Keir starmers hypocrisy talking over democracy over dictatorship

Started by Thomas, February 26, 2022, 02:07:06 PM

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We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Thomas on March 07, 2022, 08:14:13 AM
Steve is back on that same hill yet again he was sitting on during millibands time in power. Claiming labour arent left , while at the same time defending them .

All that changes within labour are the faction in control at the top , the divided party of two camps under the leaderships rule remains the same. Steve talks as if all was light and heavenly under corbyn , but as we all know , the blairite faction was alive and kicking doing immeasuable harm to corbyn while he was leader , more so than the tories or anyone else.

So spot on john , and fully agree with your post.

For starmers labour to get into power , they need to win in england as we know. I dont believe they can with brexit and his anti democratic baggage from 2016 - 2019 hanging over him , but you can't tell them.

I tried chopping the two bits I wanted to pursue out of this and the phone vomited text everywhere.

So doing this the hard way

I'm not so sure Steve is defending Starmer or the party. From what I've seen he seems to view Starmer as a bit of a conman, which I'm ok with. He's certainly managed to con the Jewish chronicle into calling him a Zionist but frankly I think Starmer doesn't know what the word means. In much the same way the history teacher who prepared us for the GCE O Level in British History 1760-1832 presented us with excerpts from Hansard where Tories would declare they (and the party) were "all radicals now",  think he fails to understand what the donor(s) funding him as a "friend of Israel" think that means.

Starmer needs to capture the Welsh vote too. And the sheep in the valleys are very fond of voting for Corbynista politicians, and the biggest of them is the arse no Welsh voter voted to be leader, Dickford the self confessed Corbyn admirer who found Welsh Nationalist illegal activity including blowing up reservoirs "exciting" and said so to the pro cottage roof burning press in nationalist enclaves.

Starmer won't be the darling of those voters but of course the Tories are Satan Incarnate.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Thomas on March 07, 2022, 07:34:36 AMbeing unreasonable when it suits over many issues you feel strongly about , for example clear anti semitism in corbyns labour party.
And you accuse me of being unreasonable.

Yes there probably were a small number of genuine anti-semites in the party. You get such types in every party. But what was actually happening is that criticism of Israel and support for the Palestinians was being equated with anti-semitism, and used as a tool to expel the left. I know far more about what was happening inside the party than you do because I was on the inside seeing it happen whilst never myself encountering any genuine anti-semitism. Certain Jewish centrist MPs did become targets for anti-semitic abuse and a small minority of anti-semites in the party might have been and probably were involved, but upon investigation most of the abuse came from outside the party by people claiming to be Labour supporters, though it looks to me like many of them were agents provocateurs out to damage the party. Indeed some of those claiming to be party supporters turned out to be supporters of the far right out to cause trouble. Not all were smart enough to hide their social media postings that proved that, demonstrating again that being thick and being racist often go hand in hand.

But of course you wholly buy into the weaponised spin by Labour centrists and much of the rest of the political establishment, because of your eagerness to believe anything bad about Labour. A bit like Smurf with the Tories, as many of us have noticed.

Yes, I don't give a monkeys about Labour, but I do care about truth and honesty.

And as an aside, that Labour councillor who defected to the Tories. I recognise the validity of his account of dictatorship from the top, and bullying. The party was utterly toxic and many of us saw the same sort of thing and are fecking glad to be out of it. But the fact that he chose the Tories to defect to the Tories of all people does tend to suggest that he should never have been in any genuine labour party in the first place. But then the same can be said of most of it's MPs, who have hijacked the party on behalf of the ruling elites.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


LONG-SERVING Labour Councillor Joins Tories – Accuses Labour Of Bullying

A PROMINENT Labour Councillor in Birmingham has crossed the floor after accusing his former party of bullying and acting 'like a dictatorship'.

"They made my life hell!" said Councillor Zhor Malik, who had been a Labour activist since 1973.

The former union leader and respected local campaigner said: "The Labour Party say they are a broad church, I believe they are a dictatorship. It's their way or the highway.

"The current situation with the Labour Group is there has become two cliques.  :D 

If it isnt anti semtism under corbyn , its bullying and dictatorship under starmer. The party that fights prejudice they tell us.:D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


NINE Labour Councillors Suspended In Liverpool

THE Labour Party has suspended a large chunk of its Councillors on Liverpool City Council after they voted against spending cuts.

Despite claiming to be the party of the working class, the Liverpool Labour group have introduced huge spending cuts in the council's proposed budget – and is suspending any Councillor who opposes them.

"A number of us issued a statement saying we were not voting for cuts" said Councillor Gibbons, who confirmed that he and his colleagues had received emails informing them they had been suspended and banned from attending Labour Party meetings or represent the part, pending an investigation by the national executive committee.

The Labour Party has long been failing Liverpudlians, with the council almost coming under direct government control last year following a spate of corruption and mismanagement.

The labour party has long been failing liverpudlians? By fack , funnily enough we said the same in glasgow.

Labours buzzwords mentioned again....mismanagement and corruption. :D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: johnofgwent on March 07, 2022, 08:04:45 AM
The problem I have is that throughout my teenage and adult life the party was divided into at least two camps and while the propaganda declared this to be a sign of the organisation being a broad church, we always knew the reality was two or more factions at each others throats who hat d each others guts.

This was perhaps most obvious with the situation where the party was infected with militant tendency extremists under Foot; whatever the gang of four were, they used the antics of the insane left, who had no interest in having a working economy of any kind, to part company and deal Labour a death blow it never recovered from.

For the only way back to political power for the labour  party abandoned by those who would vote SDP (as opposed to the liberal democrats they evolved into, which were neither lilberal.nor democratic) was to bend over and be kidnapped by what were in fact Tories worshipping the known and accepted multiple fraudster Mandelson and his apostles Blair and Brown.

The party should have been destroyed then. For if it had, it would have been replaced by now, by two separate entities. A party like the one from my youth that actually cared about people on the minimum wage but also cared about people seeking to better themselves and provide better lives for their kids, and a bunch of unwashed beatnik nutters like that Trade Union Association that turns up on EU ballot papers.
Steve is back on that same hill yet again he was sitting on during millibands time in power. Claiming labour arent left , while at the same time defending them .

All that changes within labour are the faction in control at the top , the divided party of two camps under the leaderships rule remains the same. Steve talks as if all was light and heavenly under corbyn , but as we all know , the blairite faction was alive and kicking doing immeasuable harm to corbyn while he was leader , more so than the tories or anyone else.

So spot on john , and fully agree with your post.

For starmers labour to get into power , they need to win in england as we know. I dont believe they can with brexit and his anti democratic baggage from 2016 - 2019 hanging over him , but you can't tell them.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on March 05, 2022, 09:47:17 PM
The fact remains that most of Labour isn't really left anymore, and most who are wouldn't touch the current Labour party with a bargepole.


The problem I have is that throughout my teenage and adult life the party was divided into at least two camps and while the propaganda declared this to be a sign of the organisation being a broad church, we always knew the reality was two or more factions at each others throats who hat d each others guts. 

This was perhaps most obvious with the situation where the party was infected with militant tendency extremists under Foot; whatever the gang of four were, they used the antics of the insane left, who had no interest in having a working economy of any kind, to part company and deal Labour a death blow it never recovered from.

For the only way back to political power for the labour  party abandoned by those who would vote SDP (as opposed to the liberal democrats they evolved into, which were neither lilberal.nor democratic) was to bend over and be kidnapped by what were in fact Tories worshipping the known and accepted multiple fraudster Mandelson and his apostles Blair and Brown.

The party should have been destroyed then. For if it had, it would have been replaced by now, by two separate entities. A party like the one from my youth that actually cared about people on the minimum wage but also cared about people seeking to better themselves and provide better lives for their kids, and a bunch of unwashed beatnik nutters like that Trade Union Association that turns up on EU ballot papers.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


and of course this belter from keir starmer last week.........

Sir Keir Starmer leads the fight back in Scotland by paying tribute to Labour's only Scottish MP Ian Murray - who polls have forecast will lose his seat. :D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


The labour party in scotland are in coalition with  the conservatives , hand in glove , in nine scottish councils.

The party that tells us the tories are bad. :D

When they held thier conference in scotland , there were 80 people i nthe hall , and they wondered why.........

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on March 06, 2022, 08:15:44 PM
Don't mistake me for someone who gives a momkeys about Labour anymore.

They are mostly jusat another bunch of hypocrites just like the Tories, chancers in it for themselves and their affluent upper middle class mates.

They wouldn't recognise a principle if it slapped them in the face.

But I am driven by  a case by case analysis of everthing said and done. My hate is not so irrational that I need to find a reason to hate something just because of who is saying or doing it.

I think your hatred is so irrational and all consuming that the one thing that could make you turn against Scottish independence would be Labour coming out in favour of it, lol.
You say all this steve , but as ever , your actions speak louder than your weasal words.

On numerous threads on the main boards i have either started or posted facts about the labour party , you have jumped in to defend them unprovoked. That doesnt appear to me someone who doesnt give a monkeys about labour.

Further , when you claim to be standing up for  being resonable , i point out to you your own hypocrisy of being unreasonable when it suits over many issues you feel strongly about , for example clear anti semitism in corbyns labour party.

You wont shut me down regarding well deserved criticism of the labour party . We arent just talking about past events from blairs reign , or even labours behaviour in scotland in 2014. This is ongoing stuff exposing much of their current behaviour.

I think your hatred is so irrational and all consuming that the one thing that could make you turn against Scottish independence would be Labour coming out in favour of it, lol.
You say that , but that exactly is the labour partys problem in scotland.

The labour party , the party that fights wrong , prejudice and racism( no laughing please) so we are told, has a racist prejudiced bigot standing as a candidate , not for the first time of course. Your former party has massive problems as i have said....once upon a time people could at least discuss labour party policy and mull it over , now it is a policy free zone led by a clown who will say anything and do anything to gain power. Meanwhile , labour are seen as anti english in england over brexit , and similar in scotland over independence.

Theydeserve all they get , and wether you like it or not , im going to keep flagging up thier disgusting behaviour at every opportunity.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on March 06, 2022, 07:47:19 PM
Wether labour is left right centre pink or fackin brown , the hypocrisy remains the same.
Don't mistake me for someone who gives a momkeys about Labour anymore.

They are mostly jusat another bunch of hypocrites just like the Tories, chancers in it for themselves and their affluent upper middle class mates.

They wouldn't recognise a principle if it slapped them in the face. 

But I am driven by  a case by case analysis of everthing said and done. My hate is not so irrational that I need to find a reason to hate something just because of who is saying or doing it.

I think your hatred is so irrational and all consuming that the one thing that could make you turn against Scottish independence would be Labour coming out in favour of it, lol.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: cromwell on March 06, 2022, 11:50:54 AM
Do I detect some heavy sarcasm? :D
Just more bitter salty remain tears. Any hankies for javert cromwell?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on March 05, 2022, 11:00:29 PM
To be fair Tommy, they do look like the sort of lads who enjoy a good dinner and a pint.

All good stuff borkie. Poor auld anas , the branch manager was looking rather uncomfortable under interview today bleating he didnt pick the grand master as a candidate.:D

To be honest borkie in among all the gumpf , it shows how far labour have fallen. The fact they are slogging it out now for the dregs of the hardcore right wing unionist vote and standing orange candidates is going down like a lead balloon.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on March 05, 2022, 09:47:17 PM
The fact remains that most of Labour isn't really left anymore, and most who are wouldn't touch the current Labour party with a bargepole.

Wether labour is left right centre pink or fackin brown , the hypocrisy remains the same.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Javert on March 06, 2022, 11:25:00 AM
Wasn't it Thomas who said that it was anti democratic to try to stop Brexit from happening, but once it was completed, it would be find to campaign to reverse it or stat e that it was a mistake.

And yet now, anyone who says a word against Brexit is still told they are a traitor, even though Brexit is completed and done.

Luckily, I have completely changed my mind and have become a Brexit supporter.  I am happy to admit when I am wrong, and I can now clearly see by the way that things are going, that Brexit is, and will continue to be, a massive success.
Ah , a drive by whinge from javert.

QuoteWasn't it Thomas who said that it was anti democratic to try to stop Brexit from happening, but once it was completed, it would be find to campaign to reverse it or stat e that it was a mistake.
No what i said is when you hold a referendum , you implement the result , then afterwards you can start anew to overturn it.

And yet now, anyone who says a word against Brexit is still told they are a traitor, even though Brexit is completed and done.
Where have i called anyone a traitor regarding brexit?

Another day , another invention from you javert. I voted remain , and i dont support the uk , so why would i call anyone a traitor?

I seem to be upsetting all the right people by simply calling out keir starmers hypocrisy on standing up for democracy , arent i javert?

Quite obviously i seem to have touched a rather red raw nerve.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!