This Russian woman has more integrity and understanding.....

Started by srb7677, March 17, 2022, 07:17:24 PM

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Quote from: srb7677 on March 18, 2022, 12:06:48 AM
You remind me of RT News. You sound just like them.
They can't be worse than our lot. 

Boris put a nurse in charge of what is and isn't allowed on the Internet.  Upset a snowflake?  Then you're a troll who hurt somebody's feelings and deserve the chair.  Genuinely sceptical toward vaccination and dystonian laws? Then you're a terrorist pushing dangerous propaganda. 

There's no alternative either - Labour would have us all shot. 

It's all deeply offensive to be treated this way by some bimbo nurse, but sadly, society is a nursery where the most gullible are praised for their conformism.


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 18, 2022, 12:01:47 AM
My loyalties are suspect? Most make me an enemy of the people I suppose.
Plans to invade? Depends what you mean. Did they want to invade, I still don;t believe that was the objective. After all Treated Neutrality and the application of a UN resolution backed Deconcfliction treaty are hardly the demands of Chenggis Khan.
This war could have been avoided very easily had people in the Ukraine and there western backers really wanted to.
Russia started warnings from as far back as 2006 not to cross its red lines on NATO membership and the reinforcement of Southern Russia started over a year ago.
The only comedians in this business are in the Ukrainian government.
Maybe you should add those like yourself of course, espousing Liberal values in one breath and blindly following the US Neocon agenda of Empire and Hegemony with the next......
You remind me of RT News. You sound just like them.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on March 17, 2022, 10:23:44 PM
Or I could share my feelings on the war, communicated through the medium of Russian propaganda. But you already have that base covered.

For weeks if not months you were parroting the Kremlin line that Russia had no plans to invade. Right up until the moment that it did. At no point have you since acknowedged how wrong you were. Instead you side-shuffled off into dreaming up ways that this was anyone's fault but Putin's.

Your integrity is shot to pieces, your loyalties suspect.
My loyalties are suspect? Most make me an enemy of the people I suppose.
Plans to invade? Depends what you mean. Did they want to invade, I still don;t believe that was the objective. After all Treated Neutrality and the application of a UN resolution backed Deconcfliction treaty are hardly the demands of Chenggis Khan.
This war could have been avoided very easily had people in the Ukraine and there western backers really wanted to.
Russia started warnings from as far back as 2006 not to cross its red lines on NATO membership and the reinforcement of Southern Russia started over a year ago.
The only comedians in this business are in the Ukrainian government.
Maybe you should add those like yourself of course, espousing Liberal values in one breath and blindly following the US Neocon agenda of Empire and Hegemony with the next......


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 17, 2022, 09:15:57 PMmaybe you would like to share your feelings on the war, communicated through the medium of interpretive dance?
Or I could share my feelings on the war, communicated through the medium of Russian propaganda. But you already have that base covered.

For weeks if not months you were parroting the Kremlin line that Russia had no plans to invade. Right up until the moment that it did. At no point have you since acknowedged how wrong you were. Instead you side-shuffled off into dreaming up ways that this was anyone's fault but Putin's.

Your integrity is shot to pieces, your loyalties suspect.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 17, 2022, 09:15:57 PMWhen I have time I may start a proper thread on it.
Please do. We could do with a bit more comedy around here.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Yawn ::)
As I said before, Trendy Liberal Media type virtue signalling only of interest to other trendy liberal media types
Add to that a large dollop of self promotion and small fine and slap on the wrist. I bet she flies out soon enough for a plumb job with CNN or some such.
Anything else for us steve? Maybe a Lesbian Tofu Peace group workshop or maybe you would like to share your feelings on the war, communicated through the medium of interpretive dance?

I also note that nobody is actually discussing the war itself (as opposed to the just the moral and ideological bs).
When I have time I may start a proper thread on it.


Quote from: srb7677 on March 17, 2022, 07:17:24 PM
This brave Russian woman took a stand for truth and justice and in doing so showed more integrity and understanding than all the usual suspects who seek only to find reasons and excuses to justify what Putin has done. And thereby seeking to blame everyone for the war except the man who actually ordered the invasion....

Anti-war protester interrupts Russian state TV news broadcast - YouTube

Thomas, Scott777, sampanviking, and others......hold your heads in shame.

I regret to say that there are many - too many - on the left doing the same thing, as well as many on the right.

But they are not representative of most of us, just a small but vocal minority with very big mouths who like the sound of their own voices, acting either by coincidence or design as propaganda voices on behalf of Russia and the despot Putin.

When even many Russians in spite of all the propaganda they are subjected to, can see the truth, why are people here - even on this very forum - acting as apologists and propagandists for Putin?

This Russian woman has a better understanding of the truth on the ground, and more integrity and bravery in saying so, than all the usual suspects here, both on the left and the right. And that includes some of my former comrades, sadly.

All this forum's Lord Haw Haws and quislings, here is another opportunity for you to spout your shite and justify Putin's actions. And tell us whose fault it really is that Putin has invaded a sovereign nation. Because it will not be Putin's of course.
Get a tin hat on.

Putting my mod hat on T00ts and I will be watching  so please be aware. and affordable,not that hard is it?


This brave Russian woman took a stand for truth and justice and in doing so showed more integrity and understanding than all the usual suspects who seek only to find reasons and excuses to justify what Putin has done. And thereby seeking to blame everyone for the war except the man who actually ordered the invasion....

Anti-war protester interrupts Russian state TV news broadcast - YouTube

Thomas, Scott777, sampanviking, and others......hold your heads in shame.

I regret to say that there are many - too many - on the left doing the same thing, as well as many on the right.

But they are not representative of most of us, just a small but vocal minority with very big mouths who like the sound of their own voices, acting either by coincidence or design as propaganda voices on behalf of Russia and the despot Putin.

When even many Russians in spite of all the propaganda they are subjected to, can see the truth, why are people here - even on this very forum - acting as apologists and propagandists for Putin?

This Russian woman has a better understanding of the truth on the ground, and more integrity and bravery in saying so, than all the usual suspects here, both on the left and the right. And that includes some of my former comrades, sadly.

All this forum's Lord Haw Haws and quislings, here is another opportunity for you to spout your shite and justify Putin's actions. And tell us whose fault it really is that Putin has invaded a sovereign nation. Because it will not be Putin's of course. 
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.