What is really happening in the Ukraine Conflict?

Started by Sampanviking, March 18, 2022, 01:00:53 AM

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Quote from: Barry on May 29, 2022, 10:30:48 AM
Western sources seem to be bigging up the slightest good news for the Ukraine army, pretending things are OK, whilst Asian and Middle East news sources are saying that Russia is now advancing and that the news for Ukraine in general is very very bad.

I suppose the truth lies somewhere in between, but I don't see Ukraine winning.
Expecting any winners would be a mistake,Putin is flattening parts that will have to be rebuilt, it will cost the Ukraineand Russia but Putin is the invader.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Western sources seem to be bigging up the slightest good news for the Ukraine army, pretending things are OK, whilst Asian and Middle East news sources are saying that Russia is now advancing and that the news for Ukraine in general is very very bad.

I suppose the truth lies somewhere in between, but I don't see Ukraine winning.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Sampanviking on May 25, 2022, 02:00:26 PM
Nothing wrong with my eyesight thank you Borkie. In fact I would say I was one of the few that can actually see clearly in this business.

The key Russian objective in the Donbas operation is nothing more than to wholly destroy the best of the Ukrainian armed forces, which for lunatic political and media purposes, have been ordered to stay where they are despite being surrounded on three sides by the Russian army.

It was no less than Ghenghis Khan himself that told his generals that "lost land can be reclaimed later, but lost men are gone forever"
Over the last month, The Ukraine has been pouring its reserves into the Donbas salient to hold the line at all locations. The men now going in are Territorials, literally conscripted middle aged men with little or no previous military experience.
Overall the Ukrainian army is lacking heavy weapons, air cover, air defense, fuel and now even basic ammunition as distribution along the front gets more difficult.

The two key Russian break throughs at Izyum and Popsanya have literally thrown the Ukrainian lines into disarray. Too many fronts are moving and too many towns and villages are being taken to mentions and its happening at virtually all points of the front. Physical defences built and reinforced over the last eight years are being stormed and the surviving defenders either being routed or surrendering en mass.
Surrenders at Unit level - Platoon and Company, are becoming daily occurrences and with contagious as Morale in the Ukrainian ranks falls through the floor.

As of this lunchtime, Russia and Donbas forces have thrust deep into the heart of the salient, cutting all the major roads leading from the Slavansk Municipal area to the Sevetsdonestk region.
A number of sources are now claiming that all forces East of Slavansk are now in retreat, but this is not confirmed.

This is exactly what you expect to see in this situation, very little progress in many places for ages as the meat grinder relentlessly does it work and then suddenly movement in all directions as the enemy lines disintegrate and all mayhem breaks loose. It does look as though this is exactly what we are seeing happen right now.
dont mind borkie sampan , his world has just come crashing down and he is in a strop wae me at the minute. Anyway heard the latest?

Cromwells team man city , the owner shake bin liner is a big friend of putin , and for evry quid cromwell spends at the etihad , a rouble goes to the war effort in ukraine to bolster russias forces.

I have been crying my eyes out since i read that the other day. Cromwell is crushed .:D 

On serious news , i was reading there that von der leyens is calling for the EU to buy russian oil and gas , becuase if they dont , the russians will only sell it for more money elsewhere.;D

Apparently its the failure of the free and holy west to persuade the rest of the world to stop buying russian that is at the root of it all.

Lunatics really have taken over the world asylum havent they.?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Nothing wrong with my eyesight thank you Borkie. In fact I would say I was one of the few that can actually see clearly in this business.

The key Russian objective in the Donbas operation is nothing more than to wholly destroy the best of the Ukrainian armed forces, which for lunatic political and media purposes, have been ordered to stay where they are despite being surrounded on three sides by the Russian army.

It was no less than Ghenghis Khan himself that told his generals that "lost land can be reclaimed later, but lost men are gone forever"
Over the last month, The Ukraine has been pouring its reserves into the Donbas salient to hold the line at all locations. The men now going in are Territorials, literally conscripted middle aged men with little or no previous military experience.
Overall the Ukrainian army is lacking heavy weapons, air cover, air defense, fuel and now even basic ammunition as distribution along the front gets more difficult.

The two key Russian break throughs at Izyum and Popsanya have literally thrown the Ukrainian lines into disarray. Too many fronts are moving and too many towns and villages are being taken to mentions and its happening at virtually all points of the front. Physical defences built and reinforced over the last eight years are being stormed and the surviving defenders either being routed or surrendering en mass.
Surrenders at Unit level - Platoon and Company, are becoming daily occurrences and with contagious as Morale in the Ukrainian ranks falls through the floor.

As of this lunchtime, Russia and Donbas forces have thrust deep into the heart of the salient, cutting all the major roads leading from the Slavansk Municipal area to the Sevetsdonestk region.
A number of sources are now claiming that all forces East of Slavansk are now in retreat, but this is not confirmed.

This is exactly what you expect to see in this situation, very little progress in many places for ages as the meat grinder relentlessly does it work and then suddenly movement in all directions as the enemy lines disintegrate and all mayhem breaks loose. It does look as though this is exactly what we are seeing happen right now.


Quote from: Scott777 on May 19, 2022, 05:17:43 PM
What!  It's impossible.  😱

Quote from: T00ts on May 19, 2022, 09:21:52 PM
I really don't understand your apparent jubilation.

Strange but true. If Putin napalmed a Ukrainian orphanage Sam would be so delighted that he would w*** himself into a pair of bifocals.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Sampanviking on May 19, 2022, 08:44:21 PM
Seems that there has been a big Russian breakthrough out of Papasnaya in pretty much all directions.
In short they have blasted there way through the huge layer of fortifications on the contact line and are now in the soft countryside behind.
There has been a list of towns taken today and the road connection for the Ukrainians to resupply Severdonetsk and Lyschenck is under fire control if not actually occupied.

Add to that that the LNR forces have taken part of Serverdonetsk today and heading deeper into city.

In addition there have been big advances around the Izyum front and around Lyman as well.
If thats not enough, the Russians have counterattacked North of Kharkov and retaken two small towns.

It looks to be falling apart for the Ukrainians big time in the Donbas.
I really don't understand your apparent jubilation. 


Seems that there has been a big Russian breakthrough out of Papasnaya in pretty much all directions.
In short they have blasted there way through the huge layer of fortifications on the contact line and are now in the soft countryside behind.
There has been a list of towns taken today and the road connection for the Ukrainians to resupply Severdonetsk and Lyschenck is under fire control if not actually occupied.

Add to that that the LNR forces have taken part of Serverdonetsk today and heading deeper into city.

In addition there have been big advances around the Izyum front and around Lyman as well.
If thats not enough, the Russians have counterattacked North of Kharkov and retaken two small towns.

It looks to be falling apart for the Ukrainians big time in the Donbas.


Quote from: Borchester on May 19, 2022, 09:57:21 AM
As far as I can see, both sides have lied through their teeth

What!  It's impossible.  😱
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Quote from: Nick on May 19, 2022, 02:33:15 AM
Oh dear, it's not destroyed is it Scott, looks like you're going to have to comment on it now. 😂

Well, I didn't have any particular interest in it, but if you insist.  It's a lovely video, with clear sounds and nice colours, and a nice studio.  😁
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Quote from: Good old on May 19, 2022, 04:32:02 PM
Why is it? The post was written as a take on whether mobilisation and what use it might have to Russia, would be a good move for them.
It's very clear that no matter the exact number of casualties suffered by Russian forces there will be some reinforcements required. Always remembering fatalities, are outweighed by wounded.
But further to that I make the point that replacing lost equipment, which the lose of is hard for the Russians to hide, is more a problem for them, that is until they deal with the added problem of getting people up to speed in using it.
I fail to see what your problem is Nick.  How could I do more than guesstimate? It's an opinion nothing more, on the possible reasoning for a Russian mobilisation ,am I to take it it's an opinion not to be encouraged?
No,you can say pretty much what you like as long as it ain't libellous or offensive and it's neither.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?

Good old

Quote from: Nick on May 19, 2022, 04:06:54 PM
Estimated or not, you have no way of knowing any numbers regarding Russia cause they couldn't lie straight in bed. And any attempt guesstimating the number is pointless.

Why is it? The post was written as a take on whether mobilisation and what use it might have to Russia, would be a good move for them.
It's very clear that no matter the exact number of casualties suffered by Russian forces there will be some reinforcements required. Always remembering fatalities, are outweighed by wounded. 
But further to that I make the point that replacing lost equipment, which the lose of is hard for the Russians to hide, is more a problem for them, that is until they deal with the added problem of getting people up to speed in using it.
I fail to see what your problem is Nick.  How could I do more than guesstimate? It's an opinion nothing more, on the possible reasoning for a Russian mobilisation ,am I to take it it's an opinion not to be encouraged?


Quote from: Good old on May 19, 2022, 02:54:52 PM
Why don't you try reading what's said to you. Before firing off?  I said estimated. And indicated guess work by saying , that Russian material loses would indicate a high casualty rate. As said,  even if the death toll was 10-15 thousand . Not that it was that rate or indeed higher.
As for all casualties, in almost all major conflicts wounded out way deaths. Any one can access that as a fact.
I suggest you get your sarcastic arse out of your own rocking chair , Nick.
Estimated or not, you have no way of knowing any numbers regarding Russia cause they couldn't lie straight in bed. And any attempt guesstimating the number is pointless. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

Good old

Quote from: Nick on May 19, 2022, 02:29:58 AM
So from your rocking chair down south you can tell us the number of casualties Russia has had. Well that's a rare gift indeed.
Why don't you try reading what's said to you. Before firing off?  I said estimated. And indicated guess work by saying , that Russian material loses would indicate a high casualty rate. As said,  even if the death toll was 10-15 thousand . Not that it was that rate or indeed higher.
As for all casualties, in almost all major conflicts wounded out way deaths. Any one can access that as a fact.
I suggest you get your sarcastic arse out of your own rocking chair , Nick.


Quote from: cromwell on May 16, 2022, 10:24:33 PM
It's on news at ten.


And in the Independent

As far as I can see, both sides have lied through their teeth and about the only truth is that the Russians are in the Ukraine and should not be.

But I can't see how the Ukrainians can hold out much longer. They are surrounded on all sides and with no hope of the Ukrainian army lifting the siege.And probably most important of all, Putin really needs a victory, so he will pour all that he has into the attack.
Algerie Francais !