What is really happening in the Ukraine Conflict?

Started by Sampanviking, March 18, 2022, 01:00:53 AM

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Good old

Quote from: cromwell on April 08, 2022, 10:09:11 AM
Much made of Nazi Ukraine,like I said they are everywhere from highest to lowest,even in the Kremlin

And I was told on here the Russians are going out of their way not to target civilians

Only if it stopped materials being brought into the city would this make military sense. It doesn't though because a rail line could be broken anywhere in its length to achieve that. This is just another criminal terror act, that will be denied. And possibly blamed on the British, anyone, maybe it's even fake and didn't happen.Puke

Good old

Quote from: Sampanviking on April 08, 2022, 12:46:26 AM
That Bulwarks John and you know it
The Russian armour was not fortifying and setting up positions in and among the Civilian buildings (like the Ukrainians have done in every city on the front so far)
The Ukrainians choose to attack the Armour as it was passing down the street in the full knowledge it was a residential area and would cause civilian casualties when they could have waited for it to have moved into a far less populated area.

Yes there is as in all cases of urban warfare, collateral civilian casualties. What you seem to promote is the idea that the Ukrainians , should just step aside ,and allow the Russian army to enforce Putins will. 
Only one side of this argument chose to strike, and strike on the others territory , and that was Russia. Ukraine is not Russias vassel state it has every right to defend its self in its City's, it's towns, it's streets ,it's fields. And if it is to retain its sovereign integrity it has to do that with every means it possesses .
Russia, has forced the Ukrainians to deploy a basic right to try and destroy an armed invasion of its territory. 
This was Russias choice, and every thing that comes from that choice is now their own fault, and no one else's.
The basics are that the Russians have no right to deploy anywhere in Ukraine, the Ukrainians do.


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Quote from: johnofgwent on April 07, 2022, 09:18:21 AM
So what?

Would that bombardment have been done if the Russians had not sent a tank column into that Street ?

The blood of all who may have perished in that area from action needed to stop that column is on Putin's hands for invading.

It really is that simple
That Bulwarks John and you know it
The Russian armour was not fortifying and setting up positions in and among the Civilian buildings (like the Ukrainians have done in every city on the front so far)
The Ukrainians choose to attack the Armour as it was passing down the street in the full knowledge it was a residential area and would cause civilian casualties when they could have waited for it to have moved into a far less populated area.


I think we can all see what's going on in Ukraine now, everything is clear, now the media have told us, and we can stop talking about it.  🤣

Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


As for the British establishment being even worse liars, I would say pretty much on a par with the Americans as that is who they rely on for their lead. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sampanviking on April 07, 2022, 12:17:27 AM
It was destroyed by an Ukrainian artillery bombardment.

So what?

Would that bombardment have been done if the Russians had not sent a tank column into that Street ?

The blood of all who may have perished in that area from action needed to stop that column is on Putin's hands for invading.

It really is that simple
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


US spies reveal leaking dodgy intelligence on Russia – media — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

As anyone knows misinformation in times of war is a weapon of mass destruction, as the US is in a constant state of war internally as well as externally taking much of what they say and do with a pinch of salt should be the norm, meanwhile lots of dollars will be changing hands. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: cromwell on April 06, 2022, 09:35:47 PM
OK I'll ask the question again how do you know there were war crimes then,also you told me the other day that the places hit by missile?artillery rounds were storing weapons,also that the Russians are going out of there way not to target civilians yet the towns retaken have block after block of flats virtual rubble,so who did that? so again how do you know all those things?
Well in Bucha the media have taken great pride in repeatedly showing us the burnt our column of armour on one of the worst affected streets.
How exactly do you think that armour got that way? Spontaneous Combustion?
Fortunately, we do not have to guess as the destruction of this column was recorded form a drone and broadcast on the net.
It was destroyed by an Ukrainian artillery bombardment. An Artillery Bombardment strong and dense enough to destroy an armored column. It was in a residential area and a lot of residential buildings were hit.
Guess what, a lot of Civilians inside or trying to escape would have been killed by the shrapnel.
Now this was just one attack on one day. The battle for Bucha went on for three weeks.
You do the math....

Anyway for those getting overly upset by the situation, this may help

Good old

Quote from: B0ycey on April 06, 2022, 08:45:33 PM
What a f**king drone you are. Saddam Hussain did every single f**king thing asked of him to prove he didn't have Weapons of Mass destruction. The UN was invited by Iraq on the request of America to his military warehouses, and when they came up with nothing he was then asked by America where he was hiding his weapons in which he responded by saying he didn't have any. The Americans then tried to get UN support for their illegal war. That failed, they invaded anyway and then we found out he was telling the truth after all. Right or wrong, Russia are not lying in anything they have said in regards to why they invaded. Nazis are in the Ukrainian army, NATO did promise not to expand East after the fall of the Soviet Union, Ukraine had not fulfilled the Minsk agreement in its entirety, Donbass is indeed pro Russian, Ukraine is trying to phase out the Russian language, Crimea voted to break away from Ukraine and there were war crimes committed against Russian speakers in Donbass in 2014. I don't think either war is justifiable without exhausting diplomatic channels first. But when the facts are laid out the Ukraine conflict has more justification to it than Iraq ever did.

Did I say it was right to invade Iraq? No, for the reasons given it was completely wrong. But I  don't ignore the fact that Saddam , was a nasty piece of work that by his disregard for human life had presided over thousands upon thousands of deaths in his neighbours countries, and his own. And in no way could be Compared to the Ukrainian president or his government. It's pretty clear who the Nazis are , it's just that some own to it and others call themselves Russian. Neither war has justification,.So if you want to be fair about it , which you don't really, just ask Mr Putin to get the f—k out of Ukraine. And please , Drone, are you f—king kidding mate. Have you read or heard your bollox in regard to Putins rights in this.? You defend the indefensible Boycey, Putin has walked into someone else's house, started killing the occupants and destroying the front room, all because he wants to take over the kitchen. And that's all right because Boycey and a few others think he is right to do it because his cousin the lodger , was having a Barney with the landlord .
The double standard that stands out is. Putin ,in Ukraine ,supports peoples quest for independence by invasion of a democracy, or that's his excuse.
Putin, in Syria, crushes peoples quest for independence from a dictator, by allowing his military to support , a tyrants cause in suppressing the people and of course any chance of democracy.


Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: cromwell on April 06, 2022, 09:55:21 PM
OK so do you mind sharing your research that tells you there were war crimes in the Donbass,I'm not saying there weren't but you'd  be able to prove it conclusively as you would they're not targeting civilians or the Russians aren't murdering people or that there were munitions stored in those places you must have evidence if you're so sure.

I'm on my phone Cromwell. Just look up Azov Battalion, Odessa Fire, Donbass 2014 things like that.


Quote from: Sheepy on April 06, 2022, 09:53:50 PM
I will give you a little nugget of the Russians doing irony and it going right over American heads, it was spread the Russians captured an American General guilty of leading the Azov battalion, think on it.
Do you have a link?
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Quote from: B0ycey on April 06, 2022, 09:45:16 PM
I know all that because I do research Cromwell. I never said you can't trust the media, I only said it is biased and gives you half the story. Most of the sources I read are Western anyway. Some of the best sources are independent investigators. And sometimes the BBC will throw in a nugget of truth to try and seem impartial. I quite liked the one I read this morning when the BBC was asking people who were evacuating Donbass who they blamed for the conflict and most said Zelensky. So what does that say about the fighting right now. Russia are only in the East and that is mostly pro Russian. So who exactly is Ukraine liberating right now?
OK so do you mind sharing your research that tells you there were war crimes in the Donbass,I'm not saying there weren't but you'd  be able to prove it conclusively as you would they're not targeting civilians or the Russians aren't murdering people or that there were munitions stored in those places you must have evidence if you're so sure.
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