Tory Rebels Prepare For Fight Over Northern ireland protocol bill

Started by Thomas, June 12, 2022, 12:39:11 PM

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Quote from: Thomas on June 15, 2022, 07:46:08 AM
England humped 4 - 0 at football  , uk government rwanda flight halted by the ECHR , scotland and ireland on the verge of leving the uk , inflation out of control , energy prices through the roof , etc etc etc.

You have to hand it to the tories , its only taken them 12 years but already we look as though we are heading back to the seventies and eighties under these clowns. What a mess.

I dont think i have known  such a period of uncertainty in my life.
What's the football result got to do with it?

Scotland got stuffed does that mean Indy is down the tubes?

A lot of what you say though Thomas regarding inflation,energy prices is a worldwide problem not that I'm saying Boris is some genius the dearth of political talent though affects more than us,aBorky has been rabbiting on about an impending crash for years now........perhaps he's right this time. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on June 15, 2022, 07:40:19 AM
Cars again? :Dim sure you have bojos ear baffy advising him on how to proceed with a damaging trade war over 6 counties of an island that is moving towards leaving the uk in the short term anyway.

do keep up baffy. A few links on what the yanks have said...

"Cold frost" on US-UK relations if Good Friday Agreement jeopardized 

UK on collision course with US over Northern Ireland protocol after Washington diplomacy ends in acrimony and threats

US threatens to block UK trade deal over Northern Ireland

there are also many uk citizens as you put it in northern ireland who are irish passport holders and de facto EU citizens under the GFA. The same applies regarding the EU and its citizens and the yanks supporting the peace process.
were you saying something about we guys with big mouth and small dicks mouthing off ? If a trade war etc erupts over northern ireland , my money is on the big beasts like the EU and the USA rather than little england.

We have been hearing how the EU were going to capitulate to uk demands for the last 6 years , ze germuns need you more than you need them , etc etc etc , and what happened?

Still no sign of the EU backing down to uk demands.

The EU has spent the last 18 months backing down to UK demands. 

When a trade war with the EU and USA manifests, you can come back and say "I told you so".
I won't hold my breath.


England humped 4 - 0 at football  , uk government rwanda flight halted by the ECHR , scotland and ireland on the verge of leving the uk , inflation out of control , energy prices through the roof , etc etc etc.

You have to hand it to the tories , its only taken them 12 years but already we look as though we are heading back to the seventies and eighties under these clowns. What a mess.

I dont think i have known  such a period of uncertainty in my life.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


The bare "necessity" – how the legal position of the United Kingdom on the Northern Irish Protocol Bill makes no sense

The government of the United Kingdom published this evening the Northern Irish Protocol Bill.

This Bill is so the government can breach (or "not perform") its obligations under the Northern Irish Protocol.

The government has also published not the legal advice in support of the Bill, but their legal position.
But it is not even a legal position.
It is a lack of a legal position.

As a legal justification placed into the public domain this is even weaker than taking a lockdown journey to Barnard Castle to test one's eyesight.
The government is legally even weaker than many legal commentators thought.

The reality is that the problems which the government mention were entirely foreseeable when they negotiated and signed the protocol, and were indeed foreseen.

The government then just wanted to "get Brexit done" – everything else was detail.

And the problems which have arisen are the main reason the protocol included Article 16.
So not only were the problems foreseen, a solution was also envisaged.
It is difficult to conceive of a weaker basis for the government of the United Kingdom to assert "necessity" as a breach of international obligations.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Baff on June 14, 2022, 05:57:40 PM
If they don't wish to sell us cars, plenty of others do.

Cars again? :D
As for the city of London, it underwrites all the EU's foriegn trade.

Could you be more damaging to Germany than ending all it's foreign trade? No.
It's just about the most foreign trade dependent economy on earth.
im sure you have bojos ear baffy advising him on how to proceed with a damaging trade war over 6 counties of an island that is moving towards leaving the uk in the short term anyway.

America has not threatened us with any trade restrictions whatsoever.
do keep up baffy. A few links on what the yanks have said...

"Cold frost" on US-UK relations if Good Friday Agreement jeopardized 

UK on collision course with US over Northern Ireland protocol after Washington diplomacy ends in acrimony and threats

US threatens to block UK trade deal over Northern Ireland

QuoteAnd if you think the UK PM is unlikely to risk UK trade for UK citizens in NI,
there are also many uk citizens as you put it in northern ireland who are irish passport holders and de facto EU citizens under the GFA. The same applies regarding the EU and its citizens and the yanks supporting the peace process.

Quotethen you can imagine how even less willing foriegn leaders can be expected to be to do the same.
were you saying something about we guys with big mouth and small dicks mouthing off ? If a trade war etc erupts over northern ireland , my money is on the big beasts like the EU and the USA rather than little england.

We have been hearing how the EU were going to capitulate to uk demands for the last 6 years , ze germuns need you more than you need them , etc etc etc , and what happened?

Still no sign of the EU backing down to uk demands.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: johnofgwent on June 14, 2022, 04:33:40 PM
I think on paper they wish they were as it would make their collective dicks seem erect.

In reality I can personally attest to the ease by which sanctions can be busted, not only by governments cryptically rearranging or declassifying things so as to make it appear here humanitarian supplies are being sent when in fact the crate contents are anything but, to good old fashioned reflagging of vessels.
i know its off topic , but on the russia ukraine war and american/western sanctions , i see it being reported biden is coming under massive pressure for his stance on russian sanctions as they are backfiring , russian oil and gas sales have went through the roof  , and american officials are fearing the worst .

As for the EU , last i read countries like germans and italy were less than enthusiastic about following american sanctions.How long is it going to be before the yookay starts getting the hump paying the price for the latest american proxy war?

Corporate 'Self-Sanctioning' of Russia Has US Fearing Economic Blowback

Officials seek to clarify guidance so there aren't unintended impacts on inflation, supply chains

NEW: Some Biden officials privately express concern that rather than dissuade the Kremlin as intended, US sanctions have instead exacerbated inflation, worsened food insecurity and punished ordinary Russians more than Putin or his allies

All the while ordinary ukrainians are dying in their hundreds if not thousands every week and the russians are taking large parts of ukrainian territory? All this for what?

The yanks as i said from day one poked the bear one too many times , woke it up , and its starting to get the upper hand while the ukrainians first and foremost , and the west suffers for washington war games.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


I fully support Boris Johnson in his endeavour to get Northern Ireland out of the clutches of the EU. This conflict will likely last for centuries, but Britain has never backed down from a fight.

What we currently have is a Remainer's Brexit and we have to put our trust in the Tories and the ERG to rectify that.

Union Flag Union Flag Union Flag


Quote from: Thomas on June 14, 2022, 03:29:46 PM
3. Do you seriously beleive any uk prime minister , no matter how desperate , is going to damage the city of london in a trade war to appease andrew bridgen or orange moonhowlers like jamie bryson?

There isn't a right lot the EU can do about the City for 2 simple reasons. It does it better than anyone else, and it is a lot cheaper than anyone else. No one is going to turn away from that unless something drastic changes.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

patman post

Quote from: johnofgwent on June 14, 2022, 11:04:23 AM

I do not recall the Orange Order bombing my home town. I do not recall the loyalists bombing the United Kingdom parliament. I do not recall the likes of the UVF bombing seaside hotels used by political parties.

Wasn't that because much of the Loyalist and Security activities ran as mutual aid activities?

While I condemn the assassinations and bombings of both sides, whether terrorist or "official", I can understand how years of oppression and frustration could erupt, due to the well-founded belief that official discrimination and brutality would likely go unpunished...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Thomas on June 14, 2022, 03:29:46 PM
You make a rather large leap in logic there baffy boy.

1. Russia has rather large quantities of oil and gas , which the EU uses to power german factories , french cars , and heat homes. Im not sure lack of warm beer and jellied eels is going to have the same damage to the german economy as one thinks.
If they don't wish to sell us cars, plenty of others do.

As for the city of London, it underwrites all the EU's foriegn trade.

Could you be more damaging to Germany than ending all it's foreign trade? No.
It's just about the most foreign trade dependent economy on earth.

America has not threatened us with any trade restrictions whatsoever.
And if you think the UK PM is unlikely to risk UK trade for UK citizens in NI, then you can imagine how even less willing foriegn leaders can be expected to be to do the same.

A whole lot of hot air from the usual suspects. All mouth and nothing in their trousers.
We've just spent the last 18 months being accused of breaking the NI Protocol daily. And still nothing.
No trade war.
The big mouth tiny penis brigade threaten what? Oh. /yawn.


Quote from: Borchester on June 14, 2022, 12:16:25 PM
Is the EU having a trade war with Russia?

I think on paper they wish they were as it would make their collective dicks seem erect.

In reality I can personally attest to the ease by which sanctions can be busted, not only by governments cryptically rearranging or declassifying things so as to make it appear here humanitarian supplies are being sent when in fact the crate contents are anything but, to good old fashioned reflagging of vessels.

I admit the latter is harder to do these days when ship transponders are logged and put on web search engines and Google map equivalents, but if my late uncle can smuggle sugar and other foodstuffs into Haifa under the noses of UN blockaders I'm sure his successors have ways to do similar....
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: johnofgwent on June 14, 2022, 11:04:23 AM

I do not recall the Orange Order bombing my home town. I do not recall the loyalists bombing the United Kingdom parliament. I do not recall the likes of the UVF bombing seaside hotels used by political parties.

We have allowed successive governments to set precedents and expectations that the proponents of violence as a means of political achievement must be listened to on the mainland above all else

I do. Orange british terrorists bombed a number of pubs in my city glasgow in the late seventies.

QuoteEvery single move made by government has been in their direction to the detriment of the Protestant viewpoint.
many protestants voted to stay in the eu  , and many support the northern irish protocol.

QuoteI therefore applaud BoJos decision to treat them as he has.
Then you have fallen for his bullshit hook line and sinker. So far , we have mere noise nothing more.
It is time they learned what a Unit d Kingdom outside the EU means.
so i have been hearing for 6 years and counting.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Baff on June 14, 2022, 09:46:31 AM
The EU's ability to have a trade war with Russia should give you better insight on the likelihood of them having one with the UK.
You make a rather large leap in logic there baffy boy.

1. Russia has rather large quantities of oil and gas , which the EU uses to power german factories , french cars , and heat homes. Im not sure lack of warm beer and jellied eels is going to have the same damage to the german economy as one thinks.

2.What makes you think it will just be a trade war with the EU? The americans have already threatened the uk regarding the GFA and the NIP. Not to mention many other nations that may become invovled.

3. Do you seriously beleive any uk prime minister , no matter how desperate , is going to damage the city of london in a trade war to appease andrew bridgen or orange moonhowlers like jamie bryson?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Baff on June 14, 2022, 09:46:31 AM
The EU's ability to have a trade war with Russia should give you better insight on the likelihood of them having one with the UK.

Is the EU having a trade war with Russia?

As far as I can see,  Brussels is buying Russian oil and while the Oligarchs may be having trouble buying Western motors, I doubt that will cause Putin's tanks to turn round and head back home
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Thomas on June 13, 2022, 08:00:25 AM
before commenting on the article , i will wait to see events unfold. Just a word of caution here you know who jamie bryson is streetwalker?

He is a mouthpiece for uvf loyalist terrorists , he has been photographed with them and gives oratories at their shrines. If this is who right wing english/british nationalism is going to regarding the protocol and events in northern ireland , then quite clearly i think we are headed for trouble on the horizon .

I think you are playing with fire here streetwalker. Jamie bryson doesnt represent the mainstream majority of northern ireland , on any issue never mind the protocal. Its the mainstream majority in both northern ireland and scotland you need on your side to keep your union alive.........not knuckle dragging clowns like jamie weeearrraaappeepul  bryson.

For as long as I can remember and certainly since Blair the UK government has bent over backwards and taken it up the shitter to appease the political wing of the provisional IRA .

Every single move made by government has been in their direction to the detriment of the Protestant viewpoint.

I do not recall the Orange Order bombing my home town. I do not recall the loyalists bombing the United Kingdom parliament. I do not recall the likes of the UVF bombing seaside hotels used by political parties.

We have allowed successive governments to set precedents and expectations that the proponents of violence as a means of political achievement must be listened to on the mainland above all else 

We should have terminated the special immigration arrangements, employment and residence rights of the Irish Republic the moment they declared their political objectives to align with the political wing of the Provisional IRA, and we should have told them at every stage to butt the F@@@ out of the United kingdom's s cession for m the EU, citing TJEIR precedent of seceeding from their union with us a century ago with violence. We should, in fact, be treating them as they treated us.

I therefore applaud BoJos decision to treat them as he has. It is time they learned what a Unit d Kingdom outside the EU means. And that means Irish Republic Citizens should be treated as the citizens of a hostile state that they are, rather than the British Subjects their great grandfather's were until they seceeded with violence.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>