Can Russia be stopped?

Started by T00ts, March 01, 2022, 09:22:44 AM

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Quote from: T00ts on March 16, 2022, 09:58:48 AM
Mod notice

This thread seems to have run its course and is sadly descending into a slanging match. It is therefore closed.
If anyone wants to start a new thread on Ukraine situation feel free. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Mod notice

This thread seems to have run its course and is sadly descending into a slanging match. It is therefore closed.


Quote from: cromwell on March 16, 2022, 12:24:22 AM
No you brought up the whataboutery,Ive never been blind to the faults of the US or UK all you've got is west bad,did you never read animal farm?
There you go again - "ooh but what about them"
I am not interested in them, I am not them and I am not over there where they are
I am here, where we are and we are the ones making with the endless stream of sanctimonious guff
Russia and China do not speak in my name, but the West does and that makes it my issue, it should be yours as well, you live here to.
When you listen to your leaders pontificate and you know its cynical bollards, then yes everybody with a shred of dignity should call it out for what it is.
If there was a shred of truth about the stand of the West being a remotely moral and values based one, then Boris would not be within a thousand miles from where he is today in Saudi Arabia.

Instead all can see the blether from the West as the self Righteous sanctimony that it really is
If we buy Saudi Oil, then it is nothing more than Power Block Geopolitics and the situation in Ukraine was one of our making and could easily have been avoided, by our simple and none painful policy changes.
Zelenskyy has actually admitted today that NATO membership for Ukraine is not an option! So what stopped the witless prat from working that out a month ago?


Quote from: Thomas on March 16, 2022, 09:02:45 AM
Im embarressed for you.

Thats twice in the thread in recent posts you have been caught out making ridiculous implications regarding neo nazis  and this woman protestor facing years in prison .

You still cryptically cling to hoping this lady faces abuse and further punishement at the hands of the" evil russian" to prove points , while at the same time not a peep out of you regarding the abuse and torture of the like of julian assange in the free west , or wee harry dunns killer facing justice in an english court and prison.

Hear no evil see no evil cromwell.Lapping up bbc propaganda as ever.
I'd be embarrassed for yourself if I were you,off you go again selectively picking out one point in a link but carry on and waste your valuable time.

And now we have Tommys list of what you must criticise in order to validate anything you post.

Do go and get a life,and a mirror because we all have human failings not least you. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: cromwell on March 16, 2022, 08:49:20 AM
I was well aware of the fake twitter account and have no red face,these things happen she was interviewed and said she was released on a Russian law on mothers but said that it may not be over further action may be taken.

Lets hope it is a fine only and the woman is let on her way,I suspect were the roles reversed you'd be praying for further action so you could come back here and claim red faces all round and a victory.
Im embarressed for you.

Thats twice in the thread in recent posts you have been caught out making ridiculous implications regarding neo nazis  and this woman protestor facing years in prison .

You still cryptically cling to hoping this lady faces abuse and further punishement at the hands of the" evil russian" to prove points , while at the same time not a peep out of you regarding the abuse and torture of the like of julian assange in the free west , or wee harry dunns killer facing justice in an english court and prison.

Hear no evil see no evil cromwell.Lapping up bbc propaganda as ever.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on March 16, 2022, 08:38:46 AM
It was a fake twitter account with someone claiming to be the russian journalist saying her lawyer told her she could face ten years in prison , which western media started running with , and she got a 200 quid fine.:D

Let me know cromwell when you have info on what you cryptically imply at the end of your above statement.

"there was a fake account yesterday pretending to be her saying "i'm gonna get 5-10 years", and look how many retweets and likes it got"

I was well aware of the fake twitter account and have no red face,these things happen she was interviewed and said she was released on a Russian law on mothers but said that it may not be over further action may be taken.

Lets hope it is a fine only and the woman is let on her way,I suspect were the roles reversed you'd be praying for further action so you could come back here and claim red faces all round and a victory. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on March 16, 2022, 08:22:35 AM

The Russian tv woman has been fined but it's been made clear it's not the end of it we'll see.

It was a fake twitter account with someone claiming to be the russian journalist saying her lawyer told her she could face ten years in prison , which western media started running with , and she got a 200 quid fine.:D

Let me know cromwell when you have info on what you cryptically imply at the end of your above statement.

"there was a fake account yesterday pretending to be her saying "i'm gonna get 5-10 years", and look how many retweets and likes it got"

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 16, 2022, 12:12:36 AM
You answer a criticism of whataboutism with a lot more whataboutism
We are the ones preaching to the rest of world about how virtuous and pure we are and all should fall in awe of our god given magnificance
Trouble is, that no one but ourselves believes it.
The rest of the world just sees us as heavily armed, violently aggressive and expansionist rabid ideologues.
Well when we were the only show in town (meaning the only side with a Industrial Military Economic Complex that mattered), we were able to get away with it.
Now however that is no longer the case, which means its not a particularly healthy perceptual mismatch......
Speak for yourself, for me it seems the same old path, the leaders of countries falling out over the path they consider is best for everyone and no choice in the matter, I suspect the western leaders are doing what they normally do, tell everybody one thing while doing the opposite behind the scenes and thinking it will never blow up in their face. Showing the Russians, a complete lack of respect is the only answer they have left as Vlad is handing them a two-finger salute. Much the same as they did on being in the EU and trying to leave the EU. Now they are getting the two-fingers from the electorate for the same reasons. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: cromwell on March 16, 2022, 08:22:35 AM
I didn't ask for any of your time,entirely up to you.

wffle as ever. What happened to your other hyperbolic statement of the brave woman facing centuries and centurie in prison , only for your own press to report she had a 200 quid fine?:D ( its not the end of it lmfao )

Another red face cromwell. Thats what happens mate when you let the bbc do your thinking for you.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on March 16, 2022, 07:52:55 AM
not even wasting valuable time replying in depth to this cac cromwell. I laid out the sequence of events , you threw a link into the thread with clear implcations that the neo nazi issue was russian propaganda , and i demolished it by proving the "western" media had been claiming the same things about ukrainian neo nazis prior to the russian invasion.

That is all.

Hear no evil see no evil cromwell.
I didn't ask for any of your time,entirely up to you.

As is usual you decide for yourself another posters intentions,complain that Steve misrepresents you but your whole style is misrepresenting what other posters post.

Despite the fact most people accept the west isn't blameless again like Smurfy and Tory bad all we get from you is west bad west bad uk worst your bad country your country bad like a bloody parrot. Rant

What's so great about your country a party that promises independence and strings you along old Alex whilst I accepted he was found not guilty so is innocent were he a English politician you don't like (which would be most of them) no that's not what counts you'd make the most out of every innuendo going so don't be lecturing on hypocrisy.

The Russian tv woman has been fined but it's been made clear it's not the end of it we'll see.

All I see is a lot of people suffering from a war that apparently isn't a war,there are villains yeah and Putin is one but he's not the whole russian people,sure there are neo nazis but that doesn't mean all Ukrainians.

Reply or not up to you imagine you've demolished every argument,diversion whatever makes you happy. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on March 15, 2022, 07:45:17 PM
I wasn't implying anything
not even wasting valuable time replying in depth to this cac cromwell. I laid out the sequence of events , you threw a link into the thread with clear implcations that the neo nazi issue was russian propaganda , and i demolished it by proving the "western" media had been claiming the same things about ukrainian neo nazis prior to the russian invasion.

That is all.

Hear no evil see no evil cromwell.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on March 15, 2022, 05:01:44 PM
And imagine your confusion if you got on to tv news site here in the uk and did that and were only arrested perhaps done for trespass but then went to moscow did the same held incommunicado and faced years in prison.
Faced years in prison?

Well lets see cromwell , according to the united nations , we have journalist julian assange tortured by british authorities for revealing NATO war crimes and hillary clintons sabotage of bernie sanders election campaign in yank land among many other issues , now facing 175 years in an american maximum security prison without commiting a single crime as i understand it in your countrys law system awaiting extradition to yank land. ( by the way how is your best friends in washington getting on with extraditing the killer of wee english boy harry dunn?)

Meanwhile your nations press is reporting the "brave lady " as you put it who protested regarding the war in ukraine on TV was fined £210 .

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 16, 2022, 12:12:36 AM
You answer a criticism of whataboutism with a lot more whataboutism
We are the ones preaching to the rest of world about how virtuous and pure we are and all should fall in awe of our god given magnificance
Trouble is, that no one but ourselves believes it.
The rest of the world just sees us as heavily armed, violently aggressive and expansionist rabid ideologues.
Well when we were the only show in town (meaning the only side with a Industrial Military Economic Complex that mattered), we were able to get away with it.
Now however that is no longer the case, which means its not a particularly healthy perceptual mismatch......
No you brought up the whataboutery,Ive never been blind to the faults of the US or UK all you've got is west bad,did you never read animal farm? and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on March 16, 2022, 12:00:39 AM
Ah another one that wants to point out all the failures of the west......yes that whataboutery but mention your near saintly Vlad or Xi oh dear me no you can't do that that's the only whataboutery in town.

Would be funny if it wasn't so blatantly biased.....oh sorry only we are biased.

Not so sure that any country in the world has anywhere near as bad a record of abuse as the US,well not according to Thomas it's the UK.

Still those killed in the Katyn forest was something and nothing or of the Twenty million Russians that perished in WW2 around half died not from the madness of Hitler but good old uncle Joe.
You answer a criticism of whataboutism with a lot more whataboutism
We are the ones preaching to the rest of world about how virtuous and pure we are and all should fall in awe of our god given magnificance
Trouble is, that no one but ourselves believes it.
The rest of the world just sees us as heavily armed, violently aggressive and expansionist rabid ideologues.
Well when we were the only show in town (meaning the only side with a Industrial Military Economic Complex that mattered), we were able to get away with it.
Now however that is no longer the case, which means its not a particularly healthy perceptual mismatch......