Can Russia be stopped?

Started by T00ts, March 01, 2022, 09:22:44 AM

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Quote from: Barry on March 04, 2022, 11:49:53 AM
I'm not sure he is brainwashed, however, he does support Communist dictatorships, all from the cosiness of the UK.
I would ask the same question, Why do you, SPV, support a Communist dictatorship?

I don't think Russia can be stopped without a vast escalation, which could lead to WW3. No one wants that, so we sacrifice Ukraine on the alter of "peace", when in fact we are appeasing an enemy.
Wasn't aware that I was, which Communist Dictatorship are you referring too?


Quote from: Good old on March 04, 2022, 11:28:46 AMHe doesn't want it on his doorstep it's as simple as that. In this case it will be prolonged because he doesn't accept where his doorstep ends.
If you say so bwana. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: T00ts on March 04, 2022, 10:18:50 AM
It  is you who are brainwashed, you support Communist dictatorships all the time - why? You never once support freedom. You condone indoctrination every time as if it is normal. 
I'm not sure he is brainwashed, however, he does support Communist dictatorships, all from the cosiness of the UK.
I would ask the same question, Why do you, SPV, support a Communist dictatorship? 

I don't think Russia can be stopped without a vast escalation, which could lead to WW3. No one wants that, so we sacrifice Ukraine on the alter of "peace", when in fact we are appeasing an enemy.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 04, 2022, 10:38:36 AM
Toots you are a lovely lady and it genuinely pains me to be in contradiction to you, but on such matters, I sadly cannot defer.
This is a war the West clearly wanted, because had they not it was so easily avoidable and without major cost or concession on the Ukrainian side.
A leader writer in of all places the Telegraph, summed it up nicely this morning.
"Putin had made no secret of his concerns or ultimate recourse and has made it clear for years. Had the leaders of the West listened to the leader of a Military and Nuclear Superpower, with even half the attention lavished on a precocious Swedish School Girl, none of this would have happened"
And you're a decent bloke......just misguided imo. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 04, 2022, 09:27:13 AM
How can the Wests apologists justify Ukrainian troops setting up position in a Nuclear Power Station and using that position to launch attacks on advancing Russian Forces?
What sort of mentality in the West and its tame poodles can justify deliberately trying to provoke a major nuclear accident just to achieve a few Propaganda Soundbites.
Thankfully the fire is out, no harm was done but these Ultra UkiNazis lunatics and the Station is now safely under Russian control.
I'm not an apologist for either side, but I have heard that a bully will always blame their victims.
† The end is nigh †

Good old

Quote from: T00ts on March 04, 2022, 11:03:32 AM
On this (in bold) I can totally agree with you ;D The rest well Putin has had an agenda for years - it's his way either way isn't it? So the outcome is that he increases his power. Never mind, we are miles apart so let's not prolong it.

Interesting having a direct line to Putin, though isn't it Toots?

Good old

Quote from: T00ts on March 04, 2022, 11:03:32 AM
On this (in bold) I can totally agree with you ;D The rest well Putin has had an agenda for years - it's his way either way isn't it? So the outcome is that he increases his power. Never mind, we are miles apart so let's not prolong it.

Sadly that is how it is for west  and Putin. It's not our military might he fears. It's our way of life. He doesn't want it on his doorstep it's as simple as that. In this case it will be prolonged because he doesn't accept where his doorstep ends.


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 04, 2022, 10:38:36 AM
Toots you are a lovely lady and it genuinely pains me to be in contradiction to you, but on such matters, I sadly cannot defer.
This is a war the West clearly wanted, because had they not it was so easily avoidable and without major cost or concession on the Ukrainian side.
A leader writer in of all places the Telegraph, summed it up nicely this morning.
"Putin had made no secret of his concerns or ultimate recourse and has made it clear for years. Had the leaders of the West listened to the leader of a Military and Nuclear Superpower, with even half the attention lavished on a precocious Swedish School Girl, none of this would have happened"
On this (in bold) I can totally agree with you ;D The rest well Putin has had an agenda for years - it's his way either way isn't it? So the outcome is that he increases his power. Never mind, we are miles apart so let's not prolong it. 


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 04, 2022, 09:58:55 AM
Where were your sentiments for Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam to name but a very small few? Where was all the Faux outrage when Raqqa and Mosul was flattend and its civilian population slaughtered by US and NATO airpower? Selective Outrage is no outrage at all just cynical and hypocritical and definitely inhuman. 
Why would the Russians shoot a Russian Friendly Mayor? I know your brainwashed, but even in such a state the obvious BS of such a story must stand out.
The West has become an Empire of Lies and all of its claims must be regarded as highly suspect.
Vlad listens to his people the west don't they spend all of their time telling people how they should think while doing as they wish for their own agenda, party gate being just yet another example, now they think they can get the people who they have brainwashed into being anti-Russian tell the rest of the Russians how they should think. In the guise of freedom, they don't have any freedom, they are ruled over by whatever drama comes next. I knew yesterday morning they would whipped up into a frenzy by late afternoon. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: T00ts on March 04, 2022, 10:18:50 AM
I have no need to explain myself to you or anyone, I have sobbed for many wars in the same way I sob for this one. It  is you who are brainwashed, you support Communist dictatorships all the time - why? You never once support freedom. You condone indoctrination every time as if it is normal. Lies are told all over the world including your favourite nations where cruelty to those who don't agree is barbaric, yet you choose not to see it. I suggest it is you who needs to wonder just how hypocritical and inhuman are your beliefs and conditioning.

I do not normally do anger so will no longer submit to it by communicating with you on this subject, but know that I feel sorry for you and hope one day you will become enlightened.
Toots you are a lovely lady and it genuinely pains me to be in contradiction to you, but on such matters, I sadly cannot defer.
This is a war the West clearly wanted, because had they not it was so easily avoidable and without major cost or concession on the Ukrainian side.
A leader writer in of all places the Telegraph, summed it up nicely this morning.
"Putin had made no secret of his concerns or ultimate recourse and has made it clear for years. Had the leaders of the West listened to the leader of a Military and Nuclear Superpower, with even half the attention lavished on a precocious Swedish School Girl, none of this would have happened"


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 04, 2022, 09:58:55 AM
Where were your sentiments for Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam to name but a very small few? Where was all the Faux outrage when Raqqa and Mosul was flattend and its civilian population slaughtered by US and NATO airpower? Selective Outrage is no outrage at all just cynical and hypocritical and definitely inhuman. 
Why would the Russians shoot a Russian Friendly Mayor? I know your brainwashed, but even in such a state the obvious BS of such a story must stand out.
The West has become an Empire of Lies and all of its claims must be regarded as highly suspect.
I have no need to explain myself to you or anyone, I have sobbed for many wars in the same way I sob for this one. It  is you who are brainwashed, you support Communist dictatorships all the time - why? You never once support freedom. You condone indoctrination every time as if it is normal. Lies are told all over the world including your favourite nations where cruelty to those who don't agree is barbaric, yet you choose not to see it. I suggest it is you who needs to wonder just how hypocritical and inhuman are your beliefs and conditioning. 

I do not normally do anger so will no longer submit to it by communicating with you on this subject, but know that I feel sorry for you and hope one day you will become enlightened.


Quote from: T00ts on March 04, 2022, 09:50:18 AM
I cannot believe this post has been written by anyone who has any care of the Ukraine people or humanity in general. How anyone can try to justify such barbaric occupation of another country while murdering innocents in their path beggars belief. I am truly shocked that anyone can find any reasons that this should not be totally condemned. Even the Russian friendly Mayor of one city was taken out into the streets and shot and left on the road. This is nothing short of annihilation by a stronger power simply to assert their power. This marks the end of Putin's days one way or another and the sooner some sanity rises up in Russia to affect that change the better.
Where were your sentiments for Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam to name but a very small few? Where was all the Faux outrage when Raqqa and Mosul was flattend and its civilian population slaughtered by US and NATO airpower? Selective Outrage is no outrage at all just cynical and hypocritical and definitely inhuman. 
Why would the Russians shoot a Russian Friendly Mayor? I know your brainwashed, but even in such a state the obvious BS of such a story must stand out.
The West has become an Empire of Lies and all of its claims must be regarded as highly suspect.


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 04, 2022, 09:27:13 AM
How can the Wests apologists justify Ukrainian troops setting up position in a Nuclear Power Station and using that position to launch attacks on advancing Russian Forces?
What sort of mentality in the West and its tame poodles can justify deliberately trying to provoke a major nuclear accident just to achieve a few Propaganda Soundbites.
Thankfully the fire is out, no harm was done but these Ultra UkiNazis lunatics and the Station is now safely under Russian control.

Likewise how can the West's apologists here justify the occupying armed forces of the Maidan Installed Coup Regime to deliberately fortify themselves in densely populated residential areas of Eastern Cities, using a human shields a local population that identifies as Russian and wants nothing to do with Coup Installed Regime at all.

How can the West's apologists here justify the occupation of Mariupol a Sovereign City of the Donetsk Peoples Republic, a city that rose up against the Maidan Coup Installed Regime in 2014 along with most of the rest of the Oblast, in a movement led and directed by the City's Police Force. I don't remember any faux outrage then when the Far Right Militia behind the Coup, bristling with new NATO supplied kit and weapons, stormed the story and massacred the Police Force and burnt the Police Station to the Ground.
The military occupation forces and the installed Governors are not local people and yet they are deliberately putting civilians in harms way by digging in to Residential Areas and launching attacks from them.

Sorry John but your knee jerk, tabloid Bluster and Blether really cuts no ice when it comes into contact with reality, no matter how you try and dress it up with folksy homilies of dubious provenance.
I cannot believe this post has been written by anyone who has any care of the Ukraine people or humanity in general. How anyone can try to justify such barbaric occupation of another country while murdering innocents in their path beggars belief. I am truly shocked that anyone can find any reasons that this should not be totally condemned. Even the Russian friendly Mayor of one city was taken out into the streets and shot and left on the road. This is nothing short of annihilation by a stronger power simply to assert their power. This marks the end of Putin's days one way or another and the sooner some sanity rises up in Russia to affect that change the better.


Quote from: johnofgwent on March 04, 2022, 07:41:30 AM
So, popping back onto the topic of "can he be stopped" ....

I wonder, how much credence do the pro-putin and Putin apologists on here give to the reports yesterday that the psycho has order d the shelling of one of Ukraine's nuclear power plants, causing fires that had to be out out.

How much do said apologists know about the resistance of containment buildings to artillery fire. Having designed a couple if bits of a plant control system when I freelanced for one of Nuclear Electric's prime contractors in the 90s I would say I'm pretty sure they're primarily designed to retain and control overpressurisation issues arising inside nit outside.

Which begs the question are his apologists going to continue to apologise when he creat sca second Chernobyl to go with the one the Ukraine is already famous for, or will they now STFU and let us do what n eds to be done with a well placed bullet. Or chemical wrap n such as Putin is fond of using on those he considers rabid animals that need putting down.
How can the Wests apologists justify Ukrainian troops setting up position in a Nuclear Power Station and using that position to launch attacks on advancing Russian Forces?
What sort of mentality in the West and its tame poodles can justify deliberately trying to provoke a major nuclear accident just to achieve a few Propaganda Soundbites.
Thankfully the fire is out, no harm was done but these Ultra UkiNazis lunatics and the Station is now safely under Russian control.

Likewise how can the West's apologists here justify the occupying armed forces of the Maidan Installed Coup Regime to deliberately fortify themselves in densely populated residential areas of Eastern Cities, using a human shields a local population that identifies as Russian and wants nothing to do with Coup Installed Regime at all.

How can the West's apologists here justify the occupation of Mariupol a Sovereign City of the Donetsk Peoples Republic, a city that rose up against the Maidan Coup Installed Regime in 2014 along with most of the rest of the Oblast, in a movement led and directed by the City's Police Force. I don't remember any faux outrage then when the Far Right Militia behind the Coup, bristling with new NATO supplied kit and weapons, stormed the story and massacred the Police Force and burnt the Police Station to the Ground.
The military occupation forces and the installed Governors are not local people and yet they are deliberately putting civilians in harms way by digging in to Residential Areas and launching attacks from them.

Sorry John but your knee jerk, tabloid Bluster and Blether really cuts no ice when it comes into contact with reality, no matter how you try and dress it up with folksy homilies of dubious provenance.


So, popping back onto the topic of "can he be stopped" ....

I wonder, how much credence do the pro-putin and Putin apologists on here give to the reports yesterday that the psycho has order d the shelling of one of Ukraine's nuclear power plants, causing fires that had to be out out.

How much do said apologists know about the resistance of containment buildings to artillery fire. Having designed a couple if bits of a plant control system when I freelanced for one of Nuclear Electric's prime contractors in the 90s I would say I'm pretty sure they're primarily designed to retain and control overpressurisation issues arising inside nit outside.

Which begs the question are his apologists going to continue to apologise when he creat sca second Chernobyl to go with the one the Ukraine is already famous for, or will they now STFU and let us do what n eds to be done with a well placed bullet. Or chemical wrap n such as Putin is fond of using on those he considers rabid animals that need putting down.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>