Union flag banned

Started by Streetwalker, January 14, 2020, 04:47:24 PM

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Quote from: Borchester post_id=13271 time=1579119878 user_id=62
Ah Tommy, we will make an Englishman of you yet  :D


Conor just messaged me to say hes a wee bit busy the now , him and gerry are unblocking the toilet in their dublin flat.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=13251 time=1579112895 user_id=58

Now i dont know about you streetwalker , but the last thing i give a sh*t about is how "respectfull" politicians i vote for are. What i want them to do is their job , and what they promised before i voted for them.

Ah Tommy, we will make an Englishman of you yet  :D
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=13250 time=1579111331 user_id=53
So now we have cleared up that the Brexit /ukip  MEP's are not disrespectful to the people who elected them you now say they are (very)  disrespectful to other people trying to do their business .

That business is furthering the integration of the UK into the EU Federalist state , You bet your by golly wow they are going to be disrespectful .

 And Farage Mia , behave yourself .

One minute gerry is being disrespectfull to your prime minister by calling him "the liar" , the next demanding respect for the eu parliament. :roll:

Now i dont know about you streetwalker , but the last thing i give a shit about is how "respectfull" politicians i vote for are. What i want them to do is their job , and what they promised before i voted for them.

Gerry and conor are simply carrying on as they have been for the last year or so , throwing anything and everything in the road in front of you as they retreat to stop england leaving the eu.......but apparently they are irish living in the republic who dont want england to leave? :lol:

I mean FFS he is now on about upsetting the poor orangemen in northern ireland ? The same people him and conor were slagging off a few months back on our old forum?

You cant brexit because there is now gonnae be a border down the irish sea , you know , the one gerry and conor were calling for  , for the last year?

Sometime i read posts on these forums and think has this guy forgot what he said yesterday or what? :roll:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT post_id=13241 time=1579107893 user_id=61
If they didn't want to be part then they could not attend. The disrespect is showing up and acting the clown while others are trying to do their business. That's very disrespectful.

Like it or not decisions at fisheries were being made and farage was probably at home running his media company. He certainly wasn't representing the people of the UK. I'm sure UK fishermen would have liked someone fighting their corner, but alas their representative was MIA.

So now we have cleared up that the Brexit /ukip  MEP's are not disrespectful to the people who elected them you now say they are (very)  disrespectful to other people trying to do their business .

That business is furthering the integration of the UK into the EU Federalist state , You bet your by golly wow they are going to be disrespectful .

 And Farage Mia , behave yourself .


Quote from: GerryT post_id=13240 time=1579107653 user_id=61
One problem was in December the Liar was in NI telling everyone that there would be no border checks in NI (Lie) there would be no paperwork for goods travelling from NI-UK-NI (lie) staying in a single UK CU (lie) as NI will be staying in the EU CU and will be complying there. It hasn't been widely reported but when the full impact of Brexit is know by the NI hardcore unionists, they won't be much pleased.

But his deal is best for NI economy so that is one benefit.

 :shock:  :roll:

So what are you saying gerry , you are happy or sad about johnsons deal regarding northern ireland. ???To me mate you are just waffling on for the sake of waffling.

QuoteBut his deal is best for NI economy so that is one benefit.

So you and conor both agree its great so whats the problem.?

I mean am i being thick?

You are moaning about brexit , but both agree northern ireland and the wider ireland are getting a good deal out of it  with great support from the eu and the uk government has apparently caved into yese?

Am i missing something?

Its like asking for a present then moaning when someone buys you it? FFS listen to yerself man. :lol:

You both seem more concerned with england leaving the eu  than what is happening in your own country regarding brexit , again i question why?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT post_id=13239 time=1579107417 user_id=61
I'm just answering the question put to me by Cromwell, go FFS him.


Where did you answer his point?

You might want to either go back and re read what cromwell is saying to you , and the nuance of his post. All you did was yet again tell an english person how much power they had in the eu , with the insinuation they shouldnt have left hence my FFS. The argument is over and dead in the water.They are leaving.

QuoteIf you are from NI and a unionist then you wouldn't be so happy with a deal that puts a border in the Irish sea, customs checks on all goods moving in and out of NI and keep NI in regulatory alignment with the EU


What do you care? You were on here and our old forum slagging the dup and northern unionists off to feck  , now you are trying to defend  them when it suits   because you are making an arse of yourself?

Are you now arguing you want northern ireland taken out of the eu completely  , or what are you going on about now?

QuoteFor England to get it's brexit it is effectively abandoning NI, that's a fact.

Again so? We have only been telling you for the last year or more , that no one in england gives a feck about northern ireland. I mysdelf showed you polls , and many commented how it costs billions of uk taxpayers money to keep the place , so what actually is your point here?

If the 6 counties is getting abandoned , the republic , the eu , england , everyone is happy , including you apparently , with the only downcast faces a few hardcore unionists in northern ireland.

You are all over the place yet again in desperation gerry.Are you sure you are irish?

QuoteSo what am I going on about, pretty simple really, the EU is a union of equals that stand together.

Aye everbody knows that and ?

QuoteThe UK is a union of one leader and 3 followers, doing what their told.

aye everbody knows that and ?

Quote I was asked why was it better for IRL to be part of the EU rather than part of the UK, this explains why.

So not content with dragging up the 2016 referendum and its arguments , we now have to discuss the reasons why ireland went independent a century ago then proceeded to join the eu?

Getting a bit silly now isnt it?

You can do  what you want as a sovereign nation , its no one elses concern

QuoteFor NI republicans and ROI the deal Johnson agreed is great.

 :roll:  so what are you moaning about then? If you had a wee bit of nous gerry , you should be cheering the english on  , not attempting to castrate them over abandoning northern ireland ffs. :fcplm:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT post_id=13240 time=1579107653 user_id=61
One problem was in December the Liar was in NI telling everyone that there would be no border checks in NI (Lie) there would be no paperwork for goods travelling from NI-UK-NI (lie) staying in a single UK CU (lie) as NI will be staying in the EU CU and will be complying there. It hasn't been widely reported but when the full impact of Brexit is know by the NI hardcore unionists, they won't be much pleased.

But his deal is best for NI economy so that is one benefit.

And in previous posts you were going on about people from this country showing disrespect and though I accept it you have to understand it is a two way street,it not as though eu politicians haven't been disrespectful is it? I remember one saying right at the begining " You'll come crawling back" and there were plenty of others.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: GerryT post_id=13237 time=1579106249 user_id=61
I've heard that argument and it's logical to a point. But my view would be different. The brexit party could have stood in areas where conservatives were weak and won seats, with the aim of possibly making a coalition govt with the conservatives,

Dont agree in the slightest.

Every political commentator remarked how farage pulling back the brexit party from standing in many seats was a political masterstoke for the leave side that remainers in england especially never recovered from.

The english remainers were relying on the brexit vote being split , with the hope the pro remain parties  , labour and liberals , could go in and sweep up the seats.

The brexit party standing back wiped that threat out.

We have seen from previous elections how difficult the fptp  lab/ tory stranglehold is to break. UKIP/Brexit party got something like 4 million votes mainly in england in 2015 but only won 1 seat from memory. So the brexit vote got behind one party with  outstanding results.

Quotethen they could have made sure Brexit would happen.

Brexit is happening in a few weeks time , albeit a BRINO for the next 11 months. If the tories renege and do the dirty , then the brexit vote in england isnt going to dissappear and the brexit party will have an even greater impetus to come back and do serious damage to the tories in future , so not sure again your statement holds any water.

QuoteBut they knew people didn't take them seriously and like Farage are happy to send him off to the EU but wouldn't for a min consider him capable of being a MP.

I think thats rubbish.

He wanted the uk to leave the eu , and its doing so. Without sitting in the westminster parliament he has won a referendum and is taking the uk out of europe.

Event s prove farage has a serious message he has been banging on about for years , and many folk in england take him extremely serious. Dont mistake inability to get elected in an english constituency for westminster and break the lab/tory fptp stranglehold for people not taking him serious.

QuoteNo one is debating if the UK will leave, it's moved on to what might the future relationship be like.

Stop bringing up pre referendum arguments that are done and dusted then that i have continually picked you up on . Waffling on about the alleged power the uk once had as a member of the eu parliament is meaningless now , and will have no bearing on a future realtionship will it?

QuoteFor the UK they should care that the representatives they elect into the MEP roles, mock the people that they will be looking for a deal from.


Do northern irish people care that sinn fein dont even  stand in the westminster parliament , complete disrespect , and want to take northern ireland out of it all together despite most irish people wanting to trade with england?

Do we in scotland care that the snp mock westminster politicians and are mocked in return in that never ending cesspit that is westminster?

I admire the english in going into a parliament they dont want to be in  , not playing by the rules , and doing everything they can to frustrate that parliament till they get out.

If your ancestors had continued to play by westminsters rules , sitting all polite and being diplomatic , you would still be part of the british empire today.

QuoteNot sure that strategy comes out of the ABC of negotiating book

Maybe thats because for the millionth time no one in england cares?

You seem to be under this mass illusion that every single person and politician in england is hanging on the edge of their seat desperate to do a trade deal with the eu .

Most folk from what i hear and see couldnt give a feck , and shrug their shoulders , saying they are happy to trade with johnny foreigner but not at any cost.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=13231 time=1579103896 user_id=53
We voted for them not to turn up and when they did to disrupt and stall . We didn't elect them to take part but to be part of the long term goal of leaving .

What is the point of MEP committees that have no legislative power ?  Its why Farage never turned up to the fisheries committee ,all talk no power which more or less confirmed that the eu could not be changed from within as some would have suggested .

No disrespect for me ,just a job well done

If they didn't want to be part then they could not attend. The disrespect is showing up and acting the clown while others are trying to do their business. That's very disrespectful.

Like it or not decisions at fisheries were being made and farage was probably at home running his media company. He certainly wasn't representing the people of the UK. I'm sure UK fishermen would have liked someone fighting their corner, but alas their representative was MIA.


Quote from: Thomas post_id=13228 time=1579101577 user_id=58
So gerry you say the uk is throwing the 6 counties under a bus , and heres doggy only the other day saying the 6 counties is getting what he has argued for and how he feels entirely vindicated.

I think you two need to go away and have a wee word on your brexit strategy dont you instead of contradicting each other?

One problem was in December the Liar was in NI telling everyone that there would be no border checks in NI (Lie) there would be no paperwork for goods travelling from NI-UK-NI (lie) staying in a single UK CU (lie) as NI will be staying in the EU CU and will be complying there. It hasn't been widely reported but when the full impact of Brexit is know by the NI hardcore unionists, they won't be much pleased.

But his deal is best for NI economy so that is one benefit.


Quote from: Thomas post_id=13227 time=1579100681 user_id=58
You are re running pre referendum arguments yet again. This was all discussed way back in 2015 , i remember posting the "wee bleu book " by alyn smith on the old forum showing all this.

http://www.yeswecan.scot/index.php/knowledgebase/2015-09-26-12-32-43/the-wee-bleu-book">http://www.yeswecan.scot/index.php/know ... -bleu-book">http://www.yeswecan.scot/index.php/knowledgebase/2015-09-26-12-32-43/the-wee-bleu-book

The english said thanks for that we are still voting leave.

FFS stop re raking over dirty old ground will you and move on.

I'm just answering the question put to me by Cromwell, go FFS him.

Quote from: Thomas post_id=13227 time=1579100681 user_id=58
WTF are you going on about now?

Only a few days ago conor was telling me how ireland and the 6 counties were getting a great deal , now you say the uk is throwing the north under a bus ?

You are all over the place man . Which is it?

If you are from NI and a unionist then you wouldn't be so happy with a deal that puts a border in the Irish sea, customs checks on all goods moving in and out of NI and keep NI in regulatory alignment with the EU. For England to get it's brexit it is effectively abandoning NI, that's a fact.

So what am I going on about, pretty simple really, the EU is a union of equals that stand together. The UK is a union of one leader and 3 followers, doing what their told. I was asked why was it better for IRL to be part of the EU rather than part of the UK, this explains why. But it's a small part of many many more benefits of leaving the UK and Joining the EU. Hopefully Scotland get's it's own chance.

For NI republicans and ROI the deal Johnson agreed is great.


Quote from: Thomas post_id=13226 time=1579100413 user_id=58
Thats a very poor analogy Gerry.

UKIP/Brexit party stood down in many of the seats to let the conservatives win in the last general election , and as a party whose main reason for existence was to take the uk out of the eu , you could say they did most of their damage prior to the 2016 brexit referendum , where as a political force concentrating on the uk "home " front , they terrified the english conservatives out of their wits so much that cameron stood ( with great reluctance) in 2015 on  a brexit ref ticket , lost the referendum , and the rest they say is history.

Since then you could almost say the brexit parties reason to exist was merely to stand in the background and hold the tories feet to the fire to enact brexit , and if they dont  , or serve up BRINO , they will be back with a bang.

So im no sure your analogy works , they might not have won many seats over the course of recent UKGE`s , but for something like the past 10 years , they have been pulling the conservatives strings .

To me , like farage or hate him , thats an impressive feat for a man and his party unable to get elected on the "home " front.

So personally i think streetwalker is right , they were focusing on the "home " front.

...and thats where they won brexit . The EU parliament has and always will be nothing more than a side issue to england.

I've heard that argument and it's logical to a point. But my view would be different. The brexit party could have stood in areas where conservatives were weak and won seats, with the aim of possibly making a coalition govt with the conservatives, then they could have made sure Brexit would happen. But they knew people didn't take them seriously and like Farage are happy to send him off to the EU but wouldn't for a min consider him capable of being a MP.

Quote from: Thomas post_id=13226 time=1579100413 user_id=58
Dunno Gerry , but you seem to continually make the same mistake as conor in the fact does anyone care? I told you this once before , and i will tell you again , the english are determined to leave the eu one way or the other , and good post brexit deal or not , they arent going to be held to ransome to some sort of BRINO.

You believe what you will though .

No one is debating if the UK will leave, it's moved on to what might the future relationship be like. For the UK they should care that the representatives they elect into the MEP roles, mock the people that they will be looking for a deal from. Not sure that strategy comes out of the ABC of negotiating book


Quote from: cromwell post_id=13225 time=1579099929 user_id=48
And your selective post doesn't answer the question,never mind Eh Gerry?

I did answer the question, you just didn't read the answer, go back and have a read. I explained where countries in the EU are equal. I also explained what the phrase you quoted was about.


Quote from: GerryT post_id=13217 time=1579095707 user_id=61
Maybe the brexit party and UKIP should focus elsewhere, a good start would have been the EU parliament where they were elected by the UK people, decisions that affect the UK are made in the EU parliament, being elected and not shouwing up is disrespectful to those that voted them in. Farage has been at it for decades, over 3 yrs in his EU role on the fisheries committee he showed up 1 of 42 meetings

We voted for them not to turn up and when they did to disrupt and stall . We didn't elect them to take part but to be part of the long term goal of leaving .

What is the point of MEP committees that have no legislative power ?  Its why Farage never turned up to the fisheries committee ,all talk no power which more or less confirmed that the eu could not be changed from within as some would have suggested .

No disrespect for me ,just a job well done


Quote from: Thomas post_id=13227 time=1579100681 user_id=58
You are re running pre referendum arguments yet again. This was all discussed way back in 2015 , i remember posting the "wee bleu book " by alyn smith on the old forum showing all this.

The english said thanks for that we are still voting leave.

FFS stop re raking over dirty old ground will you and move on.

WTF are you going on about now?

Only a few days ago conor was telling me how ireland and the 6 counties were getting a great deal , now you say the uk is throwing the north under a bus ?

You are all over the place man . Which is it?

 :D  :hattip
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?