What is really happening in the Ukraine Conflict?

Started by Sampanviking, March 18, 2022, 01:00:53 AM

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Quote from: Streetwalker on April 25, 2022, 07:17:29 AM
3-Month-Old Baby Killed By Russian Missile Reportedly Targeting Civilians (ibtimes.com)
If a Russian Cruise missile had hit that apartment block there would have been nothing left of it
The picture below is what was left of a Ukrainian Military Headquarters after it was hit by a missile.
Residential Tower Blocks will not be built to anything like the same spec.

The missiles attacked a Military Base in Odessa and they destroyed the target. It looks to me as though the apartment block got hit by debris from a Ukrainian Sam trying to shoot them down.
But hey never let facts get in the way of faux outrage.

On the subject of which, a former US Marine pulls apart claims regarding Bucha, based on medical evidence released by the Ukrainian authorities, read with an inkling of logic and common sense.

Otherwise Russia takes more villages and territory in the north of the Donbas and is close to closing the main supply road into the region


Quote from: Sampanviking on April 24, 2022, 06:25:54 PM
The difference is that the link I provide is real and yours is the product of wishful thinking.

Alternatively Sam is actually Papasmurf. Either way I claim my £5
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Streetwalker on April 24, 2022, 06:00:22 PM
Russian Troops Surrender in Droves as Putin Has Death Squads in Ukraine | BeyondNews

Around the same time the Ruskies were throwing the towel in further west ?

  Its been a propoganda weapon for many a year to parade POW's and suggest they say on camera whats best for them . Not only is it against the Geneva convention its an insult to our intellegence
The difference is that the link I provide is real and yours is the product of wishful thinking.
I started reading and got to the point where I laughing so hard I couldn't actually read any more.
The worse the results on the battlefield for Kiev, the wilder and more disconnected the PR and Propaganda becomes. Sooner or later reality will come rushing in and the BS narrative of the west will come crashing down. Some sections are already trying to prepare the public for that reality.

BTW Sanctimony over POW treatment from some one who stands with those that video themselves knee capping, eye gouging and throat slitting Russian POW,s is somewhat nauseating. I do make allowances for you though on account of you being a Sun Reader.


Quote from: Sampanviking on April 24, 2022, 04:22:18 PM
Just before Easter, there was a mass surrender of Ukrainian Marines from the Illyesh Factory in the North of Mariupol.
It was over 1000 Marines surrendered.
This video includes an interview with the Marines commanding officer who admits that the "negative attitude of the local population" towards his forces, was an important factor in his decision to order a general surrender.

Russian Troops Surrender in Droves as Putin Has Death Squads in Ukraine | BeyondNews

Around the same time the Ruskies were throwing the towel in further west ?

 Its been a propoganda weapon for many a year to parade POW's and suggest they say on camera whats best for them . Not only is it against the Geneva convention its an insult to our intellegence 


Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Just before Easter, there was a mass surrender of Ukrainian Marines from the Illyesh Factory in the North of Mariupol.
It was over 1000 Marines surrendered.
This video includes an interview with the Marines commanding officer who admits that the "negative attitude of the local population" towards his forces, was an important factor in his decision to order a general surrender.



Quote from: Sampanviking on April 23, 2022, 05:02:51 PM

There was a really good video yesterday of a captured arms dump warehouse in the Kharkov region, but it seems to have vanished now!
Im sure it will turn up 


Absolutely no double standards in US Foreign Policy.


Russia also says thank you for all the kit!



There was a really good video yesterday of a captured arms dump warehouse in the Kharkov region, but it seems to have vanished now!


Oh look , the Nazis of Palestine and the victims of an invasion


One party in this picture is lauded as a hero of freedom and democracy as is being given billion of Dollars worth of military assistance by NATO.
The other is denounced as a terrorist and anti-semite and is likely to be on the receiving end of NATO military weapons


Quote from: Good old on April 23, 2022, 11:16:19 AM
That comparison, is staring us all in the face. Hard as the realisation is , and in human terms, hard doesn't do it justice,  the Ukrainians , could be trying to save Europe, from another mass blood letting.
Yes it is hard for people like the Ukranians,Poles and others as tidal waves of invaders have swept back and forth over their lands for hundreds of years using and abusing them.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?

Good old

Quote from: cromwell on April 23, 2022, 08:29:15 AM
And now  a land corridor to protect the Russian speaking minority in Moldova.

I remember another tosser who used the same excuse Volksdeutsche he called them Germans who weren't citizens but spoke the lingo had the culture.

Name escapes me but began with an H but it'll come back to me,dreamt of past empires arising anew as Sputum does now.

And they say history doesn't repeat itself.......or try to,let's hope that bunker moment doesn't take as long.

That comparison, is staring us all in the face. Hard as the realisation is , and in human terms, hard doesn't do it justice,  the Ukrainians , could be trying to save Europe, from another mass blood letting. 


And now  a land corridor to protect the Russian speaking minority in Moldova.

I remember another tosser who used the same excuse Volksdeutsche he called them Germans who weren't citizens but spoke the lingo had the culture.

Name escapes me but began with an H but it'll come back to me,dreamt of past empires arising anew as Sputum does now.

And they say history doesn't repeat itself.......or try to,let's hope that bunker moment doesn't take as long.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?