What is really happening in the Ukraine Conflict?

Started by Sampanviking, March 18, 2022, 01:00:53 AM

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Good old

Quote from: Sheepy on March 24, 2022, 09:18:57 AM
Meanwhile the Neoliberals after their flurry of its about saving Ukraine are trying to make up their minds where the safest place is for themselves once the real war starts. I best remind them their suicide note has already been delivered.

There has only been one person threaten nuclear. That's the only suicide note ,of note up to now.


Quote from: Sheepy on March 24, 2022, 09:09:30 AM
Boris is on a kamikaze mission, first he has sent every weapon we have leaving a shortage and prolonging it until the place is rubble, now he is going to shorten it, by nicking Russian gold, having already created a cost-of-living crisis and a heating or eating choice, he thinks from his bunker poking Vlad with a stick is a very good idea. Vlad won't be withdrawing so using kamikaze tactics is probably not a good idea as the Japanese discovered. 
Well we asked him nicely not to turn his nieghbours house to rubble so I guess nicking his gold is fair enough . The west will turn Russia into a no go area , the Rubel will be rubble , and he can poke his gas up his rear exhast . A new wall will be built , keep out your not wanted 

The threats are just talk to boost his home ratings . If he wants to turn us all to dust including himself its his call , thats always been the case . Maybe its time to stop poking him with the stick and hit him over the head with it , though I think we have long past the time when it might knock some sense into him . 


Meanwhile the Neoliberals after their flurry of its about saving Ukraine are trying to make up their minds where the safest place is for themselves once the real war starts. I best remind them their suicide note has already been delivered.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Boris is on a kamikaze mission, first he has sent every weapon we have leaving a shortage and prolonging it until the place is rubble, now he is going to shorten it, by nicking Russian gold, having already created a cost-of-living crisis and a heating or eating choice, he thinks from his bunker poking Vlad with a stick is a very good idea. Vlad won't be withdrawing so using kamikaze tactics is probably not a good idea as the Japanese discovered.  
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: DeppityDawg on March 23, 2022, 08:05:53 PM
I'd be extremely careful of whoever and whatever are writing the media right now Toots. There is little "truth" coming out of this from either side. There NEVER is in wars. "Truth is...", as the saying goes. Read this article. The part where he uses about a half dozen stereotypes to illustrate his point really sums it up. In this f**ked up world, "Boomers" are evil and saviours in the same paragraph.

This is what liberal war fever looks like | The Spectator

The Russians may be the "bad guys". But the West is also staring down the barrel of a gun of its own making too. These are the kind of people who feel threatened by the changing order (and loyalties) of a world thats beginning to sus them out. Those with most to lose, who took the biggest risks or have the biggest stakes in our "biggest show in town" western society. These are the kind of people now clamouring for the West to go to war when in previous conflicts, they were the vary same people telling us we shouldn't be interfering in other countries business. Because they HAVE to be seen to be on the "right side", no matter who that is. They have to posture and virtue signal. They just change the side to suit the crime being committed. These are the SAME kind of people who, if we did get involved and put soldiers on the ground, would fold at the first sign of the reality of fighting a war (EG, bad press), and put our very own people in the dock to assuage public opinion. Numerous posters on this very same website have proved that over and over again.

Sorry, Toots, but the West will sell out its own people just as quickly as Putin will.

I am well aware of the need to disbelieve every word. I'm waiting for someone to say the Russians marched into the hospital, emptied the babies out of their incubators and leaving them to die, which will be a complete falsehood as they will have blown the roof off the hospital days before.

For me, there is but one criterion of worth.

Putin sent men to London to use a toxic radioactive chemical to poison a bloke he did not like, and we did F@@@ all

At present the Ukranian bloke has no apparent record of doing the same.

This one act is, in my view, more than enough to warrant being singularly nasty to anyone in this country with a russian accent and a new found interest in bitcoin.

What makes me laugh is the whiny miserable noises that the UK believes in innocence until proven guilty.

Try buying a car for cash and see how far that principle has been screwed (mainly by Gordon Brown)
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>



Ukraine war - latest: Russian troops could be encircled as counter attacks disrupt Putin's offensive, says UK

Sounds a bit iffy to be honest. Even if the Ukrainians do counter attack, there are a hell of a lot of Russians in reserve. And the Russians are regulars. They must have been well prepared for this invasion. Still, you never know...
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: T00ts on March 23, 2022, 01:24:55 PM
I don't accept your judgement of either my comment or the situation. The bare facts are that someone is facilitating what is going on. Whoever it is needs to be stopped.  Why do you always compare to the BBC as if they are the fund of all knowledge? There are plenty of other reporters on the front lines with a heck of a lot more evidence than this particularly feeble effort portrays.

I'd be extremely careful of whoever and whatever are writing the media right now Toots. There is little "truth" coming out of this from either side. There NEVER is in wars. "Truth is...", as the saying goes. Read this article. The part where he uses about a half dozen stereotypes to illustrate his point really sums it up. In this fucked up world, "Boomers" are evil and saviours in the same paragraph. 

This is what liberal war fever looks like | The Spectator

The Russians may be the "bad guys". But the West is also staring down the barrel of a gun of its own making too. These are the kind of people who feel threatened by the changing order (and loyalties) of a world thats beginning to sus them out. Those with most to lose, who took the biggest risks or have the biggest stakes in our "biggest show in town" western society. These are the kind of people now clamouring for the West to go to war when in previous conflicts, they were the vary same people telling us we shouldn't be interfering in other countries business. Because they HAVE to be seen to be on the "right side", no matter who that is. They have to posture and virtue signal. They just change the side to suit the crime being committed. These are the SAME kind of people who, if we did get involved and put soldiers on the ground, would fold at the first sign of the reality of fighting a war (EG, bad press), and put our very own people in the dock to assuage public opinion. Numerous posters on this very same website have proved that over and over again.

Sorry, Toots, but the West will sell out its own people just as quickly as Putin will. 


Quote from: T00ts on March 23, 2022, 05:07:59 PM
There are no right people in this. There are only people being bombed out of their homes and country. My only concern is that millions of people are being forced to leave by idiots who don't care about people only their beliefs and their 'rights'. You seem to support the fighting no matter what. That is what is so wrong in all this. There is no justification for this mindless violence.

 You are wasting your time Toots

Putin could murder every child in the Ukraine, Xi could eat them for lunch and Sam would praise this as a statesmen like move towards world peace. He is a reasonable enough chap most of the time, but show him a Chinese or Russian monster and he goes into full arse kissing mode
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 23, 2022, 04:22:09 PM
There are loads of MSM stooges in Ukraine but most of them a nowhere near an active front line of any description but simply regurgitate press briefings and repeat assertions as if they were fact.

So you don't think he should be allowed to do it? Really?
So all the talk about Freedom and Democracy is just bunk and what you really believe is blind obedience to the status quo.
I think what Patrick is doing stands for the very epitome of what Freedom and Democracy means, the ability to see the all the facts without being told what to think, so that we can make up our minds.
The forces that Patrick is with are; I repeat, the locals, the military of the Donetsk Peoples Republic, the Republic of Donetsk, of which Mariupol is a part.
They are fighting the Azov National Guard (an openly Neo Nazis militia) and the Ukrainian Army's 81 Airbourne Division. both have their main headquarters in Lvov, which is about as far away geographically and culturally from Mariupol as you can get.

Fact is, that on three occasions, Oblasts (Republics) of the Ukraine have been the given the chance to vote by referendum, on whether to stay in the Ukraine or leave it. Each one has voted overwhelmingly to leave it. So unless your saying that you only accept a referendum result with which you agree, I think that people in West that support Kiev should be prevented from facilitating a regime that many clearly do not want imposed upon them.
There are no right people in this. There are only people being bombed out of their homes and country. My only concern is that millions of people are being forced to leave by idiots who don't care about people only their beliefs and their 'rights'. You seem to support the fighting no matter what. That is what is so wrong in all this. There is no justification for this mindless violence.


Quote from: T00ts on March 23, 2022, 01:24:55 PM
I don't accept your judgement of either my comment or the situation. The bare facts are that someone is facilitating what is going on. Whoever it is needs to be stopped.  Why do you always compare to the BBC as if they are the fund of all knowledge? There are plenty of other reporters on the front lines with a heck of a lot more evidence than this particularly feeble effort portrays.
There are loads of MSM stooges in Ukraine but most of them a nowhere near an active front line of any description but simply regurgitate press briefings and repeat assertions as if they were fact. 

So you don't think he should be allowed to do it? Really?
So all the talk about Freedom and Democracy is just bunk and what you really believe is blind obedience to the status quo.
I think what Patrick is doing stands for the very epitome of what Freedom and Democracy means, the ability to see the all the facts without being told what to think, so that we can make up our minds.
The forces that Patrick is with are; I repeat, the locals, the military of the Donetsk Peoples Republic, the Republic of Donetsk, of which Mariupol is a part.
They are fighting the Azov National Guard (an openly Neo Nazis militia) and the Ukrainian Army's 81 Airbourne Division. both have their main headquarters in Lvov, which is about as far away geographically and culturally from Mariupol as you can get.

Fact is, that on three occasions, Oblasts (Republics) of the Ukraine have been the given the chance to vote by referendum, on whether to stay in the Ukraine or leave it. Each one has voted overwhelmingly to leave it. So unless your saying that you only accept a referendum result with which you agree, I think that people in West that support Kiev should be prevented from facilitating a regime that many clearly do not want imposed upon them.


Quote from: Sampanviking on March 23, 2022, 12:48:43 PM
Rather unworthy comment from you Toots. The guy is hardly a poser and has been living the the DPR reporting on the situation since 2015.
He is there on the front lines, unlike anyone from the BBC. He is a very brave guy and obviously very scared.

There is another from a couple of days ago, further back in the thread, when he did get in and speak to the locals.
What we do see is that there are plenty of civilians on the road evacuating out, by car, coach, Horse Cart or Foot, and any shelling that is coming at them, is coming from the Ukrainian forces bottled up in the City Center.
Remember, the DPR guys are the real locals in this conflict. I would be surprised if anyone in the Ukrainian force originates anywhere closer than a hundred miles away and certainly nowhere East of the Dnieper.
I don't accept your judgement of either my comment or the situation. The bare facts are that someone is facilitating what is going on. Whoever it is needs to be stopped.  Why do you always compare to the BBC as if they are the fund of all knowledge? There are plenty of other reporters on the front lines with a heck of a lot more evidence than this particularly feeble effort portrays.


Quote from: T00ts on March 23, 2022, 10:56:19 AM
Well that's 12.22 minutes I won't get back. What a poser who is quite evidently trying to cash in while reporting absolutely nothing of any point. The only thing it confirmed to me is that there are evil forces attempting to annihilate innocent people. That's the only thing that matters.

That is the tragic comedy of the whole business Toots. No one really knows what is going and the media is desperate for any sort of story.

I await the story about Russian soldiers tipping babies out of incubators Part II
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: T00ts on March 23, 2022, 10:56:19 AM
Well that's 12.22 minutes I won't get back. What a poser who is quite evidently trying to cash in while reporting absolutely nothing of any point. The only thing it confirmed to me is that there are evil forces attempting to annihilate innocent people. That's the only thing that matters.
Rather unworthy comment from you Toots. The guy is hardly a poser and has been living the the DPR reporting on the situation since 2015.
He is there on the front lines, unlike anyone from the BBC. He is a very brave guy and obviously very scared.

There is another from a couple of days ago, further back in the thread, when he did get in and speak to the locals.
What we do see is that there are plenty of civilians on the road evacuating out, by car, coach, Horse Cart or Foot, and any shelling that is coming at them, is coming from the Ukrainian forces bottled up in the City Center.
Remember, the DPR guys are the real locals in this conflict. I would be surprised if anyone in the Ukrainian force originates anywhere closer than a hundred miles away and certainly nowhere East of the Dnieper.


Well that's 12.22 minutes I won't get back. What a poser who is quite evidently trying to cash in while reporting absolutely nothing of any point. The only thing it confirmed to me is that there are evil forces attempting to annihilate innocent people. That's the only thing that matters. 


Patrick Lancaster tries to get back into Mariupol - warning some GRAPHIC CONTENT1
