Does it matter who I vote for?

Started by Sheepy, July 21, 2022, 08:40:35 AM

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Quote from: Good old on July 22, 2022, 10:13:19 AM
That's total Bollox in every respect. Labour had no more to do with that banking crisis than any of the other governments of major economies that were all severely hit by it. Would you suggest Labour was responsible for all of those countries?
Labour started nothing , the banks did. And who do the banks make little or no secret of supporting.? In that respect an argument could be made , that the Tories and their very obvious friends are the cause of the whole fiasco.
Blockers what blockers ?. That's the problem they have blocked nothing other than progress for the nation as a whole.
The only fact is Labour. We're in power. Was Covid our governments fault.?  Probably not worth debating because the answers are so bloody obvious.
Thats the crux of the whole argument with you: you say Labour had nowt to do with the banking crisis, so the economy wasn't there fault and then you point to the enormous hike in UK debt under the tories.
As I've said three times now, the Tories managed to reverse the tragectary that the 2008 crisis put us on, until Covid hit.

It's dead simple...

A) Do you blame the Tories for the mess they inherited in 2008, which took them 8 years to sort?

B) Do you blame the Tories for Covid?

Both of which are encompassed in your "Look what the Tories did to the national debt".

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Baff on July 22, 2022, 09:09:31 AM
China is declaring bankrupt itself.
In the midst of it's own banking crash as we speak.
Something is going on, but France 24 found out by a phone call that it was just a "drill". Customers cannot withdraw their cash.
Maybe attempting to prevent a run on the banks?

Perhaps it doesn't matter who the Chinese vote for, either! 
† The end is nigh †

Good old

Quote from: Sheepy on July 22, 2022, 09:48:49 AM
No, it isn't and yes, it is.

Quote from: Nick on July 22, 2022, 09:29:41 AM
You're totally missing the point. It was Labour in 2008 that started the snowball effect, everything after that is a direct reaction to that. It was the Tories that put the blockers on it and had the curve coming down until Covid.

This is not up for debate, it is fact.
That's total Bollox in every respect. Labour had no more to do with that banking crisis than any of the other governments of major economies that were all severely hit by it. Would you suggest Labour was responsible for all of those countries?
Labour started nothing , the banks did. And who do the banks make little or no secret of supporting.? In that respect an argument could be made , that the Tories and their very obvious friends are the cause of the whole fiasco.
Blockers what blockers ?. That's the problem they have blocked nothing other than progress for the nation as a whole.
The only fact is Labour. We're in power. Was Covid our governments fault.?  Probably not worth debating because the answers are so bloody obvious.


Quote from: Nick on July 22, 2022, 09:29:41 AM
You're totally missing the point. It was Labour in 2008 that started the snowball effect, everything after that is a direct reaction to that. It was the Tories that put the blockers on it and had the curve coming down until Covid.

This is not up for debate, it is fact.

No, it isn't and yes, it is.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Good old on July 21, 2022, 07:07:53 PM

If anyone took this country to a cliff edge it was our bankers. The same bankers that pour large sums out of their profits into supporting this government.
Quickly? Are you kidding .? Eight years of borrowing above 2010 levels. Eight years to add £800 billion to £1.0 trillion already on the tab whilst cutting public spending , by percentage , on top of percentage year after year. Depleting every thing most important to this countries well being. Need I repeat? Armed forces, NHS , Police,, fire brigades . Local government service  support And across the board wage restriction. No wonder we are in such a perilous state because for some strange reason it has come nowhere near working, and a change of course or even attitude to our condition is not on the immediate horizon. As you demonstrate.
You're totally missing the point. It was Labour in 2008 that started the snowball effect, everything after that is a direct reaction to that. It was the Tories that put the blockers on it and had the curve coming down until Covid.

This is not up for debate, it is fact.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Baff on July 22, 2022, 09:09:31 AM
China is declaring bankrupt itself.
In the midst of it's own banking crash as we speak.
I guess we shall see, I am not a great believer in anything the media print anyway, Vlad would be dead by now and Taiwan would be some fairy tale place where democracy was saved. Not being armed to the teeth in preparation for war. Nancy will be along in a minute and sort it all out. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on July 21, 2022, 04:58:44 PM
The Chinese love a bankrupt country they arrive with loans and debt plans, funny though so do the IMF.

China is declaring bankrupt itself.
In the midst of it's own banking crash as we speak.


The denial is strong, reality of course is something different.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Barry on July 21, 2022, 08:14:27 PM
Does that comment mean you are coming round to the notion that they are all the same?
Labour/Tory pushmepullyou, two cheeks of the same backside?
If you can come round to even considering that?
It took me most of my life to realise.
I don't subscribe to universal cynicism. There is a growing mistrust of anyone in authority - elected or otherwise - and as far as I am concerned that only leads to anarchy. It is true that I have been and still am concerned at the prospective Conservative leaders but have also remembered that we should stoop to lift others rather than look down on them. All very pious of course and I struggle to live by it all the time, but to strive is to eventually succeed. Life is a constant whirl of choices some easy and some tough. I believe in self reliance and making people strong and resilient and able to help those who are not so fortunate so the Conservative ideals are still the nearest for me. To support is not to be subservient or complacent but to just sit back and moan simply allows renegades to fill the void.


Quote from: T00ts on July 21, 2022, 07:53:47 PM
So show me something better. A political party that is never going to make mistakes. A party that will be all things to all people. A party that is made up of perfect people doing a perfect job for a perfect electorate. Pie in the sky.
Does that comment mean you are coming round to the notion that they are all the same?
Labour/Tory pushmepullyou, two cheeks of the same backside?
If you can come round to even considering that?
It took me most of my life to realise.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Barry on July 21, 2022, 07:25:05 PM
It's not the pandemic's fault. It was the serious over-reaction by governments "based on the science" which was at fault.
What happened in 2010 as a joke is irrelevant rubbish.
Sunak is one of the biggest money wasting chancellors in history. I think he forgot that it's not his money, or government money.
It was our money, which we didn't have and now we suffer for his ineptitude.
I know you will always make excuses for your beloved Tory party.
So show me something better. A political party that is never going to make mistakes. A party that will be all things to all people. A party that is made up of perfect people doing a perfect job for a perfect electorate. Pie in the sky.


Quote from: Barry on July 21, 2022, 07:20:48 PM
It's difficult to keep up with this
But it currently works out at £40,600 per man woman and child in the UK.
It's certainly not good, is it?

If you cannot read that you are in complete denial.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: T00ts on July 21, 2022, 01:46:51 PM
Just remind. When was the pandemic during a recent Labour Government? Also what was that note left for the incoming Conservatives about there being no money left?
It's not the pandemic's fault. It was the serious over-reaction by governments "based on the science" which was at fault.
What happened in 2010 as a joke is irrelevant rubbish.
Sunak is one of the biggest money wasting chancellors in history. I think he forgot that it's not his money, or government money.
It was our money, which we didn't have and now we suffer for his ineptitude.
I know you will always make excuses for your beloved Tory party.
† The end is nigh †


It's difficult to keep up with this
But it currently works out at £40,600 per man woman and child in the UK.
It's certainly not good, is it?

† The end is nigh †

Good old

Quote from: Nick on July 21, 2022, 06:35:13 PM
If you take someone to the edge of a cliff and push them off that's your fault, which in effect what Labour did in 2010. You can't expect the Tories to arrest the fall that quickly. The interest payments were roughly 8% of the tax coffers, hence the austerity, which was bringing it down until Covid. So this crap from Labour about the Tories increasing the debt is nonsense, Labour set the trajectory of the ride and then got off leaving a big sign saying there is no money.

If anyone took this country to a cliff edge it was our bankers. The same bankers that pour large sums out of their profits into supporting this government.
Quickly? Are you kidding .? Eight years of borrowing above 2010 levels. Eight years to add £800 billion to £1.0 trillion already on the tab whilst cutting public spending , by percentage , on top of percentage year after year. Depleting every thing most important to this countries well being. Need I repeat? Armed forces, NHS , Police,, fire brigades . Local government service  support And across the board wage restriction. No wonder we are in such a perilous state because for some strange reason it has come nowhere near working, and a change of course or even attitude to our condition is not on the immediate horizon. As you demonstrate.