the big illusion of freedom and democracy in the

Started by Borchester, March 30, 2022, 03:04:22 PM

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By the way borkie , using a heavily loaded word like "censored" to imply pappy is being censored on here is as similarly stupid as claiming a criminal is being censored when he breaks the rules of the society he participates in and is excluded.

Pappy couldnt participate in debate , never mind handle the taunts or himself being the butt end of jokes , and was hitting the report button every five seconds like a whiny wee grass , threatening legal action to all and sundry , while delusionally dreaming of shooting individuals.

Cromwell barry and myself have been listening to his horseshit long before you came across him , and i personally wouldnt give the auld crank the steam off my piss.

I know you are bored , but doesnt it ever cross your mind we arent all retired , and most of us dont have the luxury of ducking and diving while pretending we are working at the holiday camp HMRC?

I tell ye borkie , you former public sector workers dont know you are born. 9 till 5 , coffee break every half hour , a full hours work a day in total , enormous salaries to buy second properties and then retirement on those fancy final salary pensions. No wonder you are fackin bored.::)
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on April 01, 2022, 11:56:57 AM
Good points Tommy.

We all need rules.

Big chaps should protected little ones.

Men stand up when a woman enters the room and never raise their hands to them.

A man's word is his soul.

The rest is harmless bollocks that can be quietly ignored.

So you agree with me that we should not worry about a few high words and that since the flu is over, the Ukraine war is winding down and Wee Krankie will run for Boris Johnson's job before she allows Indy2, we need to invite Pappy and the rest of the nutters back before this site dies the death of arse numbing boredom?
Im flattered borkie , that you think my word carries any  kind of weight on this forum , but really , i dont own or run this forum , im not a mod , and i merely contribute when i can like you.

So you agree with me that we should not worry about a few high words and that since the flu is over, the Ukraine war is winding down and Wee Krankie will run for Boris Johnson's job before she allows Indy2, we need to invite Pappy and the rest of the nutters back before this site dies the death of arse numbing boredom?
No i dont. I have said i dont , so im not sure what part of the word no you dont understand?

I have said for years on both this current forum and previous incarnations of it , that if i were the owner or a mod , pappy would never post on this site ever again , and i stand by it. He is beyond debate , and im up for a piss take and a good argument like any man , but pappy is beyond holding a coherent argument with .

He has obviously pissed the owners and mods right off repeatedly , and i support their decision.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on April 01, 2022, 12:11:50 PM
Well the funny thing is Borky this all happened on politics political forum run by Steve C taylor and it went a bit quiet and similar predictions made,now two versions of that forum and a few years later same being said. Butt Kick

To be honest Ollie, I have never really understood who runs this site or how. But the main thing is that it is getting pretty quiet. Even Tommy is being reduced to blaming Brexit and English imperialism on Wee Krankie's decision to put back Indy2 until forever because, well, there is sod all else happening.

So let a hundred flowers bloom and if they don't, just think of the fun we will have hunting down the counter revolutionaries 
Algerie Francais !

patman post

Quote from: Borchester on April 01, 2022, 11:56:57 AM
.....we need to invite Pappy and the rest of the nutters back before this site dies the death of arse numbing boredom.......

The Pappy ban is allowing others to creep up the total posting table — though I doubt that this is why its continuation is being supported...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Borchester on April 01, 2022, 11:56:57 AM
Good points Tommy.

We all need rules.

Big chaps should protected little ones.

Men stand up when a woman enters the room and never raise their hands to them.

A man's word is his soul.

The rest is harmless bollocks that can be quietly ignored.

So you agree with me that we should not worry about a few high words and that since the flu is over, the Ukraine war is winding down and Wee Krankie will run for Boris Johnson's job before she allows Indy2, we need to invite Pappy and the rest of the nutters back before this site dies the death of arse numbing boredom?
Well the funny thing is Borky this all happened on politics political forum run by Steve C taylor and it went a bit quiet and similar predictions made,now two versions of that forum and a few years later same being said. Butt Kick and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on April 01, 2022, 07:52:24 AM
No borkie , i dont believe in censorship.

Mankind can't live together though without rules........wether its online or in the real world , and pappy thinks hes above the rules.

Good points Tommy.

We all need rules.

Big chaps should protected little ones.

Men stand up when a woman enters the room and never raise their hands to them.

A man's word is his soul.

The rest is harmless bollocks that can be quietly ignored.

So you agree with me that we should not worry about a few high words and that since the flu is over, the Ukraine war is winding down and Wee Krankie will run for Boris Johnson's job before she allows Indy2, we need to invite Pappy and the rest of the nutters back before this site dies the death of arse numbing boredom?

Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester on March 31, 2022, 11:05:06 PM
No Tommy.

It was because you believe in censorship and that isn't how adults behave.
No borkie , i dont believe in censorship.

Mankind cant live together though without rules........wether its online or in the real world , and pappy thinks hes above the rules. 

So if you are saying applying rules without fear or favour is "censorship" , than i say you are talking bollocks.

You yourself admitted in the past its not about censorship. You want pappy on here for some personal amusement so you can torment him .

So as i said , pop down the local pet shop in peckham and get a pet rat. Or talk to the spuds down the allotment .

.....but fer facks sake stop all the whining about pappy smurf and give our heads peace.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on March 31, 2022, 07:54:09 AM
oh dear borkie , and all because i said i didnt agree with you over pappy?

No Tommy.

It was because you believe in censorship and that isn't how adults behave.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Thomas on March 31, 2022, 07:54:09 AM
Send pappy your personal e mail address and you can trade insults in private if you are bored.
I know you are saying it tongue in cheek, but I would warn against anything like that. He has a thing about people "stalking" him, even when they are doing nothing of the sort.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Borchester on March 30, 2022, 03:04:22 PM
west is coming under close scrutiny and found to be a sham .

Say what you like.

Freedom is about saying you are a sad c*nt and if my knees weren't playing up I would kick your arse from one end of the street to the other, but on no account would I deny you the right to express your opinions.
oh dear borkie , and all because i said i didnt agree with you over pappy?


Your first sentence of my quote clearly was in reference to events of covid and the restrictions of the last few years and what we have seen in various countires.

As for "sad cant" , sad about what? Refusing to swear loyalty to brittannia?

I tell you what i find sad borkie , the timewarp many in your nation seem to be stuck in  , and the ever increasing downward spiral , as you continue to vote for tory muppets.

Brexit and the return of the empire of going spiffingly isnt it?

As for denying anyone the right to express their opinions , i fully agree, I have said so many a time , but if you are hinting at pappy being denied his chance to express his opinions , he has been given chance after chance  , and as i said before , this is after all a so called politics forum , not an entertainement site for bored pensioners.

No one but you wants him back on here . I know you are a tory , but sometimes you have to accept the will of the majority.

I have had and continue to have my disagreements with many of the mods and administrators of this forum past and present , but i fully and utterly have the utmost sympathy with them having to deal with smurf and his reporting posts every hour on the hour . Send pappy your personal e mail adress and you can trade insults in private if you are bored.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


west is coming under close scrutiny and found to be a sham .

Say what you like.

Freedom is about saying you are a sad c*nt and if my knees weren't playing up I would kick your arse from one end of the street to the other, but on no account would I deny you the right to express your opinions.
Algerie Francais !