What is really happening in the Ukraine Conflict?

Started by Sampanviking, March 18, 2022, 01:00:53 AM

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While realising that many have sympathies other than mine, I did at least want to think that people were basing opinions on hard facts.
Clearly this is not the case and delusion is the order of the day

For Nick

I do try to avoid posting War Porn, but the video I posted yesterday is just one of of a stream that comes out daily.
To try to dismiss such as "Staged Propaganda" is barking...
The "Great Kherson Counter Offensive" has been raging for a month now and has has barely managed to make a dent in the front lines.
Here is another one from yesterday from the same general area
If you want the really graphic and unexpurgated versions of these sort of video's go onto Telegram, but I am not posting them.

oir Sundry Others

Talking of falling for a three card trick, some people clearly cant see a Psy Op when they see one and really believe that Russia is now a riot torn flaming wreck with half the countries storming the borders to get out - crazy!
Well I have seen some student type protests, mainly on what look like Campus, but nothing remarkable. Anyway doesn't protest simply mean that Russia is just a normal country?
Finland is reporting normal traffic at its borders - so go figure...
Anyway wouldn't they have trouble getting out because nearly all the border countries are refusing any Russian Visa's into the Schengen Area?

So back to reality (remember that)
Zelensky is pressing his unwilling Generals to commit their remaining reserves into frantic offensive operations to disrupt the imminent referenda in the Russian liberated Oblasts.
Why? because the local population are actually been given a chance to express what they want.
If Zelensky was confident, all he has to do is nothing and wait for the resounding no vote to come back in his favour.
Clearly he knows this is not happening and that this week, the population living on some 20% of the territory he claims as Ukraine, will vote to leave the Ukraine and join the Russian Federation.
He also know that at least another 20% in the adjacent districts are waiting for the chance to get the same vote themselves.
After that, well. who knows how far the enthusiasm to leave will spread.

Then of course, these Oblasts will be Sovereign Russian Territory and the restrictions imposed by the Special Military Operation will no longer apply.
No longer will Russia be constrained only to use the predetermined forces of the Task Force, but can send in any number of Regulars that they wish.


Quote from: Nick on September 22, 2022, 11:47:54 AM
One thing, and one thing alone has destroyed Ukraine... RUSSIA.
So, you keep repeating, but then the path for Ukraine's destruction was set long before the planned regime changes of the Maiden, the yanks ably helped by NATO were making sure divisions in Ukraine were plenty, the only reason Crimea isn't rubble because they voted not to be rubble, the Russians on the other hand were foolish to invade because the Yanks would do everything in their power to keep the Russians cornered and bring Putin down, it doesn't matter who dies in the meantime, it is not on the cards that this couldn't escalate to Taiwan, Iran or North Korea amongst others as this could well be seen as the Yanks last chance to sit upon the great dung heap that is global control. While the opposition might well see it as their opportunity to topple the yanks. So careful who you think you should be cheering.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on September 22, 2022, 11:06:49 AM
I never said that though, did I? I said they had certainly helped in the destruction of Ukraine, which is undeniable.
One thing, and one thing alone has destroyed Ukraine... RUSSIA. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on September 22, 2022, 11:04:35 AM
You think they should just let Russia roll in and take their country then?
I never said that though, did I? I said they had certainly helped in the destruction of Ukraine, which is undeniable. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on September 22, 2022, 10:55:12 AM
Helping in the destruction of Ukraine without a doubt.
You think they should just let Russia roll in and take their country then?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on September 22, 2022, 10:43:45 AM
I think you'll find that billions in weapons being supplied the the U.K. and US is helping a tad.

Helping in the destruction of Ukraine without a doubt.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on September 22, 2022, 08:33:17 AM
Anyway, an admittance that we were right from the start that only the Ukrainians and Russians were the only people who could stop the destruction of Ukraine still holds true.
I think you'll find that billions in weapons being supplied the the U.K. and US is helping a tad. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Anyway, an admittance that we were right from the start that only the Ukrainians and Russians were the only people who could stop the destruction of Ukraine still holds true. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sampanviking on September 22, 2022, 12:21:41 AM
Well your certainly man enough on that score.
Generally leaders that stand up to aggressors and expand the territory of the nation, usually win high public regard, so we shall see.
Not going well for Vlad though , Protests against the war across Russia  , flights out of the country selling out fast as people flee his mobilisation  . He is losing the war and losing the plot . Sham referendums and threats of Nukes ,he cant win and he knows it ,the Russian people know it and his military know it . 


Quote from: Sampanviking on September 22, 2022, 12:21:41 AM
Generally leaders that stand up to aggressors and expand the territory of the nation, usually win high public regard, so we shall see.
Ukraine is not the aggressor. The big clue to this fact is that all the fighting is taking place with an invading army inside it's own territory, which it is not expanding.

Countries that expand their territory by force of arms tend to be the aggressors.

Your propaganda doublespeak is utterly unconvincing, your denial of self-evident facts wholly transparent, like your agenda.

It was you here after all feeding us the Russian propaganda line that they had no invasion plans, explaining away the evidence to the contrary as western propaganda. Right up until Russia actually did invade. But no sign of any mea culpa from you on that one. So you lost any credibility right from the start as a result and are little more than a Putin regime mouthpiece, wholly and dutifully spouting whatever the latest Russian propaganda line happens to be.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Sampanviking on September 22, 2022, 12:19:34 AM
Other than the fact that earlier today there was video of the very same units getting hit during the assault. But you know doubt believe it was all faked - three card trick is on you.
As to the symbol, it just means its unique to that particular formation. I heard that a special guards unit had been badly hit today, so I would not be surprised if this was them.,
You heard that a special guard unit had been hit? And where did you hear that? Down the Conspiracy Arms?

So you have absolutely no proof that the video shows downed Ukrainian tanks, it could be more staged propaganda from Russia. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: cromwell on September 21, 2022, 09:44:23 PM
I stuck my neck out Sampan,will do again I reckon Vlad is past his sell by date and will soon be in the skip.
Well your certainly man enough on that score.
Generally leaders that stand up to aggressors and expand the territory of the nation, usually win high public regard, so we shall see.


Quote from: Nick on September 21, 2022, 10:20:30 PM
You'd fall for the 3 card trick.

Some burnt out tanks in a field videoed from a drone before they zoom in on a tank, that's up to its gunnels in mud and bombed out... But with a pristine white Ukrainian emblem on it that hasn't got a single speck of mud on it. 😂 😂 😂
They've even left the masking tape on the tank that's held the pattern 😂, and you say we believe any old crap.

I've just looked at 20 pictures of Ukrainian tanks and not one had that symbol, they all had the Ukrainian flag 🇺🇦.
Other than the fact that earlier today there was video of the very same units getting hit during the assault. But you know doubt believe it was all faked - three card trick is on you.
As to the symbol, it just means its unique to that particular formation. I heard that a special guards unit had been badly hit today, so I would not be surprised if this was them.,


Quote from: Sampanviking on September 21, 2022, 06:12:30 PM
The only difference Western weapons have made is to prolong a conflict way beyond the Ukraine's ability to do so based on its own resources.

When Russia and Ukraine met for in Turkey for negotiations back in the spring, they actually agreed terms. But as per usual, just as they did with the Minsk agreement, NATO in the shape of our very own Boris, went as messenger boy for Brandon and scuppered the whole thing.
The US has no interest in peace, they started this whole sorry story back in 2014 with there coup installed regime and their only interest is to pursue their own geopolitical agenda, geared to try and ensure the survival of position as global hegemon.

The US clearly has no intention of peacefully making room for the rising powers that are going to eclipse it and so we now play out the first part of the seemingly inevitable Thucydides Trap that has to follow.

The rest of your post is just a regurgitation of the tabloid nonsense that get fed as news over here. Sadly it seems that that the gap now between Western propaganda and reality is so distant and the worlds so different, that bridging the gap is now all but impossible.

Danger of escalating to a full scale conflict? Only if the West makes a conscious decision to make it worse by intervening directly. Ukraine is not NATO and it has no need or obligation to do so. The West made a play, Putin called their bluff and its over and the west just needs to accept it. It has no real other choice unless the policy really is to start WW3.

Some of you though, may start to wonder to yourselves, just how strange it is that all those countries that are powerful enough to defy and even challenge the power of the US are all somehow evil incarnate, What are the chances of that?
Just feel relieved that you live in the workers unparalleled paradise and take some cold comfort this winter, that no matter how bad things may seem, they must obviously be much worse in the rest of the world :D

The only thing the powers that be want is his resignation as they have no control over him, or a coup against him at least. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.