Keir starmers hypocrisy talking over democracy over dictatorship

Started by Thomas, February 26, 2022, 02:07:06 PM

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Mandelson's Putin links make mockery of Starmer's self-righteousness on Russia

Top adviser and Blair's former right-hand man has history of toadying to Russian leader, as well as wider Russian links – and he's only one of Starmer's advisers to have form on Russia that hasn't aged well

Keir Starmer's act – once again giving his full backing to Boris Johnson in yet another 'we support the government' moment – has been called his 'Start the war' campaign, with Labour's notional leader keen to burnish his anti-Russia credentials during yesterday's Commons session and since.

But the fact that Tony Blair's right-hand man is still his chief adviser makes a mockery of Starmer's posturing. Peter Mandelson's closeness to Russian oligarch leg Deripaska is well known, particularly because of embarrassing photos of Mandelson on Deripaska's yacht when Mandelson was European Trade Commissioner – and the fact that in that role Mandelson had twice cut aluminium import tariffs, benefiting Deripaska's company, despite Mandelson's denial that there was any link.

But Mandelson also has strong links with Vladimir Putin, the Russian president with whom Keir Starmer is now at least posturing as seeking confrontation. In 2013, Mandelson publicly stated that Vladimir Putin was taking Russia 'in the right direction' – and in 2017 he was revealed to have interceded with Putin on behalf of a Russian firm that had paid Mandelson a huge amount of cash to work for it:

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Starmer's Brexit calamity: The irony is exquisite: a forensic new biography of the Labour leader reveals how his arrogant refusal to accept the referendum result unwittingly helped make Boris PM – and gave Britain the hard Brexit he most dreaded...
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This old article wears well too , regarding starmers long term anti brexit game.

Despite his current denial and claims to want to make brexit "work" we all know his anti brexit long game from his days as shadow brexit secretary still carry...

Keir Starmer eyes anti-Brexit long game

Speaking to POLITICO London Playbook at the Labour Party conference shortly after the vote, Starmer — who since 2016 has slowly but surely steered Labour Brexit policy toward a pro-second referendum position — admitted he is "disappointed" the attempt to shift policy decisively to Remain had failed, but claimed it is "obvious" members would eventually back staying in the EU.

Looking ahead to another vote 

Starmer, who said in his conference speech on Monday that a referendum would be held within six months of Labour winning power, suggested the shape of a Labour-negotiated alternative Brexit deal, which would go up against Remain, could emerge pretty quickly.
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Quote from: johnofgwent on February 26, 2022, 06:52:45 PM
Apparently Gordon Brown made a bit of a packet out of a speech he made to a bank that has now had its assets frozen

Brown himself says he did not make a penny from this, but put the money into the service company he invented to pay his staff wages.

Given the way he f**ked people doing real jobs over who used their wives to do the admin, paid them from the profits and then got hit by North West 5 Trusts and Settlements for "settling" funds on spouses to avoid personal taxation in them, the hypocrisy is f**ked Ng breathtaking
Totally agree john , and thanks for your support in understanding my point on starmers and labour hypocrisy on democracy in the ukraine thread.

I noticed srb steve and the usual suspects were quick to jump in and defend starmer over his hilarious comments regarding ukraine. Anti  Democracy and the events of 2016 to 2019 will go down in legend and be an achillies heel for labour for a long time to come. Only a party as stupid as labour would put such a high profile anti democratic europhile as starmer in charge as thier leader , with all the baggage that comes with him , for a predominantly leave country to vote for  :D::)

Europe wide , i notice many many political parties and politicians are very quick as ever to virtue signal on ukraine and hand wring as ever , but they are all sweating profusely , including the labour party and clowns like that prick brown , over ties to putin and russian money making them look bad.

The hypocrisy is facking breathtaking indeed.
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Sir Keir Starmer: The self-styled bastion of democracy who made no fewer than 48 attempts to block Brexit

As he accuses Boris Johnson of corruption, Labour leader's own history when it comes to respecting democratic process should be remembered

Keir Starmer's support for a second Brexit referendum in 2018 could be his undoing

The Tories certainly haven't forgotten, and I'm told they fully intend to exploit a 2018 clip as his Achilles heel

Among the heckles during his conference speech on Wednesday, there was one that got little attention and yet had most potential to wound. When Starmer lambasted Jeremy Corbyn's 2019 election disaster, a leftwing activist yelled: "It was your Brexit [referendum]!"
Pressed by the BBC on that electoral disaster, the Labour leader today admitted that Brexit was "one" of the causes (along with Corbyn's leadership, a manifesto no one believed and anti-Semitism).

But when put to him that he had wanted to frustrate the democratic will of millions expressed in the 2016 Brexit vote, Starmer said that was a "mischaracterisation".
The fact is that the former shadow Brexit secretary did indeed play a key role in shifting his party to support a second referendum. Don't forget that in 2018 he won his first roar from a Labour conference, when he thundered "nobody is ruling out Remain as an option!"
The Tories certainly haven't forgotten, and I'm told they fully intend to exploit that clip at the next election as his Achilles heel, telling Red Wall voters that Starmer is the man who wanted to tear up their historic decision

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 26, 2022, 02:11:04 PM

Apparently Gordon Brown made a bit of a packet out of a speech he made to a bank that has now had its assets frozen

Brown himself says he did not make a penny from this, but put the money into the service company he invented to pay his staff wages.

Given the way he fucked people doing real jobs over who used their wives to do the admin, paid them from the profits and then got hit by North West 5 Trusts and Settlements for "settling" funds on spouses to avoid personal taxation in them, the hypocrisy is fucked Ng breathtaking 
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


'Trashing democracy!' Keir Starmer blasted for 'reneging on promise' in Brexit snub

KEIR STARMER has been blasted by a former Labour MP for "reneging on promises" to respect the Brexit vote, as the leader attacks the Tories for "trashing democracy"

The Labour leader has dragged Boris Johnson over the coals over the Owen Paterson scandal, saying the Prime Minister is "trashing our democracy". However, a former Labour MP said Sir Keir has some "brass neck" and noted his attempts to overturn the 2016 Brexit referendum.
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An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Following on from my post regarding keir starmers hypocrisy in the" is anyone surprise ukraine invaded "thread , after my telling off from barry regarding a labour bad post , i have decided to start a thread to further my discussion with good old and steve without being off topic.

heres srb steve post...

QuoteI am no fan of Keir Starmer nor most of the Labour Party now as you know. But I do believe in fair comment.

But comparing a man who used - perhaps even abused - the democratic parliamentary process in an attempt to frustrate Brexit which a narrow majority of the people - though not your own - voted for, with a vicious psychopathic despot who has launched a military invasion of another state, is a comparison too far. It is not like for like. One is obviously far worse, not to say far more murderous, than the other.

Starmer is a proven liar. Unlike Putin, I would not yet say he is a proven psychopath.

We need to stop the obsession with viewing world events through the prism of the EU issue, which some clearly remain obsessed by.

To compare what is happening in the Ukraine now with any of the trials and tribulations of Brexit is laughable really.

and my reply...

QuoteAre you denying my point about starmers anti democratic actions stands?

You can talk about parliamentary process all you like , you can talk about narrow majorities to de ligitimise brexit all you like , it doesnt in any way shape or form negate my comment on starmer and your former despicable anti democratic labour party.

Why am i not surprised you come on here to defend starmer?

You know , as i do , the anti democratic events between 2016 to 2019 , not to mention the fact under milliband your former party didnt even want the people tio have a say on the festering 40 year sore of europe , is a lead weight that will hang abround the necks of the labour party , their leader ,and the wider british left for a long time to come.
Im not expecting good old or srb steve to comment further , hopefully i will be wrong , because srb and good old like many on the left wether they are labour or not want brexit and the events of 2016 to 2019 forgotten about and brushed under the carpet conveniently to hopefully allow labour to get elected and overturn brexit. As we all know.

I will wait for further comment from srb steve or anyone else who wishes to contribute further.
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