What is really happening in the Ukraine Conflict?

Started by Sampanviking, March 18, 2022, 01:00:53 AM

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Good old


Footage of Chechen and LPR militia advancing in the North Part of the Pocket.
IT does look indeed as if the Ukrainians have gone.



Quote from: Sampanviking on April 20, 2022, 12:55:07 PM
Despite claims by Zelensky that the Ukrainian lines in the Donbas are holding, the evidence from the ground tell a different story with multiple gains across the front, especially on the Northern Flank developed out of Izyum and its near environs.
Today there is a lot of talk about the Ukrainians withdrawing from Sevetdonesk and its surrounding towns, before the jaws of the developing encirclement lock them in for the kill.
I will post confirmation, just a s soon as I see it.
You sound almost jubilant.


Despite claims by Zelensky that the Ukrainian lines in the Donbas are holding, the evidence from the ground tell a different story with multiple gains across the front, especially on the Northern Flank developed out of Izyum and its near environs.
Today there is a lot of talk about the Ukrainians withdrawing from Sevetdonesk and its surrounding towns, before the jaws of the developing encirclement lock them in for the kill.
I will post confirmation, just a s soon as I see it.


Quote from: Scott777 on April 19, 2022, 09:15:41 PM
It's all very easy to use this hackneyed and failed label to dismiss anything you choose to disagree with, but it's not even correct to suggest there's any conspiracy involved in simply having bio labs of concern.  Obviously, you won't apply that label to the claims that Russia was or is going to do a chemical attack, because that conspiracy theory doesn't fit your narrative.  And yet, if you have no hard evidence that Russia is secretly planning to do that, it more accurately fits the definition of conspiracy theory.
Well that's great Scott but can you point me in the direction of where I said Russia has/is going to use chemical weapons?
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on April 18, 2022, 05:57:02 PM
No they're not ,you've not been taken in by that conspiracy theory cobblers sampan?

I might not agree with you a lot but you're better than that conspiracy theory crap also spread by the trumpanzees  in the asylum.

It's all very easy to use this hackneyed and failed label to dismiss anything you choose to disagree with, but it's not even correct to suggest there's any conspiracy involved in simply having bio labs of concern.  Obviously, you won't apply that label to the claims that Russia was or is going to do a chemical attack, because that conspiracy theory doesn't fit your narrative.  And yet, if you have no hard evidence that Russia is secretly planning to do that, it more accurately fits the definition of conspiracy theory.
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Quote from: cromwell on April 18, 2022, 10:53:58 AM
And probably aren't

Except they are, as has been clearly stated by that woman in the US, or did she make that up?
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Quote from: Streetwalker on April 19, 2022, 06:04:12 PM
I think Biden was maybe refering to the poverty and Famine that plagued Russia during the 19thC rather than where the border was
Yeah, I think that was kinda the point. Which is rather funny, if not so serious.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Sampanviking on April 19, 2022, 11:04:32 AM
Could not resist this.
Apparently Biden has threatened to send Russia back to the 19th Century.
Netizens are taking great delight in reminding him what that actually means
I think Biden was maybe refering to the poverty and Famine that plagued Russia during the 19thC rather than where the border was 


Glad I found this

It has not been any real secret that the war in the Ukraine is a proxy war between Russia and NATO. It is undoubtedly the making of the Ukraine an official NATO Protectorate that was the spark for starting hostilities, doing it before the Ukraine could be declared an official NATO protectorate.

We have know from the outset that in addition to the massive weapon supplies, that US/NATO advisers have been on the ground and that NATO has been supplying real time battlefield intelligence and conducting EW suppression operations etc etc. In short everything bar, send in formal NATO military formations to join the fight (They may well be there informally of course)

This was clarified about a week ago, when a Senior French International Correspondent from La Figaro accompanied three French Volunteers, who went to the Ukraine to join the armed struggle.
He reported to his amazement that he found US personnel running the entire show.
I have read transcripts of the interview he gave when he returned to France, but finally I have a video which contains a recording of it with English Subtitles.



Could not resist this.
Apparently Biden has threatened to send Russia back to the 19th Century.
Netizens are taking great delight in reminding him what that actually means


Quote from: Barry on April 18, 2022, 06:31:54 PM
I'm not sure whether it is because I'm busy with life getting in the way of the forum and the news, but there does seem to have been a reduction in the quantity of news emanating from Ukraine. Even the WW3 Updates feed seems to be running out of material.

What is really happening now in the Ukraine conflict? Who really knows? I don't!
In a nutshell
The Azov brigade remain the only active resistance in Mariupol and they are now confined to the massive Azovstall steel works against the Coast. The rest of the city is now in DPR hands.
Russian forces have pushed a deep salient from Izzum down along the border of the Donetsk/Kharkov Oblast and they have pretty much full fire control over the space between there and the Southern Front, which means that the first big cauldron is pretty much now established.

Elsewhere Russia continues to target Military bases and Supply columns throughout the Ukraine but these are largely unreported by the Ukrainian side these days and give very little detail when they do. This has been the case for weeks ever since the missile attack on the Foreign Volunteers and NATO weapons reception base near Lvov.


I'm not sure whether it is because I'm busy with life getting in the way of the forum and the news, but there does seem to have been a reduction in the quantity of news emanating from Ukraine. Even the WW3 Updates feed seems to be running out of material.

What is really happening now in the Ukraine conflict? Who really knows? I don't!
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: cromwell on April 18, 2022, 05:57:02 PM
No they're not ,you've not been taken in by that conspiracy theory cobblers sampan?

I might not agree with you a lot but you're better than that conspiracy theory crap also spread by the trumpanzees  in the asylum.
Thanks I take that as a complement and would agree with you
This however did happen and the reason for Vicky's concern is not easy to understand. The facilities she discusses are not funded by any health organisation but by the US DoD. We learnt that from a FOI request presented by Carlson Tucker. In short all of this is from internal US official sources