Boris likes assaulting women……….allegedly.

Started by cromwell, July 04, 2022, 05:19:48 AM

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Quote from: Barry on July 05, 2022, 03:26:26 PM
Don't worry. The lefties on here know she cannot be defended so are bringing up Boris's old man, and Nadine Dorries. Hilarious whataboutery.
Boris must be the easiest target to hit in town and they still miss by some distance 


Quote from: Borchester on July 05, 2022, 04:33:39 PM
If they are alleged then they haven't been convicted of anything and are therefore innocent

Not convicted. Independent report. Pincher accepted the findings and apologised. And Johnson said he forgot what had gone on before despite nicknaming him "Pincher by name, Pincher by nature". So he either has memory issues and can't remember his own jokes or is incompetent and completely lying. Either way, he should resign and be replaced.


Quote from: B0ycey on July 05, 2022, 04:07:19 PM
Is he a remained though? Or does he just like his French passport and Greek villas? Perhaps an opportunist like his son. Not that I think his conduct matters in regards to his son of course, something I actually said.

In regards to Johnson, his two chosen whips, the very people you are meant to speak to under grevience, one is an alleged sex offender and the other is an alleged racist. Can't really blame Stanley for that. That is 100% pure Johnson.
If they are alleged then they haven't been convicted of anything and are therefore innocent
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester on July 05, 2022, 03:34:38 PM
Not a good analogy to be honest.

Stanley Patrick Johnson is a remainer and as such an admirer of Manny Macron, a man famous for marrying his mum.

Is he a remained though? Or does he just like his French passport and Greek villas? Perhaps an opportunist like his son. Not that I think his conduct matters in regards to his son of course, something I actually said.

In regards to Johnson, his two chosen whips, the very people you are meant to speak to under grevience, one is an alleged sex offender and the other is an alleged racist. Can't really blame Stanley for that. That is 100% pure Johnson.


Quote from: B0ycey on July 05, 2022, 01:21:05 PM
Come on guys, no one started a Pincher thread yet! Don't know whether BoJo ever assaults women, but I do know his father has had his victims come out of the woodwork last year and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Not a good analogy to be honest.

Stanley Patrick Johnson is a remainer and as such an admirer of Manny Macron, a man famous for marrying his mum.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Streetwalker on July 05, 2022, 11:50:53 AM
Just as well  most communities dont take any notice of her and just get on with each other regardless of our origins .
Don't worry. The lefties on here know she cannot be defended so are bringing up Boris's old man, and Nadine Dorries. Hilarious whataboutery.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Nick on July 05, 2022, 08:49:45 AM
Are you going to provide any examples of what Nadine has said that are stupid?
Apparently "Tridents (sic) are not weapons of mass destruction." lol

We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Come on guys, no one started a Pincher thread yet! Don't know whether BoJo ever assaults women, but I do know his father has had his victims come out of the woodwork last year and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. But I guess we shouldn't speculate here. Instead we should point out on things we know for sure. BoJo has promoted someone who was found to have sexual assaulted people via internal investigation and then lied (again) about knowing so.


Quote from: T00ts on July 05, 2022, 11:30:51 AM
Gosh yes you are right I had forgotten so much of that. I had also forgotten that only white people are privileged and racists.
Just as well  most communities dont take any notice of her and just get on with each other regardless of our origins . 


Quote from: Streetwalker on July 05, 2022, 11:16:11 AM
Your personal opinion of Dorries should maybe be reserved for an appropriate discussion . Bringing her into it is just a deflection from he idiot in question . That being Abbott ,the accuser .

And yes some of the critism aimed at her isn't because she is Black its because she is  a Black racist . The idiot that told an American conference that the British invented racism , the fool that said of a London hospital that there were too many nurses who were blue eyed blondes who couldnt properly attend black patients (can you imagine the uproar if a white person had said black nurses can't properly attend white patients ?)
The supporter of BLM who said Sasha Johnson was 'targeted' because she stood up to racists  when it was a random shooting between black gangs at a party
Claimed Brexit was because people dont like foreigners ,that people who voted brexit were racist ,
Accused taxi drivers of being racist
Said white western people all benefitted from colonialism
Accused white people of playing divide and rule
Said London should never have another white mayor ....ect , ect

  A racist ,a race baiter and someone who if we let have her way would lead the country to apathied
Gosh yes you are right I had forgotten so much of that. I had also forgotten that only white people are privileged and racists.


Quote from: srb7677 on July 04, 2022, 10:18:38 PM
The fact that even Abbot looks like a genius compared to Nadine Dorries does beg the question though as to why Nadine doesn't get anything like the same stick for being thick. What do you think the reason for that is?
Your personal opinion of Dorries should maybe be reserved for an appropriate discussion . Bringing her into it is just a deflection from he idiot in question . That being Abbott ,the accuser . 

And yes some of the critism aimed at her isn't because she is Black its because she is  a Black racist . The idiot that told an American conference that the British invented racism , the fool that said of a London hospital that there were too many nurses who were blue eyed blondes who couldnt properly attend black patients (can you imagine the uproar if a white person had said black nurses cant properly attend white patients ?) 
The supporter of BLM who said Sasha Johnson was 'targeted' because she stood up to racists  when it was a random shooting between black gangs at a party 
Claimed Brexit was because people dont like foreigners ,that people who voted brexit were racist ,
Accused taxi drivers of being racist 
Said white western people all benefitted from colonialism 
Accused white people of playing divide and rule 
Said London should never have another white mayor ....ect , ect 

  A racist ,a race baiter and someone who if we let have her way would lead the country to apathied 


Quote from: cromwell on July 05, 2022, 09:08:40 AMIt is said people get the govt they deserve,do we really deserve this and the opposition benches?
Sadly, for as long as the sheeple keep voting for them in their millions, they are getting what they deserve.

It is we unfortunates who vote for neither who deserve none of it.

But I voted Labour in 2019 whilst you voted Conservative, though Labour was under very different leadership at the time.

I suggest you and I vote for neither of them next time, otherwise what they deliver will be all we deserve too.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Barry on July 05, 2022, 09:46:22 AM
Perhaps they feel sorry for blondes as they are always portrayed as thick by some bigots.
The same as some people like to bring whatabout whatabout into a thread about a loose cannon big mouthed woman who cannot be justified in what she said. Which you, Steve are saying it's not proven so she's fine saying it.
What on earth are you thinking? Oh, hang on, it's a late night post, so perhaps thoughts were clouded by "tiredness".
I was not drinking if that is what you are implying, which makes you a fine one to lecture others about unfounded allegations.

And it is legitimate to question why one stupid gob gets so much stick whilst an even stupider one with actual ministerial office does not. And on that basis legitimate to ask what the difference is because it tends to suggest that rather more is going on than contempt for Abbot's stupidity.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on July 04, 2022, 10:52:57 PM
And you don't think Dorries does exactly the same? So again, what is the difference?

In any case, Abbot's assertions about Bozo's alleged treatment of women are neither proven nor disproven at this stage, So her alleged stupidity on this issue is as yet neither proven nor disproven.
Perhaps they feel sorry for blondes as they are always portrayed as thick by some bigots.
The same as some people like to bring whatabout whatabout into a thread about a loose cannon big mouthed woman who cannot be justified in what she said. Which you, Steve are saying it's not proven so she's fine saying it.
What on earth are you thinking? Oh, hang on, it's a late night post, so perhaps thoughts were clouded by "tiredness".
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: srb7677 on July 05, 2022, 08:46:31 AM
I don't think you are a closet racist no. Not so sure about some others on that score. I told you Dorries is if anything even thicker than Abbot yet doesnt get the same opprobrium and questioned why you think that might be. You said in response that Abbot says stupid things to large audiences. I pointed out that so does Dorries so again questioned what the difference is because it is not that. And unlike Abbot, Dorries is a minister with actual power, and - laughably - is in charge of culture, lol. It is like putting a knuckle dragging Sun reader in charge of the large Hadron collider and expecting an intelligent outcome.

No I don't think Abbot or anyone else should make slanderous allegations without evidence. Nevertheless, it is too early to state with certainty right now whether or not there is any evidence. If there isnt, Spaffwaffle should use the courts. If he doesn't there is always the danger of mud sticking. It is a dangerous tactic to ignore smears with contempt as if they are beneath you. Ask Jeremy Corbyn.

I mentioned in another thread the downward spiral in Westminster,the lack of real talent and any sort of standards is not confined to any single party and Abbott is just one of the symptoms.

It is said people get the govt they deserve,do we really deserve this and the opposition benches? and affordable,not that hard is it?