Can Russia be stopped?

Started by T00ts, March 01, 2022, 09:22:44 AM

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Quote from: T00ts on March 04, 2022, 03:21:02 PM
I think Boris is right when he urges that Putin should be tried for War Crimes. That way all would see what has happened even Russians who support him. I'm not quite sure how that wold/could happen since he seems pretty well bunkered in Russia.

Would that be the same court as Blair? Or Boris and Cameron for Syria? 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


I think Boris is right when he urges that Putin should be tried for War Crimes. That way all would see what has happened even Russians who support him. I'm not quite sure how that wold/could happen since he seems pretty well bunkered in Russia.


Quote from: johnofgwent on March 04, 2022, 02:43:01 PM
Well, as I have said, Putin has no problem using chemical weapons against his own people and toxic nuclear isotopes to poison those resident in London he does not care to see continue living.

He should have been taken out for that. I'd be proud to see one of my own inventions used to do it. He has to go.

So we know, you suggest we take out the largest country in the world's leader who has more nuclear weapons and much faster weapons of mass destruction than anything you have produced? what might be the outcome of that then? not like he has said everything is in place just in case. Not like he will do as he says he will do or anything.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 04, 2022, 09:27:13 AM
How can the Wests apologists justify Ukrainian troops setting up position in a Nuclear Power Station and using that position to launch attacks on advancing Russian Forces?
What sort of mentality in the West and its tame poodles can justify deliberately trying to provoke a major nuclear accident just to achieve a few Propaganda Soundbites.
Thankfully the fire is out, no harm was done but these Ultra UkiNazis lunatics and the Station is now safely under Russian control.

Likewise how can the West's apologists here justify the occupying armed forces of the Maidan Installed Coup Regime to deliberately fortify themselves in densely populated residential areas of Eastern Cities, using a human shields a local population that identifies as Russian and wants nothing to do with Coup Installed Regime at all.

How can the West's apologists here justify the occupation of Mariupol a Sovereign City of the Donetsk Peoples Republic, a city that rose up against the Maidan Coup Installed Regime in 2014 along with most of the rest of the Oblast, in a movement led and directed by the City's Police Force. I don't remember any faux outrage then when the Far Right Militia behind the Coup, bristling with new NATO supplied kit and weapons, stormed the story and massacred the Police Force and burnt the Police Station to the Ground.
The military occupation forces and the installed Governors are not local people and yet they are deliberately putting civilians in harms way by digging in to Residential Areas and launching attacks from them.

Sorry John but your knee jerk, tabloid Bluster and Blether really cuts no ice when it comes into contact with reality, no matter how you try and dress it up with folksy homilies of dubious provenance.
Well, as I have said, Putin has no problem using chemical weapons against his own people and toxic nuclear isotopes to poison those resident in London he does not care to see continue living.

He should have been taken out for that. I'd be proud to see one of my own inventions used to do it. He has to go.

<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Barry on March 04, 2022, 01:59:49 PM
Oh, you are trying to say China and Russia are not communist. Okkaaaayyy!
Well given that both countries abandoned Communism over thirty years ago, then obviously yes.
Both countries operate mixed economies with a largely free market bias. China is a one party state that calls itself Socialist with Chinese Characteristics, while Russia is a multi party state run by a sort of One Nation Nationalist Party. Neither country is led by a Dictator, as both Xi and Putin can be removed by the parties they lead.
Both Governments are socially conservative with a small c and authoritarian, which frankly, I quite like.
Anything Else?
Well both countries are Secular, with China being officially atheist with Russia being mainly Orthodox Christian. Both countries have sizable, geographically placed religious minorities from most major world religions.

Yes the ruling party of China is called the Communist Party, but that's just the name of the party, rather like the official opposition here, calling itself a Labour Party.

Can we go back to topic before we start going down the well worn whataboutist route?


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 04, 2022, 01:55:22 PM
Yes to both, but I its the Communist Dictatorship thing that has me confused.
Oh, you are trying to say China and Russia are not communist. Okkaaaayyy!
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Barry on March 04, 2022, 01:51:47 PM
You usually come out on the side of China and Russia.
Didn't you try to say that the Skripal attempted murders and the murder of Dawn Sturgess were false flags? Or am I confusing you with Smurf?
Yes to both, but I its the Communist Dictatorship thing that has me confused.


Quote from: DeppityDawg on March 04, 2022, 01:13:04 PM
I would be careful of believing everything that appears in the media right now, regardless of which side is producing it.

Nevertheless, if the question is can the Russians be stopped, the answer is probably not. Still, writing an enemy off as a madman as is being done in this thread does not help anyone understand what is going on. To understand an adversary, and therefore best counter him, it needs to be done without the emotion.
I do try to be objective but we girls are from Venus DD so we are up against it before we start!  Dancing Surely we cannot be expected to ignore the sheer human devastation that's going on and seemingly getting worse?


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 04, 2022, 12:07:57 PM
Wasn't aware that I was, which Communist Dictatorship are you referring too?
You usually come out on the side of China and Russia.
Didn't you try to say that the Skripal attempted murders and the murder of Dawn Sturgess were false flags? Or am I confusing you with Smurf?
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Borchester on March 04, 2022, 01:24:39 PM
As a rider to this, the BBC has a video showing Russian tanks breaking down and Russian squaddies moaning about almost everything. According to various grumpy, but usually reliable relatives, military equipment always breaks down and squaddies always moan, but who knows, maybe Auntie is right this time.

What is happening about Kyiv and similar cities? The last time the Russians stormed a major city was when they took Berlin and where they suffered 120,000 casualties. Is that likely to happen this time?
I dont think they do intend to storm Kiev
I very much suspect that the much vaunted 40 mile column is there to move into place and lock into place the encirclement that is currently developing West of Kiev and heading down to meet the Southern force pushing North from Kherson.
Very few cities are being actively attacked, most are just being surrounded and isolated. Mariupol is a different case, it is not recognised at part of Ukraine but as part of the Donetsk Peoples Republic and it forces from the Donetsk army, not the Russian army, that are leading the ground offensive into the city.


Quote from: DeppityDawg on March 04, 2022, 01:13:04 PM
I would be careful of believing everything that appears in the media right now, regardless of which side is producing it.

Nevertheless, if the question is can the Russians be stopped, the answer is probably not. Still, writing an enemy off as a madman as is being done in this thread does not help anyone understand what is going on. To understand an adversary, and therefore best counter him, it needs to be done without the emotion.
As a rider to this, the BBC has a video showing Russian tanks breaking down and Russian squaddies moaning about almost everything. According to various grumpy, but usually reliable relatives, military equipment always breaks down and squaddies always moan, but who knows, maybe Auntie is right this time.

What is happening about Kyiv and similar cities? The last time the Russians stormed a major city was when they took Berlin and where they suffered 120,000 casualties. Is that likely to happen this time?
Algerie Francais !


There is sod all that can be by the West about the Ukraine.

The Russians and Ukrainians have been scrapping since Yul Brynner chased the Poles across the Pampas all those centuries ago, and there isn't anything we can do to stop this tragedy. The Ukraine is like us and Northern Ireland; we are both where we are because we lack the sense to get out.

There does not seem to be a lot of news on the subject. It could be that the Russians are waiting for their supplies to catch up before storming Kyiv or, hopefully, Putin and Zelensky have settled down for a bit of a craic before matters get too out of hand.

Algerie Francais !


Quote from: T00ts on March 01, 2022, 09:22:44 AM
Day after day we watch as Russian troops encroach into Ukraine territory. We have heard one soldier's account that they expected to be welcomed, that they didn't think it was going to be a war. We have reports of Putin threatening that any aid to Ukraine will result in presumably nuclear reprisals, so we hit him at the banks, sport and anything else we can think of, yet still he bombs indiscriminately.

Is this really going to be effective? Everything that I see tells me that this is a man with only one aim, taking over Ukraine to add to Russian territory. Are we really just going to stand by as this happens? What does that tell him? Surely he will eye up another country and repeat. Do we all lack courage?
I would be careful of believing everything that appears in the media right now, regardless of which side is producing it.

Nevertheless, if the question is can the Russians be stopped, the answer is probably not. Still, writing an enemy off as a madman as is being done in this thread does not help anyone understand what is going on. To understand an adversary, and therefore best counter him, it needs to be done without the emotion.


Quote from: Sheepy on March 04, 2022, 12:02:50 PM
If you say so bwana.
More casual insults,if your IQ is as great as you say you'd be able to post without that wouldn't you? and affordable,not that hard is it?

Good old

Quote from: Barry on March 04, 2022, 11:49:53 AM

I don't think Russia can be stopped without a vast escalation, which could lead to WW3. No one wants that, so we sacrifice Ukraine on the alter of "peace", when in fact we are appeasing an enemy.
And where have we heard this before. Not many are left now that witnessed it . But there are many left that were directly affected by the repercussions , if not the initial appeasement, but certainly the following actions of the moron that  they tried to appease then. Putin has left little room to appease further. He has let us know what a desperate piece excrement he is. It remains to be seen if he really wants to be the man that unleashes the dogs of war on the whole of Europe, and maybe beyond.