Can Russia be stopped?

Started by T00ts, March 01, 2022, 09:22:44 AM

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Good old

cromwell and affordable,not that hard is it?


I have read that Russia will disconnect from the global Internet on 11th March. Seems that they wish to cut themselves off from external threats from cyber attacks.
This will also prevent people in Russia communicating easily outside and could stop them getting information which does not fit Putin's purposes.
† The end is nigh †

Good old

Quote from: cromwell on March 07, 2022, 02:57:21 PM
Interesting from a bloke who knows it from the inside

He may not be mad. And be acting in a rational manner if viewed from his own perspective.
But in no way can that take away from his actions being wrong in both political , and humanitarian terms.
Is it to be accepted that attempting to colonise a 21st century , sovereign democratic European state, by force of arms .destroying property, and human life.  Is in fact rational. .?  


Quote from: Thomas on March 07, 2022, 07:49:33 AM
Another "maverick" , peter hitchens has his say on events in ukarine.....

PETER HITCHENS: One glorious day in Sevastopol 12 years ago, I saw what was coming. That's why I won't join this carnival of hypocrisy

I asked: 'Are the Anglosphere nations right to treat Russia as a perpetual threat and pariah long after its global ambitions have collapsed and its military power has rusted away? Its regime is miserable. But then so is that of China, with which we seek good relations.'

You see, I have been making this point for a very long time. But it never seems to do any good. In fact, I am accused of being a 'Russian shill' or even a traitor, of parroting Russian propaganda, or things of that kind.

These insults make little impact on me personally because I know they are not true and I have, over the past 30 years been insulted by experts of all kinds. It is normal, if you do what I do.

To quote journalist jonathan cook ,

"Again it's only a handful of mavericks journalists of the left and right – those no longer tied to career advancement – prepared to break ranks with the all-too neat consensus enforced by the rest of the corporate media"
Reading the entire story is quite interesting

It mirrors exactly the antics of the upstart Welsh Nationalist cottage burners  who enjoy a brief season of empowerment as proppers up of the Welsh labour party towards the English

When things get nasty and these turds are swept away I will have to make sure the work of my ancestors is done properly this time....
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Thomas on March 07, 2022, 07:49:33 AM
Another "maverick" , peter hitchens has his say on events in ukarine.....

PETER HITCHENS: One glorious day in Sevastopol 12 years ago, I saw what was coming. That's why I won't join this carnival of hypocrisy

I asked: 'Are the Anglosphere nations right to treat Russia as a perpetual threat and pariah long after its global ambitions have collapsed and its military power has rusted away? Its regime is miserable. But then so is that of China, with which we seek good relations.'

You see, I have been making this point for a very long time. But it never seems to do any good. In fact, I am accused of being a 'Russian shill' or even a traitor, of parroting Russian propaganda, or things of that kind.

These insults make little impact on me personally because I know they are not true and I have, over the past 30 years been insulted by experts of all kinds. It is normal, if you do what I do.

To quote journalist jonathan cook ,

"Again it's only a handful of mavericks journalists of the left and right – those no longer tied to career advancement – prepared to break ranks with the all-too neat consensus enforced by the rest of the corporate media"

Quote from: T00ts on March 07, 2022, 09:08:05 AM
Oh Thomas - it's so easy to run us down and support the ridicule. I don't have a lot of patience for those sentiments. We will do what we can as quickly as we can.
Be alright the government is sending them a $100 million everybody loves a dollar. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on March 07, 2022, 08:29:47 AM
It is , but the thinking behind flagging up how this got to this stage is the fact at some point , the "west" will have to sit down with russia and listen to their grievances if we are to resolve this.

Ignoring uncomfortable truths , and trying to sort out the end result caused in part by america wont do a thing. The west can't beat a first world major nuclear power.

If america isnt going to be called out on thier constant behaviour around the world , then lets forget the pretence of democracy and so called freedoms and accept we live under washington rule and simply do as we are told , including over northern ireland.

If washington decides at some point in the future to regime change westmisnter as they dont like the government you elect , will the uk public sit up and take note then?

possibly toots , but while england and the wider uk wrings its hands over murder in ukraine , the uk is a figure of ridicule worldwide for taking in only 50 ukrainian refugees , while ireland for example is predicted to take 80 000. France have just labelled the uk treatment of ukrainian refugees as inhumane.

Still , lets feel sorry for ukrainians and send over a few tins of beans.

Now that boris has a 6 point plan to defeat russia , how can the uk lose?:D::)
Oh Thomas - it's so easy to run us down and support the ridicule. I don't have a lot of patience for those sentiments. We will do what we can as quickly as we can. 


Quote from: T00ts on March 07, 2022, 08:18:59 AM
I have got beyond the point of wondering who and why and what led up to this. As far as I am concerned the only real blame lies with Russia and presumably Putin in particular. They are using banned bombs on civilians in civilian areas, on those trying to escape who have rights to be allowed the freedom to get out. The rules are warfare are very clear and Russia is breaking many of them.

This is now no longer a war regardless of rights or wrongs. This is now simple murder and no amount of 'justification' will change that for me.
It is , but the thinking behind flagging up how this got to this stage is the fact at some point , the "west" will have to sit down with russia and listen to their grievances if we are to resolve this.

Ignoring uncomfortable truths , and trying to sort out the end result caused in part by america wont do a thing. The west cant beat a first world major nuclear power.

If america isnt going to be called out on thier constant behaviour around the world , then lets forget the pretence of democracy and so called freedoms and accept we live under washington rule and simply do as we are told , including over northern ireland.

If washington decides at some point in the future to regime change westmisnter as they dont like the government you elect , will the uk public sit up and take note then?

QuoteThis is now simple murder and no amount of 'justification' will change that for me.
possibly toots , but while england and the wider uk wrings its hands over murder in ukraine , the uk is a figure of ridicule worldwide for taking in only 50 ukrainian refugees , while ireland for example is predicted to take 80 000. France have just labelled the uk treatment of ukrainian refugees as inhumane.

Still , lets feel sorry for ukrainians and send over a few tins of beans.

Now that boris has a 6 point plan to defeat russia , how can the uk lose?:D::)
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


I have got beyond the point of wondering who and why and what led up to this. As far as I am concerned the only real blame lies with Russia and presumably Putin in particular. They are using banned bombs on civilians in civilian areas, on those trying to escape who have rights to be allowed the freedom to get out. The rules are warfare are very clear and Russia is breaking many of them.

This is now no longer a war regardless of rights or wrongs. This is now simple murder and no amount of 'justification' will change that for me.


Another "maverick" , peter hitchens has his say on events in ukarine.....

PETER HITCHENS: One glorious day in Sevastopol 12 years ago, I saw what was coming. That's why I won't join this carnival of hypocrisy

I asked: 'Are the Anglosphere nations right to treat Russia as a perpetual threat and pariah long after its global ambitions have collapsed and its military power has rusted away? Its regime is miserable. But then so is that of China, with which we seek good relations.'

You see, I have been making this point for a very long time. But it never seems to do any good. In fact, I am accused of being a 'Russian shill' or even a traitor, of parroting Russian propaganda, or things of that kind.

These insults make little impact on me personally because I know they are not true and I have, over the past 30 years been insulted by experts of all kinds. It is normal, if you do what I do.

To quote journalist jonathan cook ,

"Again it's only a handful of mavericks journalists of the left and right – those no longer tied to career advancement – prepared to break ranks with the all-too neat consensus enforced by the rest of the corporate media"
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Another good article on events in ukraine , this time from canadian journalist Aaron Mate.

By using Ukraine to fight Russia, the US provoked Putin's war

After backing a far-right coup in 2014, the US has fueled a proxy war in eastern Ukraine that has left 14,000 dead. Russia's invasion is an illegal and catastrophic response.

The United States aids Ukraine and her people," Adam Schiff declared in January 2020, "so that we can fight Russia over there, and we don't have to fight Russia here."
Schiff made this statement during the opening of Donald Trump's first impeachment trial, where the Democratic Party's bid to ensure unimpeded US weapons sales to Ukraine was presented, and widely accepted, as a valiant defense of US democracy and national security.

Two years later, the US use of Ukraine to "fight Russia over there" has reached its logical end-game: illegally, murderously, and catastrophically, Russia has invaded Ukraine to end the fight.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a violation of the UN Charter. Without UN authorization, states are allowed to use armed force only in cases of self-defense or to prevent an imminent attack. Although the US has used Ukraine as a proxy in its fight against Russian-backed Ukrainian rebels in the Donbas, that conflict is still within Ukraine's sovereign borders. Even if a case could be made that Russia has the right to defend besieged ethnic Russians, that argument is undercut by Russia's decision to attack far deeper into Ukrainian territory. If defending the Donbas was Russia's aim, then it could have pushed harder for an international peacekeeping force, or any number of non-military, diplomatic options.

Although Russia's invasion cannot be excused, it also cannot be understood, and resolved, without acknowledging that the war in Ukraine did not start last month.

Putin has carried out a major escalation of a conflict that has raged for eight years, at the cost of more than 14,000 lives. It began with a US-backed, far-right-led 2014 coup that ousted Ukraine's democratically elected government in Kiev. In its place came a regime chosen not by the Ukrainian people, but by Washington.

The coup government encouraged assaults on Ukraine's Russian-speaking population, who took up arms to defend themselves with Moscow's support. Rather than pressure its client in Kiev to implement a negotiated settlement under the 2015 Minsk Accords, the US has instead poured in weapons and military advisers to assist Ukraine's fascist-infused armed forces in the proxy war that it helped initiate. While now hailing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as a national hero, the US has sided with far-right Ukrainian nationalists over the peace platform that Zelensky was elected on in 2019.

The US policy of using Ukraine as cannon fodder has accompanied a bid to incorporate it into NATO. Compounding the dangers of a hostile military alliance on Russia's borders, the US has also methodically dismantled the Cold War-era arms control treaties that limited the arsenals of the world's two top nuclear powers.
Since 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly warned that US policies in Ukraine and other former Soviet states were crossing Russian red lines, and would force a Russian reaction.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Nick on March 06, 2022, 11:46:35 PM
Well from previous conversations,  I've been to a hell of a lot more of China than you. Yet you profess to know the country, which clearly you don't.
China is most certainly communist but has developed certain capitalist traits. But the underlying aspects that make it communist are still there for all to see.
Go and demonstrate about the government and see how long it takes you to get locked up.
Referring to bold: That's like saying a virgin but a little bit pregnant :D :D :D
A country is either communist or it is not. There is nothing communist about modern China and there has not been communism in China for over thirty years.
Nothing else you have mentioned is in any way specific or exclusive to communism.
One party state, yes, authoritarian yes, Broadly Socialist yes, but nothing remotely communist in either its Political Structure, Economic Policy or Social Policy, which are the things that really define actual communism.

I have been married into a Chinese Family for 25 years. I have family in Hong Kong, others spread throughout Guangdong, and some living in some of the largest Metropolitan areas.
I have had over the years, very long and detailed conversations with inlaws that lived through the Civil War, the Japanese Invasion, The Great Leap Forward and the the Cultural Revolution, I have listened in detail as they told me how their lives and their entire world view was transformed in the eighties when opening up began.
When I visit in China, I go as an Insider not as a Tourist.

I know you sit to the right of Chenggis Khan, but if you see all to the left of you as Communist, you must have real problems,
Now do you mind awfully if we go back onto topic and discuss the Ukrainian war?


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 06, 2022, 08:41:15 PM
Oh for Feck Sake Dancing You are shitting me!

I doubt you have been anything like enough Hotels in China to be able to make that call, but even were it to be true, he is Father of the Nation after all. He still has a strong following among the general population. If it is a Communist Dictatorship, surely then it would be Xi not Mao in the picture frame.

The Centralised Invoice System, primarily a method for efficiently collecting Sales Tax.:D :D :D Is there anything more Capitalist in nature than a fecking Sales Tax :D :D :D
I dealt with the party name in my reply to Barry. Its just a name of the Party and an historical reference to his origins.

Today in China:
Is there or is there not Private Ownership?
Is there or is there not Private Enterprise?
Is there or is there not a Free Market Economy?
Is there or is there not Freedom of Movement?
Is there or is there not Freedom to Choose a Career or Occupation?

I could go on, but as someone how knows exactly how China was when it was a full blown Communist State, I have to say, your full of it :D :D :D
Now can you stop talking sphericals and get back on topic and back to the Ukraine
Well from previous conversations,  I've been to a hell of a lot more of China than you. Yet you profess to know the country, which clearly you don't. 
China is most certainly communist but has developed certain capitalist traits. But the underlying aspects that make it communist are still there for all to see. 
Go and demonstrate about the government and see how long it takes you to get locked up. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Thomas on March 06, 2022, 08:23:31 PM
Sainsbury's renames 'Chicken Kiev' to 'Chicken Kyiv'

Maybe they should change their name to Insainsbury's.  😜
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.