If the US is evil, why hasn't the UK and the rest of the world united to destroy them?

Started by mrjoshua, December 30, 2019, 05:08:21 AM

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Quote from: papasmurf post_id=12310 time=1578321043 user_id=89
The Japanese been asking the Americans to leave Japan for decades.

Japanese people or government?


Quote from: mrjoshua post_id=12309 time=1578320821 user_id=105

Okay, as for these, have you considered perhaps to politely ask them to... LEAVE?

The Japanese been asking the Americans to leave Japan for decades.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=12294 time=1578316650 user_id=89
The problem is to destroy America would mean simultaneously taking out not only America, but all its Navy fleets at sea around the World, including the nuclear submarines

I saw this tech on Youtube where in a Swedish or some eurolander submarine, I can't remember, was able to maneuver close to a US ship undetected and that US ship had some of the most advanced detectors ever. Use that tech and bingo! Everything you need is in Europe.

Quote from: papasmurf post_id=12294 time=1578316650 user_id=89
plus the 250-500 American bases on foreign soil without doing any collateral damage or leaving the entire planet covered in fallout.

Okay, as for these, have you considered perhaps to politely ask them to... LEAVE?



Quote from: Barry post_id=12293 time=1578316182 user_id=51
And how does that unpleasant picture, taken out of any context, prove that the USA is evil?

US military bombed a hospital in Afghanistan because they thought it was a terrorist base.

UN thought it was a war crime but of course nothing happened... because people were afraid to prosecute... people were afraid to die... afraid of everything and anything. It's alright, only 42 people died anyway, no big whoop, besides this world is already over populated already anyway. Oh and besides, a lot of them were coloured folks anyway.

Imagine if that was your son, father or you.


Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=12289 time=1578314784 user_id=63
the gun nuts are arming themselves against can rain down death you never see coming from 30,000 foot...

Good point. Just kill them from afar.

There you go! Always find the silver lining in things!


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=12278 time=1578302697 user_id=89
The problem with destroying America is the right to bear arms.

According to this German who I can't remember but I do remember he was German: the population may be armed to the teeth but they are untrained; nothing more than a mere obstacle. Are they willing to fight? Are they willing to die? Are they willing to die for their corrupted country?

And if they are then duh! People will just have to kill them. Bomb every building, burn down every tree, make sure every tunnel, cave, underground shelter and anything they can use to hide is destroyed. Once all that is done, where can they hide? They can't, that's when you go for the kill.

You know Hitler's encirclement trick he used? Or was that Stalin? I can't remember! But the point is to use that on them until they are trapped. If they surrender, kill them; for all we know they could be hiding a bomb. If a child chooses to surrender, kill them; the point here is to eradicate them from the face of the Earth, a great way to do that is by starting wit the children.

You must show no mercy, no pity, no remorse, no forgiveness. And once that is done, the world can finally divide their free real estate.


Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=12289 time=1578314784 user_id=63
Yes but you need to see your assailant to.shootbthem.

Whereas, as that bake off judge"s doppelganger found to his discomfort the other day, the people the gun nuts are arming themselves against can rain down death you never see coming from 30,000 foot...

The problem is to destroy America would mean simultaneously taking out not only America, but all its Navy fleets at sea around the World, including the nuclear submarines plus the 250-500 American bases on foreign soil without doing any collateral damage or leaving the entire planet covered in fallout.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: mrjoshua post_id=12288 time=1578313237 user_id=105
Not according to this person:


And how does that unpleasant picture, taken out of any context, prove that the USA is evil?
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=12278 time=1578302697 user_id=89
The problem with destroying America is the right to bear arms. Many Americans do not trust their own government whatever it's politics.

There are vast swathes of America when all of the family in a house are armed apart from the baby and the dog.

As anyone who has "got some in" on active service will tell you "house clearance" is bloody dangerous.

Also there is a tendency for arms ownership in America to include large calibre firearms, plus armour piercing ammunition.

Even if they don't pierce body armour they will incapacitate and injure.

Yes but you need to see your assailant to.shootbthem.

Whereas, as that bake off judge"s doppelganger found to his discomfort the other day, the people the gun nuts are arming themselves against can rain down death you never see coming from 30,000 foot...
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Thomas post_id=12277 time=1578301857 user_id=58
The uk isnt a country its a multi national state.

Yeah yeah yeah, it's a country.

Quote from: Thomas post_id=12277 time=1578301857 user_id=58
Its not . Thats your perception.

Not according to this person:



And this statistic:

Which Country Is The Greatest Threat to World Peace?



Quote from: Thomas post_id=12277 time=1578301857 user_id=58
So ?

Anger is bad for your health.

Quote from: Thomas post_id=12277 time=1578301857 user_id=58
The world has been angry since the dawn of humanity. Less people are being killed in "anger" now than at any time in the past.

If you keep it bottled in, it will lead to bad things; it will lead you to do bad things.

Quote from: Thomas post_id=12277 time=1578301857 user_id=58
it cant , and doesnt want to.

You are probably right that it doesn't want to because of fear of dying which is something I'm trying to fix but it most certainly can.

No country on Earth, not even the most powerful can fight and sustain a conflict with all 193 nations, 7 billion people, all the military combined, and all the mean while, attacked from all sides.

Quote from: Thomas post_id=12277 time=1578301857 user_id=58
Are you a labour supporter?


Quote from: Thomas post_id=12277 time=1578301857 user_id=58
Harking back to some imaginary golden age of history when all that was noble and good united to destroy the big evil baddies?


Quote from: Thomas post_id=12277 time=1578301857 user_id=58
 :lol: countires didnt unite against the germans and japs because they were evil or did bad things , they united and fought because the germans and japs attacked their interests in europe and the far east.

Isn't that what the US is doing?

Also, Mr. Thomas, what about those protests all over the world when they decided to invade Iraq? What about those European leaders who did not support the invasion for fear of not getting voted again? What about those people who stood up to those yankee imperialists in schools and pubs and shops and told them to go home?

Quote from: Thomas post_id=12277 time=1578301857 user_id=58
The "british " were pro german before the start of the war and anti french , and the yanks didnt enter the war till two years after it started when they were attacked by the japs.

The important thing is that they did the right thing. Now it is time to do it again.

Quote from: Thomas post_id=12277 time=1578301857 user_id=58

Thank you.

Quote from: Thomas post_id=12277 time=1578301857 user_id=58
Mind those fires now , and i hope you are out helping fight them.?

The fires are far from where I live and I have to work.

Quote from: Thomas post_id=12277 time=1578301857 user_id=58
in your opinion.

Not just my opinion. Do you really want me to bring up the list that I have come across over the years?

Quote from: Thomas post_id=12277 time=1578301857 user_id=58
You talk about sacrifices for the greater good , but advocate killing 300 million folk becuase you dont like the actions of a couple of hunner people in their government?

Not just the actions of a couple of people and that's according to a lot of people.

I love to read about why the world hates them and something interesting came across to me me a few years ago: you see, Mr. Thomas, if they were living under a tyrannical regime where people mysteriously disappear for merely speaking up, where the population is under constant surveillance and any who dare oppose the regime is swiftly crushed I would understand... but they don't... they live in a system where they are allowed to speak up, where they choose their representatives, where their representatives should listen to the people, and basically a system where the will of the people is sacred.

A government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Also another thing, Mr. Thomas, I don't know any of them and to be honest, I'm not really interested in knowing them. All I am interested in is getting either Maine or Montana.

Quote from: Thomas post_id=12277 time=1578301857 user_id=58
I dont like scott morrison ,

Im pretty much willing to bet neither the yookay oz or any other country has the power and capability to destroy the yanks.

Honestly, I can't remember who I voted for and to be honest, I despise this mandatory voting crap.

Quote from: Thomas post_id=12277 time=1578301857 user_id=58
but i wouldnt advocate killing the entire population of oz because of it.

Im pretty much willing to bet neither the yookay oz or any other country has the power and capability to destroy the yanks.

Oh boy, you should! Where I work, there are a lot of lazy bums; you can kill them off.

Quote from: Thomas post_id=12277 time=1578301857 user_id=58
Im pretty much willing to bet neither the yookay oz or any other country has the power and capability to destroy the yanks.

Well not if the world is not united and not with that attitude.


The problem with destroying America is the right to bear arms. Many Americans do not trust their own government whatever it's politics.

There are vast swathes of America when all of the family in a house are armed apart from the baby and the dog.

As anyone who has "got some in" on active service will tell you "house clearance" is bloody dangerous.

Also there is a tendency for arms ownership in America to include large calibre firearms, plus armour piercing ammunition.

Even if they don't pierce body armour they will incapacitate and injure.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: mrjoshua post_id=12117 time=1578185910 user_id=105
What are you then? An immigrant in the UK?

The uk isnt a country its a multi national state.

So for example  someone in england could factually say someone in scotland is "no countryman of mine" without them being an immigrant and it would be factually correct.

In this case deppity is talking about pappy , who is of course english , but its merely being used as a euphemism for not wanting anything to do with him.

QuoteMy argument is that if the US is evil

Its not . Thats your perception. The world isnt going to act on your perception simply because you dislike a nation .

Quoteand the world is angry,

So ?

The world has been angry since the dawn of humanity. Less people are being killed in "anger" now than at any time in the past.
why hasn't the world united to destroy them

it cant , and doesnt want to.

Quoteor at the very least stop them like what you did to the Germans and the Japanese when they decided to do terrible things!?

Are you a labour supporter?

Harking back to some imaginary golden age of history when all that was noble and good united to destroy the big evil baddies? :lol: countires didnt unite against the germans and japs because they were evil or did bad things , they united and fought because the germans and japs attacked their interests in europe and the far east.

The "british " were pro german before the start of the war and anti french , and the yanks didnt enter the war till two years after it started when they were attacked by the japs.

QuoteI am in my bedroom but I'm not 14 years old and I can't be touched because I have not done anything wrong.

Fantastic. Mind those fires now , and i hope you are out helping fight them.?

QuoteSacrifices have to be made for the greater good. Besides, 300 million people is a small lost with 7 billion people on this Earth, right now.

in your opinion.

You talk about sacrifices for the greater good , but advocate killing 300 million folk becuase you dont like the actions of a couple of hunner people in their government?

I dont like scott morrison , but i wouldnt advocate killing the entire population of oz because of it.

Talk about baby out wae the bath water.

Quote You can be as impolite to me as you want for as long as you destroy the USA.

Im pretty much willing to bet neither the yookay oz or any other country has the power and capability to destroy the yanks.

You might kill millions of them , and lay waste large parts of their country , but you will fry in the process of doing so.

No one is capable of  , or going to destroy the usa , so dont worry about it cobba.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Last word from me in here...

I see this morning that Trump has said if Eye-Raq expels Uncle Sam's troops as their parliament has voted to do, he will implement sanctions against them.


Trump has succeeded where even Mohammed spectacularly failed.

Trump has united the Sunni and Shia sects of the cult of Mohammedanism by providing them a common goal and purpose.


Why have I posted this here and not somewhere else ?

Because if this T@@@ does this, there is, in my view, an excellent chance Mr Joshua's (wet) dream will come to pass.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


By the way, dear Europeans, when I say stop  the war, I don't mean stop it using your useless protests but actually stopping the United States of America through military force.

According to Europeans and Canadians: the war resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths, created social and economic problems for the Iraqi people, destabilized not only Iraq but the Middle East, created the atmosphere for terrorists to flourish, caused thousands of more deaths because of such, and created the mass migration that you Europeans alone have to deal with because your master refuses to.

And these made Europeans very angry, no?

Now, Europeans, with all that anger festering in your hearts! That desire to take back that which was stolen by the usurper! To bring back the glorious days of the empire and that where Europe ruled the ward... why didn't you do anything? Why didn't you stop them? Why didn't you sever ties with them? Sever trade? Enacted a blockade on the US? Threatened war on the US should they continue with the invasion? Sent troops to Iraq to protect the Iraqi people? Noble things that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives and teach the people that you hate that they simply cannot bully the world and there are good people that will stand up to the likes of them, to the likes of evil! Oh my God, that would have been the greatest thing in the history of greatest things ever!!! But that didn't happen... why?

Europeans... evil prevails when people and it don't have to be good people but just people in general, fail to act.


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=12097 time=1578164022 user_id=50
He's no countryman of mine

What are you then? An immigrant in the UK?

Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=12097 time=1578164022 user_id=50
You don't even have an argument really, do you?

My argument is that if the US is evil and the world is angry, why hasn't the world united to destroy them or at the very least stop them like what you did to the Germans and the Japanese when they decided to do terrible things!?

Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=12097 time=1578164022 user_id=50
Your just here (like so many other 14 year olds in bedrooms across the world) to cause offence, as you think you can't be touched.

I am in my bedroom but I'm not 14 years old and I can't be touched because I have not done anything wrong.

Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=12097 time=1578164022 user_id=50
Right, I see...


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=12097 time=1578164022 user_id=50
And then you go on to make the above comment. Talking about "humanity", after advocating the killing of an entire nation of >300 million people?

Sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. Besides, 300 million people is a small lost with 7 billion people on this Earth, right now.

Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=12097 time=1578164022 user_id=50
You are a fecking idiot. And that was the polite version. Not that it needs me to point it out by now.

That's okay. You can be as impolite to me as you want for as long as you destroy the USA.