Cost of living crisis not Johnson’s concern…

Started by patman post, August 08, 2022, 05:33:32 PM

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Quote from: patman post on August 08, 2022, 08:07:01 PM
Now you're just standing in the playground shouting out anything you can remember — but the one thing you've forgotten is that Sunak wasn't in charge.

Johnson was, and remains so, and he's back from holiday today to prove it — or so we're told.

Why you're defending Johnson is a mystery. Are you hoping he'll return to take back the crown so cruelly taken off him? If so, I hope you're in for a long wait — and I hope your income is inflation proof, and Borchester can lob a few veg over your fence from time to time...
Have it your own way, I read that you simply don't like my argument. I am not defending Boris per se but as far as I am concerned he has been treated abominably. I have said for a long time that he needed to go, that he was elected to do one job. What infuriates me is how it has been done. Is inflation his fault? I have no idea. I feel we are in a perfect storm and no matter what Government we had, in or out of the EU, our position would be similar. It suits everyone to justify the lynching of Boris to blame him for everything and it's nonsense. There is a nasty vindictiveness about what has gone on in the last few months and it reflects badly.

In terms of my own position come the Winter hardships, I'm old enough to have experienced it before and understand how to budget, eat cheaply and am not a hostage to the must have now syndrome and have been stocking up on warm layers for some months. We have a couple of generations who are in for a real shock.

patman post

Quote from: T00ts on August 08, 2022, 07:49:48 PM
Sunak was also fined for partygate. Sunak  hid the fact that his wife was a non dom. Sunak kept his US green card until he had to give it up. The Labour front bench won't let him forget that. I have said for a very long time that there is no leader in Westminster of any shade of hypocrisy. It's hardly surprising while the electorate does little but moan complain and find faults.  We are no longer governable.
Now you're just standing in the playground shouting out anything you can remember — but the one thing you've forgotten is that Sunak wasn't in charge.

Johnson was, and remains so, and he's back from holiday today to prove it — or so we're told.

Why you're defending Johnson is a mystery. Are you hoping he'll return to take back the crown so cruelly taken off him? If so, I hope you're in for a long wait — and I hope your income is inflation proof, and Borchester can lob a few veg over your fence from time to time...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...

patman post

Quote from: Streetwalker on August 08, 2022, 07:38:16 PM
Your conservative mates have given him his cards posty , he is now just enjoying a leaving party .
You're right. And I hope they learn from their mistake, and put in place a more sensible mechanism in future for replacing a current leader of a Tory government — always supposing there is another Tory government elected in the near future...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: patman post on August 08, 2022, 07:28:26 PM
In the run up to Johnson being ousted, I consistently said that I couldn't see anyone capable of being the U.K. prime minister. That was before every Johnson misdemeanour and lie was exposed. Now I believe almost any Tory MP could have been no worse.

But Boris was rumbled, and the professionals in the House of Commons made their selection. Of the two now left, I think Sunak is the most capable. I hope I'm wrong and Truss grows into the job.

Sunak stayed supporting Johnson for as long as he felt able. Truss remained, readying herself for the coming contest.

Sunak is not responsible for the present fiasco, Johnson is — and I hope the current inquiry into his activities and behaviour as PM lays to rest the myth of Johnson's abilities.

Meanwhile, the country does nothing to ready itself for what's likely to come..
Sunak was also fined for partygate. Sunak  hid the fact that his wife was a non dom. Sunak kept his US green card until he had to give it up. The Labour front bench won't let him forget that. I have said for a very long time that there is no leader in Westminster of any shade of hypocrisy. It's hardly surprising while the electorate does little but moan complain and find faults.  We are no longer governable.


Quote from: patman post on August 08, 2022, 06:21:48 PM
I listen to any who appears to have a cogent tale to tell. Your Boris buggered off on holiday with only six weeks left in his job.

Some PM, some politician, and some example of responsibility.

Conjuring up a lot of what ifs and improbable scenarios when the impending crisis is activating the minds of Capital, Management, and Trade Unions alike is excuse-finding in overdrive.

Johnson doesn't even have the grace to even try to leave office actually trying to do some good. The guy is proving to be just an egoistic, lazy, slob...
Your conservative mates have given him his cards posty , he is now just enjoying a leaving party .

patman post

Quote from: T00ts on August 08, 2022, 06:37:25 PM
Rishi Sunak is as guilty as anyone for the current situation - but isn't he your preferred choice?
In the run up to Johnson being ousted, I consistently said that I couldn't see anyone capable of being the U.K. prime minister. That was before every Johnson misdemeanour and lie was exposed. Now I believe almost any Tory MP could have been no worse.

But Boris was rumbled, and the professionals in the House of Commons made their selection. Of the two now left, I think Sunak is the most capable. I hope I'm wrong and Truss grows into the job.

Sunak stayed supporting Johnson for as long as he felt able. Truss remained, readying herself for the coming contest.

Sunak is not responsible for the present fiasco, Johnson is — and I hope the current inquiry into his activities and behaviour as PM lays to rest the myth of Johnson's abilities.

Meanwhile, the country does nothing to ready itself for what's likely to come..
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...

patman post

Quote from: T00ts on August 08, 2022, 06:36:08 PM
Well I guess you would think that. Put yourself in his position. Forget all the righteous indignation. He was due a holiday like everyone else. The man was elected to his position with a bigger majority than seen before. Where is the grace of those who have beavered away trying ever since to lever him out of his rightful place?  Do you really think that in his position he should continue to be harangued while he is just keeping the seat warm for whoever takes over? How do you suppose he feels about people who even now tell him he is doing a rotten job? I should think his reply involves two fingers. I actually don't blame him. Like he said the next PM should watch their back. He speaks from experience.
As PM, he deserves little more than contempt. He's proved himself to be a chancer, a liar, and a fraud. Then he swans off on holiday with six weeks to go before he actually leaves the job!!!

Being PM should not be about keeping the seat warm — there's a deputy who can do that if needed. Being PM is an actual responsible job. But Johnson, in his quest for Churchillian acclaim, has never appreciated it might actually mean doing some work, rather than being a jolly and actually doing a bit of boring work.

As a Tory supporter, I wish he'd gone as soon as his position became untenable, and a replacement had been installed within a week...

On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Rishi Sunak is as guilty as anyone for the current situation - but isn't he your preferred choice?


Quote from: patman post on August 08, 2022, 06:21:48 PM
I listen to any who appears to have a cogent tale to tell. Your Boris buggered off on holiday with only six weeks left in his job.

Some PM, some politician, and some example of responsibility.

Conjuring up a lot of what ifs and improbable scenarios when the impending crisis is activating the minds of Capital, Management, and Trade Unions alike is excuse-finding in overdrive.

Johnson doesn't even have the grace to even try to leave office actually trying to do some good. The guy is proving to be just an egoistic, lazy, slob...
Well I guess you would think that. Put yourself in his position. Forget all the righteous indignation. He was due a holiday like everyone else. The man was elected to his position with a bigger majority than seen before. Where is the grace of those who have beavered away trying ever since to lever him out of his rightful place?  Do you really think that in his position he should continue to be harangued while he is just keeping the seat warm for whoever takes over? How do you suppose he feels about people who even now tell him he is doing a rotten job? I should think his reply involves two fingers. I actually don't blame him. Like he said the next PM should watch their back. He speaks from experience.

patman post

I listen to any who appears to have a cogent tale to tell. Your Boris buggered off on holiday with only six weeks left in his job.

Some PM, some politician, and some example of responsibility.

Conjuring up a lot of what ifs and improbable scenarios when the impending crisis is activating the minds of Capital, Management, and Trade Unions alike is excuse-finding in overdrive.

Johnson doesn't even have the grace to even try to leave office actually trying to do some good. The guy is proving to be just an egoistic, lazy, slob...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: patman post on August 08, 2022, 05:49:06 PM
He's still the PM.

There's no reason why the current cabinet and the two leadership contenders shouldn't be closeted together, agreeing what can be started right now to offset and counter the coming hardships the winter months and likely rampant inflation will bring.

A week into September will be too late to crank up the computers to dish out help if needed for the winter period, and get other welfare measures set up.

Listening to Gordon Brown, whose been out of office for a dozen years but still showing more statesmanship and compassion than the current crew and pretenders, just highlights the poverty of political aptitude the UK has at the top of its administration...
That's your problem - stop listening to him. Like Blair he doesn't know that he is past his sell-by date. Whatever Boris and the current Cabinet attempt will be vilified by those who have already revealed their agenda. If bombers were circling overhead or an Armada in the Channel they would have to step up, anything else is on hold until early September. Those who were so gung-ho that we remain rudderless for the Summer without thought for what the consequences might be deserve to see the error of their ways. Why try to hold Boris' feet to the fire now? They didn't like his form of Government so knifed him. Don't now expect Government to continue as usual. No doubt the left leaning Mandarins in Whitehall are enjoying their time being unanswerable to anyone but their own egos while they 'run' the country in their own way. No doubt come September a renewed battle will ensue to bring them into line. They hope the end of Boris will be the end of any attempt to get them to work for the people. No doubt they will share that ideal with the new incumbent early on.

patman post

He's still the PM.

There's no reason why the current cabinet and the two leadership contenders shouldn't be closeted together, agreeing what can be started right now to offset and counter the coming hardships the winter months and likely rampant inflation will bring.

A week into September will be too late to crank up the computers to dish out help if needed for the winter period, and get other welfare measures set up.

Listening to Gordon Brown, whose been out of office for a dozen years but still showing more statesmanship and compassion than the current crew and pretenders, just highlights the poverty of political aptitude the UK has at the top of its administration...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: patman post on August 08, 2022, 05:33:32 PM
Boris Johnson has ruled out new cost of living measures until a new prime minister is in place, with No 10 saying the worst financial pressure on families will not hit until later in the year.,will%20not%20hit%20until%20later%20in%20the%20year.

So the current PM, again puts off taking any action that could ease the impact on ordinary people.

In a scenario that's reminiscent of Johnson's disregard of the scenes in Italian hospitals as Covid struck, and he welcomed hordes of overseas visitors into enclosed spaces for sporting fixtures, he's now deciding it's not his job to tackle the coming storm.

He's still the PM until 5 September, for Christ's sake, why isn't he earning his wages, and heading  a government that's supposed to be in power until 2024, during which time a looming crisis could hit the young, the old, and many of the in-between working population...?
Wasn't he told, and agreed to, no major decisions that would impact the incoming PM? He is simply holding the position open for whoever takes over. An unenviable position IMO. Since both contestants for his job are diametrically opposed to each other in terms of the economy whichever way Boris jumps he's in trouble it seems to me. He might just as well do little. If I were him I would be inclined to spend this time getting his ducks in a row for his future and tell the Parliamentary Conservative Party exactly where they can put their Constituency concerns. Hopefully in due time he will do exactly that. 

patman post

Boris Johnson has ruled out new cost of living measures until a new prime minister is in place, with No 10 saying the worst financial pressure on families will not hit until later in the year.,will%20not%20hit%20until%20later%20in%20the%20year.

So the current PM, again puts off taking any action that could ease the impact on ordinary people.

In a scenario that's reminiscent of Johnson's disregard of the scenes in Italian hospitals as Covid struck, and he welcomed hordes of overseas visitors into enclosed spaces for sporting fixtures, he's now deciding it's not his job to tackle the coming storm.

He's still the PM until 5 September, for Christ's sake, why isn't he earning his wages, and heading  a government that's supposed to be in power until 2024, during which time a looming crisis could hit the young, the old, and many of the in-between working population...?
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...