Latest Chinese export - coronavirus COVID-19

Started by Barry, January 20, 2020, 06:19:29 PM

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I'm in bits. I am watching the health select committee as they try to grill the NHS bosses. Jeremy Hunt as chair is questioning 4 of them sitting like brass monkeys. How branches and twigs covered in leaves are not growing out of their noses I really don't know.  J Hunt seems a placid sort of chap but even I can see his frustration as he tries his best to get a straight answer out of these guys who, against letters of evidence from doctors as to the lack of masks etc to protect themselves, they sit there telling him they have the supplies but haven't distributed it to the regions. They wriggle and wriggle  and hum and har at him but it is fairly evident that they might as well have been in their offices drinking coffee and Hunt's face shows disbelief.

It's unbelievable they need sacking. They are now being quizzed by a GP/MP who is asking how many ventilators are currently being used. The NHS bosses simply don't know the answers. I have never been so amazed at their incompetence. Talk talk talk and no action or decisions it seems. The GP is obviously horrified.


As numbers diagnosed creep steadily towards 2000 do I understand this correctly?

We are not testing until things get bad enough to need hospitalisation, so the number now known, is actually the number in hospital and needing medical care. Are they also needing ventilation/intensive care? Is anyone revealing that? If so it becomes pretty clear why the hospitals worldwide are floundering.


Quote from: T00ts post_id=18852 time=1584446980 user_id=54
There seems to be a sub context to this from what I have heard. If the Government gives out an edict for everything to close those businesses will have recourse to their insurance. As it is  they are stuck financially. In the last hour the Insurance companies have said that many businesses would not be covered either way. I just wonder how deep the global - it surely will have to be global - pockets will be and how far all of us will have to go to keep people solvent.  If companies go down wholesale the dole queue will stretch to the moon and back.

The global pockets will have to be as deep as they have to be and the Chinese will always lend to countries that find they are full of holes . Unemployment of people who have been laid off from industries that we might not get back will be a big problem as will the debt of individuals who just cant afford a long period of time without a wage .

There are thousand upon thousand of people just here in London who rent property and live from week to week on zero hour contracts or self employment who just wont be able to make ends meet .  Challenging times ahead for us all .


Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=18846 time=1584445777 user_id=53
The local pub and the club I attend (occasionally) have been sending out emails and promoting Paddys day all weekend and this morning on arsebook .  Now Boris says to stay indoors but hasn't said the bars must close so whats the craic ?

 Do we slide off for a cheeky lunchtime swallie ,put it off till later or give it a miss altogether proud in the knowledge that Ive done my bit in not spreading the lurgy ?

Decisions , decisions .

There seems to be a sub context to this from what I have heard. If the Government gives out an edict for everything to close those businesses will have recourse to their insurance. As it is  they are stuck financially. In the last hour the Insurance companies have said that many businesses would not be covered either way. I just wonder how deep the global - it surely will have to be global - pockets will be and how far all of us will have to go to keep people solvent.  If companies go down wholesale the dole queue will stretch to the moon and back.


The local pub and the club I attend (occasionally) have been sending out emails and promoting Paddys day all weekend and this morning on arsebook .  Now Boris says to stay indoors but hasn't said the bars must close so whats the craic ?

 Do we slide off for a cheeky lunchtime swallie ,put it off till later or give it a miss altogether proud in the knowledge that Ive done my bit in not spreading the lurgy ?

Decisions , decisions .


Mod Notice

this is a serious topic and yes humour sometimes does help but can we keep it from the personal

Thanks and affordable,not that hard is it?

Hyperduck Quack Quack

So it's all my fault or so it appears. The fact that I myself couldn't get any milk this morning at a major out-of-town supermarket only half an hour after it had opened is my fault because I've been spreading mass panic by daring to go on a small internet forum to suggest that we need drastic restrictions to halt the spread of coronavirus.


Quote from: Thomas post_id=18826 time=1584432559 user_id=58
Anyone that runs out of milk caused by panic buying due to quackers hysterics , av jist read a good book about adult breastfeeding by nora nippleoff. :roll:  :lol:



Quote from: Thomas post_id=18826 time=1584432559 user_id=58
Anyone that runs out of milk caused by panic buying due to quackers hysterics , av jist read a good book about adult breastfeeding by nora nippleoff. :roll:  :lol:



Anyone that runs out of milk caused by panic buying due to quackers hysterics , av jist read a good book about adult breastfeeding by nora nippleoff. :roll:  :lol:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: "Hyperduck Quack Quack" post_id=18800 time=1584395599 user_id=103
While it's obviously important to smooth out the peak of people needing NHS treatment, the new measures, if adhered to, will get a grip on the epidemic here and gradually reduce it to zero.

Yesterday we were being told the epidemic could infect 60% of the population and last until next spring. Today there is at least a possibility of it being over by the summer if person-to-person transmission of the virus is disrupted sufficiently.  And the government still has the option of compulsory lockdown if the current measures don't work.

No you werent being told that.

The guardian got a hold of public health englands modelling of different scenarios , of which the 7.9 million figure you quoted the other day of people being hospitalised was merely the worst case scenario figure modelled , not the most likely figure modelled , and on every forum across the interwebby i saw the same left wing snowflakes running around screaming we are all going to die using that same guardian article you did.

You do realise on a regular basis the emergency services , police etc model worst case scenarios based on various possible threats , so they are prudently prepared , most of which is never even reported never mind the fact never ever happens.

You are pathetic.

Lets put the things you have said over the years into some sort of perspective shall we?

2014 you were running around our old forum telling us scottish if scotland goes indy , you are all going to die and the world will end fire floods etc etc.

2016 you were running around our old forum telling the uk if they vote brexit  , you are all going to die , world end fire flood etc etc.

2020 you are running around this new forum telling everyone the exact same hysterical nonsense , we are all going to die , two thirds of us hospitalised , etc etc.

I applaud the uk government and the scottish government for not listening to you hysterical snowflakes  so far. We should not be in total lockdown for as long as possible.

Greater london , an area smaller than aberdeenshire , crammed full of people with foreigners coming and going for weeks passing the virus around , is weeks ahead of the rest of us. Meanwhile , the news about a coronavirus outbreak in china 11 weeks ago still hasnt reached my cousin up in wick.

Its cants like you in part who are causing panic buying in shops with your hysterical outbursts online.

Oh and my french friends are saying macron , in part , has closed france simply down to pure petulance that no one was taking a blind bit of notice of him the other day.

Its a serious situation that needs calm sensible heads , and govenments need to think about the far reaching effect on society as a whole , not just certain parts of it or hysterical snowflakes screaming about armageddon.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts post_id=18814 time=1584400611 user_id=54
'fraid so. I am pretty confident that you can write that off.  :)

Oh well, good news for the dogs, bad news on the Christmas drinks.

 :D  :(
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester post_id=18809 time=1584399694 user_id=62
Then make it 56 because if the numbers go up much more I will have to send my coal money to Barry's favourite Dogs' Home.


'fraid so. I am pretty confident that you can write that off.  :)


Quote from: Borchester post_id=18809 time=1584399694 user_id=62
Then make it 56 because if the numbers go up much more I will have to send my coal money to Barry's favourite Dogs' Home.


This one will be happy. It is just like my dog. We had to have him pts in 2015. I was so sad!">
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Barry post_id=18792 time=1584381694 user_id=51
It's already killed 1 in a million of the world population, which is 0.0001% and it has hardly got started yet.


Actually it is 0.0167 % which means that the death rate is nearly two hundred times higher than our worst fears  :cry:  :cry:
Algerie Francais !