Can Russia be stopped?

Started by T00ts, March 01, 2022, 09:22:44 AM

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Quote from: Nick on March 13, 2022, 03:31:27 PM
Scott, you've just blown your own argument out of the water.
What has a coup in Ukraine got to do with Russia? If the Ukraine want to fight a civil war it has zero to do with Putin, he should keep his soon to be dead beak out of other countries business.

I have no idea what you mean about blown out the water.  Shall I just imagine what you meant?  🥴

The US interfered with Ukraine, probably behind the coup, behind weapons, behind bio labs, and you have the gall to pretend Putin should not interfere to defend himself from that threat.
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Quote from: Thomas on March 13, 2022, 03:37:12 PM
can't help it cromwell , the hypocrisy from your nation is sickening. The nation that starved half the population of ireland to death , commited atrocities in northern ireland with in my lifetime and were fined by the court of human rights for it , while the world looked on in disbelief lecturing the russians or anyone else on rights and wrongs is unbelievable.
This as you call it (not me) whataboutery,then when people are flinging statues in the water agree with all and sundry you can't be judged on the past.
Hypocrisy.....who said that?

QuoteMind years ago on this forums older incarnation we had the old yank republican from florida "flash" posting on here.?

I mind an old debate you and i were involved in , with flash and many others , about the behaviour of america on the world stage.  I will say then what i say now on this thread , russia china america or anyone else  , not one of them come close to the behaviour of what your nation has done in these islands and abroad.

Back then , i was being called a pro american by the likes of jim franklin for telling the truth , just as today , im "pro russian " for pointing out the same hypocrisy.

There you go again making things up,please reference a post where I say you are pro Russian,you can't because I haven't.

You just fling about accusations you've said this in the last 12 years or not as the case may be bringing everything down to a false and personal level.
I've never accused you of being either pro or anti yank or Russian.
Meanwhile you believe I'm personally responsible for the worlds worst excesses,anything you want to add The holocaust,Spanish inquisition,the bombs dropped on Japan the eradication of the indigenous south american indians,the worst excesses of the Roman empire perhaps.

So you bookmark this for further reference and go shed a few crocodile tears of your own.

And you wonder why I tell you I can't be bothered when you're like this. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on March 13, 2022, 03:54:20 PM
Nick stop talking shite. If you arent crying people are all commies on here , you are telling us where we are getting our info from . How do you know?

Last year , anyone who disagreed with covid restrictions you were labelling as anti vax and  conspiracy theorist. Now anyone who disagrees with the msm is blinded by russian propaganda.

It never accours to you to link both those examples and see what the common denominator is in your own thinking does it?

Advanced World War I Tactics with General Melchett - YouTube
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on March 13, 2022, 04:25:08 PM.putins bad eh?
Very apparently, now he is talking of holding a referendum in areas of Ukraine and let the people decide. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 13, 2022, 04:59:18 PM
This guy is very good and thankfully presents in English (I think he is French by the sound of it)
A good objective overview and analysis of what is going on and what it means.

Its a bloke sitting in his bedroom telling you what he thinks is happening with a few videos. 
Is this supposed to be some kind of evidence?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


This guy is very good and thankfully presents in English (I think he is French by the sound of it)
A good objective overview and analysis of what is going on and what it means.


Quote from: Thomas on March 13, 2022, 04:31:44 PM
Has that video passed nicks biased propaganda guidelines sampan?:D
It's a video of a person in combats passing food to a civilian. What is this supposed to prove?

Russia has stopped the invasion and is helping the Ukrainians?
A few Russian soldiers are defying Putin?
A film crew turned up and staged a party with rifles pointed at the civilians from behind the cameras?

This is the utter shash that is put forward as evidence Russia is not doing anything.

Even my daughters pet rats smell a rat. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Thomas on March 13, 2022, 04:25:08 PM
rubbish. The eu referendum was merely being mooted in september 2014. The toiries still had to win the 2014 referndum to keep scotland , then win the 2015 general election to allow the refer endum on brexit , then for brexit to be voted on and the uk to leave. we couldnt possibly know how things would pan out.

your government told scotland to vote to stay i nthe uk to stay in the eu , it was a major plank of the pro uk side in 2014 who knew scotland was extremely pro eu , then you reneged on it .

...and you have the cheek to call putin a dictator and anti democratic? :D

English brexiter and english remainer , as i always say two cheeks of the same hypocritical anti democratic arse.

...but putin....putins bad eh?:D
TOM, stop talking about it and have indy2.... Oh wait, you can't, because Seaweed won't pull the trigger cause she knows she'll lose. All the BS about "If she doesn't do it this tim blah blah blah", she isn't going to do it because her political career will be over. You know all this so stop with the "The U.K. won't let us". Do us all a favour and just break away and stick a fence up, we will all be much happier I can assure you.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Thomas on March 13, 2022, 04:18:05 PM
im not. Im pointing out your history of following the msm like a puppydog on any subject , for exmaple ukraine and covid , while trying to shout down others as conspiracy nuts. thats the background where you are coming from.
if we were only allowed to talk about the countires we have personally experienced and visited not many would be able to talk about opinions of foriegn affairs.of course thats just another cop out form you to shut down debate.

We saw recently , despite claiming to have been to china , sampan ridiculed you for calling china a communist country. You may have visited these countries , that doesnt mean you have an in depth knowledge of their politics and current affairs.
i havent been to either china or russia , would love to go and maybe i will one day , but come on nick , you have spekn to a few people in either country and suddenly it makes you prvy to the knowlege of an entire nation , one the biggest country i nthe world , the other a quarter of the worlds popualtion?

You are being ridiculous now.
here we go again . All media , and platforms are biased. Its the ones like the bbc  who claim to be unbiased i have a problem with.

Sampan ridiculed me?? Where was that? 😂 The ruling party is the Communist Party, but he says that's just a name!! When the country isn't communist surely the first thing they get rid of is the word communist. I'm not convinced he's actually ever lived in China with statements like that. 
I've been to a lot of major cities between Hong Kong and Beijing over a 30 year period, I can remember when workers all wore a uniform with a number on it. The uniform and number has largely gone but the country is still the same. People disappear for speaking out against the government, if that's not communism I don't know what is. Do you not remember the scenes from last year in Hong Kong where student were on the streets to stop China taking over? 

Make no mistake Tom, communism is alive and well in ole China, and until you've been and felt it you carry on believing the likes of Sampan.

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 13, 2022, 04:25:32 PM
This is an interesting find, we are told it is Russian forces delivering humanitarian aid to residents in Borodyanka, 50km NW of Kiev -
Has that video passed nicks biased propaganda guidelines sampan?:D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


This is an interesting find, we are told it is Russian forces delivering humanitarian aid to residents in Borodyanka, 50km NW of Kiev -


Quote from: Nick on March 13, 2022, 04:11:25 PM
Scotland voted to stay in the U.K. with full knowledge of the EU referendum.
rubbish. The eu referendum was merely being mooted in september 2014. The toiries still had to win the 2014 referndum to keep scotland , then win the 2015 general election to allow the refer endum on brexit , then for brexit to be voted on and the uk to leave. we couldnt possibly know how things would pan out.

your government told scotland to vote to stay i nthe uk to stay in the eu , it was a major plank of the pro uk side in 2014 who knew scotland was extremely pro eu , then you reneged on it .

...and you have the cheek to call putin a dictator and anti democratic? :D

English brexiter and english remainer , as i always say two cheeks of the same hypocritical anti democratic arse.

...but putin....putins bad eh?:D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on March 13, 2022, 04:19:55 PM
funny that. I didnt see nick in any condemnation of his beloved tory party breaking the holier than thou covid rules while at the same time he was on here lecturing scott and yourself about being conspiracy freaks over covid rules dissent.

Fricking hilarious, I told them they were as dumb as rocks.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on March 13, 2022, 04:15:30 PM
I know what you mean we had some bellends running around telling us the only media telling the truth was the MSM while the government and civil servants partied. One of them was convinced he had a magic truth weapon.
funny that. I didnt see nick in any condemnation of his beloved tory party breaking the holier than thou covid rules while at the same time he was on here lecturing scott and yourself about being conspiracy freaks over covid rules dissent.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Nick on March 13, 2022, 04:08:56 PM
Stop trying to muddy the waters Tom,
im not. Im pointing out your history of following the msm like a puppydog on any subject , for exmaple ukraine and covid , while trying to shout down others as conspiracy nuts. thats the background where you are coming from.

Quotethat nobody except myself has been anywhere near Russia or China (Sampan excluded) so stop playing games
if we were only allowed to talk about the countires we have personally experienced and visited not many would be able to talk about opinions of foriegn affairs.of course thats just another cop out form you to shut down debate.

We saw recently , despite claiming to have been to china , sampan ridiculed you for calling china a communist country. You may have visited these countries , that doesnt mean you have an in depth knowledge of their politics and current affairs.

Quoteso, you've not been and spoken to the populous,
i havent been to either china or russia , would love to go and maybe i will one day , but come on nick , you have spekn to a few people in either country and suddenly it makes you prvy to the knowlege of an entire nation , one the biggest country i nthe world , the other a quarter of the worlds popualtion?

You are being ridiculous now.

Quotethose views are not aired on mainstream media so the info can only have come from unregulated, which means open to manipulation by government sources media.
here we go again . All media , and platforms are biased. Its the ones like the bbc  who claim to be unbiased i have a problem with.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!