Macron T00ts. Everything I have written is completely true. It is you Brexiteers who have a chip on your shoulder. You are told the EU bad, fallen for the lies and then associate anything to do with the EU as bad because of that. Haven't you realised we are outside the EU now? If things haven't worked out the way you thought, perhaps question your own sanity. Maybe, just maybe it is you who has been taken in completely. It isn't up to Macron to give the UK an easy ride. He is the French president looking after the French people. Remember that.
Whoops! Looks like I hit a nerve. Sorry for that. The problem is that you are not impartial. You are not French perhaps but cut you down the middle and you probably have EU printed right through. It's not impartiality that's important here but  hardheaded free thinking. See what's before you not what those selling King's new clothes want you to believe. Perhaps you have not experienced people like Macron in your life. He is a type. He is not a bad man just a showman. He has studied what a President looks like and does his best to portray it and the script is written to fit. His actions on the other hand don't follow through. I believe they say 'all mouth no trousers'. Don't get me wrong he would be a perfect dinner guest, but then he has probably studied that role too.  


Quote from: T00ts on February 23, 2022, 08:45:08 AM
Oh dear. I cannot believe that you are taken in so completely.
What do you mean taken in completely? Given I am not French nor is he my leader, I am totally impartial on my view on Macron T00ts. Everything I have written is completely true. It is you Brexiteers who have a chip on your shoulder. You are told the EU bad, fallen for the lies and then associate anything to do with the EU as bad because of that. Haven't you realised we are outside the EU now? If things haven't worked out the way you thought, perhaps question your own sanity. Maybe, just maybe it is you who has been taken in completely. It isn't up to Macron to give the UK an easy ride. He is the French president looking after the French people. Remember that.


Quote from: Sheepy on February 22, 2022, 11:28:52 PM
You on a wind up Boycey? If not I really fear for your sanity.

Well I fear for the sanity for those who support Johnson Sheepy. It seems for some he can lock you up, party away and still get idiots bowing at his feet.


Quote from: B0ycey on February 22, 2022, 10:23:17 PM
His performance persuades me? I am not interested in his performance T00ts, I listen to his words. The direction Europe needs to go is exactly what Macron says it should go and is being proven right this week. He has talked and acted tough of Brexit not to spite us but to protect French fishing and their economy. He has taken a leading role over Ukraine, has respect throughout Europe acts professional, seems to be on top of price of living crisis by putting a cap on what the energy companies can charge. He is on top of the green initiative, nuclear power, whilst getting on top of right wing fascism, free speech, terrorism out of his nation etc etc etc. I suspect he isn't liked on here because he has no desire to hold back migrants crossing the Channel, but you have to ask if it was the other way round would we in the UK stop boats heading to France? No I would say.
Oh dear. I cannot believe that you are taken in so completely.


Quote from: B0ycey on February 22, 2022, 10:23:17 PM
His performance persuades me? I am not interested in his performance T00ts, I listen to his words. The direction Europe needs to go is exactly what Macron says it should go and is being proven right this week. He has talked and acted tough of Brexit not to spite us but to protect French fishing and their economy. He has taken a leading role over Ukraine, has respect throughout Europe acts professional, seems to be on top of price of living crisis by putting a cap on what the energy companies can charge. He is on top of the green initiative, nuclear power, whilst getting on top of right wing fascism, free speech, terrorism out of his nation etc etc etc. I suspect he isn't liked on here because he has no desire to hold back migrants crossing the Channel, but you have to ask if it was the other way round would we in the UK stop boats heading to France? No I would say.

You on a wind up Boycey? If not I really fear for your sanity. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: T00ts on February 22, 2022, 10:03:44 PM
Macron, Boysey, is a man after the main chance. He has studied what he thinks makes a great politician and it seems his performance has persuaded you. Perhaps you should get more theatre performances under your belt and then you would recognise a luvvy when you see one. The clue is in the body language not what he says after rehearsals withma teacher.
His performance persuades me? I am not interested in his performance T00ts, I listen to his words. The direction Europe needs to go is exactly what Macron says it should go and is being proven right this week. He has talked and acted tough of Brexit not to spite us but to protect French fishing and their economy. He has taken a leading role over Ukraine, has respect throughout Europe acts professional, seems to be on top of price of living crisis by putting a cap on what the energy companies can charge. He is on top of the green initiative, nuclear power, whilst getting on top of right wing fascism, free speech, terrorism out of his nation etc etc etc. I suspect he isn't liked on here because he has no desire to hold back migrants crossing the Channel, but you have to ask if it was the other way round would we in the UK stop boats heading to France? No I would say.


Quote from: B0ycey on February 22, 2022, 09:40:11 PM
Macron is a leader ahead of his time T00ts. He understands where the EU needs to go and is being proven right with the way things have panned out this week. Europe need to take their own security seriously. But he is nothing like Blair. He has absolutely no poodle in him at all, has no problem telling the Americans to f**k off and isn't afraid to call NATO brain dead. It is true that I am no Johnson fan. I doubt I could forgive him for his Brexit lies. But even if he didn't have any association with Brexit at all, the behaviour, the lying, the hypocrisy and the rule breaking of recent times would still make me say he has to go NOW. I am glad he has taken the right action over Covid which to be frank is at least a year too late and forced by his Red Meat action plan, but he isn't really doing much with cooperating with other European leaders over Ukraine and seems to be the sheep following others leads then the guy talking to Russia trying to work out if there is a diplomatic solution to all this which is unusual for a nation with a UN security seat.
Macron, Boysey, is a man after the main chance. He has studied what he thinks makes a great politician and it seems his performance has persuaded you. Perhaps you should get more theatre performances under your belt and then you would recognise a luvvy when you see one. The clue is in the body language not what he says after rehearsals with his drama teacher.


Quote from: T00ts on February 22, 2022, 09:05:09 PM

On that note, looking world wide who has anyone got?
Well there's Macron........who married his mother 

Dopey Joe

Trump the tosser 

Vlad the invader

Mr Punch leader of the opposition

And everybody thinks Boris a joke?  Despite the fact he is.

Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: T00ts on February 22, 2022, 09:28:28 PM
I don't think you really registered my post. It's not their ideology that is in question. Your dislike of Boris quite apart from his politics, is that he doesn't act or look the part. To some extent I agree but I am relieved that Boris doesn't do some of the things those others you mentioned are known to do. Your admiration of Macron leaves me almost speechless. A Blair clone if ever I saw one.
Macron is a leader ahead of his time T00ts. He understands where the EU needs to go and is being proven right with the way things have panned out this week. Europe need to take their own security seriously. But he is nothing like Blair. He has absolutely no poodle in him at all, has no problem telling the Americans to F@@@ off and isn't afraid to call NATO brain dead. It is true that I am no Johnson fan. I doubt I could forgive him for his Brexit lies. But even if he didn't have any association with Brexit at all, the behaviour, the lying, the hypocrisy and the rule breaking of recent times would still make me say he has to go NOW. I am glad he has taken the right action over Covid which to be frank is at least a year too late and forced by his Red Meat action plan, but he isn't really doing much with cooperating with other European leaders over Ukraine and seems to be the sheep following others leads then the guy talking to Russia trying to work out if there is a diplomatic solution to all this which is unusual for a nation with a UN security seat.


Quote from: B0ycey on February 22, 2022, 09:19:10 PM
T00ts, the only leader from the list I wrote I have total respect for is Macron. The others either haven't had long enough to prove themselves or have aspects of their politics I don't agree with. But that doesn't mean they don't earn respect on the world stage which is something Johnson doesn't command. I guess that was my point. As I said, I don't mean leaders of ideological differences are going to be liked in the sense tht the left and right won't like each other but that when leaders are in a room with each other, there isn't going to be one who is punching above their weight.
I don't think you really registered my post. It's not their ideology that is in question. Your dislike of Boris quite apart from his politics, is that he doesn't act or look the part. To some extent I agree but I am relieved that Boris doesn't do some of the things those others you mentioned are known to do. Your admiration of Macron leaves me almost speechless. A Blair clone if ever I saw one.


Quote from: T00ts on February 22, 2022, 09:05:09 PM
I take it you don't like him then? Seriously though those you list above all have their faults from black face to killing on foreign shores. I'm not sure I appreciate your choices to be admired either. In comparison Boris's foibles seem quite decent. Your comment about acting like leaders - you do know it is an act? Macron of course is well rehearsed. Perhaps after all Boris could be the most genuine.

On that note, looking world wide who has anyone got?
T00ts, the only leader from the list I wrote I have total respect for is Macron. The others either haven't had long enough to prove themselves or have aspects of their politics I don't agree with. But that doesn't mean they don't earn respect on the world stage which is something Johnson doesn't command. I guess that was my point. As I said, I don't mean leaders of ideological differences are going to be liked in the sense tht the left and right won't like each other but that when leaders are in a room with each other, there isn't going to be one who is punching above their weight.


Quote from: johnofgwent on February 22, 2022, 09:03:44 PM
I think he should have gone a while ago. I think he should have fessed up to the way he dragged the country to ridicule after Cummings refused to resign and he had to go on national TV and debase the office of Prime Minister by trying to laugh off what Cummings did.

*** BUT ***

Where the hell are we going to get a "respected" political leader ?

I mean who gave the Tories got ?

Seriously, who have they got ??

It's a shitty, stinking reason for BoJo to stay in the job

But it's a reason.
Well I agree. There isn't an ideal replacement. There were a few candidates like Hammond before Johnson purged out all the best Tories, if there is such a thing. But if we look at the two likely replacements which are Truss and Sunak, both could at least earn respect in a leaders conference room over a sensitive subject like Ukraine. I not saying either would be any good as leaders I want to make that clear. And Truss certainly let herself down by insulting the Russians at a conference that was suppose to be about easing tensions. But they are STILL better than Johnson and as such are in my opinion a good reason to replace Johnson now despite what is going on in the world.


Quote from: B0ycey on February 22, 2022, 08:36:38 PM
Sure, depending on ideology will depend on whether you will like a leader or not. But what I mean when I say liked is in terms of respect and behaviour mannerisms etc. That is to say, you might not like Trudreau, Biden, Xi, Putin, Macron, Scholz or whoevers politics. But those people all act like leaders, they haven't campaigned on backstabbing, threatened to break year long treaties, insulted Italian wine, Started fish wars with the French, insulted ethnic minorities, buffoons their way with jokes in serious conversations, lied as easily as it would be to tell the truth and all by and large seem serious actors on the world stage. It might have escaped your intention but even though the G7 was in Cornwall, and Johnson was the host, it was clear he was the spare pear in a room full of oranges. His partygate antics might not have improved his image at home, but when a French reporter was asked by a British audience what they French thought of Partygate, his response was the French couldn't even work out why the British elected him to begin with. And now at perhaps the time we need a respected leader the most since WW2, can you honestly say Johnson is the best man for the job? I can't. And it is true there isn't exactly a good replacement, but anyone in the Tory Front bench is better than Johnson right now.
I take it you don't like him then? Seriously though those you list above all have their faults from black face to killing on foreign shores. I'm not sure I appreciate your choices to be admired either. In comparison Boris's foibles seem quite decent. Your comment about acting like leaders - you do know it is an act? Macron of course is well rehearsed. Perhaps after all Boris could be the most genuine.

Quote from: johnofgwent on February 22, 2022, 09:03:44 PM
I think he should have gone a while ago. I think he should have fessed up to the way he dragged the country to ridicule after Cummings refused to resign and he had to go on national TV and debase the office of Prime Minister by trying to laugh off what Cummings did.

*** BUT ***

Where the hell are we going to get a "respected" political leader ?

I mean who gave the Tories got ?

Seriously, who have they got ??

It's a shitty, stinking reason for BoJo to stay in the job

But it's a reason.

On that note, looking world wide who has anyone got?


Quote from: B0ycey on February 22, 2022, 08:04:07 PM
Well I disagree. This is the time to change the clown. We need a leader who is respected around the world.

I think he should have gone a while ago. I think he should have fessed up to the way he dragged the country to ridicule after Cummings refused to resign and he had to go on national TV and debase the office of Prime Minister by trying to laugh off what Cummings did.

*** BUT ***

Where the hell are we going to get a "respected" political leader ?

I mean who gave the Tories got ?

Seriously, who have they got ??

It's a shitty, stinking reason for BoJo to stay in the job

But it's a reason.

<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: T00ts on February 22, 2022, 08:22:21 PM
Well I'll take that on the chin as a Conservative myself, but of course I could say that that is just a glib comment and patently untrue, but then you would no doubt feel the same if I described your chosen ideology and those who follow it the same (without the language of course)  Dancing
Sure, depending on ideology will depend on whether you will like a leader or not. But what I mean when I say liked is in terms of respect and behaviour mannerisms etc. That is to say, you might not like Trudreau, Biden, Xi, Putin, Macron, Scholz or whoevers politics. But those people all act like leaders, they haven't campaigned on backstabbing, threatened to break year long treaties, insulted Italian wine, Started fish wars with the French, insulted ethnic minorities, buffoons their way with jokes in serious conversations, lied as easily as it would be to tell the truth and all by and large seem serious actors on the world stage. It might have escaped your intention but even though the G7 was in Cornwall, and Johnson was the host, it was clear he was the spare pear in a room full of oranges. His partygate antics might not have improved his image at home, but when a French reporter was asked by a British audience what they French thought of Partygate, his response was the French couldn't even work out why the British elected him to begin with. And now at perhaps the time we need a respected leader the most since WW2, can you honestly say Johnson is the best man for the job? I can't. And it is true there isn't exactly a good replacement, but anyone in the Tory Front bench is better than Johnson right now.