Latest Chinese export - coronavirus COVID-19

Started by Barry, January 20, 2020, 06:19:29 PM

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Quote from: Thomas post_id=18671 time=1584288761 user_id=58
what is that all about wae the bog roll borkie?

I remember when they were thrown at the footie,do that now and there'd be  pitch invasion to get it. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Borchester post_id=18669 time=1584288550 user_id=62
Look after yourself Toots, the board would be a sadder place without you.

I have just been to Sainbury's and (my apologies if I have mentioned this before) and noticed that there were no loo rolls but plenty of wine, spirits and silver side joints. I don't know what is going through the hoarders heads. Maybe they intend to spend the next few months living off Andrex Super Soft but I will settle for Sunday lunch 7 days a week.

what is that all about wae the bog roll borkie?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts post_id=18571 time=1584223431 user_id=54
Yes sadly it's not great news, but like I said we just need to ride it. I am already in lock down. Thanks.

Look after yourself Toots, the board would be a sadder place without you.

I have just been to Sainbury's and (my apologies if I have mentioned this before) and noticed that there were no loo rolls but plenty of wine, spirits and silver side joints. I don't know what is going through the hoarders heads. Maybe they intend to spend the next few months living off Andrex Super Soft but I will settle for Sunday lunch 7 days a week.
Algerie Francais !

Hyperduck Quack Quack

Quote from: Scott777 post_id=18569 time=1584222379 user_id=59
There's no evidence of this.  As I've said, the current statistics are meaningless.  It could be no more dangerous than flu.

You still think that?  COVID-19 has a death rate of something like 1 in 50. Seasonal flu has a death rate more like 1 in 1000.  That suggests that if you get COVID-19 it's 20 times more likely to kill you than flu. But the number of people who become seriously ill is really scary. In China yesterday's statistics show that about one third of current cases are serious or critical. That figure could be so high because people who had mild illness recover more quickly while more serious cases stay in hospital longer and so remain in the statistic for longer.

Presumably you're talking about ordinary seasonal flu.  Spanish flu that swept the world in 1918 and killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide.  If our government achieves its stated goal of 60% infection in Britain, that would mean something like 2 million deaths here in UK.

China seems to be succeeding in bringing their coronavirus epidemic under control, with very few new infections now and just a handful of deaths per day. They have had just under 81,000 cases in a country of 1.7 billion people.  We're being told to expect 40 million cases here (based on that 60% infection rate) in a country of 67 million.


Quote from: "Bright Young Thing" post_id=18570 time=1584222932 user_id=49
That sounds serious toots, not wishing to pry but I presume you have underlying health issue that could cause this damned virus to be very, very serious for you? Sending love and very best wishes for your continuing health.

Yes sadly it's not great news, but like I said we just need to ride it. I am already in lock down. Thanks.

Bright Young Thing

Quote from: T00ts post_id=18559 time=1584216913 user_id=54
To be fair HQQ perhaps very few are really unconcerned. I think it might be that the bravado being displayed if not for themselves  might well be for family members or friends. Some may be covering their concern in an effort to minimise the worry that others around them might be feeling. Looking at different countries and the methods tried to contain this illness it seems nothing has really worked and I actually have every sympathy for those trying their best to make impossible decisions.

I know that my kids are really worried for me so have already said they are frightened to visit and that's fine. We will telephone etc but we all know what my chances are. I  detect an almost forced gaiety on their part and I understand. We can only trust and do what we can to minimise the risks, but the bottom line is that we will simply have to ride it. I have been very impressed by the numbers offering to shop etc for me and perhaps that's what we should focus on. I can only call people while staying home but I also have projects lined up to keep me focused on other things. This now is the time to pull together for the good of all.

That sounds serious toots, not wishing to pry but I presume you have underlying health issue that could cause this damned virus to be very, very serious for you? Sending love and very best wishes for your continuing health.
<t>True focus lies somewhere between rage and serenity...</t>


Quote from: "Hyperduck Quack Quack" post_id=18560 time=1584218221 user_id=103
But if the 67 million 'I' s all thought the same, it would lead to disaster.

There's no evidence of this.  As I've said, the current statistics are meaningless.  It could be no more dangerous than flu.
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.

Hyperduck Quack Quack

Another thought.  International travel is already becoming pretty restricted.  If we get to the nightmare scenario of rampaging coronavirus heading towards 60% in UK while other countries have brought their epidemics under control through lockdown etc., there will be so many travel bans on the UK that we won't be able to leave the country.  Meanwhile other travel bans will be lifted as countries become virus-free.  

People joked about the idea of British people escaping across the channel in rubber dinghies in relation to Brexit. In relation to coronavirus, while it might be catastrophising, it's not beyond possibility.

Hyperduck Quack Quack

Another thought on those people who are still dismissive about coronavirus and asking what all the fuss is about.  

In early January this year there were probably lots of people in Wuhan saying it was all a fuss about nothing.

The actual risk of catching coronavirus in most areas must still be pretty low, but as the epidemic here spreads and the number of new cases rises each passing day that risk increases.  That's the basis of Sir Patrick Vallance's absurd goal of 60% infection after all.  While I might statistically be at low risk of becoming infected and therefore choose not to take any special measures, I might be OK.  But if the 67 million 'I' s all thought the same, it would lead to disaster.

By the way I haven't put myself in complete lockdown because of obligations but I wish I could.


Quote from: "Hyperduck Quack Quack" post_id=18550 time=1584197799 user_id=103
Not much more than two weeks ago it was common to hear people say things like: "seasonal flu kills more people than coronavirus" or "anyway, most people who get it hardly know they've got it"

Not many people are saying those things now.  And, through no fault of their own, the people who "hardly know they've got it" are among those most likely to spread the disease to others. If they get a slight sore throat or a bit of a cough, they might worry at the time that they'd got coronavirus but if they're better after a couple of days of very mild symptoms, they might wrongly conclude it wasn't coronavirus after all. And they'll never know.  Nobody will test them and the people they unwittingly infect might be unknown to them.

To be fair HQQ perhaps very few are really unconcerned. I think it might be that the bravado being displayed if not for themselves  might well be for family members or friends. Some may be covering their concern in an effort to minimise the worry that others around them might be feeling. Looking at different countries and the methods tried to contain this illness it seems nothing has really worked and I actually have every sympathy for those trying their best to make impossible decisions.

I know that my kids are really worried for me so have already said they are frightened to visit and that's fine. We will telephone etc but we all know what my chances are. I  detect an almost forced gaiety on their part and I understand. We can only trust and do what we can to minimise the risks, but the bottom line is that we will simply have to ride it. I have been very impressed by the numbers offering to shop etc for me and perhaps that's what we should focus on. I can only call people while staying home but I also have projects lined up to keep me focused on other things. This now is the time to pull together for the good of all.

Hyperduck Quack Quack

Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=18553 time=1584212771 user_id=50
Says the poster who has spent the last four fecking years prophesying the imminent doom of the UK because of Brexit. Not much more than 2 months ago, you were still a broken record saying the same things over and over again. Get a grip ffs. The population of the planet is about 7 billion. The "pandemic" has so far killed about 6000. What you've written undermines your own argument.

What is it you want? Total lockdown of everything, everyone, every business, bar and school? Are we all to lie down and die because Waitrose can't deliver our quinoa on demand? It seems there are those that want to find panic and surrender in everything, rather than get their fecking faces off the floor and get on with it. Heres the challenge, Quack Quack. If the old forum was still alive, we could revist the dire predictions you made about Brexit and the end of life as we know it and all have a fecking good laugh, but its not there anymore. Lets revisit this feck fest in 6 months and see what has happened?

You really are pathetic, sinking to the depths of trolling people on a thread about such a serious matter as coronavirus.

Now let's turn to lockdown.  The first 10 towns in Italy that were put into lockdown, after two weeks have no new cases of coronavirus.  This success is the basis for lockdown being rolled out across all of Italy. And Spain and now France (just announced)

Read this article (not just the headline) as the source I got the above from -">

That's why we need lockdown here, and ASAP.  If it defeats coronavirus within  a few weeks and saves hundreds or thousands of lives, it's worth it.

Imagine the scenario in a few weeks if (and I say if) lockdowns in other countries are working but our government fails to protect us.  We could end up having more cases than China.  China has had about 80,000 cases and now each day just brings a handful new ones.  The government's expert advisor was talking about needing a 60% infection rate to create herd immunity.  60% is 40 million cases.  Crazy.

As for Brexit I can't remember saying it would be the end of life as we know it, just that it make lots of things worse for us and nothing better.


Quote from: "Hyperduck Quack Quack" post_id=18550 time=1584197799 user_id=103
Not much more than two weeks ago it was common to hear people say things like: "seasonal flu kills more people than coronavirus" or "anyway, most people who get it hardly know they've got it"

Not many people are saying those things now.  And, through no fault of their own, the people who "hardly know they've got it" are among those most likely to spread the disease to others. If they get a slight sore throat or a bit of a cough, they might worry at the time that they'd got coronavirus but if they're better after a couple of days of very mild symptoms, they might wrongly conclude it wasn't coronavirus after all. And they'll never know.  Nobody will test them and the people they unwittingly infect might be unknown to them.

Says the poster who has spent the last four fecking years prophesying the imminent doom of the UK because of Brexit. Not much more than 2 months ago, you were still a broken record saying the same things over and over again. Get a grip ffs. The population of the planet is about 7 billion. The "pandemic" has so far killed about 6000. What you've written undermines your own argument.

What is it you want? Total lockdown of everything, everyone, every business, bar and school? Are we all to lie down and die because Waitrose can't deliver our quinoa on demand? It seems there are those that want to find panic and surrender in everything, rather than get their fecking faces off the floor and get on with it. Heres the challenge, Quack Quack. If the old forum was still alive, we could revist the dire predictions you made about Brexit and the end of life as we know it and all have a fecking good laugh, but its not there anymore. Lets revisit this feck fest in 6 months and see what has happened?

Hyperduck Quack Quack

Not much more than two weeks ago it was common to hear people say things like: "seasonal flu kills more people than coronavirus" or "anyway, most people who get it hardly know they've got it"

Not many people are saying those things now.  And, through no fault of their own, the people who "hardly know they've got it" are among those most likely to spread the disease to others. If they get a slight sore throat or a bit of a cough, they might worry at the time that they'd got coronavirus but if they're better after a couple of days of very mild symptoms, they might wrongly conclude it wasn't coronavirus after all. And they'll never know.  Nobody will test them and the people they unwittingly infect might be unknown to them.


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=18534 time=1584186990 user_id=50
Why aren't you posting in the shed? Stop ignoring me when I'm taking the piss out of you  :lol:

Borchester and I are going to start a sitting circle and sing Kum ba yah, my lord. All liberals are cordially invited to join in. Hopefully, it will turn into a fight afterwards and I can get one or two in before smurf fecks off to France

Brittany not France.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: cromwell post_id=18527 time=1584184161 user_id=48
I'm not going to answer point by point but,posting Ha is me sounding like a victory,no it wasn't I just wondered why you made no comment.

Russia have said anyone who doesn't self isolate will get 5 years,and you don't think they're worried?

Well here are a few indisputable observations,City might still win the CL provided all further games aren't cancelled as to PL the dippers will win their first title in an age but it may well have an asterix next to it. :-P  :-P  :-P  :-P

Why aren't you posting in the shed? Stop ignoring me when I'm taking the piss out of you  :lol:

Borchester and I are going to start a sitting circle and sing Kum ba yah, my lord. All liberals are cordially invited to join in. Hopefully, it will turn into a fight afterwards and I can get one or two in before smurf fecks off to France