Boris and the party photo

Started by cromwell, May 23, 2022, 10:21:47 PM

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Quote from: Barry on May 27, 2022, 07:52:22 PM
But would you still vote for them, if there were a snap election? I would not.
I want Conservative principles in government the alternative for me is to not vote. Too many women worked incredibly hard and suffered for me to have a vote, for me to give that up lightly. The prospect of a Labour win is something that I would dread. We have a rubbish leader in many ways at present but my trust is in the back benchers who still have scruples. My hope is that they find their courage.


Quote from: T00ts on May 27, 2022, 07:33:49 PM
Instead of bringing politicians up to standard I believe Boris has rewritten them so that a politician found guilty of a misdemeanor can either be fined or made to apologise.

I wonder when anyone will feel that standards have hit rock bottom?
But would you still vote for them, if there were a snap election? I would not.
† The end is nigh †


Instead of bringing politicians up to standard I believe Boris has rewritten them so that a politician found guilty of a misdemeanor can either be fined or made to apologise. 

I wonder when anyone will feel that standards have hit rock bottom?

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on May 27, 2022, 03:58:44 PM
Every uk prime minister that i can think of has been corrupt or lied in some way.

I agree with you, but as they were all mere mortals , and not saints , I accept they will walk a tight rope. But that is not the point. The point being that because we know their fallibilities , there are rules and even some law they must adhere to, for the sake of the perception of good and just governance. It's a basic requirement of any government to not abuse its population by acting outside of the very laws and rules, it , it's self set, and Boris has and is doing just that.
If abuse has ever happened in the past, that is only a reason to oppose it now, because every time it is ignored it becomes a normality.
If only we could turn to these wonder people waiting to be an alternative to  the reliance on trust, and the acknowledgment  of when trust is broken and proven as such , that person should not be accepted as a leader .


Quote from: T00ts on May 27, 2022, 06:04:49 PM
Some of what you say I can agree with but there is a growing mistrust of all politics. I didn't know about the G4s thing to be honest but that doesn't really change my mind. The excuse culture has pervaded pretty much every aspect of life. It will come to a bad end I fear. 
When I say it goes back a long way look up Marples Ridgway,the beeching cuts and then why we are the way we are today. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on May 27, 2022, 05:48:48 PM
Really though T00ts I don't think May was a decent woman,why? well husband was was on the board of G4s she was home sec then PM,ask yourself who got the contract for custody officers on so many police forces.

Don't get me wrong T00ts I'm not just singling out the tories look at Cleggy as deputy pm filling his boots or blind Pugh with his plastic coppers and love of bio metrics.....a real socialist with shares in a bio metric company.

Look around you rightly worry about the nhs,that's because of foundations,foundation trusts,trusts you wouldn't trust to get pissed in a brewery GP practices now are private,Mayors,plastic coppers,highways officers,this agency or that and smart motorways that clearly aren't.

All the above and more imo are down to trouser filling or an abrogation of responsibility and this goes back a long way.
Some of what you say I can agree with but there is a growing mistrust of all politics. I didn't know about the G4s thing to be honest but that doesn't really change my mind. The excuse culture has pervaded pretty much every aspect of life. It will come to a bad end I fear.  


Quote from: T00ts on May 27, 2022, 05:01:18 PM
I guess you just want to hold feet to the fire but I support Conservative ideology no matter what in just the same way that I believe you support Scottish independence.. May was a decent woman but lacked the instincts and backbone to get Brexit done. She remains a decent woman as far as I am concerned. I didn't want Boris as PM but he was a better bet than Hunt who was more likely to bow to the EU. I had hoped that Boris had enough mettle to get Brexit done and if we hadn't been waylaid by Covid and now Ukraine we might have a better result.

I didn't want anything to do with the EEC way back when either but certainly I hated what it became and voted to leave as soon as I was allowed. If I could haul Blair to a courtroom I certainly would so I don't understand why you would expect me to be able to change anything just so you could decide that I have a point. I am still looking for your points.

The only thing I get is that you are obsessively pro independence, regardless of what that might mean to Scotland long term but I guess you are as blinkered as you seem to think the English are with Brexit. Your determination to belittle us at every opportunity is now really getting boring. It makes no difference to how things are and if you hope to get a rise well forget it.

Other than that your posts are usually quite informative and intelligent, just ease up on the insults and I will be happier.
Really though T00ts I don't think May was a decent woman,why? well husband was was on the board of G4s she was home sec then PM,ask yourself who got the contract for custody officers on so many police forces.

Don't get me wrong T00ts I'm not just singling out the tories look at Cleggy as deputy pm filling his boots or blind Pugh with his plastic coppers and love of bio metrics.....a real socialist with shares in a bio metric company.

Look around you rightly worry about the nhs,that's because of foundations,foundation trusts,trusts you wouldn't trust to get pissed in a brewery GP practices now are private,Mayors,plastic coppers,highways officers,this agency or that and smart motorways that clearly aren't.

All the above and more imo are down to trouser filling or an abrogation of responsibility and this goes back a long way. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on May 27, 2022, 04:19:31 PM
i have wathced every single prime minsiter of the uk being villified on these forums for years , at least as far back as brown , and of course blair.

I agree with everything you say about johnson behaviour , and unlike many on here , i didnt vote for the man and have never voted for his party.

I stand by though what i have said time and again , while the pearl clutchers on here cry about a better world and proper behaviour as beffiting a uk prime minsinter , i can't see how johnson has done any worse than any prime minisnter before him , and in some cases , has done far less thinking of the likes of blair.

The system you have perpetuatues creatures like johnson , starmer and blair.

Starmer for exmaple stands on the sidelines currently throwing mud at johnson while he himself broke the very same rules  .Starmer im told by labour supporters like forum member srb , has lied though his teeth so many times srb resigned from the labour party in disgust.

Johnson is exactly the same person he was when he was coronated as head of the tory party and pm. So whats changed to make the knife being wielded with such ferocity in your party and of those of you who call themselves tory?

Why the surprise? Is the media telling you all to jump on the outrage bus  , because as far as i can see , i can't understand any other reason.

Borchester for the last three years has joked his way across this forum about johnsons lies and duplicity , and now all of a sudden , has joined the throng and the baying mob.

like i said , whn tony blair is held to the same accountability as johnson , then you all might have a point . Until then , sorry im out toots.

i find it amusing as well , remember when you were the sole defender of the lamentable theresa may on thsi forum to my disbelief? How have the table turned a few years down the line.:)
I guess you just want to hold feet to the fire but I support Conservative ideology no matter what in just the same way that I believe you support Scottish independence.. May was a decent woman but lacked the instincts and backbone to get Brexit done. She remains a decent woman as far as I am concerned. I didn't want Boris as PM but he was a better bet than Hunt who was more likely to bow to the EU. I had hoped that Boris had enough mettle to get Brexit done and if we hadn't been waylaid by Covid and now Ukraine we might have a better result. 

I didn't want anything to do with the EEC way back when either but certainly I hated what it became and voted to leave as soon as I was allowed. If I could haul Blair to a courtroom I certainly would so I don't understand why you would expect me to be able to change anything just so you could decide that I have a point. I am still looking for your points. 

The only thing I get is that you are obsessively pro independence, regardless of what that might mean to Scotland long term but I guess you are as blinkered as you seem to think the English are with Brexit. Your determination to belittle us at every opportunity is now really getting boring. It makes no difference to how things are and if you hope to get a rise well forget it. 

Other than that your posts are usually quite informative and intelligent, just ease up on the insults and I will be happier.


Quote from: T00ts on May 27, 2022, 10:00:37 AM
It occurs to me that we vilify people like Putin who crash through rules with whatever means he can to maintain his position yet Boris is in danger of being allowed to take the first step in the same direction. For long enough we have had to stand back and watch while all sorts of politicians have bent rules made for all and remained in office.

I have said before - take a step down the slippery slope and the bottom comes sliding up to meet you at speed. For the sake of something once called honour Boris and all those found breaking the rules that the rest of us struggled to live by should be sacked if they won't resign. It's tough but if Westminster has lost all sense of both reality and discretion then we have no government at all.

We have seen for too many years, a reward for failure culture in this country.
i have wathced every single prime minsiter of the uk being villified on these forums for years , at least as far back as brown , and of course blair.

I agree with everything you say about johnson behaviour , and unlike many on here , i didnt vote for the man and have never voted for his party.

I stand by though what i have said time and again , while the pearl clutchers on here cry about a better world and proper behaviour as beffiting a uk prime minsinter , i cant see how johnson has done any worse than any prime minisnter before him , and in some cases , has done far less thinking of the likes of blair.

The system you have perpetuatues creatures like johnson , starmer and blair.

Starmer for exmaple stands on the sidelines currently throwing mud at johnson while he himself broke the very same rules  .Starmer im told by labour supporters like forum member srb , has lied though his teeth so many times srb resigned from the labour party in disgust.

Johnson is exactly the same person he was when he was coronated as head of the tory party and pm. So whats changed to make the knife being wielded with such ferocity in your party and of those of you who call themselves tory?

Why the surprise? Is the media telling you all to jump on the outrage bus  , because as far as i can see , i cant understand any other reason.

Borchester for the last three years has joked his way across this forum about johnsons lies and duplicity , and now all of a sudden , has joined the throng and the baying mob.

like i said , whn tony blair is held to the same accountability as johnson , then you all might have a point . Until then , sorry im out toots.

i find it amusing as well , remember when you were the sole defender of the lamentable theresa may on thsi forum to my disbelief? How have the table turned a few years down the line.:)
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on May 27, 2022, 09:54:42 AM
Reading your post Thomas the only one on here fixated on a long gone empire is you throwing  mud at Engurland as you call it nervous about Indy or lack of it.

Thinking cooperation with close neighbours is sensible or that the common market was not a bad idea ( but not what it mutated in to was not) then prompts you rambling about bottles, you sure you've not been hitting it ?  🤪
The common market was negotiated nigh on 64 years ago , and your country joined nearly half a century ago. It hasnt been in existence as the common market for nearly thirty years .

Navel gazing about something that existed thrity years ago , and is never coming back in our lifetimes , and yet you tell me you arent constantly fixated on the past?

QuoteThinking cooperation with close neighbours is sensible
You had the choice to do that and you voted to leave the EU and close cooperation with near neighbours. No one forced you out , you chose , and took others like us and the irish with you unwilingly and you talk about close co operation with neighbours?

The fucking irony telling that to a scot or irishman beggars belief.

Further , once out , your own government negotiated a protocal with the EU regarding the nrothern irish province , and once politically expedient , you started making noises to tear up a freely negotiated agreement that no one forced you to agree to.

England doesnt know cooperation , only domination , and as de gaulle famously said all those years ago when he twice veoted the uk membership of the then common market , you arent to be trusted and there isnt a treaty in existence perfidious albion hasnt broken twice over.

Quoteyou rambling about bottles, you sure you've not been hitting it ?
Dont drink a drop of alcohol  , with the exception of a friday evening where i have a couple of beers mate.

with some of the posts i read on here at times , i wonder if its drink drugs or senile dementia , the level of delusion and fantasy is breathtaking.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on May 27, 2022, 09:32:37 AM
 We are all being corrupted if we accept.
Every uk prime minister that i can think of has been corrupt or lied in some way.

The worst of them , your hero tony blair of the labour party , was the king of lies and corruption that makes johnson look like a child by comparison.

When tony blair is up in front of a court being tried for his war crimes and the deaths of three million Iraqis and countless soldiers from western nations , then you might have a point in saying johnson should be held to the high moral values of his predesscessors.

Until then , its just typical labour party and their supporters double standards of ignoring the greater evil while demanding we all jump aboard the outrage bus for the lesser evil for short term political gain.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: johnofgwent on May 27, 2022, 12:31:36 PM
And this is what the Berk with the Hair wishes we would quietly forget. It is at the heart of the "nothing more to see here, move on" dogma he is now peddling

The only way too move on us to throw him overboard. Even the Tory candidates pathetically canvassing this massively labour safe seat knew that.

In that case, shock, horror swoon, Boris is an utter rotter who pees in the sink (although who doesn't?) and the Brothers and Sisters will form the next government. The polls have given Sir Stodge's lot a 4% - 6% lead in the polls for months now and there has been no sign of the Tories closing the gap. So it looks as though the prigs will vote Boris out in 2024 and Labour in.

So the important question is, will Labour try to rejoin the EU or not?
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: cromwell on May 27, 2022, 09:17:04 AM
Who had cake or a snifter is not the issue,it is the making of rules and laws  which affected everybody,that they thought they could do that and ignore them is not a sideshow.
And this is what the Berk with the Hair wishes we would quietly forget. It is at the heart of the "nothing more to see here, move on" dogma he is now peddling 

The only way too move on us to throw him overboard. Even the Tory candidates pathetically canvassing this massively labour safe seat knew that.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: cromwell on May 27, 2022, 09:54:42 AM
Reading your post Thomas the only one on here fixated on a long gone empire is you throwing  mud at Engurland as you call it nervous about Indy or lack of it.

I barely read Tommy's posts anymore.To be honest, they go on so long that I am not sure that I can even weigh them.

From all accounts Indy2 in 2023 will be a disaster for the SNP, but I dare say that Tommy will manage to blame it on the British Empire :)
Algerie Francais !


It occurs to me that we vilify people like Putin who crash through rules with whatever means he can to maintain his position yet Boris is in danger of being allowed to take the first step in the same direction. For long enough we have had to stand back and watch while all sorts of politicians have bent rules made for all and remained in office. 

I have said before - take a step down the slippery slope and the bottom comes sliding up to meet you at speed. For the sake of something once called honour Boris and all those found breaking the rules that the rest of us struggled to live by should be sacked if they won't resign. It's tough but if Westminster has lost all sense of both reality and discretion then we have no government at all.

We have seen for too many years, a reward for failure culture in this country.