Tory Rebels Prepare For Fight Over Northern ireland protocol bill

Started by Thomas, June 12, 2022, 12:39:11 PM

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Quote from: Sheepy on September 18, 2022, 10:30:07 AM
EU recommends suspending billions in funding to Hungary (
Well, that is Gerrys idea out of the window, that all 27 states are going to be unanimously in agreement on everything, because it seems the rules have changed and the EU commission no longer needs a unanimous agreement.
Qualified Majority Voting was something that was brought up and dissmissed during the referendum as scaremongering . Like EU foriegn policy it has come to pass and basically removes the National veto


Quote from: Sheepy on September 18, 2022, 10:30:07 AM
EU recommends suspending billions in funding to Hungary (
Well, that is Gerrys idea out of the window, that all 27 states are going to be unanimously in agreement on everything, because it seems the rules have changed and the EU commission no longer needs a unanimous agreement.
The fact that he can't get his head around the fact that Germany is running the show says it all. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


EU recommends suspending billions in funding to Hungary (
Well, that is Gerrys idea out of the window, that all 27 states are going to be unanimously in agreement on everything, because it seems the rules have changed and the EU commission no longer needs a unanimous agreement.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Nick on June 16, 2022, 07:06:33 PM

If Scotland can do what they want, why are you out of the EU against your will? Why does wee Jimmy keep asking #10 for permission to have another referendum?

if england/uk can do as it wants , and has left the EU , why does it keep asking permission of the EU regarding the northern irish border ?

Sturgeon isnt asking for permission to have a referendum nick. Anyone anywhere in the uk can hold a referendum on anythig they want.  She is asking for cooperation from the uk government to make the transition to indepdendence as smooth as possible , for the benifit of both our nations. If not , then she has said she will find another route .

This is all being done mainly for the benfit of the international community , who are the ones that matter in terms of recognising scotlands independence.

QuoteCause I'm worried about your vicious pen
Sidestep , nothing to do with me , you are celarly worried and dont stop talking about scot indy while making up fantasy bedtime stories to comfort yourself about why it wont happen or your government wont allow it.

You can no more stop scotland leaving than you could stop the other 62 nations leaving your empire.

Quotethe SNP didn't beat the English Tories in any election. 
the conservative party is an english party based in your country. Every scottish branch manager of tory and labour wil tell you the same thing , they take orders from london.

Your tories havent won an election in scotland since the middle of the last century .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


And I have to hide behind Cromwell for what reason? Cause I'm worried about your vicious pen 😂 

If Scotland can do what they want, why are you out of the EU against your will? Why does wee Jimmy keep asking #10 for permission to have another referendum?

The fairly sure the English Tories don't give a flying what happens across the Border, and again, the SNP didn't beat the English Tories in any election. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on June 16, 2022, 12:13:45 PM
I can assure you I ain't worried about it.
Clearly you are as you havent stopped mentioning it , including telling us in one thread your prime minsinter wont let scots vote. How we laughed.

QuoteAnd as you can clearly see I was responding to another members post.
no nick , you were cowardly hiding behind cromwell post to attack scot indy and myself .

QuoteAlso, I hardly see that it's contradictory,
well telling us something is down the toilet one minute , while in the same sentence telling us that same thing is "on " for 2023 does seem rather contradictory to me nick.

QuoteIs she out this time if she can't get a referendum?
Nick , what do you mean if she can't get a refrendum?

I really wish we still had the old forum so we could copy and paste that same shite about not being allowed referendums , and the counter arguments on soveriengty , from 2011 . She has announced a referendum , and given us the date of october next year. So first of all , she has put her back against a wall .

Secondly , scotland is a nation in a union with your country. Do read a history book nick.

Just like your country voluntarily joined ,and left a union with other european countries , we can similarly do the same with yours. We dont need to ask anyones permission. A section 30 order , is nothing more than  a posh name for englands recognition of the result of scotlands referendum , it isnt an order giving "permission".

Scotland is a signatory of the treaty of union , and it can withdraw from that treaty whenever the people so decide. The only people who will stop scotland either having a referendum or staying in the union are the soveriegn scots people ourselves.

Your own fackin party , the english tories , stood on numerous platforms in recent elections saying a vote for the snp is a vote for another indy refrendum and what happend...? The tories got humped and the snp won all the elections. So what are you gibbering about?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on June 16, 2022, 07:58:40 AM
Well tbh Thomas I wish you would have your referendum and sod off if that's the result because we have enough problems of our own with out more from holyrood who will do the opposite of whatever Westminster does.
Holyrood , like any parliament of any nation across the world , will generally do whats in the nations interests as they see fit , rather than whats in a foreign nations interests.

There should have been a second scottish referendum as soon as englands brexit result came in , as you know i have argued , but it wasnt to be for numerous reasons i still dont quite get today.

so here we are.

You do have many problems of your own , some global issues , many domestic and of your own politicians making over decades. Good luck sorting them out.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on June 16, 2022, 07:27:05 AM
only you nick could come out with such a contradictory statement and try and pass it off as sense. You seem to spend far more time on this forum worrying about a scottish indy referendum than what even i do , when you constantly mention it across a number of differning threads.

Dont worry about it nick. Its a vote you wont have a say in , so why worry.
I can assure you I ain't worried about it. And as you can clearly see I was responding to another members post. Also, I hardly see that it's contradictory, she keeps saying things like this that never materialise. Is she out this time if she can't get a referendum?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Thomas on June 16, 2022, 07:44:29 AM

i couldnt really care less to be honest. Hopefully we can leave you behind with your brexit , red and blue tories and all the rest.

Its amusing watching all those who voted johnson in in 2019 now sticking the knife into his back.
Well tbh Thomas I wish you would have your referendum and sod off if that's the result because we have enough problems of our own with out more from holyrood who will do the opposite of whatever Westminster does. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on June 16, 2022, 07:35:05 AM
And you need to stop thinking I care,you lost too eh? Nothing new there.

Anyway Boris is only where he is because the rest are perceived as just as useless or worse,the tories  are doing their suicide routine,god knows where or who'll we end up with.
you cared enough to comment. Streetwalker took the piss rightly so the other day. I didnt flounce off whinging about it , i called good naturedly him a barsteward
What did you used to do at maine road when utd fans took the piss? leave the stadium in a hurry upset?

QuoteAnyway Boris is only where he is because the rest are perceived as just as useless or worse,the tories  are doing their suicide routine,god knows where or who'll we end up with.
i couldnt really care less to be honest. Hopefully we can leave you behind with your brexit , red and blue tories and all the rest.

Its amusing watching all those who voted johnson in in 2019 now sticking the knife into his back.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on June 16, 2022, 07:24:13 AM
Oh Cor Blimey  cromwell , stop whinging please.

It was a piss take about the football because i know there are a number of england fans on here, just as i had the piss taken out of me about the scotland result. Thats what football fans do , take the piss. You need to stop being so thin skinned.
And you need to stop thinking I care,you lost too eh? Nothing new there.

Anyway Boris is only where he is because the rest are perceived as just as useless or worse,the tories  are doing their suicide routine,god knows where or who'll we end up with. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Nick on June 15, 2022, 12:22:15 PM
Indy is down the toilet cause wee Jimmy has announced a vote by the end of 2023 😝. Another kick of the can down the road. 
only you nick could come out with such a contradictory statement and try and pass it off as sense. You seem to spend far more time on this forum worrying about a scottish indy referendum than what even i do , when you constantly mention it across a number of differning threads.

Dont worry about it nick. Its a vote you wont have a say in , so why worry.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on June 15, 2022, 08:50:31 AM
What's the football result got to do with it?

Scotland got stuffed does that mean Indy is down the tubes?

A lot of what you say though Thomas regarding inflation,energy prices is a worldwide problem not that I'm saying Boris is some genius the dearth of political talent though affects more than us,aBorky has been rabbiting on about an impending crash for years now........perhaps he's right this time.
Oh FFS cromwell , stop whinging please.

It was a piss take about the football because i know there are a number of england fans on here, just as i had the piss taken out of me about the scotland result. Thats what football fans do , take the piss. You need to stop being so thin skinned.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Baff on June 15, 2022, 08:32:39 AM
The EU has spent the last 18 months backing down to UK demands.

Has it ? Examples please?
When a trade war with the EU and USA manifests, you can come back and say "I told you so".

I won't hold my breath
ok baffy.

First of all , you need to get rid of the NIP. Until then likewise i wont hold my breath.

If you believe a thing your lying prime minister says then more fool you.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on June 15, 2022, 08:50:31 AM
What's the football result got to do with it?

Scotland got stuffed does that mean Indy is down the tubes?
Indy is down the toilet cause wee Jimmy has announced a vote by the end of 2023 😝. Another kick of the can down the road.  
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.