Devolved governments opt out of queens jubilee book

Started by Thomas, March 31, 2022, 07:32:33 AM

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Quote from: T00ts on April 02, 2022, 06:14:16 PM
Oh don't you are making me laugh too much. Your country's trumped up leader who sits there pretending that she wants independence will break her neck to stay relevant.
Well we can talk abouit that if you like , but it doesnt expalin the tories involvement in this book outside engerlund.

QuoteIf London says jump she will lie down just to be difficult and look strong.
;D except over the jubilee book  ,and london fuming about being told to mind their own business.
If London says jump she will lie down just to be difficult and look strong. How often throughout covid did she make sure the poor Scots suffered more? Why? Just to prove her 'power'. She doesn't want the book not because it's the Queen, but because she is desperate to look 'in charge'.
Actually toots krankie is a monarchist who has the queens ear as a privy councillor. She doesnt need to prove her pwoer , she already has control over scotland schools , and scottish education has always been seperate from englands . Back in the day , it was seperate under the sos for jockland.
You foolish Scots just sit there and let her get away with it.
Get away with what? SDhe has one job to perform , and if she wont  , then she will be removed and another take her place till independence happens.

Whats that old saying about only having to win once and unionists having to win each and evey time?

The uk is coming apart at the seams , and its the people not politicians driving change ,even in your country.

QuoteShe will continue to act thus for no other reason than to kid that she is anti British.
She is anti british , and im anti british too , so are 62 nations around the world that left the british empire. Including ireland.

Its not scottish nationalism that breaking the uk , its english nationalism , but you are too blind to see it.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on April 02, 2022, 06:03:08 PM
if it doesnt sound pompous or threatening :);D could you please point out to me why the tories are involved in this jubilee book nonsense in any country outside engerlund?

We have the internet , printing pressess schools politicians and every fing in jockland and elsehwere , we even have our own queen with her own scottish titles.

Poor auld tories bless them trying to make themselves feel somehow relevant.
Oh don't you are making me laugh too much. Your country's trumped up leader who sits there pretending that she wants independence will break her neck to stay relevant. If London says jump she will lie down just to be difficult and look strong. How often throughout covid did she make sure the poor Scots suffered more? Why? Just to prove her 'power'. She doesn't want the book not because it's the Queen, but because she is desperate to look 'in charge'. You foolish Scots just sit there and let her get away with it. She will continue to act thus for no other reason than to kid that she is anti British. She realises the disaster waiting for the nationalists.


Quote from: T00ts on April 02, 2022, 05:57:14 PM
Dancing Dancing Dancing Dancing You wish!
if it doesnt sound pompous or threatening :);D could you please point out to me why the tories are involved in this jubilee book nonsense in any country outside engerlund?

We have the internet , printing pressess schools politicians and every fing in jockland and elsehwere , we even have our own queen with her own scottish titles.

Poor auld tories bless them trying to make themselves feel somehow relevant.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on April 02, 2022, 05:55:18 PM
Im not trying to have the last word, we are simply throiwng in different point of views , and of course im helping you with your misunderstanding of devolution and other points.
Dancing Dancing Dancing Dancing You wish!


Quote from: T00ts on April 02, 2022, 05:53:28 PM
As usual you have to have the last word so you've got it.
Im not trying to have the last word, we are simply throiwng in different point of views , and of course im helping you with your misunderstanding of devolution and other points.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on April 02, 2022, 05:48:57 PM
simply pointing out queenie can talk to sturgeon  , without tory holding her hand , and if scottish weans want a book , we can print produce and give them one. I still fail to see any sort of rational reasoning why your government are involved at all.?

Billy no mates in london ( tory government) like some jumped up little upstart trying to make themselves feel important from what i can see.
As usual you have to have the last word so you've got it. 


Quote from: T00ts on April 02, 2022, 05:43:27 PM
How delightful to hear what you think of me too.
simply pointing out queenie can talk to sturgeon  , without tory holding her hand , and if scottish weans want a book , we can print produce and give them one. I still fail to see any sort of rational reasoning why your government are involved at all.?

Billy no mates in london ( tory government) like some jumped up little upstart trying to make themselves feel important from what i can see.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on April 02, 2022, 05:37:33 PM
I am a unionist at heart though Anthony lynton started the road that Galloway said would become a motorway......and he was right.
I'm also a republican but baulk at the thought of some of the tossers that have graced? the steps of No10 might become president.
sorry cromwell , as much as you and i agree with each other on blair , if you think this all started with labours devolution , you know nothing of your own country.

Did you miss the 1979 scottish devolution referendum nearly twenty years before blair , and al lthe other events prior to that before my time?

There hasnt been a decade in uk history which only goes back 300 years , that here hasnt been incidents reagrding scottish irish and welsh indepdnence.

Blair was forced into devolution because the scottish demcrats had appealed to the council of europe and the EU about the uk treatment of their minorities and the celtic nations.

If you read any of his biographies , i think it was alsitair campbell who famously wrote blair said devoltuion was a damn nuisance. Remeber labour since their inception had promised , but backtracked every election to give scotland home rule , which was independence within the old commonwealth , sort of what they offered the irish.

Blair was dealing with something that went back centuries , and certainly as a political movement  , at least since pre world war two.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on April 02, 2022, 05:40:55 PM
My the insults are flying today toots arent they? :D

How is it pompous to point out the flaw in your thinking? I can't believe some peoples heads are firmly stuck in the sand that they only think the tory government in london as "the government" , and that in the age of communication , where even on this forum we can talk to people on the other side of the planet , that you think the queen could only communicate with bojo in london , but not talk to sturgeon in edinburgh or drakeford in cardiff?

Every domino in this thread you have stood up has fell down one by one. You call "britian" your country , yet you clearly know little about it , how it currently works or the differnt people and nationalities in it , and see everything through an english prism.
How delightful to hear what you think of me too. 


Quote from: T00ts on April 02, 2022, 05:34:48 PM
Oh for goodness sake Thomas stop being so pompous. It's almost pathetic.
My the insults are flying today toots arent they? :D

How is it pompous to point out the flaw in your thinking? I can't believe some peoples heads are firmly stuck in the sand that they only think the tory government in london as "the government" , and that in the age of communication , where even on this forum we can talk to people on the other side of the planet , that you think the queen could only communicate with bojo in london , but not talk to sturgeon in edinburgh or drakeford in cardiff?

Every domino in this thread you have stood up has fell down one by one. You call "britian" your country , yet you clearly know little about it , how it currently works or the differnt people and nationalities in it , and see everything through an english prism.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts on April 02, 2022, 05:12:41 PM
I am still  not so sure. We only hear from the diehards and at the last referendum on the subject I certainly heard nasty stories of nationalist bullies. I guess what will be will be but I really don't think the SNP or whoever takes up the independence mantel will have it so easy.
I am a unionist at heart though Anthony lynton started the road that Galloway said would become a motorway......and he was right.
I'm also a republican but baulk at the thought of some of the tossers that have graced? the steps of No10 might become president. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Streetwalker on April 02, 2022, 05:30:32 PM
Then I would say your education system has failed in teaching the people its History
I would agree , its the fact the education system Hasnt taught scots our history that has been a large problem. Instead we have been taught yours.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts on April 02, 2022, 05:12:41 PM
I am still  not so sure. We only hear from the diehards
Thats not true is it? Independence parties make up the majority at holyrood , and the majority of scottish seats at westminster. Who is voting them in ...unionists? Is this like the english remain delusion about the silent majority ? :D

Quotesubject I certainly heard nasty stories of nationalist bullies.
But you didnt hear of the nasty british nationalists bullies in george square causing mayhem ? im surprised.:D

QuoteI guess what will be will be but I really don't think the SNP or whoever takes up the independence mantel will have it so easy
well we will see. Meanwhile , the yookay stumbles along like the pub drunk punching itself in the mouth and falling over every five seconds . No empire or multi national state in history has ever survived intact this level of infighting.

Face it toos , the uk is as cromwell says close to its endgame. Either we all break up into constituent nations , or we are swallowed into a larger EU state. The uk is being attacked inside and without , and im only wondering if northern ireland will go before us.

Lizzie is 95 , wont last forever , massive support in scotland and northern ireland for eu membership  , and both countries absolutely hate with a vengeance the tory government in london.

All that seems to be keeping us together (if barely) is sticking plasters and navel gazing of days long gone. I think personally we are approaching the end of an era myself.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on April 02, 2022, 05:27:09 PM
Toots , i know devolution is quite a difficult thing for english people to grasp let alone understand , but you do realise there are four governments of the day , not one , and the tories only control one out of four .

I have already pointed out your government only controls education in england ,so they are going beyond their political competency  , but further from that , any request regarding a jubilee book could have went straight from the queen ( or courtiers) to the scottish northern irish or welsh governments and been nothing whatseoever to do with the tories in london?

So im not sure what you are talking about.

Further to that , you do realise nicola sturgeon is a privy councillor who advises the queen , and not an english tory needed in sight. Whatever my thought on the monrachy and sturgeon , im quietly confident the two woman could hold a brief telephone conversation to talk to each other with boris no mates and his woefull government getting involved in the conversation ?
Scotland has its own bank holidays already , some of which are different from yours. You dont offer us anything. My god anglo arrogance at its finest , that you now think bank holidays are the gift of england. LMFAO.

If scotland wants to have a bank holiday and celebrate its queen  , then like any other country where the queeen is head of state , it will. Im still not sure what boris no mates and the english tories in london have to do with things ?

Is boris begging trudeau in canada if he can send canadian weans a jubilee book and offer them an english bank holiday? :D

Some people really are desperate to feel self important arent they?
Oh for goodness sake Thomas stop being so pompous. It's almost pathetic.


Quote from: Thomas on April 02, 2022, 04:49:57 PM

Be interesting to see how many schools opt in , and how many street parties across scotland for lizzie. I would make a small wager not many 
Then I would say your education system has failed in teaching the people its History