Can Russia be stopped?

Started by T00ts, March 01, 2022, 09:22:44 AM

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Quote from: Thomas on March 06, 2022, 08:33:30 PM
Sheepy i dont drink vodka, but come oan tae fack , chicken kiev? This has to be a wind up surely?

I think the can't that came up with this idea must have been drinking the real russian vodka .

Well, it's all about solidarity ain't it, Kievs that ain't made in Kiev and Vodka that is about authentic as Boris and Starmer having a rethink on their Russian and Chinese funders. The bus is as usual driven by the yanks and it is out of control.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Nick on March 06, 2022, 07:27:51 PM
I'll tell you how.

Walk into any Chinese hotel and the is a giant photo of Chairman Mai.
They still use Fāpiào, which for those who don't know is a state run invoice system.
The ruling party is the Chinese Communist Party for goodness sake.

How is it not a communist country?
Oh for Feck Sake Dancing You are shitting me!

I doubt you have been anything like enough Hotels in China to be able to make that call, but even were it to be true, he is Father of the Nation after all. He still has a strong following among the general population. If it is a Communist Dictatorship, surely then it would be Xi not Mao in the picture frame.

The Centralised Invoice System, primarily a method for efficiently collecting Sales Tax.:D :D :D Is there anything more Capitalist in nature than a fecking Sales Tax :D :D :D
I dealt with the party name in my reply to Barry. Its just a name of the Party and an historical reference to his origins.

Today in China:
Is there or is there not Private Ownership?
Is there or is there not Private Enterprise?
Is there or is there not a Free Market Economy?
Is there or is there not Freedom of Movement?
Is there or is there not Freedom to Choose a Career or Occupation?

I could go on, but as someone how knows exactly how China was when it was a full blown Communist State, I have to say, your full of it :D :D :D
Now can you stop talking sphericals and get back on topic and back to the Ukraine


Quote from: Sheepy on March 06, 2022, 08:30:46 PM
I was speaking with a Russian and he said are you all coming to my bar this evening, I said we might be if you give me a bottle of Russian Vodka, he OK you come to my bar and I will, take it from me that rubbish you are buying from Sainsbury's ain't Russian vodka the real stuff will send you blind and cure all ills.
Sheepy i dont drink vodka, but come oan tae fack , chicken kiev? This has to be a wind up surely?

I think the cant that came up with this idea must have been drinking the real russian vodka .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on March 06, 2022, 08:23:31 PM
Come oan to fack. The world really has gone full on tonto. mental. :D

Sainsbury's renames 'Chicken Kiev' to 'Chicken Kyiv' in solidarity with Ukraine

Sainsbury's is renaming Chicken Kievs to match the Ukrainian spelling of the country's capital while JD Sports has become the latest British retailer to pull out of Russia after it launched the war in Ukraine.

The supermarket chain said it would start rolling out new packaging in the coming weeks using Chicken Kyiv, rather than the Russian spelling Kiev.
It will also stop selling all products that are sourced purely from Russia, although it only sells two Russian products.
Sainsbury's shoppers will no longer be able to buy Russian Standard vodka and Karpayskiye black sunflower seeds when the products are removed from shelves.
A Sainsbury's spokesperson said: "We stand united with the people of Ukraine. We have reviewed our product range and have decided to remove from sale all products that are 100% sourced from Russia.
"This means that from today we will no longer sell two products - Russian Standard vodka and Karpayskiye black sunflower seeds.

I was speaking with a Russian and he said are you all coming to my bar this evening, I said we might be if you give me a bottle of Russian Vodka, he said OK you come to my bar and I will, take it from me that rubbish you are buying from Sainsbury's ain't Russian vodka the real stuff will send you blind and cure all ills.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Come oan to fack. The world really has gone full on tonto. mental. :D

Sainsbury's renames 'Chicken Kiev' to 'Chicken Kyiv' in solidarity with Ukraine

Sainsbury's is renaming Chicken Kievs to match the Ukrainian spelling of the country's capital while JD Sports has become the latest British retailer to pull out of Russia after it launched the war in Ukraine.

The supermarket chain said it would start rolling out new packaging in the coming weeks using Chicken Kyiv, rather than the Russian spelling Kiev.
It will also stop selling all products that are sourced purely from Russia, although it only sells two Russian products.
Sainsbury's shoppers will no longer be able to buy Russian Standard vodka and Karpayskiye black sunflower seeds when the products are removed from shelves.
A Sainsbury's spokesperson said: "We stand united with the people of Ukraine. We have reviewed our product range and have decided to remove from sale all products that are 100% sourced from Russia.
"This means that from today we will no longer sell two products - Russian Standard vodka and Karpayskiye black sunflower seeds.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


I thought this another interesting read on stuff going on behind the scenes in the ukraine conflict.........

Who is Victoria Nuland? A really bad idea as a key player in Biden's foreign policy team

A Cold War true believer who sabotaged Obama's foreign policy, Nuland is a huge risk at the State Departme

Who is Victoria Nuland? Most Americans have never heard of her, because the U.S. corporate media's foreign policy coverage is a wasteland. Most Americans have no idea that President-elect Biden's pick for deputy secretary of state for political affairs is stuck in the quicksand of 1950s U.S.-Russia Cold War politics and dreams of continued NATO expansion, an arms race on steroids and further encirclement of Russia.

Nor do they know that from 2003 to 2005, during the hostile U.S. military occupation of Iraq, Nuland was a foreign policy advisor to Dick Cheney, the Darth Vader of the Bush administration.
You can bet, however, that the people of Ukraine have heard of neocon Nuland. Many have even heard the leaked four-minute audio of her saying "F@@@ the EU" during a February 2014 phone call with the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt.
During the infamous call on which Nuland and Pyatt appeared to be plotting to replace or undermine elected Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych, Nuland expressed her not-so-diplomatic disgust with the European Union for favoring former heavyweight boxer and austerity champ Vitali Klitschko to take over as prime minister, instead of the U.S. first choice, Artseniy Yatsenyuk, who indeed took power after Yanukovych was ousted about three weeks later.

The "F@@@ the EU" call went viral, as an embarrassed State Department, never denying the call's authenticity, blamed the Russians for tapping the phone, much as the NSA has tapped the phones of European allies. 

Despite outrage from German Chancellor Angela Merkel, no one fired Nuland, but her potty mouth upstaged the more serious story: the U.S. plot to overthrow Ukraine's elected government — and America's responsibility for a civil war that has killed at least 13,000 people and left Ukraine the poorest country in Europe.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on March 05, 2022, 08:04:14 PM
I don't understand the Russophobia bit,the statue came from the Ukraine and Engels was a Jerry,still it's all a bit mad vodka being taken off the shelves,the alcys will have to go back to meths again. :D
Didnt i see pictures of they mad yanks pouring vodka down drains or something? Has anyone told them diageo owns smirnoff?:D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 06, 2022, 02:49:05 PM
Well I can easily ask you the same question in reverse
I can understand why some members would like this thread to go offtopic, rather than discuss the destruction of the Ukrainian military and the dismemberment of the Ukrainian state and I am loath to go there but....
Ok Nick you read my response to Barry, you tell me how I have got it so wrong and how what I am describing is communist?
I'll tell you how. 

Walk into any Chinese hotel and the is a giant photo of Chairman Mai. 
They still use Fāpiào, which for those who don't know is a state run invoice system. 
The ruling party is the Chinese Communist Party for goodness sake. 

How is it not a communist country?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Groo on March 06, 2022, 03:22:15 PM
Some are pointing out that Russia don't control all that area, that's just the distance travelled
As long as there is no Ukrainian military presence in these areas, then I think the map makers are justified.
Also in the South East, you also have the militia;s of the Donetsk and Luhansk peoples Republic, particularly Luhansk, who have moved into areas of their Republic formally held by Ukrainian forces.

Regarding leaked documents. Well there seems to be a pleothora of such from all sides telling all stories and I put faith in none of them.

The only truth really worthy of note, is where are the main battles being fought, based on this, which side seems to be advancing and which side seems to be retreating?
Given that Western media is virtually ignoring this aspect of the story, I think its not too hard to make a determination.


Any on twitter from MSS as well? there must be. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!



Interesting analysis if its true, its also possible that the FSB doc is fake.

Igor Sushko Twitter


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 05, 2022, 11:32:17 PM
Map showing the position of forces in Ukraine this evening

Some are pointing out that Russia don't control all that area, that's just the distance travelled


This is more to the point - from the BBC live feed

QuoteThe International Committee of the Red Cross (IRIC) was hoping to start evacuating 200,000 people from the besieged port city.
It says its teams began opening up the evacuation route
from Mariupol to Zaporizhzhia before "hostilities resumed".
Russia and Ukraine had agreed in principle to evacuate civilians, but had failed to agree the detail of how the evacuation would take place, the ICRC said.
In particular, it said, the two sides had not agreed on:

  • Specific time, locations and evacuation routes
  • Who may be voluntarily evacuated
  • Whether aid can be brought in, not just the evacuation of civilians out

Now this is what I have been talking about. It sounds as though the Ukrainian forces want the evacuation, North West to Zaporizhzhia in Ukrainian controlled territory, while the civilians themselves want to go East into safe parts of Donetsk. Mariupol is part of Donetsk, it was a center of the 2014 anti coup resistance, it is populated by Russians.
The Ukraine clearly wants propaganda footage of civilians wanting to be part of Ukraine, while the truth is precisely the opposite, which is why the Ukrainian forces (Avoz members in particular) are actively preventing it.

I am confident of this as the other smaller city in Donetsk nearby, which is also being evacuated, only 400 (taken from BBC again) wanted to go to Ukrainian controlled territory.